Chapter 10
Aug 27, 2000
jeanne pronounced jean my mother had an aunt that was really hurt that her mother didn't do better by her name she was the fourth of four sisters and the rest had pretty fancy names Estella Adrian mary Eliza Emma Virginia but her name was just jesse i guess her mother just ran out of imagination with her i didn't know the oldest one she was before my time but they always called her aunt add mary weliza was always aunt mayme and my grandmother aunt Em or Emmy my grandmother whose name was berwick was grandma Berky till i got old enough to know how to pronounce it but #4 was aunt jess if my folks said Donna i would pay attention but when my dad said Donna jeanne i knew i had done something i shouldn't but a lot of times he just called me don or dona honey

Aug 28, 2000
JOKE 8-28-00
one time in our church a man who was probably the head of the biggest construction company in our part of the state was superintenant of the sunday school a friend of mine once asked her son 6 at the time if he knew what the church did with the sunday school money he said oh sure mr reinhardt gets it to take home with him mr reinhardt was probably the richest man in town but he was a faithful church member she said she thought her son needed some education but we kidded mr R that he started his fortune by embezzeling the sunday school money actually he worked hard for all he had

Aug 31, 2000
tomorrow is the first of the month so i thought i would get my bio in early my name is donna sneed i live in mexico missouri in pinoaks nursing home because of a stroke in feb of 91 i can't get out of my wheelchair and walk i'm thankful for the web and all the good friends i have made here

Aug 31, 2000
Mary Jane Update ~
glo i have not lost the gif you sent me but i have lost all the color i don't know what happened but it is not working as it usually does the t.v. is out does that make a difference

Aug 31, 2000
i would love to go but it is no use wishing i would need someone to help me all the time i was there when my husband had surgery i was able to hire a private duty nurse but i can't now if i could i would i wasn't lucky to win the million dolar lottery but some things just don't happen

Sep 2, 2000
when i graduated and got my first paycheck one of the first things i bought for myself was a hat i am short so it had a turned up brim it was made of black and pink feathers mother who was rather conservative would never have allowed me to have besides it was $25 and my take home pay was $15 a week but when i saw it i just had to have it another thing i did but i didn't consider it splurging i had always wanted a piano so i put aside $5 a week till i had $125 which was enough to go to the music store and put a down payment on a second hand piano it was a recondishioned player and had a really nice tone it was $350 altogether but i finally saved enough to finish paying for it of course i lived at home and didn't have to worry about food or rent my only regular expense was $1 a week for a bus pass that was good for anywhere in the city at anytime for the week

Sep 2, 2000
Great grandaughter
my friend was walking with her three year old grandaughter who said oh daddy is stupid she said you shouldn't say things like that the three year old threw her hand back palm up and said daaa whatever donna said there was a man and woman walking behind them and he just about split his sides laughing
Sep 2, 2000
Great grandaughter
when i was working in mental health there was one time i had to go up and talk to one of the drs he said tell me something about yourself i told him about my grandmother and my great grand mother dying three days apart the year i was six i told him about siting under the window when their coffins were in the room and wondering how long it would be before i could be with them again he said are you sure you didn't think they would come back i said oh no i knew they wouldn't come back but i did know someday i would be with them again he just said that's unusual for a six year old but it was what i had been taught

Sep 3, 2000
one day i got a bill from the hardware store in our town i knew it was $60 short so i went and toldthe woman in the office to look it up sure enough it was $60 short the woman thanked me but acted really aurprised that i had called it to their attention there was a story about my grandmother she came home with a big red apple when my great grandmother asked it where she had got it she said she had taken it from the fruit stand in front of the grocery store her mother took her back and made her give it back to the man and apologise the grocer said he wanted to give it to her but her mother said no she had to learn she couldn't take things

Sep 4, 2000
hi i'm donna sneed from Mexico Missouri i'm74 b.d. 2 12 26 i had two girls but lost one from brain tumor just before her fifteenth birthday she would have been 48 july 3 my other girl was 50 july 21 i have one granddaughter 29 jan 11 they live in indianapolis two states away i am a widow no pets but they do have a dog here in the home she is golden retriever one of the nurses here keeps her and Hally follows her like a shadow the other day we were out in the dining room playing bingo Hally was back by the desk the girl who keeps her started to leave the girl who was calling bingo called to her Hally mamas leaving her claws when she ran up the floor which is tile sounded like a horse galloping there was no way she was going to let phyllis get away without her she has a rubber hot dog she will leave it lie on the floor till someone gets too close gets to close then she will grab it up and run out when she want's to go outside she will go to the door bark and scratch at it till someone comes to let her out we did have a cat she would climb up on top of the aviary and look down at the birds but she couldn't get at any of them but she got so sick they had to have the vet put her down we all really missed her but then they got the dog the aviary has doves and finches and they're always baby birds we have a good size aquarium i don't know enough about fish to know what they are there a couple of snails i do know what they are

Sep 4, 2000
does it bother you when you are having a convesation with someone on msn (instant messenger) to have some one come in and stand there and read it
Sep 4, 2000
i realise a lot of people don't realise that im is private or really what it is it doesn't bother me if they read the posts

