Chapter 9Aug 11, 2000 NEW JOB wait till all 18 refuse to take their meds or till they have messed the bed three times on the same shift until when you try to feed them they spit it out at you or throw it to you wait till they complain to their families how mean you are to them or how little care you give them or if you are in a nursing home the hours of paperwork you will have i may be presumptious thinking you will be in a geriatric setting but if you are wait a few months before you say how much of a snap it is i am only a patient here but i know pretty much what goes on anyway good luck i hope you have a good bunch to work with and all your patients are alert and cooperative Aug 11, 2000 NEW JOB p.s. you will really need to be a saint good luck ![]() Aug 11, 2000 MORE PRAYERS NEEDED the same girl that i have asked for prayers for her grandson who has been in the hospital so many times her daughter has just been admitted to the hosp in columbia she has been having such terrible migranes that she has had to go to the hosp. here in Mexico for shots went to a neurologist and he immediately admitted her to the hosp in columbia he will do a cat scan because he suspects tumor will pray it is something simpler than that ![]() Aug 11, 2000 What my Mothert taught my mother taught me alot of things faith for which i am most thankful the worst thing she taught me and i'm sure she didn't mean to was dependence she always did things for me more than she should have as my uncle once said to me was she loved you to a fault and that really is possible ![]() Aug 10, 2000 Glo - Happy Birthday glo a very happy day and thank you for all the help you have given me Aug 10, 2000 Glo - Happy Birthday glo a very happy day and thank you for all the help you gave me if you don't mind i am going ask you to help me change my gif ![]() Aug 10, 2000 Glo - Happy Birthday~~BELATED glo don' t believe someone who thinks 50 is only half way it can be a lot more than that ![]() Aug 12, 2000 TV problems i think mine is 24 inch biggest i ever had and i am sitting here in my wheelchair posting tablemate i got from q.v.c. was a very good investment just the right height for my keyboard ![]() Aug 12, 2000 Gamesville i have played bingo with them but never win anyway have bingo here tues and fri evnings i mean afternoons 2:30 better chance there Aug 12, 2000 Gamesville i played bingo till i found out how much else there is to do ![]() Aug 12, 2000 WATER water in peoria was hard as brickbats but i grew up with it and i really liked it when i got married and moved to the farm i could hardly drink the well water but i did get used to it after awhile i didn't think i ever would though Aug 12, 2000 WATER lasix is ok if you can get up and go to the bathroom for me it's just a pain and i soak throuh my pad and my underwear both yesterday went through three pairs of pants better today have to take it mon wed and fri but not on the weekends i don't even have the urge to go it just comes he refuses to let me have a cartheter have to take the lasix because my legs swell Aug 12, 2000 WATER i guess if you didn't like the water you could make coffee or tea but i don't like either do like hot chocolate Aug 12, 2000 WATER when i was home i didn't use anything but instant coffee my husband wanted a cup as ssoon as he woke up and instant was fast i used to put one half cup of powdered milk in a two quart pitcher fill it with water stir and let it get good and cold now i have to drink vita milk when i got covered with a rash till i was as red as the general lee on the dukes of hazard they took me to a dermatologist and he said i was allergic to regular milk but it's not bad and i can have hot chocolate if i want but a lot of times i just have the milk my friend got me a case of coke classic and if they have tuna salad sandwiches or ham salad sandwiches i have one of them as for coffee i have never smelled it so i don't know if that would make a difference or not Aug 12, 2000 WATER millie saline? i don't think salt water would be very good for you ![]() Aug 14, 2000 COIN VENTING MACHINES i didn't realize the ancient greeks had holy water (in response to a post saying the greeks used coin to dispense holy water from vending machines) ![]() Aug 14, 2000 UT OH!!!!! just recently i heard somewhere that they released a tape on the challenger that's the shuttle that blew up remember they heard the last words the pilot said it was ut oh sounds like he knew something was wrong ![]() Aug 16, 2000 LEAVING a hard thiing to do is to leave and not realise you won't be back that's what happened to me when they carried me out on a stretcher after i had my stroke first my husband move to the senior citizens appts then he/we sold the house lost pictures i would give anything to still have but here i am and i guess here i will stay for the rest of my life however long that is oh well i couldn't be by myself anyway ![]() Aug 18, 2000 SAILORS TRAPPED ON SUBMARINE we should pray for anyone even someone we consider an enemy when christ said father forgive them as they nailed him to the cross that was a prayer ![]() Aug 18, 2000 Could i have a hug? judy we are here for you and god is here for you to jesus said his eye is on the sparrow and you and your baby sure worth much more than they ![]() Aug 18, 2000 Car Trunk ~>Pam they furnish us pads here i keep my own underwear then three times a week they give me lasex and at least three times a day i soak myself and have to have a fresh pad and underwear sometimes i run out of