Chapter 14Oct 22, 2000 THINK ABOUT THIS the before reminds me of a joke i heard a burgular broke into a house he was just getting ready to search for valubles when a voice said jesus is watching you this scared him but he soon gained his composure once more he started to look though the valuables again the voice said jesus is watching you this time he realised it was a parrot speaking he said who are you the parrot replied i am exodus he said what kind of fool would name their parrot exodus the parrot said the same fools who named their rotwiler jesus Oct 22, 2000 THINK ABOUT THIS not to bore but here is another a man was out west visiting a ranch for the first time he said to his guide look at that big bunch of cows over there the man said heard heard what the man said herd of cows he said of course i've heard of cows there's a big bunch of them over there ![]() Oct 22, 2000 ABSENTEE BALLOT every election they bring a team of people from the ballot board they bring us the same kind of ballots you would find in the voting booth but first and they have already done this quite a while ago they go to every patient who has enough mind to know what they are talking about and ask do you want to vote when the time comes they take you individually into the voting room and a volunteer tells you how to do it not what to do of course but how not what to do but how i know the ballot is supposed to be secret but i did get kidded a little the two times i voted for [Porot of course i have some really wild ideas for example combustion engines polute the air so take them all off the road and make everything move by rail i would try to make them inact the same laws against nicotine as they have against cocaine and heroin i would make it a federal offence for anyone who participated or helped in an abortion to accept any money for it in football i would have them treat the quarters the same as around in boxing in 15 minutes ring the bell and they stoped no timeouts and the clock would never stop would make every game an hour long and maybe a few minutes i would give them time to kick for the extra point but only one try for a down not four Oct 22, 2000 ABSENTEE BALLOT is the ballot fixed in such a way there is no longer any place to write in vote you used to be able to i am in several groups and have heard so much for and have about decided to vote third party ![]() Oct 27, 2000 BIG TIME PROBLEM W/ MY CAT....ANY ADVICE?!! i agree with the others i probably wouldn't be a very good pet owner though i have had pets i loved but if they did anything like pee on the carpet i couldn't smell it i used to put a big garbage bag in the bottom of callys litter box and every two or three days i would gather the whole thing up take it out put in another bag and more litter it must be a hard thing for those of you who have a sensitive sense of smell ![]() Oct 27, 2000 Can I Join? Pat i was a licensed practical nurse from 1963 to1997 i retired and was so busy i decided to retire from retirement i went back to the hospital i worked in as a prn nurse when they needed someone they called me in 91 i had a stroke that paralized me on the left side so now instead of nursing i have to be nursed ![]() Oct 26, 2000 LOOK WHAT I FOUND really glad to see how the group started i got in a little by accident a little after christmas last year just after my daughter gave me the web for christmas it was advertised on chat city then i didn't know how to get back but someone finally told me now with the help of a lol of you i have granies on an f key ![]() Oct 26, 2000 IT WILL BE A YR AGO SOON TTT i want to thank the granies too last year my friends grandson was born he was in the hospital about 5 times in his first three months pneumonia he was in an oxygen tent and i asked for prayers for him several times i don't know how many of you remember my pleas to pray for baby gavin but he just recently passed his first birthday his mother brought him out i forgot to ask her how much he weighed now but it looks like about 50 i remember the place where jesus said if two or more of you shall agree on anything and ask it of my father he will grant it the combined grany prayers are very powerful ![]() Oct 26, 2000 Grannie Tapes how about some prayers for our mary ![]() Oct 30, 2000 NEW UPGRADE AVAILABLE i took the upgrade but i have no idea what it's supposed to do i don't have a scanner and have no idea how they work i don't bank on line they keep what money i have in a trust here and i thought only computers had java script Oct 30, 2000 NEW UPGRADE AVAILABLE what is a MPEG ![]() Oct 30, 2000 Always Turkey we will not get roast turkey like i used to make it neither my husband or i liked dark meet so i would buy a frozen turkey breast and roast it it was great for slices and also for roast turkey sandwiches and would last us for two days here we have turkey slices but not from a real turkey we will probably get cranberry sauce but only as teaspoon full pie and i wouldn't mind salmon a baked salmon steak but no such luck Oct 30, 2000 Always Turkey on easter they give us ham of all things at home easter was for baked chicken there were only three of us and baked chicken or turkey if my aunts and uncles were coming was a christmas thanksgiving and new years and our gravy as always noodles cooked in chicken or turkey broth Oct 30, 2000 Always Turkey dear ruthie i would love to be able to cook but even if they could figure out a way i could stand up i guess if i got burned they would be in trouble from the state Oct 30, 2000 Always Turkey tomorow the thirty first they have to take me to columbia to get the brace refitted and we will eat dinner there maybe with luck they will take to the red lobster and i will get my very favorite broiled snapper ![]() Oct 30, 2000 GHOST STORY HINT it's not me either even if my name does have 5 letters i don't know enough about the web yet ![]() Oct 30, 2000 CAT--TASTROPHE--ALMOST our cat disappeared once i would walk all around the neighborhood calling her a couple of times i thought i heard her but didn't know from where then one day our neighbor who had been away visiting had come home she called us and said i think your cat is in our attic when she had gone there had been people working in her garage they had gone out and closed the door the attic was just a place above their front room i think caly had been in the garage and got locked in when they left and closed the door she must have gone up there and caught some mice because when i got her home she wasn't hungry but she was terribly thirsty the sunday school class i belonged to had a prayer chain and just that sunday i had asked them to pray for callie they did and didn't think that was a wrong thing to ask for there was a time when our neighbor had got really sick i told my husband i was going to call the class and have them put him on the prayer chain he said will they do that he isn't a methodist i said yes they will do it the man didn't get well but that was gods choice ![]() Nov 3, 2000 