Chapter 13Oct 10, 2000 PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR DALE dale will be in my prayers have faith whatever uit is for the best why only god knows Oct 10, 2000 PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR DALE the woman that comes from church to give us communion said one day we will say to god why didn't you send us someone to find a cure for cancer and god will say i did you killed him we were talking about abortion and how do we know how many great scientists we have killed that way a lot of people may disagree with me but i tell it like i see it ![]() Oct 12, 2000 MORNING COFFEE'S ON glo how about a cup of hot chocolate Oct 12, 2000 MORNING COFFEE'S ON glo when i send my pictures i will send one of my dad painting the front porch it doesn't show them but all the boys were there waiting for him to come out and start the ball game Oct 12, 2000 MORNING COFFEE'S ON it is cold here in the morning and i go over and turn the heat on high my neighbor just camre in and said donna don''t you want me to turn your heat off i said no thank you she said but donna it's so hot in here i told her i'm not hot after all she didn't have to stay here she can fix her room anyway she wants it but if she messes with mine i'll go to the office and i don't think that's mean she probably go into someones home and change their heat and they say your room is your home ![]() Oct 12, 2000 I'M IN A......... my father was washing the walls once i must have been about 5 my mother had a full lrength mirror that hung above the buffet my father had taken it down and stood it in the corner i got a little too close to it to suit him he knew what a clutz i was he said if you break that mirror you will have 7 years bad luck i said oh dad that isn't true he said yes you will i'll see to to it ![]() Oct 12, 2000 "Ol debil make me do it" who will be waiting for the great pumpkin Oct 12, 2000 "Ol debil make me do it" halloween is the witches new year no wonder they cut up ![]() Oct 13, 2000 LINE did you hear about the history papers collected from second and third graders king Soloman was king Davids son he had 500 wives and 500 porcupines the colonists started the revolution because the English put tacks in their tea Ben Franklin invented electricity the Israelites fought the Philippines ![]() Oct 13, 2000 PAINTING THE DECK GUESS~ i have a picture of my dad painting the front porch am going to send to mary lynn he is kneeling and all you can see is his backend and the soles of his shoes but you can tell the porch has been painted and you can even see the swing my mother and i sat in every evening Oct 13, 2000 PAINTING THE DECK GUESS~ i saw a picture in someones album where the fence was painted yellow with flowers when i was growing up our house was a nice chocolate color then my mother wanted a change and they painted it yellow Oct 13, 2000 PAINTING THE DECK GUESS~ the porch was always grey either mother didn't want that changed or dad wouldn't do it but that was my mother she always wanted things different Oct 13, 2000 PAINTING THE DECK GUESS~ happy friday the thirteenth all any stories ![]() Oct 15, 2000 NEWS my daughter was just here and tells me i am finally going to be a great grandmother probably in feb they don't know what it is she had a sonogram but it was too soon to tell and she says her insurance only pays for one sonogram maybe it will be born on my birthday the 12th or maybe on my mothers the 23 rd anyway may be it will be an acquarian but with my luck it will probably be a pisces all my life i have been drowned by water signs mother a pisces dad a cancer first husband a pisces both daughters cancer second husband scorpio my one grandaughter is a capricorn one island in all that water oh almost forgot this isn't the astrology ng but anyway hurrah i will finally be a great grandmother Oct 15, 2000 NEWS Mary says they ell ge a camera so they can send me pictures on the net ![]() Oct 15, 2000 Good Sunday Morning today has been a lot better yesterday there was no one here to put my shoe on the regular girl was off the one who has learned to do it was off sick so i was in bed till about 10:30 which is entirely too long i thought i might have to stay there till monday morning and one of these weekends i might ![]() Oct 15, 2000 WANNA DANCE??? i sure wish i could get up and at least try but after i roller skated for a couple of years i went to a dance hall once but it felt like both feet were glued to the floor every once in a while the little girls from the dance studio will come out and put on a program but so far i haven't seen any competition for shirley temple Oct 15, 2000 WANNA DANCE??? they made us take dance lessons in jr high the big apple and the lambeth walk but don't remember either of them but later when i was older there was the waltz which i loved to do and the two step which was funny if you ever skate on roller skates of course that was before the in line skate don't know how i would have done on them is that like ice skating four wheel rollor skating is completely different you curve the way the wheels lean i never did ice skate so i don't know ![]() Oct 15, 2000 DO YOU LIKE i would really like to see a picture of the game that got the white sox in so much trouble but i don't know if they made pictures back then that was 1919 do any of you remember them being called the black sox i remember hearing my dad and my uncles talk about it a lot but i don't remember the actual game i wasn't born till 1926 but the white sox were their favorite team and i would like to see WORLD SERIES between the sox and the cubs ![]() Oct 15, 2000 INSURANCE i sent this to an Ann Landers one time but it was never printed maybe she was afraid they would sue her but this is a personal experience my husband had ostio arthritis very badly it finally got to the point where he had to have a knee replacement after much thought he chose his surgeons from the advice of friends who had had the same operation i was retired and had my pension he had a small disability claim from the service for several years we had carried A A R P insurance after the surgery when we applied for insurance the company your doctors don't accept medicare so we won't pay and they never did pay a penny yet in all their advertisements i had never heard them mention this a lot of arguments about why this is such a good insurance to have but i have never in their advertisements say be careful that the dr you chose will accept medicare or we won't pay i think they should be made to include this in their advertisements anyway it left us with a $700 dr and hospital bill so when you buy insurance be careful don't pay them for several years and then find out they are not going to pay anything avoid A A R P or be really careful when you chose your dr ![]() Oct 15, 