Chapter 16Nov 28, 2000 Christmas Shopping one of the girls here did my shopping for me but we will still get one more trip to wal marts before christmas i get my daughter perfume usually because i know what she likes but in a way it makes me feel funny too i can't smell it myself so i don't really know what i'm getting i always let my husband get my perfume for me i figured he was the one who was going to be smelling it one thing i really hate now i have a great grandchild coming and i can't crochet anymore if i had known in advance i could have made something and put it in a hope chest but hope chests are supposed to be for your wedding not for your grandchildren Nov 28, 2000 Christmas Shopping Joan i think it's Ho HO Hol and the best place to put them is under the christmas tree Nov 28, 2000 Christmas Shopping cards another thing i have to get i have a letter from the church of things they are collecting this year no clothes this year but cleaning and cooking supplies and things for children under 10 books puzzes crayons stuffed animals i'm not as done as i thought i was Nov 28, 2000 Christmas Shopping CONSIDER THIS MY CHRISTMAS CARD TO THOSE OF YOU WHOSE ADDRESSES I DIO NOT HAVE ![]() Nov 28, 2000 "THIS IS FUNNY" susan i got a good one in the e mail too two young people who were about to be married were going away together for a quiet weekend before the festivities she said indicating her breasts you know i'm very flat there if you want to call off the wedding i'll understand he said no there is more to marriage than that he said i have a confession too i'm just like a baby down there if you want to call off the wedding i'll understand she said no so later in their motel room she undresses and she was as flat as a washboard then he undressed she took one look and fainted he said afterward i don't know why you were shocked i told you i was like a baby eight pounds and twenty one inches ![]() Nov 28, 2000 What impossible thing i would really like to have a christmas like i did when i was little my grandmother my great grandmother my grandfather my mother and dad my two uncles their wives their cousin who my grandparents had raised but now i am the only one left i will have my daughter my son in law and maybe if i'm lucky my grandaughter i have told my daughter what books i want and i will get a box of chocolate cherries my favorite so even though i can't go home i will have a nice christmas ![]() Dec 1, 2000 TO JUNE FALLINGMOON i got the beautiful sweater thank you you crochet beautifully i could if for some reason the god lord hadn't taken my hand away but i'm sure he knew what he was doing and it is for the best i will try to send you a personal letter but it takes forever for my addresses to load love donna right now it's the weekend but as soon as they all get back i will send you a picture lovre donna ![]() Dec 1, 2000 Invitation for Dinner Tonight LEE spagetti used to be one of my favorites still is but sometime try to eat it with one hand no way to hold a piece of bread or toast in the other hand when i try to ear it i wind up looking like i have been in a spagetti fight one time i gave my husband not for christmas but for his birthday a girl from the christian childrens fund we got her picture and she wrote us letters once we sent her an extra $10 for her birthday she wrote back thanking us and said she had been able to get a navy blue skirt for school we sponsered her for about two years but finaly we got a letter from christians chidren fund saying we couldn't sponser her anymore because the communists had taken over her part of the country she managed to send us one final letter thanking us saying how the sponsership had helped her with her education also with the nutrition of her family at that time sponsership was only $12 a month Bill had been in korea and knew how things were he said he appreciated the present as much as any thing i could have given him but he was that kind of a man ![]() Dec 1, 2000 CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE sounds really good i wish i could get up and try it i wish i had the equipment to print it out i was in the bookkeepers office yesterday the superintendant of our home was there she was explaining the computers to me she said this one is just for timekeeping when the employees clock in it keeps track of their time to the minute another one she said was for the cencus which has to be sent to the central office every day the other one keeps track of the billing which is sent to the families or guardians every month we were talking what had happened with computers when they first came in she said she had hit the wrong button and sent the census computer into a three day loop she said the bookkeeper couldn't do the census because it kept doing history she said the woman who was bookkeeper at that time could cheerfully have killed her i first met with a computer while i was still working we just had a new one on the ward one evening one of the boys and i tried to turn it on the next morning the head nurse called me into her office and said did any of you mess with the computer i said we just tried to turn it on she said well you lost the records of our medical l students every two or three months 7 or 8 fourth year medical students would come to the ward for their psych block i never knew for sure but i think maybe they were able to