Chapter 12Sep 28, 2000 SORRY FOLKS: LONG POSTS.. this post will not be as long as some of mine it is exactly five minutes till they start hollering come to supper your late but when i get here it will take from 20 to 15 minutes before they start passing the trays it reminds me of what my husband said about the army Hurry up and wait some of the other ex service men here agree with him too ![]() Sep 28, 2000 OK EVERYONE FROM 7:30 A.M. TILL I WENT TO BED AT 9 P:M AFTER THAT IT HPOGHT OH WELL IT'L PROBABLY B OK IN THE MORNING AND IT IS Sep 28, 2000 OK EVERYONE i went in when i first got up at 6:30 then i had to go to breakfast and when came back i couldn't get on all day finally decided to watch some t.v. instead that and read but still wasn't on at bedtime missed my regular wed night chat room with the other mercury hour astrologers i called but took about half an hour to talk to a representive he said all the lines were busy from people calling in said it was high prioraty that the men were working on it and that it woud be fixed as soon as posible so this morning it's ok ![]() Sep 29, 2000 HAY RIDE as near as i can remember the last time i went on hayride must have been about 1947 i know it was before i got married in 1949 only time too one man her kept asking why they didn't take us on a hayride sure i can just see it one end of the rack for folded up wheel chairs the rest of us tied down yeaa oh not everyone here is in wheel chairs some can even walk even without help lucky lucky but i don't think any of the staff wants the responsibily of the bunch on a hayride on chrisstmsas they do take us on a ride in the van to see the lights before we go they always say to me donna have you had your dramamine yet Sep 29, 2000 HAY RIDE i think the last and only time was 1947 i know it was before i got married in 1949 it was fun but the only time i don't remember the occasion ![]() Sep 29, 2000 HOW TO SPEND THE WEEKEND saturday and sunday are quiet no activities planned sometimes on sat i will get my hair set if i havn't had it done on fri of course there is still the three meals no getting out of them not much t.v. so i catchup in my reading and webbing most days they drag me away from the web to eat take a bath mon and fri are the worst always the whirlpool bath which the dr has ordered hair appointment coffee hour coffee and donuts at 10 i usually skip it nothing that soon after breakfast the gal who is head of activities has to keep list on who comes to what she said i know you don't come to the planned activities much but i don't worry about it i know you will be busy doing something it's the patients that just want to lle in bed that i worry about Sep 29, 2000 HOW TO SPEND THE WEEKEND i WOULD LOVE TO it too if i could just get up and do what i wanted to do we have one girl here that can get around as well as a teenager but it doesn't do her much good i think she is in her 550's but she has the mind of a seven or eight year old she will sit at her table and holler at the girls bring me this bring me that she says she doesn't like the food but actually she will eat anything that doesn't bite her first and every meal she is hollering for another dessert they say now doris wait till we get both dining rooms served and if there is any left you can have anothr she constantly complains about her bowels loud as she can in the dining room in the middle of a meal oh well i guess i should pity her insted of criticizing her on most thursdays her sister comes and takes her out for a hamburger but once she slapped one of the older women in a wheelchair the head nurse told her your grounded then she called the sister and told her not to come after that they called the psychiatrist from the mental health clinic at hospital he was the one who said she had the mind of a seven OR EIGHT YEAR OLD ![]() Sep 30, 2000 GOT IT when the kids moved to germany they left me their car a real nice little honda civic only car i ever drove the really fit me no stretching to reach the pedels my husband said i drove our other car jumpy i would push on the accelerater then let up it was a real strain to keep it down all the time but with the honda i could just sit there with my foot resting on the pedel no strain of course my husband claimed he was too cramped when he drove it of course i'm four nine and he was about five seven ![]() Sep 30, 2000 Chippendale Dancers my mother and father were married in 1924 my mother was an only girl and quite sheltered they went to Chicago on their honeymoon dad took her to a burlesque show she didn't know what a berlesque show was or even that there was such a thing dad said when it started she kept nudging him and saying oh joe don't you think we should leave joe how can they do such things if he had taken her to such a place before they were married i might never have been but i only remember one time she really got upset with him the family were strict tetotalers one time he went to a lodge meeting with some of the men he worked with i think he drank some beer because when he came home he was very sick leaning over the toilet vomiting she stood there saying it serves you right it serves you right i don't ever remember him drinking again though when i was older and married he kept a six pack of beer in the refrigerater for when my uncle came to visit i would