Chapter 17Dec 17, 2000 SZAK–A–CLAUS you heard that G.W. bUSH OUR PTRESIDENT ELECT HAS PUT OUT AN INJUNCTION TO KEEP YOU FROM CHECKING your list twice didn't you ![]() Dec 17, 2000 INVITED TO A PARY it is a greart party and some chose not to come i feel sorry for them ![]() Dec 18, 2000 A beautiful gift i tried to contact my grandfathers brother one time because i had never met any of his family all he would say was that his father had been a terrible alcoholic that seemed strange because my terrible had been strict teetotallers but i remembered my grandmothers sister had been married to a brother of my grandfather and divorced him because he would get drunk and stay away for weeks at a time and in those days divorce was a terrible disgrace after that she remarried had a son but could not have other children so they went to chicago and brought home a baby girl then when the boy was four and the girl three she fell over some table leaves the girl had dragged out behind door curtains a rib punctured her lung and she died my grandparents and my grandmothers mother who lived with them with her two younger daughters took them and raised them with my mother and her two brothers when the boy graduated from high school he took a job in peoria with keystone steel and wire they make the red top fence you see around fields but then his boss moved to chicago and took a job there with republic steel and he took Guy with him and thats where he lived the rest of his life when i was little i remember my great grandmother his grandmother fixing his breakfast and his lunch she always made sure she had green onions and brown bread for him he wound up office manager at Republic Steal ![]() FEELIN" GLOOMY.....HERE"S A PICKUP When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit... Rest if you must -- but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won if he'd stuck it out. Don't give up, though the pace seems slow You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up When he might have captured the victor's cup, And he learned too late, when the night slipped down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things go wrong That you mustn't quit." Dec 18, 2000 FEELIN" GLOOMY.....HERE"S A PICKUP i would print it if i had a printer maybe someday i will Dec 18, 2000 FEELIN" GLOOMY.....HERE"S A PICKUP if i had a printer i could type my notes to people insteasd of trying to write which is a chore at times ![]() Dec 18, 2000 the stranger we just got back from an activity where the activitys director was reading stories about old time christmases she asked everyone about christmas they remembered one woman said the church her mother in law went to had everyone buy a seat her mother in law bought one then once she found someone else sitting in it and got upset reminded me of a story i klnew this stranger drove into town came to a church and parked another man drove up and said you took my place he went in and sat down a woman came and said you took my place so he went and stood in the back,after the sermon big scars apeared on his hands and sandled feet they all looked at him in astonishment one man said what happened to you he said i took your place ![]() Dec 19, 2000 WHEN DO YOU TAKE TREE DOWN??? when i was home i would procrastinate as long as i could though i usually got it down by my birthday Feb twelfth of course my mother being the meticulous housekeeper usually had it down the day after christmas but a lot of times we would tie suet and bread crusts on it and put it out in the yard for the birds now i have a two foot tree my granddaughter brought me a couple of years ago and the only place i had to plug in it was sitting in one corner of the the sink when i got my Circuit breaker last year i got an entertainment center and it's too high and my shorter bookcase that i had it on last year is too far away from the outlet so i will probably put it back in the box the day after Christmas i have asked for two books i want and will probably be reading we had a girl come to sing for us today after bingo she is from M.U. and really has a good voice she sang Christmas songs ![]() Dec 19, 2000 How long on granniie's got the web as a christmas present last year found granies early in Jan when they were featured on the chatroom site then had to be told how to get back i've learned a lot since then but like the kid who came home from first grade the first day and said you mean i have to go back theres more? i do have you on an f key now though Dec 20, 2000 How long on granniie's not too long after christmas 99 i came in at a time when chat home was advertising it i remember you got so many newbies at that time you didn't quite know how to handle us Dec 20, 2000 How long on granniie's June i think you were one of the first grannie i met on the web because you knew missouri Dec 20, 2000 How long on granniie's got into a little bit of an argument when i went into the civil war history ng i'm yankee by birth and heritage but they're still fine folks even made me an honorary confederate also belong to the astrology ng have made good friends in all of them even two very good friends from asking questions in the chat rooms seems friendly people are attracted to the web ![]() Dec 19, 2000 HAVE SNOW WILL SHARE to those of you who are yearning for a white christmas just figure out how to get it from here to there and i'm sure we can satisfy you ![]() Dec 19, 2000 address? sure i would mine is 1x5x2x5 Wx. Mxoxnxrxoxex Mxexxxixcxox Mxixsxsxoxuxrxix 6x5x2x6x5x no one is going to come here in the home and bother me even if my neighber does want to come in and draw the drapes for fear i'll get shot her son in law works for the sheriffs office and i think he tells her horror stories ![]() Dec 