Chapter 11Sep 13, 2000 BEAUTY SHOPS here they tell me i just go every week they will wash my hair in the tub or shower my hair is straight as a string and stubborn i did put a perm off for about a year but they kept saying donna for pity sakes get one so i did three weeks ago now two weeks later two days after i get it set it looks like topsy it just growed i used to love to go to the beauty shop i would get a facial a couple of times i went get a full body massage but that was another place you would go into a sauna first but back then i was working and got a lot more than the $30 a month they allow you here Sep 13, 2000 BEAUTY SHOPS i have the time but i would a lot rather be out working a friend came to see me yesterday he said they had torn our house down in centralia and built two apartments probably a good price too in 1932 when we went to live with my grandfather the folks had built the house i grew up in in 1926 they rented it for $25 a month Sep 13, 2000 BEAUTY SHOPS i tried to cut my daughters hair once when she was little i kept trying to even it up on both sides when i got done she had her widdows peak left ![]() Sep 13, 2000 YOUR WEBTV ?? my daughter got me my web for christmas last year i had heard it advertised on the t.v. one of the nurses here tauught me quite a bit and a friend i met on one of the chat rooms answered a lot of questions told me how to use the F keys and glo has helped me a lot the update to the buddys i love whatever they have done lately it types yellow sometimes and i noticed this morning remember is gone from the spell check ![]() Sep 18, 2000 GEESE ARE HEADING.... Mary didyiou ever have a mulberry tree and sidewalks Sep 18, 2000 GEESE ARE HEADING.... havent even been able toget poutand see orhear them ![]() Sep 18, 2000 Going cold Turkey-Bee i love the web and i am addicted not so the staff there are times when they want me somewhere else and right now ![]() Sep 18, 2000 IF YOU DIDN"T HAVE..... the the web i would read a lot more i have one now a friend sent me 876 pages full i know i will get done with it some time i'm not saying when Sep 18, 2000 IF YOU DIDN"T HAVE..... some times my typing finger feels like it is going to sleep Sep 18, 2000 IF YOU DIDN"T HAVE..... one thing the web has done is to interfere with my reading time but yesterday i got a site that was explaining traditional japanese poetry examples were given in english of course so i thought i would try my hand they are very short but with a lot of meaning later one of the nurses saw my attempts i explained to her what i was doing she said donna i don't know what goes through your head sometimes ![]() Sep 18, 2000 ADS they don't think they are making enough money off of us the customer the almighty dollar invades again i wonder how the bransonites are doing wayne how were those ozarks Sep 18, 2000 ADS speaking of advertising did you ever hear about the time the only way they had of advertising ex-lax was to deliver samples there was this employee who didn't want to take the time to get in touch with the housewives so he left the samples on the porches a bunch of kids followed him picked up all the samples and ate them as chocolate candy i will leave the rest up to your imagination Sep 18, 2000 ADS get them all the time i just delete or ignore them ![]() Sep 18, 2000 PICTURE THIS carolyn you are blessed don't even think of the time when you have no family a sour note i know at least i have a daughter that comes every two or three months ![]() Sep 19, 2000 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN~ june my husband had dentures one time we went out for dinner he used poligrip on his new dentures after we got done eating and got out to the car he tried to take them out and couldn't he couldn't get them out till we got home and he used his chanel locks on them those are small narrow pliers he had to get a grip on his dentures and pull a little too much poligrip this is not spaming the product it wass funny but not to him have you seen a good orthodontist you may just need to go ahead and get dentures and i have heard some drs can even reset new teeth in your gums probably not much more than plastic surgery however if you go that route be sure of your dr be sure he is qualified and board certified in his profession i lost my last top tooth when biting into a hard piece of chocolate loosened it when i got to the dentist he just lifted the top of the tooth out then he had to go in after the root and it was about an inch long i have had more pleasant experiences but a good thing i guess the ex ray showed that there were two more roots left infected so it was good he took them out the worst experiencei had once i had a bad jaw tooth i was taking asperin like they were going out of style when i got to the dentist the exray showed that the roots of that tooth were wrapped around a wisdom tooth that had never come through impacted they call it anyway they had to cut them both out i developed what they called a dry hole only when they took them out they cut a neve so it didn't really hurt but