go down there one month and it would be full if i went down a month later there would be maybe four or five when got married my husband was having an aunt and cousins coming from Minnesota he wanted to have a wash tub with ice and beer cans for the reception my mother didn't like the idea but she finally agreed she said should we give them glasses dad and my husband said no then she said well shouldn't we at least give them straws the men convinced her they wouldn't need threm either but she said to me it seems a real lack of hospatility to give them neither glasses or straws i said mom he probably knows what he i s doing i didn't hear any of the guests complain either my second husband finally told me if you drink a can of beerr with a straw it will make you drunker Sep 30, 2000 Chippendale Dancers i don't know how but one time on the web i got a very explicit picture a man with you know what extending up to his naval the bookkeepers husband was here a lot woking on the asir conditioning etc the head nurse saw it and forewarded it to him saying dream on david later i asked the bookkeeper if he had been offended she said he laughed and said tell dotty if i couldn't do any better than that i'd hide it not flaunt it Sep 30, 2000 Chippendale Dancers supply hrer well she might want some dollar bills to tuck into their g strings ![]() Oct 1, 2000 RESTLESS NIGHT mary why michigan it is a beautiful state are you taking frog and the little one hurry back we will miss you ![]() Oct 1, 2000 memories of Branson. ZEEKERS THIS IS LONG guess what the web just told me the group alt discuss my grandchild does not exist do you imagine we are all figments of each others imagination Oct 1, 2000 memories of Branson. ZEEKERS THIS IS LONG maybe even i will get to all i need is someone with a trunk big enough to hold a wheelchair it does fold up and with a plentiful supply of dramamine that's the anti sea sick pill and a barf bag like they have on the airplanes oh well i can dream can't i just wait till i win that million there would have to be a vote on our destination i would get an r.v.and hire someone for a chaufer and someone and a nurse $25 an hour ![]() Oct 2, 2000 OCTOBER ROLL CALL N.Y. DONNA FROM MISSOURI I'M A HEMIPLEGIC FROM A STROKE I SUFFERED IN FEB OF 91 I HAVE BEEN HERE IN THE HOME SINCE FALL OF 91 I'M IN A WHEELCHAIR ONE REASON I DIDN'T GET TO GO TO BRANSON I HAVE ONE DAUGHTER AND ONE GRANDAUGHTRR BOTH IN INDIANAPOLIS BEEN POSTING SINCE CHRISTMAS WHEN I GOT THE WEB AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT ALL THE TIME I LEARN A LITTLE MORE HOW TO USE IT MAYBE NEXT YEAR I'LL BE ABLE TO GET A PLUS SO I CAN SEND PICTURES I STILL THINK THAT ONE YEAR MAYBE BY 3000 THEY WILL HAVE ONE YOU CAN TELEPORT SOMEWHERE AS WELL A SENDING POSTS AND E MAIL YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEND YOURSELVES I'MA TREKKIE CAN YOU TELL'"BEAM ME UP SCOTTY" ![]() Oct 2, 2000 SEA FOOD i ike cat fish but my favorite is broiled snapper i've eaten white fish when i was up i northern michigan it's good too when i was home we had a restaurant that served baked salmon steaks i also like baked halibut stakes never ate lobster i could never get over the idea of them being boiled alive i don't know maybe it doesn't hurt them but i never wanted to be the cause of something dying that way Oct 2, 2000 SEA FOOD do you remember the song cockels and mussels alive alive oh who was it was supposed to sing that ![]() Oct 3, 2000 Good morning,Here's something cute for ya good morning sammy after i got it loaded i got splated lot of work to get splated but that's ok it's funny ![]() Oct 5, 2000 VICTORY GARDENS how many of you remember the victory gardens during the war years how many of you grew one or worked in one my mother and dad aunt and uncle and several other families had a big one but i never learned much about keeping a garden or working in one till after i was married then i learned plenty ![]() Oct 5, 2000 "WEATHER" i don't mind snow nearly as much since i don't have to get out and scrape off the winfdshield and drive in it i guess that is one silver lining for being in my condition a dear friend of mine is moving to st louis she has been here ten years and 13 months yesterday was her going away party they put a big white bow on top of my head a purple one on my jacket and a sign on the back of my wheel chair saying st louis or bust and took me out as her going away present but resident council got her a pretty little neck chain with emeralds and diamonds really pretty we both took a box of kleenex with us we knew we would both be boo hooing friday is her last day and she will move next weekend she was telling me about her apartment in st. louis she will leave most of her furniture here as her son and dauhter here her son is a senior in high school and her daughter works here part time but is in l.p.n. school she said she will come back about christmas and take me down to st. louis to the malls i think that will be nice l bet the book store in the st louis malls are fantastic ![]() Oct 8, 2000 Scarey Thought -ALL READ i remember a time on the radio when someone was striking and the radio had to use all music that was older it was good music too i enjoyed it i forget what they called it but i think it was music no one owned like home on the range and songs like