retrieve them i have heard that a computer doesn't really lose anything it will just go where you can't find it anothert booboo each month we are charged $12 for cable t,v. one month just before she left on vacation my friend pushed the wrong button and all the bills went out reading$12 for alcoholic beverages no one knew it till the families started calling in most familys took it as a joke but some were really insulted of course they couldn't give anyone so much as a drink of beer without an order from their dr. one nursing home we had a patient in her ninetys her dr had ordered her an ounce of spirits of ferment every night at bedtime that is the medical term for whisky so that's what she got ![]() Sat, Dec 2 UPDATE ON LONNIE... remember the promise jesus made whereever two or more shall agree on anything and shall ask in my name the father shall do it so in many cases it is not really a miracle just god keeping his promise which he always does i would ask you to pray that if it is his will he will give me back the use of my left hand ![]() Sat, Dec 2, 2000 OPINIONS NEEDED PLEASE june i love the sweater it is so pretty i never saw a crocheted christms tree here i just found out i am going to have my first great grandchild and i can't crochet anymore because i haven't figured how to do it with just one hand i couldn't even feed the thread with my bad hand but i will get it a blankie that was my daughters favorite a blanket with a satin binding she would wrap the satin around rub her face with it suck her thumb w Dec 2, 2000 OPINIONS NEEDED PLEASE my keyboard stops typing maybe i should put oterr batteries in it anyway she would wrap the satin around her fingers suck her thumb and that way she would go to sleep ![]() Dec 2, 2000 CHRISTMAS WISH LIST things i would like to win the million dollar lottery i would build myself house with a wheelchair accessible bathroom hire a full time nurse or if that is too expensive i would get a wheelchair with a motor on it but normally i would like enough to replace some of the books i lost when i had to leave home an as i told one of the girls i would like to have a credit card to use on the net she laughed so would my daughter but if i had a card i would like a steady income like i used to have we were talking the other day about how things have changed the first month i went to work at the hospital where i got my l.p.n. training i made $140 the first month the second month they gave me a raise and they gave me $150 when we graduated from a school they gave us $185 but when we moved to Columbia and i went to work at the university hospital i got the magnificient sum of $225 a month after i retired in1988 and then went back to work for three years as an p.r.n nurse i got $10.25 an hour i could be called in three or four days in the month and get as much as my retirement check now i see where some of the larger hospitals are offering R.N.s a bonus of three to five thousand just to come to work for them or a nice trip that's another difference when i entered l.p.n. school i was 36 and back then r.n. schools wouldn't accept someone that old so i was out of luck all the way around when i first went to work for the hospital in 1949 after i graduated from high school i applied to get into the r.n. class there but they wouldn't accept me because i hadn't had algebra in school thinking back about t ![]() Dec 2, 2000 MSG FROM MARY LYNN i didn't get the first message just the last when he was o.k. i've been too flooded with e mail but i will pray now anyway ![]() Dec 2, 2000 CHRISTMAS CLOTHES i'm sorry i thought you said how many president live west of the mississipi as for presidnts i know Ike and Truman did i think Ike was from Kansas and Truman was from independance i don't know about any others Bush was from Texas and if this Bush gets it i guess he is too if there were more you will have to tell me Dec 2, 2000 CHRISTMAS CLOTHES my mother used to get me new clothes for christmas and easter but never i remember anything special when i was real little and my great grandmother was alive she had the back room in my grandparents up stairs i remember she had a trunk in her room she used to open it up and show me the things but i was too little to know anythings about fashion so i don't remember i'm sure she didn't have hoops she wasn't born till 1855 she may have had something with a bustle i don't know i do remember she haf a brass bed and once i put my head between two of the bars my dad had to come up and get me out he always came to my rescue i idolised my dad i told one of the neighbors i was going to marry my dad she said oh but he is already married i said i don't care he can keep her i was about four Dec 2, 2000 CHRISTMAS CLOTHES a lot of the women have real pretty red dresses for christmas i like red but i always thought i would look three yards wide in one i did buy myself a hat one time black and pink feathers i paid $5 FOR IT OUT OF MY $12 TAKE HOME PAY i thought it was beautiful but for some reason my mother didn't appreciate it at all she said donna i didn't know we had any gypsies in our family but you must get your taste from somewhere ![]() Dec 4, 2000 great grandchild IT'S A BOY my first husband amandas grandfather visited me today he said he had talked to Mary our daughter and she said our grandaughters child was a boy i am going to call her later to night