Chapter 19Jan 21, 2001 PICKLES i had a really good recipe from my mothers cousin who lived on a farm in indiana but in those days i had two great big stone jars that had belonged to my mother in law you had to put the cucumbers in the jars and change the water every day for 14 days then at the end you made a sauce sliced them and canned them in the sauce they were really green and crisp and sweet they were good but quite a bit of work do any of you have the big stone jars any more i had never seen anything like them before they were called company best sweet pickles but something happened after that i couldn't find the recipe ![]() Jan 21, 2001 CHICAGO i was in chicago many times the first time was to the worlds fair in 1932 a century of progress and when i was older my mothers cousin lived there but remember one time me my mother and my two aunts wentup i don't remember the name of the hotel we stayed in but we saw Sonja Heinein a live performance my favorite places were the museum of science and industry and above all the adler planitarium the show started out with the sky at dusk showing the chicago skyline then as it got darker all the stars came out there was an arrow that went around it showed all the different constillations and the anouncer would describe them the last time i was there was in 1973 i was staying at home with my father after my mother had died i just decided i wanted to go up at that time there was a train called the rock island rocket that made a round trip from Peoria to chicago twice a day dad told me what hotel he wanted me to stay at he called them and made a reservation for me while i was there there was a bus that left the hotel in the evening and made a guided tour of the city it went through chinatown to buckingham fountain and finally back to the hotel another time my husband my oldest daughter and i went up to a gathering mothers cousin had instead of coming back the regular way my husband took another road and we wound up in Kankeke if any of you remember the song the disappearing railroad blues you remember the line that says the train pulls out of kankekee all of them did except of course the rocket that went right into grand central station once when i was younger the folks took me to brookfield zoo and my dad and my uncles would go up at least one time year to see the white sox i don't remwmber how many times i heard the story of the black sox i have said that Peoria was a suburb of chicago just don't tell any native peorians i said that speaking of natives there was Fibber Magie and Molly actually Marion and Jim Jordan Andy of Amos and Andy ![]() Jan 21, 2001 Access Fee i think the larger towns probably have more than one phone number Mexico is not that big but sometimes it sends me to another number which is long distance i read in the help about other providers but it said you would find them in your phone book but i know there is not in ours maybe in columbia or jeff city but don't think here yet my son in law has one called iupui i asked him what on earth thart was and he said Indiana University Perdue university in Indianapolis ![]() care of acquarium fish the pretiest tank i saw was in the childrens clinic at thr university of misssouri med center it had all neon tetras they are small fish that have a rainbow down their sides ![]() Jan 21, 2001 Access Fee is there a local number where she is if there is not it will route you to the nearest number but it might still be long distance here where i am there is a local number but sometimes if that is busy it will take me to another number it always shows the flag saying we are going to dial so and so which says this may be a toll call if it does that i usually turn it off and wait a while try help on mail it tells about different providers and how to chose them if web does not have a local number another provider might when i got mine a couple of the nurses here assured my daughter that there was a local number if every time i turned it on it was a toll call i wouldn't have it either ![]() Jan 22, 2001 WE HAVE SNOW!! we had a lot of snow but it is mostly gone now i think the people who have to drive are thankful in the town lived in before i had to come here the snow plow would come along and block your car in if you had to park on the street many times we had to hire some boys to shovel us out i didn't want my husband doing it he had had a heart attach we had flurries again the other day but it didn't stick it is still cold today there is a woman who comes in every morning to feed her husband the other morning when she came in she said it's so cold it's so cold one of the girls said to her that's because it's Juanuary ![]() Jan 22, 2001 Fish Tank i think it's best to get in touch with a vet who specialises in fish i watched the program from the vet on animal planet some fish like salt water some like clear water some like brackish which is half and half if you have guppies be sure to provide plants where the young can hide or the big fish will have them for lunch if you have gold fish be careful if you have a company dinner or you might find like my mother did one of your fish under the cake plate when you clean up from experience if your tank is in a mental health