[About Me]
[Am I Heard?]
[America I Love]
[America The
[The Ant And
The Grasshopper]
[The Atheist And The Bear]
[The Bible And
The TV Guide]
[Bill of No Rights]
[The Breeze]
[The Bridge Of
[A Deacon's Ordination]
[Dear Hubby]
[Dear Wife]
[Dr. Seuss Goes to Flori-Duh]
[Ever Wonder?]
[Faith To Remove
A Mountain]
[A Father Speaks Out]
[Four Letter Words]
[Grandpa's Table]
[Hang 'em Up]
[He's the Reason Why]
[I Went To Class
[If Jesus Came to your house]
[Imagine This
Happening To You]
[Installing Love]
[Kid Talk updated 5-13-01]
[A Man Named
[My Name Is Cocain]
[No Time]
[Site Awards]
[Soon Coming]
[Ten Little Christians]
[Then and Now]
[The Three Trees]
[Too Much of the 21st Century]
[The US Constitution]
[Visiting Day]
[What About Abstinence]
[What Ever Happened To Common Sence?]
[What If]
[What If God Should Go On Strike]
[What Is a Teenager?]
[What Was I To Do?]
[Where God Ain't]
[Who'll Take the Son?]
[Why Go to Church?]
[Here are a few new poems]