19, 2000 WEBTV STRESS....:0) i try to remembr to turn it off if there is a particular t.v. program i want to watch usually Quincy which comes on at 9 a.m. our time i'm usually just getting a get a good start ![]() Dec 19, 2000 feeling better just don't put the brakes on fast i did that one time when i came over the hill and there was a dog standing in the road i did a 180 ![]() Dec 19, 2000 FROM...Jan Porter the year we visited my daughter and son in law in Munick the building i lived in had four stories they lived on the first floor but as we would know it it was actually the second floor the first floor was what we would call the ground floor anyway on the top floor each apartment haf a little extra room that they could use for storage it had a bed and my son in law had three or four boxes of books he is as bad as i am my daughter took me up there to lie down she said i'll lock the door solo no one will bother you but when my son in law came home he said you locked your mom in great Mary when his folks send me a christmas card they usually sign it jim and Mary dowling the old ones so this year when i sent my car to them i siged it Donna Mary jrs. mom ![]() Dec 23, 2000 CHILDREN i was just thinking of all the women in history who have been critisized and worse for not having a boy child when in actuality it is the man who determines the sex of a child at conception ![]() Dec 24, 2000 ALL PLEASE READ!! if everyone on the net who love and care for you your first concern would be finding a bigger place say like the white house or buckingham palace blessings to you i sure hope dale is home for christmas and well enough to participate in whatever you have planned love Donna ![]() Dec 24, 2000 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR Merry christmas and a blessed new year to every granny whose snail mail addresses i did not know ![]() Dec 23, 2000 Merry Christmas i wish a happy blessed safe holiday to all of my e mail friends and all of my snail mail friends ![]() Dec 23, 2000 CUP CAKES i like chocolate with filling in the middle i don't need the calories but i like them anyway i used to have a good applesauce fruit cake recipe i would make them in small loaf pans and give them to friends and neighbors for christmas we had one neighbor who reminded me of Scrooge when we took him his cake he would grumble about us wasting the time and money to do it but he took it anyway i hope he ate it ![]() Dec 23, 2000 FIRE!!!!! i had a friend whose home burned right at christmas but they were all ok except one cat all the others got out but they nerver did find thaat one i know how she was about her animals too one time she had to take an older cat to the vet and have it put to sleep because it wouldn't eat and kept crying all the time she took it to the animal hospital but when the girl took it she would grab it back and kiss it and cry the dr told her you know you're doing what's best for it don't you d Dec 23, 2000 FIRE!!!!! when my husband was 18 in 1947 one of the coldest winters we had it reached 20 below most nights their farm house burned one reason was that the pumper dried up he said his father threw the mirrors out the upstairs window and carried the pillows safely down it's funny the things you will do at a time like that ![]() Dec 27, 2000 A new Generation i was 15 the year the war started i had a good friend who joined the navy in 1940 yes he was in the pacific by the time of pearl harbor no he did not get home one battle too many ![]() Dec 26, 2000 A REAL CHRISTMAS DINNER yesterday my daughter and son in law came and took me to his sisters in Columbia and we had a real christmas dinner the first i've had since i came to the home here she had baked a turkey breast so we had real white meat mashed potatoes and gravy dressing and a green bean casserole made with mushroom soup and onion rings and cranberry sauce all you wanted it was really great it's like the dinners i remember since i first remember them and i think that was 1930 here they have turkey but i think they slice it offa roll and they never have dressing and mashed potatoes and dressing at the same meal of course the menus are set by the state department of nutrition so we get whats good for us instead of whats good i got what i asked for too the Harry Potter books i didn't have and two boxes of chocolate cheeries when my husband was alive i always got a box of chocolate cherries from him and one from my daughter now my daughter gets me two she also made me some cookies to bring back with me double chociolate with chocolate chips a great christmas ![]() Dec 26, 2000 christmas cards i just got my snail mail cards out today there was no one in the office Friday afternoon the weekend or Monday they have belated birthday cards i don't know why they don't have belated christmas cards ![]() Dec 28, 2000 RECYCLING CHRISTMAS CARDS my father was the buyer for the store room of the railroad he worked for every year he would get four or five big bottles of some kind of whiskey and neither of my folks drank they didn't offer company drinks either my mother and her family were strict teetotallers i didn't taste beer until after i was married and that was when we went to an outdoor party at the neighbors it was an outdoor party and they had a big barrel of it but i didn't like it in fact that was the only bad thing that i ever heard about president roosevelt was that they served liquor at the white house it was still prohibition so i don't know if they did or not or if that was just a republican rumor ![]() Dec 28, 2000 Beautiful Quilt a eautifutiful quilt in deed even if i had my hand back i was not a good quilter i could crochet sweaters and blankets but some thing like that would be beyond me ![]() Dec 