and ask her if they have picked out a name yet all i can say now is to ask all of you to pray that things will go well and that he will be well and healthy when i know more i will post ![]() Dec 8, 2000 Busy as a Bee! dear all i've been busy too reading reading e mail writing some they have been decorating the big tree in the front loby it is so pretty the white light are angels and the decorations are gold and silver and DARN I CAN'T STAND UP AND HELP decorating the christmas tree was always Bills favorite job of the year and i was the tinsel hanger i always had to be sure the tree had enough tinsel ![]() Dec 8, 2000 DRUMMER BOY dotty when i worked at the mental health clinic which i did for 18 years one way we had the patients work out their feelings was to roll up a newspaper and beat on the bed with it another way is to make up a batch of bread and spend a while kneeding the dough as vigorously as you can believe it or not depression is bottled up anger and with anger there is always a lot opf energy that doesn' know how to release itself so any vigorous action is a good release and VERY GOOD THERAPY Dec 8, 2000 DRUMMER BOY I LOVE THE SONG drummer BOY AND I USED TO HAVE A drum i have a tambourine that i can use in the rhythm band ![]() Dec 8, 2000 I WAS PULLED IN!!!!! if i do as well on the circuit breaker as i did last year i might get myself as plus but there are still so many things i don' know about this one yet for example Mary Lynn do you think you can ever teach me how you put a sig on someone elses post i'm not even sure if i can get one on mine without a cut copy and paste ![]() Dec 8, 2000 12 days of christmas somewhere on the web i found the original meaning of the 12 days of christmas it was to help people remember their religion before the printed word was common the partridge in a pear tree was jesus christ two french hens the old and new testament three calling birds the father son and holy ghost 4 the four gospels Matthew Mark Luke and john 5 the 5 books of moses some i can't quite remember 6? 7? 8 the 8 beatitudes 9? 10 the ten commandments 11? 12 the 12 apostles the original was much more complete i should have written it down maybe some of you know enough to fill in the question marks either 6 or 7 was the gifts of the spirit 12 was also significant ![]() Dec 9, 2000 pictures on the web Mary Lynn asked me yesterday if i had a picture of g grandson yet i said just a sonogram and even if i could get it i don't know if anyone could put it on the web i saw one once it wasn't much but light and dark but you could see the heart beat and you could see the sex after february i will send a picture my daughter said they will get a camera to put pictures on the web so i will make sure we all see him but he is a little too young yet ![]() Dec 9, 2000 GOOD MORNING TO YOU--- IA-- THEY WILL TAKE US OUT TO SEE THE CHRISTMA LIGHTS ON the thirteenth i hope it is reasonably warm the van is heated but you can still get cold to and from the lights are pretty i remember when i was growing up there was always one street not to far away that all the houses were decorated on the outside it was so pretty to go and see of course before they take me they will say Donna have they given you your dramamine yet don't forget and i don't it is a littl embarassing to get sick in the van funny i never did get sick as long as i was driving or in the front seat but let me go any distance as a passenger that is funny too because if it were me my mother and dad i always sat in the back they tell me car sickness is something you get as you get older how many of you remember that yesterday was pearl harbor day how many of you heard it and the resulting speeches on the radio i remember the first cry was remember the alamo i don't know what year that was but i didn't hear about it till later nor remember the Maine but i sure remember Pearl Harbor i wonder what the next occasion to remember will be tomorrow they will show one of my favorite christmas stories in fact that is the name of it a christmas story about the boy who wanted a Red Ryder BB gun ![]() Dec 11, 2000 Bad storm here here too sammy freezing rain all night snow all day and it's not done yet i remember January in 1991 4 days they called me in to work and my husband wouldn't let me go the roads were so bad then before they could call me again this stroke slapped me down and i haven't been able to work yet i've told you all about my pending great grand son the other day i was lookin in a place on the web where they had baby clothes and i saw the most adorable white satin and lace dress oh why does he have to be a boy i can imagine what my granddaughter would say about something like that when she as little she never wanted frilly clothes i never had a boy i never had brothers what should i do wait awhile and get him overalls any advice out there i don't want to alianate my first great grandchild i know some of you have had boys ![]() Dec 12, 2000 DAD PASSED AWAY i will pray that he had a wonderful life and that a better one is awaiting him my thoughts and prayers are with you but remember this life is not all ![]() Dec 13, 2000 Newbie Question Hi Newby my girls were two years apart in fact the older was 2 on July 21 and her sister was born July 3 that year Vickie the younger was a biter she would pick up her sisters arm hold it like an ear of corn and chomp down