Chapter 15
Nov 11, 2000
i personally think write in would be a good idea with someone standing by to help those who are illiterate make their mark i saw a print of the florida and if that is really the way they are shame on someone that is not a vote it is a puzzle could it be because bushes brother is governor there if bush does get it we seniors will have to appeal to the congress not to let him give our social security away
Nov 11, 2000
if they are all the same it shoukld be the law that they have an interpreter there or if it came to write in votes which isn't possible here it is all pounch in there should be someone to help those who could not read or write make their mark

Nov 10, 2000
what happened to my sig does anyone know thanks
Nov 10, 2000
i have a question that may sound foolish to some of you who know more than i do is there any population on the florida keys
Nov 10, 2000
thank's glo she did in honor of veterans day which i had forgotten though when i was growing up we stood and faced the east on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month and saluted it was the end of world war one the war that was fought to end wars only then we called it armistice day it didn't end them either
Nov 10, 2000
remember however the election finally turns out this too shall pass

Nov 13, 2000
squirrels are fun to watch my father in law had BOARD IN THE BACK YARD HE WOULD NAIL EARS OF CORN TO IT one squirrel got so tame it would eat out of his hand today we had chicken livers and i found out our dog hally likes them better than i do she turned up her nose at the first piece but after she found out they had gravy on them it was fine she helped me clean my plate i guess no one saw us anyway neither of us got scolded i sit right at the edge of the dining room because they won't let her cross the boundry the dining room is right next to the lobby

Nov 13, 2000
i don't like coffee of any kind and if i ever do drink it the weaker the better at home i would take half a spoonful of coffee two spoonfuls of sugar that wasn't too bad if i had it with eggs bacon toast orange juice and oatmeal otherwise i let my husband drink it

Nov 13, 2000
chemo is bad so is radiation it made vickie so sick but they could only give her one series they said any more would distroy too much brain tissue at the very end the dr said he could do one more thing put in a shunt to keep the pressure from building up so fast i said what will that do for her he said it will give her a few more weeks of misery at least he was honest i said no

Nov 13, 2000
my husband was the one who really liked to decorate for christmas we had a fake tree that we would set on the coffee table in front of the window we would put the lights balls and tinsel on about the fifteenth i was a great one for tinsel so it got on the floors so what to me it was not a christmas tree without a lot of tinsel when i was little at home i used to lie under the tree and pull the tinsel isicle strips off we had some bulbs my grandmother had had a santas going down the chimney as yellew bird and as real little bell on top there was a form that held five lights in the form of a star they were always yellow the first thing my father would string out the lights on the floor and test them to make sure they all lit christmas even dad and i would go to town to buy my mothers present when the girls were little i had a cardboard nativity scene i would put together every christmas and put under the tree here i have a tree about a foot high with tiny lights it stays in it's box till a couple of days before christmas i'm not sure where it will sit this year now i have the enertainment center i guess can clear the books of the top shelf of the bookcase
Nov 13, 2000
i like it to stay up at lest till after new years after all i won't get to see it again for a year
Nov 13, 2000
mary lynn how prescious where did you find the winking kitty