that maybe those kind of midis would be safe like i had a site with tom sawyer and huck finn it kept saying about what it was printing no copyright his text is in the public domain which i think means no one owns it Oct 8, 2000 Scarey Thought -ALL READ how can the star spangled banner be copyrighted do they have silent night if they do maybe someone can sue them ![]() Oct 8, 2000 THE ANSWER TO YOUR PRAYERS jesus said whenever two or more shall agree on anything and ask it in my name it shall be granted it by my father which is in heaven so if as a group we agree and ask it will be granted it is not a miracle just one of gods promises it makes me bold enough to ask that you all pray that the paralysis in my left hand arm leg and foot be taken away so i can stand up and do the work i was trained for ![]() Oct 8, 2000 TRICK OR TREATING ANYONE?? every year all the kids around come here to the home the residents sit around in a circle the children walk around with their containers and we drop candy into them i think a lot of them come because it's a safe controlled environment they know they aren't going to get anything harmful or meet anyone dangerous you would be surprised how many come it goes on for about two hours ![]() Oct 9, 2000 GETTING MY ACT TOGETHER mary going on a trip was always a big thrill for me better even than waiting for christmas even when all i had to do to get ready was to stay reasonably clean till it was time to get in he car and have my dad drive us to the depot we always went by train my dad was a railroader and could get us passes even the year they took me to northern michigan during august the worst of the hay fever season it was my first time to sleep on a train dad got us passes as usual but he did have to pay half price for the pullman and i got to sleep in the upper bunk with my mothers friend who went with us she was a long time friend of my mothers no relation but i always called her aunt Kate she was an old maid school teacher but always good to me Oct 9, 2000 GETTING MY ACT TOGETHER it took us three days on the train but that was to very northern michigan up to the soo locks at sault ste marie it is just across the river from canada Oct 9, 2000 GETTING MY ACT TOGETHER your right that was in 1933 and as far as i know it's still there ![]() Oct 11, 2000 Question...All if they were really friends why would they want to hurt your feelings Oct 11, 2000 Question...All repressed anger is one of the major causes of depression do something to work it off one time my husband and i got into a real row about something that day we went out to pick up corn he was driving the tractor with the wagon behind it there was a backboard behind it it was my job to pick up the corn and throw it into the wagon i threw it as hard as i could against the backboard and pretended it was his head about halfway through the field i couldn't even remember what the argument was about if someone got angry where i worked we would take a newspaper roll it up take it in give it to them and have them beat the bed with it another good trick is to make up a batch of bread and knead it the anger has to go somewhere and it is better you take it out that way than pound the other person and don't lie to yourself and say i'm not angry we are angry whether we want to admit it or not maybe that's why back in the days when there was as lot more physical labor there wasn't so much violence ![]() Oct 11, 2000 World Series -who I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE WHITE SOX PLAY THE CUBS AND I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE SOX WIN Oct 11, 2000 World Series -who last year when they said st. louis was playing in the super bowl i said the cardinals? some one said you don't know much about sport do you i said yes when i was young my dad and i used to listen to the games a lot they said do you remember who was playing i said yes Dizzy Dean they said watch it your giving your age away but they all know how old i am anyway once at work they were taking up a pot i think for the super bowl they asked me if i wanted in i said ok but whose playing Oct 11, 2000 World Series -who my husband was a great golf fan every sunday did any of you see the one where the one player was in the sand trap the other player was sitting there waiting because if he took more than one stroke he would win but he hit it out of the sand trap and it went right in the hole the other man got up put his cap on and walked away the man who won got a green jacket i have a good friend they are very avid fans of the braves in fact that is the password on their computer i got to like football pretty well when i was in high school i was in the band and we had toplay for the games especially the thanksgiving game where we and the other school played rivals when i was in school it was 30 years and our school had won 18 when we were in texas visiting bills sister and his brother in law they took us to the astrodome where his brother in law had a box they were playing the cubs after a particular good catch i jumped up and yelled yay cubs but my husband grabbed me and pulled me down he said we are in the middle of the texas section sit down or they will kill us i guess that wasn't a good place to cheer for the other team ![]() |
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