2000 CLEANING BURNED POT??? my mother had a skillet when it got burned she would take it down and put it in the furnace and leave it in there for about an hour anything burned came off of course that skillet was cast iron don't know if it would work on an ordinary pot ![]() Oct 16, 2000 Anniversry Surprise i always dreamed of visiting hawaii and my daughter has been there twice once when her first husband won a trip with his job earlier this year when she won a trip with her job i never had a job that was that generous ![]() Oct 18, 2000 Ladybugs i have heard it said that they are the best for gardens and some people buy them for that Oct 18, 2000 Ladybugs dear which witch are you prepared for your new year ![]() Oct 17, 2000 RESULTS O GRANNY PRAYERS last year i asked you several times to pray for baby gavin my friends grandson he was in the hospital three times in his first couple of months pneumonia and ear infection last week was his first birthday his mother brought him out today he is big and healthy and weighs about 40 pounds healthy and happy granny prayers are very powerful ![]() Oct 18, 2000 First Thing i read e mail and that can take all morning because i have to leave at 7 for breakfast after breakfast the nurse gives me my pills on monday wed and fri this contains a lasex which keeps me running most of thr day and i know you nurse know what i mean then i come here if i don't see a note on msn but i get here sometime every day Oct 18, 2000 First Thing now i think the first thing i do will be to read a book and i already have a bookcase full my daughter was here saturday and i gave her a list of the books i want for christmas ![]() Oct 18, 2000 I WENT HUNTIN' AND #3 dear which witch you need harrys nimbus 2000 or are the broom shops out since the books came out Oct 18, 2000 I WENT HUNTIN' AND #3 he is also wild and they always say don't make a wild animal a pet ![]() Oct 18, 2000 Reading Room fay loved the site but you sure sabotaged my web at least for the rest of the day i could never resist books Oct 18, 2000 Reading Room thanks but you sabotaged me ![]() Oct 19, 2000 VIDCAP...FALL FOLIAGE fall is a beautiful time of year i have always loved it i knew when i was growing up when fall came it wouldn't be long till i would get to go back to school ![]() Oct 19, 2000 First Thing first i turn on the web then i read as much e mail as can before they're hollering at me to come to breakfast then after breakfast read the rest of my mail then i either come to granies to lurk or post friday is the worst day they drag me away for a whirlpool bath and i have to get my hair set saturdays and sundays are the best i still have to go to meals you have to go but you don't have to eat anymore than you want and there are no activities to disturb you so i can spend the rest of the time on the web ![]() Oct 19, 2000 PLANETARIUM i got to go to the adler planitarium in chicago a couple of times all the stars were there and the man that was giving the lecure had a pointer to point out different things ![]() Oct 19, 2000 WHAT"S WRONG WITH WEB?? GLO... my post used to show yellow on black when i was writing it now it shows blue on black but if you get it back and read it it's still yellow why do some peoples posts take so much longer to come up than others ![]() Oct 19, 2000 LIVER I WILL EAT IT BUT IT'S NOT REALLY MY FIRST CHOICE ![]() Oct 19, 2000 CLEANING BURNED POT??? Donna dear fay it probably wouldn't mothers skillet was solid iron heavy but it sure came out of the furnace with everything burned off ![]() Oct 19, 2000 pictures to anyone who got the pictures i forwarded the one is my dad painting our front porch i know you can't tell from the picture it was grey he put all the paint on our house inside and out number two was my second husband and is in his mothers living room just after we came back from our wedding number three is vickie my youngest daughter it was the last picture we ever had taken of her the reason i chose such a sober picture of her one half of her face was paralized from the tumor if she smiled just one side of her face smiled ![]() Oct 19, 2000 To Lady Di who is boo i think you should know something about your admirers i had an admirer in jr high but he was so bashful he never told me he did tell my aunt who was his next door neighbor she told me then i was too bashful to even get acquantedad because of this i missed the prom i'm thankful i didn't stay that bashful the rest of my life but i guess the boys grow out of it too at least my hubby wasn't too bashful to ask me to go on my honeymoon so i'm asking you guys how long do boys stay this bashful he was a nice boy and i would probably have been glad to go with him Oct 19, 2000 To Lady Di-Di dear boo you missed the boat you should have asked her earlier ![]() Oct 21, 2000 Indian Summer indian summer is one of the nicest times of the fall and i have always loved fall when i was a girl it meant that soon we would get to go back to school and the aniticipation was so great i could hardly wait i was an only child and summer was lonesome then after i was married and lived on the farm fall was drier than spring in Feb came the baby pigs the men would take them as soon as they were born dry them off and bring them in the house to dry off i have had boxes of pigs on the register in the oven and downstairs by the furnace then before they were two weeks old or as soon as the sign was out of scorpio the men would casterare them since nothing on the farm was Oct 21, 2000 Indian Summer snow is nice too i always thought white christmas was written in honor for all of our boys who were prisoners of war in the south pacific ![]() Oct 21, 2000 BROCCOLI SALAD i am like president ford with broccoli take it or leave it i would just as soon leave it and here they have it about every other day i guess it is economical but the other evening they fixed it different it was ham broccoli pasta caserole the ham and brocoli were cooked together with the pasta i don't know what they used for a binder but i know what i would have used cream of mushroom soup anfd cheese whiz do you know the cheese whiz if you put it in the microwave for a minute you can pour it anyway it was good if anyone is interested i an get the recipe from the kitchen either it was good or i was a lot hungrier than i usually am ![]() Oct 21, 2000 Good Saturday Morning friday is the morning we have donuts and coffee but yesterday we had donuts and cider when they served it i asked the girl if it was soft cider she said do you even think we would give you hard cider Oct 21, 2000 Good Saturday Morning sounds good but i haven't had a hot homemade biscuit since the lst time i could make them for myself oh every once in a while they have biscuits but no honey ![]() |
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