ward have a cover on the top so the patients can't feed them their bread also to protect them from the cat if you have a cat they have some good books on the ![]() Jan 23, 2001 Gatlinburg,Tennessee i wish but you remember the old saying if wishes were horses ![]() Jan 23, 2001 TEXAS 7 haven't seen enough news to know what you are referring to but reminds me of stories i have seen of Bonnie and Clyde ![]() Jan 23, 2001 FOR THE BIRDS.....cute who remembers this one The North wind doth blow. and we will have snow. and what will the robin do then poor thing he'll sit on a branch to keep himself warm and hide his head under his wing poor thing ![]() Jan 23, 2001 MEXICO FOOD the best Mexican food i ever tasted was when we visited Bill's sister and brother in law in Houston so much better than here Jan 23, 2001 MEXICO FOOD when i was little there used to be a man come around with a little white cart you could hear him a block away hollering hot tamalies dad would go out and get a package the package was wrapped in news paper then the tamalies were wrapped in corn husks but that was when i was real little in the early thirties later they made him quit pedeling them because he made them at home but they were so good and i never heard of them making anyone sick the individual tamalies were wrapped in corn husks then in corn meal oh were they good ![]() Jan 27, 2001 "MY APOLOGIES" one day i was wearing a pair of shorts in my wheel chair one of the women came up and tried to pull them down i told her you can't do that it isn't a skirt now i have especially made dresses they have a u shape cut out of the back and you can pull the front down over your knees i know slacks are good but i am afraid to wear them i'm afraid when someone is taking them off they will pull my shoe off my bad foot with the brace not many people can put it back on and without it i can't put weight on that foot and transfer the only thing about the dresses they are not for someone who can get up and walk an there are a lot here who can use both hands and use a walker i'm jealous one of the girls was talking to me about dancing i told her i loved to dance on rollor skates after i had done that for about a year i went uptown to one of the dance halls one night i felt like my feet were glued to the floor i was too used to being on wheels ![]() Jan 27, 2001 WINTER HAS ARRIVED? one of the saddest sights i ever saw was one time we were on our way to work and there was a snow plow on its side in the ditch a very discouraging sight Jan 27, 2001 WINTER HAS ARRIVED? dear sally it seems like it has been here for awhile plenty of snow and cold for the last month is the sun still up up there or is that further north our days are already getting longer will be february in a few days and that is winters middle month also my birthday the twelfth and the twentyth the tenth year that i have needed this wheel chair ![]() Jan 27, 2001 The Ice Hotel Would You Go? i think i will pass too i have heard how eskimoes keep warm in their igloo they stay dressed and pile on the same sleeping block and they eat plenty of whale blubber if their diet were only lean meat they would starve besides there a lot of very nice hotels close that are a lot cheaper i think you would have to get used to the weather from birth Jan 27, 2001 The Ice Hotel Would You Go? the sled dogs bury themselves in the snow which is evidently a very good insulator and an igloo is made out of snow no ice it might be a good refuge for the polor bears though Jan 27, 2001 The Ice Hotel Would You Go? i could get the same effect by asking them to move my bed outdoors but i'm afraid my next stop would be the mental health ward at the hospital ![]() Jan 27, 2001 Nikolas hope our will is that cute in a few years also hope he inherits his great great grandfathers curly hair he lost most of his hair by the time i was 8 but i still remember those beautiful waves i sure didn't get them straight as a string but mother said if i had had a brother he would probably have gotten them Jan 27, 2001 Nikolas looks a little like a boy i had a crush on in the second grade ![]() Jan 30, 2001 "Kindergarten" Cute story i used to think it would be nice to be a kindergarten teacher but it might have its drawbacks the same as nursing when i first went to work in mental health they were just opening the hospital the director asked me if i wanted to work on the childrens ward i said no and i still if i am going to talk to someone and find out about them which is what we had to do i'd rather it be an adult even if their thinking is messed up ![]() Jan 29, 2001 BRIDGE the town i grew up in had several bridges as it is right on the Illinois river though there was one bridge i remember very distinctly was the bridge to keokuck iowa it was a toll bridge at that time and one town i was in Sioux Ste Marie Michigan which is on the canadian border there they left the bridges up for the river traffic and closed them for the trains the main bridge in Peoria was high enough they didn't have to have to open it for river traffic though i remember my father telling of the captain who tried to bring his navy boat up the Mississippi river i think he said the man lost his command ![]() Feb 1, 2001 Neighbors