the nerve that senses pressure was still there it felt like somerthing was trying to push my jaw out good luck and do have a good dentist look at them and follow his advice love donna ![]() Sep 19, 2000 HOT WAXED LEGS. i don't have any hair under my arms anymore but once when i was first in the hospital they were puting a gait belt around me now my bra size is 42 double d and they are not nice and firm they are pendulous anyway they caught them in the belt which is supposed to go around your waist the nurses hold onto it when you walk that is why it is called a gait belt i said be a little more careful so the next time they put it down lower and caught my pubic hair not comtortable either Sep 19, 2000 HOT WAXED LEGS. i used to soap my legs and used my husbands razor now the beautition here shaves the men but i have never gone in and said to her shave my legs if i did i don't know what kind of reaction i would get however i have had them wax my eyebrows when i got a facial it wasnt bad the facial was so relaxing i loved them thats not her thing the beautition doesn't do but every wed morning several ladies will come in and do everyones nails i usually forget to go but tomorow i really should if i can tear myself away from the web long enough ![]() Sep 20, 2000 RAIN, RAIN and more RAIN they have a wheelchair van here at the home there is a platform that lets down and lifts the wheelchair and anyone standing on it up to where you can be wheeled right into the van the girls get called in turns to take patients to drs appointments or for treatments like the ladies that have to go to kidney dyalsis three times a week of course this takes the girls away from their own work however long and most of them just hate it though they do take us to wal marts once a month weather permiting no ice etc someone asked the other day about logos on the license plates ours has STYLIZED O version of a person in a wheelchair and says HANDICAPED BUT on the side of the van it says Pin Oaks Nursing center it gives the address and the phone number so if anything happened like a bad aCCIDENT they would know who to notify the other day i was kidding with the girls i said if i ever win the million dollers i would buy us an extra van and hire a team of chaufeurs so they wouldn have transportation i did tell them not to hold their breath till it happened all kiding aside are their planes or trains that would accomidate a wheelchair there must be in extreme cases i know president roosevelt never went anywhere without his wheelchair but then i'm not the presidrent and don't have access to air force one shortly after i came here i won of all things a cruise from florida to the bahanmmas it was legitiment because they said yes icould give it to someone else if i wanted to but i couldn't find anyone else to take at that time not even my daughter if i could have i don't know how i would have gotten to Florida ![]() Sep 19, 2000 DO YOU HAVE?? my first husband had license plates nailed upon the wall of the corn crib i don't remember exactly but from some time in the thirtys of course it was only 49 then i don't know if i ever told you i was married twice onetime i had to go to the hospital for surgery my first husband came to drive us to the hospital when the nurse came into give me my pre op shot they were both standing in the room the nurse indicated my first husband and said to me is he your husband i said he's one of them Sep 19, 2000 DO YOU HAVE?? the van from our home shows the outline of a person sitting in a wheel chair i'm sure you've seen that sign then it says handicaped but on the side of the van it says Pin Oaks Nursing Center and gives the address and the phone number so if we ever get in a bad wreck they would know who to notify Sep 19, 2000 DO YOU HAVE?? missouri no in ill it says land of lincoln but my dad had the customized plates his initials plus the house address J.C. for jim coburn 2020 for the address i saw one once in the parking lot of the hospital where i worked it said imadoc ![]() Sep 21, 2000 Its cold! on second thoughyt it's probably not hibernation or we would never see them and they do come out to look for food we had a good friend once a boy who was attending the university one winter it was mild in the fiftys he made arrangements to go home and home was singapore he said when he got there the heat borthered him even though he was born and raised there Sep 21, 2000 Its cold! when it starts to get cold the mice will come in by any opening they can find and it doesn't need to be a big one i think that is their form of miigration or hibernation? ![]() Sep 21, 2000 Shopping i used to love to go to the mall i could always go to the book store Sep 21, 2000 Shopping about once a year there is a group that comes here called clothes to you it is out of st louis i have gotten dresses that snap about half way down the back then from the hem up to the waist there is a U cut out it an upside down U it gives plenty of room for the dress to come down over your knees and you don't need a lap robe which was always a sore