Sep 4, 2000
where is women's lib isn't wife as entitled to a mistress or whatever you call them as a husband is

Sep 5, 2000
After Surgery!!
mary jane think while you are lying there suffering this too will pass and after it does you will be glad before mary was born i was in labor for 48 hours and then they had to do a c section but she is worth every minute of it so was her sister even though they took her early so i didn't have any labor and i only got to keep her for a little less than 15 years but i am thankful for both of them no mary didn't bring me a parrot from hawii they won't let us have any bird of the parrot family in the aviary because of the seniors and the danger of parrot fever when mary was in germany she had to travel a lot for her job she got a baby kitten and had it in a box coming home on the train it started to mew pretty loud she was saying to the people in the compartment with her it's a kitten a kline kitten i think she said very small but i can't remember the word for that

Sep 5, 2000
hi this is my daufghter and son in law mary and jim dowling jims folks are also mary and jim every year i get a christmas card from them they sign it the dowlings the old ones jim was laughing once he said my mother is mary my sister is mary and my wife is mary mary asked me once he said mom couldn't you have given me a more common name but i named her after my grandmother and my great grandmother my great grandmother was mary ellen and my grandmother was emma virgionia so she is mary virginia but she seldom uses her second name my mother was emma she said if you ever name a daughtert of yours emma i will disown you i really liked her middle name thoughit was evangeline when my grandaughter was born they named her amanda i wanted them to name her amanda evangeline but here dad said if we name her that she will be in fifth grade before she learns to spell it so they named her amanda victoria after marys sister who died when she was 14 i'm still waiting to be a g/gma but i don't know when that will happen someday i'm sure

Sep 5, 2000
hi this is my daughter and son in law mary and jim dowling jims folks are also mary and jim every year i get a christmas card from them they sign it the dowlings the old ones jim was laughing once he said my mother is mary my sister is mary and my wife is mary mary asked me once she said mom couldn't you have given me a more common name but i named her after my grandmother and my great grandmother my great grandmother was mary ellen and my grandmothert was emma virgionia so she is mary virginia but she seldom uses her second name my mother was emma she said if you ever name a daughtert of yours emma i will disown you i really liked her middle name though it was evangeline when my grandaughter was born they named her amanda i wanted them to name her amanda evangeline but her dad said if we name her that she will be in fifth grade before she learns to spell it so they named her amanda victoria after marys sister who died when she was 14 i'm still waiting to be a g/gma but i don't know when that will happen someday i'm sure

Sep 6, 2000
What is your (favorite soup)
cream of mushroom i also really like the beef stew they make here chicken noodle but when i was home i used to get the chunky soup we liked it best

Sep 8, 2000
englsh scots and some irish but american indian on both sides my fathers grandmother was indian and there was a tale on my mothers side that back somewhere we were related to pochauntis i'm not sure how true that was but on my dads side his grandmother wes taken by a fur trader and married when she was 14 illinois i think chippawa the same tribe jim thorp came from

Sep 8, 2000
To all you Texans
my husband took me to texas once because his sister and brother in law lived there they took us to the beach at galveston when we went into the water my husband and his brother in law took hold of me and ducked me when i came up i tried to push the water out of my eyes but i pushed my glasses off the men dived trying to find them but they couldn't find them i wonder if the little mermaid found them and if she did what she made of them he took us to the astrodome where he had a box and i made a boo boo when i stood up and cheered for the cubs of course we were in the texas section my husband puled me down and said do you want to get us killed they did have a real pretty tree in their back yard i think it was a pineapple tree

Sep 7, 2000
i have a picture of myself when i was four in a one piece bathing suit of course when i was four there was no such thing as a bikini one time my father took my youngest girl to a store to buy her slacks and a top when they came back he said we couldn't find any slacks that would stay up on her she's 19-19-19 even when she was older she wore a dress she never did have a waist
Sep 7, 2000
i would sooner join a nudest colony that way the bulges would wind up in a normal position

Sep 10, 2000
How long have you known
i have several best friends from granies also a few from other ng's and a couple since i.m. came in i got the web for christmas and i thank god for it every day

Sep 10, 2000
Meet Me
i have met hilda 62 she came all the way out of her way to meet me i know she has a different name now

Sep 11, 2000
one time my folks brought home two big sacks of walnuts they laid them on the cement by the back door i thought i would be helpful and shuck them the hulls were nice and brown and looked lose so i didn't think it would be hard as you can guess i didn't know any thing about walnuts least of all what they would do to your hands that evening my mother wouldn't even let me come to the table my dad was comforting though he said oh don't worry it will wear off in two or three weeks

Sep 10, 2000
i get back from every meal as quickly as i can so i can get back on the web or see a favotite program i have really been taking advantage of the books on the web i have reread tom sawyer and most of huck finn i wish they had some more of twain like a connecticut yankee or the prince and the paupper at least it kept me from blues clues and bear in the big blue house and probably somemore i'm too old for but then maybe i'm a little old for tom and huck