VOTING here at the home we voted absentee wed the first give me a year and i will tell you if i think i made the right decision though there have been times it didn't take a year to know Nov 3, 2000 VOTING couldn't really vote my choice for the senate here in Mo. due to some inclement weather and a plane crash Nov 3, 2000 VOTING yesterday they were calling us on the phone with a recorded message for someone i remember one year before i came here there was a woman came to the senior center handing out her campaign literature she was running for some state office i asked her one question i said are you pro life or pro choice she said pro choice of course and i handed everything back to her one of the women there said to me oh you can't do that and at least the woman said oh yes she can i did aprove of her for that reason at least she didn't try to twist my arm because i didn't agree with her Nov 3, 2000 VOTING the very first election i remember was F.D,R. every election i looked forward to the time i would be able to vote for him but then he died in 1945 two years before i was 21 so i never got to of course i was thankful for truman if he hadn't had the nerve to drop the bomb the war would have lasted longer and we might have lost a lot more of our boys of course it wasn't quite soon enough to save my friend jim killed in the first invasion of the phillipines in 1945 but i think many more were saved ![]() Nov 5, 2000 Where will you be Thanksgiving? before my grandmother died in 1932 christmas and thanksgiving was always at her house at that time i was the only grandchild there was always roast turkey mashed potatoes candied sweet potatoes my one aunt the girl who married my uncle brought noodles they were big sheets they would hang them over the backs of chairs lay them on papers on the bed then they would cut them into strips about half an inch wide and cook them in the turkey broth that was our gravy for the mashed potatoes i always got white meat but later after i had my girls we would go home to my mother and dad we had about the same thing except my mother always had apple nut salad the girls would get the drumsticks now i will be here they may have turkey but not real turkey just slices from a roll when i was married and home neither my husband or myself liked dark meat so i would get a frozen turkey breast when i was home it would be my husband and i and the two girls but for christmas it would be us my two uncles and their wives earlier at my grandmothers it would be me my mother and dad my uncle and his wife my other uncle and the girl he married my cousin their son didn't come along till about 34 or 35 i had other cousins but they were on my dads side and i was only close to one of them my dad had 10 half brothers and sisters still in iowa so i didn't really know them and his oldest sister and her family lived in salt lake city i only saw them about once except the time my grandfather died in 1974 one of her sons came to preach the sermon at his grave he was an elder in the morman church my mother had a cousin that lived with my grandmother and grandfather till after my grandmother and great grandmother died there was one other family we were close to they had 4 children not too much different than i was in age but he was my great grandmothers brother which would have made him an uncle to my grandmoother and i think his children her cousins but i'm fuzzy on that relationship i do know my grandmother had two sisters in indiana one had two girls one one boy and they were my great aunts and their children my mothers cousins but i always called them aunt too the cousin that had always lived with my grandmother was the son of my grandmothers sister who died when he was real young he would have been my great grandmothers grandson when i was in columbia the university library had one section that was just for geneology i guess i should have used it ![]() Nov 5, 2000 Soothing Sounds for some reason i have been getting some very soothing music with my e mail ![]() Nov 6, 2000 Snow the lady that has the activities had two catalogs taken from the sears and robuck catalog in the thirtys and the fortys some of the dresses were long like the girls wear today but more free flowing my mother used to say the proper length for a ladys dress was halfway between her knees and her ankles but they were straight not flared and certainly not slit up the sides but the prices a nurses uniform with full length sleeves was $2.50 nurses caps were twenty five cents silk dresses were $3 childrens dresses and boys army uniforms or sailor suits were $1.25 a mans suit was twelve dollars Nov 6, 2000 Snow the trees are really pretty there must have been an ice storm winter in iowa will be different than winter in texas well girls tomorrow is the big day by wednesday we will know who we have to put up with for the next four years ![]() Nov 7, 2000 November Roll Call~NY good morning all my name is donna i live in missouri though i am origionally from illinois right now i am in a nursing home due to the paralysis of my left side from the stroke i have been on the web since my daughter gave it to me for christmas i discovered the granies almost right away i collect books have almost too many for the one side of the room here in the nursing home but i stil gave my daughter a list of the ones i wanted for christmas ![]() ![]() Graphics by Mary Lynn Nov 7, 2000 November Roll Call~IA p.s. donna again i am a widow my husband died in 1993 i have a daughter and a grandaughter in indianapolis ind and a great grandbaby on the way my b/d is 2:12:1926 aniversary was Nov.7 1975 first aniversary was aug 20 1949 i had two girls but lost the youngest in 1967 about a month before her fifteenth birthday my oldest daughter was 50 july 21st ![]() Nov 7, 2000 POOR TACO!! it wouldn't take to much imagination to invent poopoo potties for our fidos watch their position when they are outdoors and a trained doggie wouldn' t mind too much standing in water if it wasn't too cold and it coud even be fixed to flush how about some of our mechanicaly inclined grandpas put their minds to it ![]() Nov 7, 2000 ELECTION RESULTS i remember the night i stayed up canning corn till the election results came through it was the first time in my life i could ever remember a republican being elected was when they put hoover in in 1928 i was only two years old and i certainly don't remember it though this was the first time i remember a republican being elected it was in the 50's it was Eisenhour and to be truthful it frightened me now i am old enough to realise that four years are not really that long Nov 7, 2000 ELECTION RESULTS do any of you remember the time when the big headline in the Chicago Tribune read Dewey Defeats Truman i guess they had quit watching the returns too early ![]() Nov 7, 2000 the new up date i just took the new update like the election it will take a while before i know if i made the right choice or not ![]() |
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