now some people say bite them back i i didn't do that but once we visited friends who had boy the same age when we finished visiting they had bit each other so much neithr one of them ever bit again it's funny but it just happened that way Dec 13, 2000 Newbie Question i had a bathanet with a changing table on top Mary would stand on her little red chair and put the baby powder on being careful to hold her hand so the powder wouldn't go in the babys face my friend who worked here said one time she went out and Tiera waa sitting in her grandfathers big easy chair holding the baby she had carried him there she used to bring her to work with her she was not quite as high as my shoulder when i was sitting in the wheel chair once i was sitting by the bathroom waiting for a nurse to take me she came up and said Donna what do you need i said i was waiting for a nurse to take me to the bathroom she said i'll help you she was 4 i told her i better wait for a nurse i can stand and transfer myself but whoever is helping has to pull my pants down and take off the pad i can't do it myself because the one hand i can use i have to hold on with besides if i did fall she couldn't have held me up but i let her know i appreciated the offer the girls have to be 18 before they can work hre but they can volunteer at 10 and do a lot of non nursing things ![]() Dec 14, 2000 Down South on Christmas did you hear the one about the community that had a live nativity scene only one of the camels got away and ran out on the road the motorist said when he was taken to the local hospital what in the heck was a camel doing on route??? ![]() Dec 14, 2000 NASTY & HOUSEBOUND we are nursing home bound and i am just as glad while i wish i could work i'm just as glad my windshield scraping days are over there is a silver lining to eveything i'm not sure how it is in Indiana but i hope it clears a little before christmas my kids being on the road in this weather worrys me ![]() Dec 15, 2000 ICE SKATEING i never ice skated but i sure loved to roller skate in a good rink i wasn't very good before i got shoe skates just the clamp on kind on the sidewalk but before i got my rink skates and old enough to go i got my two wheeler bike and that was a lot of fun i don't know how i would do with in line skates but maybe i could learn Dec 15, 2000 ICE SKATEING June i like to watch do you want to be a millionare and the other night they had a contestant from Jeffersonville ![]() Dec 15, 2000 What Were christmas was a very big time for me especially before i was six when the whole family got together at my grandparents on christmas eve we did live with my grandfather for the next three years but with my grandmother and my great grandmother gone it wasn't quite the same but it was still presents on Christment eve and christmas dinner christmas dinner on christmas dinner christmas day later when we were home and there were just the three of us dad worked nights so we would have our presents after he got home christmas morning one thing i always had to wear long stockings pulled up over my long underware i always hung one up on the foot of the bed christmas eve and in the morning it was full of hard candy and nuts with an orange on top that was it i knew my folks got my presents but i was sure santa filled that stocking besides for presents i always got the next Bobsey twin book in the series and i wasn't sure santa knew which one i needed because i always got one for my birthday too back then they were 51 cents apice Dec 15, 2000 What Were i usually got a birthday party on my birthday Feb twelfth but i remember my mother telling me when i invited my friends to the party just to tell them it was a party not a birthday party because she knew most of them couldn't afford a birthday present and it would make them feel bad ![]() Dec 15, 2000 Another round in Illinois we had snow fences red picket fences they would put them along the fields so the snow wouldn't drift onto the road when we first came to missouri our first thought was that the people here just didn't know how to drive in snow in Illinois you get more practice Dec 15, 2000 Another round it's nice if you can just curl up and ignore the outside world ![]() Dec 16, 2000 YEA...I'M DONE.... most presents done girl that picked them up for me wrapped them but she still has my christmas cards in her car and she has been sick so if i don't get them out in time i wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year or happy holidays whichever one you celebrate Dec 16, 2000 YEA...I'M DONE.... next tuesday we will have the residents christmas party this morning was supposed to be breakfast with santa everyone brings in the kids and they pose with santa for a picture but it was canceled mostly for the weather but also because so many here have the flu they didn't think it was a good idea to bring the children in ![]() Dec 16, 2000 COCONUT PIE yesterday we had oatmeal carmel pie or mock pecan i like it i haven't had the flu yet like all the others have had up and down the hall thank the lord but for the last two days i haven't had any appetite not even for the carmal pecan pie oh well they want to eat in the dining room but if you only eat one or two bites that's ok and you don't have to be excused from the table like a child you can just go ![]() |
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