Chapter 18
Jan 1, 2001
FIRST DAY OF THE MELLINIUM things are cold here in missour still a lot of snow but not as much things are quiet here all of the office workers are off for the holiday three day weekend my g grandson is due feb the seventeernth Jacob William but my daughter says they will call him will

Jan 1, 2001
Blackeyed Peas for Good Luck
whether we will or not depends on the state department of nutrition they decide our menus and our recipes i hope they make some new years resolutions
Jan 1, 2001
Blackeyed Peas for Good Luck
they always had them at the hospital where i worked in Columbia but that was a cafeteria what happens this year might depend a lot on the shrub

Jan 2, 2001
They say that...
don't demand too much of yourself they have a new activity on our calender one of the two south darn i mean south two lo nurses is supposed to read to us at 5 every day only problem they want our ward in the dining room for supper at 5 o clock i would rather go to reading oh well i will see what happens most of the time i don't want supper unless they are having something i especially like well they are not supposed to bawl us out so i will see what happens i told the activity director if they would serve us right at 5 i could be there about five after not hungry at that time at supper time sometimes i would make us toasted cheese sandwiches about 9 or 10 sometimes i would open a roll of the biascuits and bake them and we would eat them for supper i also liked acan of chunkey soup tuesday and friday it's bingo at two thirty but this week one of our volunteer familys is coming on thursdY IF YOU WIN A REGULAR BINGO THEY OFFER YOUR CHOICE of three envelopes two have one dollar in them and one has two dolars if you win blackout you get five one time i won two regular games got two once and one once they call it chance bingo one lady here won't come to bingo says even if you don't have to pay to play it's gambling reminds me of the years we lived with my grandfather after my grandmother my folks could't have friend in for a game of cards because he wouldn't have a deck of cards in his house i the p.t.a. were having a time when they had something they were selling chances on for a dime apice the kids knew they couldn't come to our house my mother would never take a chance one time i had a dime of my own took a chance and i won an angelfood cake with boiled icing mothrer didn't say anything to me but if we had been catholic i would probably have had to go to confession

Jan 2, 2001
TEXAS Grands In The SNOW !!
i used to love to make snow angles now all i wan't to do is stasy in and try to keep warm no small task sometimes as the nurses who are up runing around will be too hot in a place whrere i just think it's comftorable
Jan 2, 2001
TEXAS Grands In The SNOW !!
one of our girls was late to work because the snow plow burried her car and she had to dig it court before she could come one night afrer the evening shift i took a friend home they had just put new gravel in her drive there we both were sfter midnight with a shovel apiece drying to dig enough gravel away from the wheels so i could get out of her drive and go home myself we laughed about that for a long time

Jan 4, 2001
dear nancy of course you have my prayers go to comunity then down to discussion type in mygrandchild it will take you to the group blessings vv

Jan 6, 2001
we are taught to pray for a happy death this does not mean painless or non traumatic but to die in the care of the lord the christians who were sent into the arena to be torn to death by the lions died a happy death not one we would chose even the thief on the cross died a happy death

Jan 6, 2001
Still Cold In This State
Judy you just aren't used to it i admit it does take a while by the way what will it do to the price of oranges or have they been hurt
Jan 6, 2001
Still Cold In This State
yesterday was exciting it actually was in the fortys it will be summer soon sooner than we think
Jan 6, 2001
Still Cold In This State
i remember one winter here if wasn't below forty which is good for this state we had a good friend who had to go home right at that time we told him it's going to be bad you have been used to this weather for three years now he said oh maybe for awhile of course for him home was Singapore when he came back he said yes it was pretty bad at first but it usually rains in the afternoon and that helps for those of you who aren't up on their geography Singapore is five degrees north of the equator but the next year he finished college and got to go back for good

Jan 6, 2001
who among us are old enough to remember when they were three cents apiece

Jan 8, 2001
i have a friend that talks to her plants and they really thrive i'm not kidding i gave her one once it was going down hill because it is really hard for me to take care of them before long it was three times as big and getting new leaves
Jan 8, 2001
i used to think i would like to have a cream colored fireplace with a pot of english ivy on each end of the mantle with leaves that hung down to the floor i never got the ivy let alone the fireplace and don't even ask me why i would want that combination
Jan 8, 2001
one thing i could do lolo was to cut a potato or a carrot put it in a glass of water that was hanging it would bush out and get long and pretty i guess thats the lazy mans way the library had a dish filled with little shells they put a bulb in it and it grew a really pretty narcisus
Jan 8, 2001
my favorite was the wild violets that grew in the yard along a line of purple iris and i liked the ferns that grew up from the aspargus plant when i lived on the farm in Illinois there was a white rose bush that covered the fence it had clusters of flowers my MIL said it's name was seven sisters my mother was good with flowers she had two or three petuna plants and they were always open and ready for memorial day when we would take them to the cemetary she had all kinds of plants tiger lilys which i didn't like very well but in my own home there was a plant called a rubrolosa lilly it had big pink leaves with dark pink spots under the porch there was white spyeria (bridalwreath) in Missouri there was a bank that sloped down the yard to the road it was covered with creeping flox blue pink white and purple
Jan 8, 2001
the memorial day plants were peonies not petunias