From 1903 to 1930, the Bellamys of Eaton Place have been through many life-altering changes. Here are more of my favorite characters and moments from the UK TV hit, Upstairs, Downstairs.
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This is Emily, the lowly kitchen maid. In 1906, Emily fell in love with a young footman from another household. Alas, it was not meant to be as William's employer put a stop to the budding romance. As a result, Emily was so heartbroken she committed suicide.
After Emily's suicide, the cook Mrs. Bridges took the maid's death really hard. She was so guilt-ridden that she took a baby from its carriage then brought it back to Eaton Place. Mrs. Bridges almost went to jail for kidnapping but got off with some timely intervention from the Bellamys and butler Hudson.
Alfred, the first footman, was a strange sort. Given to melancholy and fits of quoting Scripture, Alfred soon fell in company with a German baron (who was supposedly in love with Elizabeth Bellamy). In a daring episode (for American audiences this was daring), Alfred became the baron's reluctant lover, resulting in the footman's sudden departure from Eaton Place.
In 1913, Alfred returned to Eaton Place after killing his Lithuaian lover. Here he is holding Edward hostage as the police corner him. He was eventually captured, tried, and executed.
In 1908, after Elizabeth Bellamy married – and divorced in the same year, enter Thomas Watkins. He was first hired as Lawrence's valet, then, after the marriage fell apart, came to Eaton Place as chauffeur. Here he is with Sarah, now a nursery maid to Elizabeth's child. Sarah eventually became pregnant (again!) and married Thomas. The couple now own and operate their own motor car business.
With England at war with Germany, Edward did his patriotic duty and enlisted. Here he is saying goodbye to Daisy, the under-houseparlourmaid. Edward was sent to France right after he and Daisy married.
1914: Rose, the head-houseparlourmaid – and one the anchors below stairs at Eaton Place – met Gregory Wilmot, an Australian sheep farmer. In a whirlwind romance (four days!) she fell in love with Gregory and was prepared to marry him and move "Down Under". However, something made her change her mind. She would not see Gregory again until two years later, during the war. Gregory and Rose soon made up, agreeing to marry when the war ended. Alas, Gregory was killed in France.
During the Christmas holidays in 1913, Georgina Worsley came to live with the Bellamys. She served as a nurse during the war then became one of the "bright young things" during the 1920's. Georgina married the Marquis of Stockbridge in 1930.
In the early 1920's, Georgina and James threw an outlandish "Freedom Party", a gesture to the passing of all things old-fashioned. At this party, a young man, Robin, professed his love for Georgina, and she turned him down. The distraught Robin shot himself to death in the house, bringing the merrymaking to a crashing halt.
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