point between me and them as lap robe is hard to hang onto when you must use your only good hand to propel the chair with leaving nothing to hang onto the lap robe without having it fall down under your wheels i would say can't you tie it around the back of the chair and they would say by state orders we aren't supposed to do that is considered a restraint i said what do you expect me to do if you don't tie it get up and run off they said no buts that's the rules of course the dresses would be totally inappropriate for some who was up walking in fact if they were walking me for therapy they would tie my jacket around my waist so it would hang down in the back and cover the cut out the U they don't want you flashing any one either but i'm thankful someone invented them i can't think what the exact term for this kind of dress is the last time they were here i wantedt to pick a dress that had wide pink yellow green and blue vertical stripes they said no donna you will look like a clown so i got a pretty one dark with pink roses i did tell you didn't i about the hat i bought when i first started working all black and pink feathers my mother would say i don't know where you got it but you have a streak of hanyack in you and it shows big does anyone know what a hanyack is Sep 21, 2000 Shopping off the subject i know but did any of you read the story of the church who had a live manger scene one of the camels got lose and ran out on the highway and was hit by a moterist whose coment was what the heck was a camel doing on the highway anyway Sep 21, 2000 Shopping last year i sent a picture of my parents taken on their twenty fifth wedding aniversary i sent it in and had the picture put on their gold medalion i would have given it to her for christmas day but it got here in time to give it to her on mothers day she loved it got a little gold chain to put it on and she wears it everywhere she was very close to her grandparents for myself i got a tablemate thats the table that you can adjust to different heights i have my keyboard and sit here and type it is so much nicer than the regular over the bed tables which have a piece accross the bottom that catchs your wheelchair and sometimes it is hard to back up and get away from it this is so nice when i first got it the girls put it together for me it could have been an inch higher because a lot of times when i pullup my bad hand bumps on the edge of it but i'm not going to say anything my friend the bookkeeper brought a piece of rubber anyway it's real thin and keeps the keyboard from slipping i don't watch q.v.c. much i would see too many things i wanted but couldn't have so why tempt myself the most extrvagant thing i ever got was a first year latin book they don't even teach it in the high schools here in mexico no teachers so i called the high school in columbia and asked the name of the first latin then i called the university book store and ordered it over $50 but i think it was worth it i had always wanted to know more about the language i started through it that was about three years ago the vocabulary isn't hard but oh some of that grammer and i find it takes a little longer to memorise than it did when was in high school 1941 to 1944 the other things i've ordered have been given to me we go to walmarts once a month and i usually get a package of pilot rollor ball pens black fine point and steno note book then they set me in the book aisle and come back for me later sometimes i have a lot of trouble deciding what book i want but this christmas i am going to ask for lillian jackson browns newest in the cat who series the cat who robbed bank they are mysteries there are three characters jim qwilleran a newspaper reporter who once wrote a best selling ![]() Sep 21, 2000 Branson Babes i just getting ready to ask about our branson grannies when you get back you will have to tell us all about it Sep 21, 2000 Branson Babes i have to type one hand actually one finger and sometimes my typing finger wants to go to sleep then i just lurk ![]() Sep 19, 2000 Good Morning RUTHIE one time when my girls were younger the oldest said to her dad daddy why can't we have a dish washer he said we have two of them right here and he pointed at the two of them ![]() Sep 21, 2000 DIDYIU EVER HAVE when you were growing up did you ever have a room of your own our house was built in 1928 when i was two there were four rooms the living room the dining room the kitchen and the bedroom it worked because for years my father worked nights at night my mother and i would sleep in the bedroom at night then when my father got home in the morning he would use the bed oh yes there was a bathroom between the livimng rom and the bedroom the year i was 14 the folks thought i should have my own room they called the carpenter who had built the house and he brought the blueprints which my folks oked that was in the fall he said they would build the next spring but that was just my luck the fall of 1941 and as you know there was an incidence in december of that year i never did get my own room ![]() Sep 22, 2000 I PICKED A NAME TEE HEE i post in one group that often takes other names one girl i have on my buddy list is rose at dawn she said she chose that name not only to show her indian ancestery but also because she chooses to be Wiccan i have another whose real name is morgan la fey her handle is mlefey she sent me a wonderful book called the mists of avalon it is a story of king arthur told entirely from the womens viewpoint the author is marion zimmer bradley she has two others i would like to read the forest house and the lady of avalon but the book she sent me is 876 pages not small and with the web i don't know when i will finish it but god willing i will ![]() Sep 21, 2000 Hello All martha i wasn't so lucky i had two girls and though i wanted a bigger family they said no they were both c sections and the drs said there was no way u could have any more they were going to cut the tubes i resisted for a time but by the time i got ready to go to the hospital for the second time i was so sick i said oh go ahead but we lost the youngest just before her fifteenth birthday in 1967 the daughter i have left does have a daughter 29 the first of january and my oldest daughter was 50 this last july where does the time go and i understand now a woman can have more than two children they cut them differently i went to the dr once and asked him if there were anyway they could reattach the tubes he saidit was very unlikely that it would ever work so i guess i will have to be satisfied with what i have and i am thankful to my daughter she is so good to me ![]() Sep 23, 2000 Good Saturday Morning I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU AGAIN for the gifts from branson suprise i wrote so much trivia in the book from wayne but that's not all i have more when the aide unwrapped them i have no idea for the most whats from who but i have them lined up on the shelf of the entertainment center Twila i have alaskas flag on the lapel of my jacket ![]() Sep 23, 2000 ommision i was reading the posts wayne made into a book one place i tell about my dads mother rolling paper into as little funnel and blowing it into their throats when they got a bad sore throat but i didn't say what she blew into their throats it was quinine and one time his brother did blow first she got the quinine he got a licking dads family was big my grandmother had 10 children by her first husband and 6 by my grandfather so it was no nonsence dad said once they brought the groceries home there was a big cake of laundry soap dad threw it at his brother his brother ducked an it went through the window he said he got licked for throwing it and his brothrer got licked for ducking if someone had come in and accused her of child abuse she woud probably have licked them too ![]() Sep 24, 2000 HAPPENINGS many strange things happened in my time working for mental health one time a man returned from pass bringing a baby about a year old now we were a hospital but not really equiped for infant's and the man couldn't tell us whose or where from we finally called the organization that cares for abandoned children they came and got it and i think eventully it got back where it belonged not much worse than here at the home one patient got a bad rash the nurses were saying Measles??? but that would be odd for the average age here i said to one can't you tell they said well yes if we had a job like a visiting nurse we could tell but there are so few incidences in geriatric we'l just have the dr come and look p.s. she didn't have messles i guess after a certain age your pretty safe at least here it's not going to harm the children so few women here in the nursing homes have them ![]() Sep 24, 2000 THE FLU SHOT if i were to evr get flu at my age as bad as the first i ever got i think it would be just too bad it was 1944 i had just been graduated from a school a few months my moher left me alone that night something she seldom did when she was gone i started to feel sick by the time she got back i felt pretty bad she called our family dr. he told her to stir a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water he said have her drink it he said have her drink it fast or the last half going down will meet the first half coming up that was the last time i ate or drank anything for two weeks mother would give me water a teaspoon at a time but i couldn't keep it down when i finally did i had gone from 120 to 100 pounds quite a silver lining it though mother said the dr said another day he would have put me in the hospital but he didn't have to if i were to have it that bad now it might be dangerous Sep 24, 2000 THE FLU SHOT when i worked in columbia they were always available to us the first thing the nurse who was giving them always asked was are you allergic to eggs if you were you just had to take your chances with the flu Sep 24, 2000 THE FLU SHOT i get one every year in the past i've had really bad flu at least twice i would much rather have the shot besides no bad effect ![]() |
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