when i first married and moved to a town 20 miles north of my hometown the thing i missed the most was the neighbors at home they always congregated in our backyard till the mosquitos started then everyone went to our front porch or if it was cold to our neighbors basement or to a little two room house on the other side where another neighbor lived the main game at that time was canasta or if there was a program they wanted to hear either to our front porch or living room once everyone was particularly anxious to hear a prize fight we had quite a few chairs in the living room but were still short a couple my dad and the neighbor man said they would go down to the basement and bring a couple more up when they came up with the other chairs dad said has the fight started yet the others said yes but its over and it was the one fighter was joe louis i can't remember the other fighters name but maybe you do anyway when i moved that was what i missed the most the neighbors p.s. does my sig bother asny of you i got a note from a girl in another group she said i was sending in hotmail and some people couldn't read it she said to use the remove signature has that bothered any one i answered and used the remove signature and she thanked me let me know if it affects any of you that way ![]() Feb 1, 2001 HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR FISH ??? baked or broiled ![]() Feb 1, 2001 "Kindergarten" Cute story good enough to show the nurses i told it to that they aren't the only ones with thankless jobs ![]() Feb 1, 2001 "THE JACKASS & THE RATTLE SNAKE" let me tel you how i disgraced myself in nursing school it was l.p.n. school and i was 36 when i took my tour of the emergency room the nurse threre took a liking to me and tried to help me one day a young woman came in with severe stomach pains when the dr came he took her right away to surgery when the nurse came back she said how would you have diagnosed her i said appendicitis she said what about tubal pregnency i said oh no she said why not i said she isn't married remember i was only 36 ![]() Feb 1, 2001 "The cost of a child" Long but worth it when you get to the point where you can't get up and walk there is someone to but you not only what you need but what you want someone to talk on the phone with who will say i love you mom someone to be proud of because the company she works for has just awarded her a trip to Hawaii who will bring you your favorite candy when she comes to visit or a prettty quilt for your bed someone who found the best home she could for you to live in someone who cares ![]() Feb 1, 2001 RAIN!!! i love a good rain but here it tends to turn into ice on the roads when we really need it is just when the corn is tasseling my father in law a lifelong farmer used to call that a million dollar rain ![]() Feb 2, 2001 NICKNAME i got a nickname not to long after i came to the home here i hadn't got used to the food here i liked better what i could cook at home i was visiting a friend in her office the dietary superviser also a friend was there too she mentioned that she had 10 cooks and i thinking of the old saying too many cooks spoil the broath said is that whats the matter with the food she said theres nothing the matter with the food you little creep so creep or creeper it was from then on they did come and ask me if i minded because if i didn't mind they had to document it in my chart or they would be in trouble with the state i said no i didn't mind i had never had a nickname and i kind of liked it so they put it in my chart which made it official and that has been my nickname ever since Feb 2, 2001 NICKNAME(Darlene) one of my uncles had given me the name pete he said he was waiting for repete but repete never happened ![]() Feb 4, 2001 FEB ROLL CALL Hello i am donna sneed member of granies since i got my web christmas before last i live in a Nursing home in Mexico Missouri i am 74 will be 75 the twelfth of this month parlyzed from a stroke i had in feb of 91 my first great grandchild is due the seventeenth of this month a boy Jacob William Morris wish him well wonder what the world will be like when he is my age hope he is still up and walking if he makes it that far i would appreciate it if you would say a prayer for him and my granddaughter ![]() Feb 4, 2001 ARE YOU A BAD AMERICAN ??? i think he people who sneered at the boys who came home from vietnam should have been made to go themselves for the next tour and i agreed with my husband who after fighting two wars it may be their right to burn the flag but they had better not burn mine he also kept a rifle in the corner of the bedroom and a pistol under the bed of course there were no little ones he said in Normandy after D day he carried a 45 revolver and a thompson 45 machine gun he said they both used the same ammunition i once asked him why a 45 having heard some of the controversity about guns he said because if you shoot someone with a 45 they aren't going to shoot you back he was a peaceful man but a good soldier Feb 4, 2001 ARE YOU A BAD AMERICAN ??? i told about my husband and guns he was a peaceful man but a good soldier the times he had to be ![]() Feb 5, 2001 "A Funny" it served her right you don't talk down to