28, 2000 DO YOU LIKE POTATOES?? i love them if they are well mashed with cream and butter no lumps every time they skip a few days here and don't have them mashed i ask the kitchen if they have lost their masher my mother used to take left over mashed potatoes make them into a patty brush them with a little flour and brown them lightly on each side i liked them that way too i could never understand how anyone could eat them raw the home i am in belongs to a company called Beverly enterprises once in a while they will have something they call beverly potatoes they have chunks in them bacon?i asked them once if they weren't afraid they would disgrace the company but they have had over nine years to get used to my food preferences some thing they just can't make for one things decent fried potatoes every once in a while we wil have a cooking class once the activity director brought in her electric skilet and all the women gave her their recipe for fried potatoes they were really good i said why can't the kitchen do them like that she said because they are cooking for over 1210 people sometinmes they have ravioli i said once they didn't do the pasta right she said that isn't pasta it's taco shells it reminds me of the time my mother used to put diced turnips in with the creamed potaoes i got really good at telling the difference and i would leave the turnips she would say Donna eat those they are good for you but i guess i thougt she was trying to trick me one thing i do like here they call it pea salad that is raw peas in salad dressing one time my roommate who eats at the same table said how can you eat those i said when i used to pick them in the garden i would pop them out of the shell and eat as many as i picked they were sweet and the pod was sweeter did any of you ever do that Dec 28, 2000 DO YOU LIKE POTATOES?? we had a neighbor who was born and raised in scotland she used to make potato pancakes i didn't care much for them but her kids sure did i guess it's what you get used to and i know a lot of irish people are here because their potato crop failed i read once that big shipfuls of grain would sail to england while the people were starving can you blame them for not liking the english Dec 28, 2000 DO YOU LIKE POTATOES?? sometimes they make potato "soup"??? here but it is so stiff you can stick a knife in it and it would stand straight ![]() Dec 28, 2000 COOKING FOR A CROWD did any of you ever cook for a big crowd the kitchen director said that's why the kitchen can't fix things like you fixed them at home of course they also have to take into account that some of the patients are diabetics also that some of them are on a no added salt diet ![]() Dec 28, 2000 DO YOU LIKE POTATOES?? we have an aide here that always hand draws her christmas cards and she is really a good artist this year there was a piece of paper with a little candy cane on it did you ever hear the story of the candy cane the candy cane is such an old christmas symbol many have forgotten its meaning the shape like a shepherds staff symbolies the guidance and protection of our good shepherd the color red symbolizes the the atoning sactifice of christs blood the white symbolizes the saviors pure sacrifice the smaller inner stripes represent the sacrifices we make as christian its odor is much like Hyssop a Biblical herb used for therapeutic purposes and represents healing by his stripes we are healed the candy is sweet and meant to be broken or shared just as his body was broken for us that we might share in his inheritance ![]() Dec 28, 2000 ADD A NAME TO THE LIST I WOULD LIKE A NAME TO OUR LIST it is dlove@growing she is my good friend who had to move to st. Louis actually she lives in st. Chatrles she has five grandchildren and is expecting another here she worked with the nursing home patients geriatrics now she works with a company that takes pictures of babys when they are born in the hospital or SO SHE SAID WHEN SHE WAS HERE CHRISTMAS she went from geriatrics to pediatrics i'm sure the nurses in the group will understand me it was her grandson i asked for prayer for when i said PRAY FOR BABY GAVIN the baby came through a hard time and is a robust little boy now ![]() Dec 30, 2000 HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT NEW YEARS?TRY AGAIN i only got four ![]() Dec 30, 2000 MORNING 12/30/00 not much doing here on Sat i've just been reading my e mail i got lot of cards this year and to all of you whose snail mail addfresses i didn't have i wish you a haPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR as for me i will wait and see what the shrub does ![]() Dec 31, 2000 LOVE LUCY i like it too but i would like it better if i knew enough spanish to understand Rickey when he gets mad at lucy Dec 31, 2000 LOVE LUCY saw the Long Long Trailer before we moved to Missouri in 1958 never saw a show i laUGHRED SO HARD AT THE TOWN WE LIVED IN HUNG A BIG SHEET ON THE BUILDING right next to the town square they showd movies every sat. night that's where i saw it Dec 31, 2000 LOVE LUCY i liked the one where they thought there was oil on their land in Alaska i also liked the expressions she used to get on her face Dec 31, 2000 LOVE LUCY she got the award for the best comedian of all time and i think she deserved it but i heard once ricky was the only one on the show that was nominated for an oscar i don't know why i think she got four ![]() Dec 31, 2000 WEBBY Arline i've been having all kind of trouble when trying to get reply or respond thought Mercury was retrograde always a sure sign of trouble when you are trying to correspond with someone but my ephemeris is good now and it says not till March so i guess it's just the web ![]() |
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