The Bridge Of Love

Dare to cross the bridge of love
Into the land of beauty,
Where you'll take that extra step
Beyond the call of duty.
True commitment will prevail
Throughout the coming years,
As you walk hand in hand
In the midst of doubt and fears.

Dare to cross the bridge of love
where joy and peace abide,
And ask your heavenly Father
To be your guide.
You will find a brand new world
Will open up for you,
As blessings overtake you
In everything you do.

Dare to cross the bridge of love
Where other people matter,
Filled with actions and with deeds
Instead of idle chatter.
This highway you are sharing
Will turn your life around,
Crown you with contentment
You have never found.

Dare to cross the bridge of love
And compassion will fill your heart,
You'll gladly help the down and outers
To make a brand new start.
The tender mercies that you show
Will turn hatred into love,
And this will touch the souls of men
With blessings from above.

Hugh Lee Stevenson

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