patients any decent nursing class should teach you that in that case it would be like talking down to your mother or father ![]() Feb 7, 2001 APPLES OR ORGINES i like oranges and orange juice however i am allergic to them and i'm not supposed to have them never cared much for raw apples except johnathen Feb 7, 2001 APPLES OR ORGINES i asume you mean dislexias where people trend to see the printed word backwards ex dog for god it is quite a handicap and i admire those who have made an effort to many people with this learning disability just stay illiterate ![]() Feb 9, 2001 DOGS AND CATS i got my first dog when i was 6 he was a toy fox terrier very small but very lively he was hit by a car when i was in sixth grade then there was teddy he was one of a litter someone had dropped off in front of our pastors house then heidi a toy dauxhaund we got for my youngest daughter hit by a car in the road the night before her birthday the year she died cappy we got him from the animal shelter we thought he was a beagle till he ate my husbands second pair of glasses then bill said he isn't a beagle he's a redbone we had a nice liver and white britany spaniel but something happened he startred to get vicious the vet told us sometimes that happens there is nothing you can do he will just get worse so we had to let he vet put him to sleep when i had to come here we had a calico cat cally but my husband moved to the senior housing which is right on the highway so we found her a home with a lady in town we didn't want her so close to the road here we have a golden retreaver he was 4 when he came here he lives with one of the nurses and is always at her heel she is trained not to come into the dining room during meals but my table is right on the edge of the dining room and lobby and she knows a lot of times i have an extra bite of bacon for her and is right there for it i told Judy her nurse i give her a bite of bacon and she washes my hand i have always loved animals ![]() Feb 8, 2001 YMCA in my hometown there was a YWCA how many of you have them Feb 8, 2001 YMCA there is a YM in mexico but the nursing home has never taken us ![]() Feb 9, 2001 Bad week there is one silver lining about being here i don't have to go out when it's nasty ![]() Feb 8, 2001 HI GRANNIE FRIENDS, HOME FROM FLORIDA do any of you know of the pampered chef parties our business manager is a seller and every once in a while our activity is gourmet cooking and she makes some good thing we all get to sample Feb 8, 2001 HI GRANNIE FRIENDS, HOME FROM FLORIDA the best deal i ever had was selling sarah covrentry jewelry you had the party they sent the order to the hostess she would deliver the jewelry collect the money and send it to the company the company would send me the commission one time i got a check for $100 good deal tupperware was a pain but once our district manager took us to st louis we got to meet guy lombardo in person he even came up and danced with us i wasn't good salesman at the jewelry you used the guests to demonstrate the jewelry on if a piece was discontinued i could buy it for 50 cents got quite a FEW pretty pieces of jewelry for my mother and myself that way ![]() Feb 10, 2001 FREE SNOW__APPLY HERE Darlene i wouldn't want to be selfish and take more than my share for the year though a lot of snow in the winter is good for the corn in the summer the more water in the ground the taller it grows and the fuller the ears and you will have enough to repay the loan you took out to plant it and have some left to live on Feb 10, 2001 FREE SNOW__APPLY HERE does he have much business in Florida? LOL Darlene that sig is cute!!! There is a guy here in Florida, owns a landscaping buisness, and on his truck it reads..."Free Snow Removal"!!! haha love ya) ![]() Feb 11, 2001 GEORGIA..HERE I COME no visit from my daughter on my birthday this year my grandaughter is too close to having her baby and she wants to be there and i don't blame her first he was due on the seventeenth now they say the nineteenth but with the first one you never know i will be glad when he gets here Feb 11, 2001 GEORGIA..HERE I COME drive carefully and have a great time i see Mary Lynn has sent me another beautiful sig thanks Mary ![]() Feb 10, 2001 30 YEARS MAKE A DIFFERENCE 1950 walking 2 miles to the farm because a pregnant lady is supposed to exercise 1991 to 2001 walking 20 feet down the hall with a walker and a therapist because someone with a paralyzed leg needs to keep up in their therapy ![]() Feb 10, 2001 FLOWER my favorite flower has always been the iris so many lovely colors but i love the violet too and they just grow my mother always had many flowers the peonies always bloomed just in time for decoration day and there was bed of little flowers called pinks that i really liked the only flowers i didn't like much were the tiger lilys though i had one that grew in th old garden space of the first house we lived in called a ruberosa lily the petals were pink and the spots were a deep rose Feb 10, 2001 FLOWER one time a niece of my husbands made me some beautiful roses out of fiber paper i cant smell the real ones anyway and a lot of times they make me sneeze ![]() |
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