underwear the dr won't allow me to have a catheter says it is not good for you i don't think it is good for you to be wet all the time either you know the old saying if you gotta go you gotta go my complant is that i can't get up and go ![]() Aug 19, 2000 watching tv..... not when i'm on the web i have to turn the web off to watch t.v. my daughter called the desk on my birthday because the phone was busy she said i knew that's what you were doing mom ![]() Aug 18, 2000 еее~~VEGGIES~~еее i have already given up ice cream i can't have it because of the milk but recreations has it two or three times a year it's fine as long as there is plenty of chocolate sauce on it my favorite vegie is a tomato but they aren't vegetables are they i like wilted lettuce if it's made right with bacon dripings Aug 18, 2000 еее~~VEGGIES~~еее i like fish a lot better than meat if it's fixed right baked or broiled had a vegetarian hamburger once and no way ![]() Aug 18, 2000 rumble seats who remembers rumble seats and who remembrs riding in one Aug 19, 2000 rumble seats i do remember riding in one but for me it was either the early 30's or the very late 20's but i thought it was treat even though my mother had to get in with me if it was before 1926 that was before my time i know they had them earlier than i can remember because my uncles used to talk about them and they were born in 1902 and 1907 ![]() Aug 22, 2000 prized possession EVIE my favorite when i was real little was a gun with a barell about a foot long and a red wooden handle one time some friends came to visit they had a boy a little older than i was he wanted the gun and my mother gave it to him my great grandmother came in and saw me crying she asked me what was the matter i said mother gave my gun to newel she went out to the car got the gun and scolded my mother her grandaughter she told her that was my gun and she had no business giving it away i was really surprised that my mother would accept a scolding from some one i thought parents scolded not were scolded of course when i was older i realised that that was her grandmother i had roller skates to but didn't do to well on them then after i graduated from high school i had a friend that skated a lot i got my first pair of shoeskates the rink we went to had a professional who gave lessons i was at the rink every week night and twice on sundays i got quite good my favorite was the waltz also the two step later on i went to a dance and it felt like my feet were glued to the floor i was too used to having wheels under them then after i got married i went once but i was pregnant and my bodys balance was all different so i didn't try it again for many years once i took a friends daughter and a couple of her friends to the rink but i hated the music if you could call it that ![]() Aug 23, 2000 WELCOME RAINE.. HI RAINE I DIDN'T CATCH YOUR FIRST POST BUT LOOK FORWARD TO GETTING ACQUAINTED I'M DONNA AND I'M IN THE SHOW ME STATE YOU'LL LIKE IT HERE ![]() Aug 23, 2000 HURRICANE DEBBY i'm a little too far inland to have to worry about huricanes but we do have tornados never saw one really close but once when i was15 we had a hail storm the hail stones were three inches accross and more than an inch thick after it was over the men went out in the yard with shovels and piled them up it hit not only the city but all over the county it took out every window on main street in downtown Peoria we didn't lose any windows but the neighbor had just had aluminum siding put on threir house and it did dent it pretty bad one man not too far from us was a truck farmer he had 2 acres of tomatoes just ready to pick i'll leave the rest up to your imagintion if you think i'm stretching the truth sometimes lookup a history of Peoria Illinois ![]() Aug 23, 2000 FINAL SURVIVOR TONIGHT~ i didn't know about survivers and still haven't seen it i've got a meeting of the nations astrologers on wed evening we all have a chatroom i'm looking to seeing who the surviver is of the seven cast aways i saw mary ann in person one time she was at the hospital i worked at for the childrens television network but i'm betting on gilligan like a cat he always lands on his feet ![]() Aug 23, 2000 ARE YOU COLOR BLIND my husband and daughter always told me i was blue green color blind and those were the ones i could not see once my daughter was in 4 h sewing she was making a jacket it was blue and had blue embroidered button holes she needed some blue ribbon to finish it she asked me to go to the mall and get her the blue ribbon she needed she gave me a little piece of blue ribbon and said i need a yard of this and she said mom have the clerk pick it out don't you dare try to do it yourself but anyway i always passed the drivers license test even here i will say to the girls that is blue and they will say donna it is not it's green or i will say it's green and they will say it's blue anyway the last time i saw my dear frirend who was killed in the navy he was wearing blue dark blue i know but blue ![]() Aug 25, 2000 MORNING FRIDAY wed night Mexico had a rain and wind storm it put trees and power lines down all overtown the power went out at 10:30 wed night and wasn't restored till 4:30 Thursday so we did 't have any hot food or air conditioning in the building the laundry couldn't work and they were already behind it wasn't too dark in my room once the curtains were open and i couldn't us the web so i read this morning there was no one here to get my brace on so i was in bed till about 9:30 this morning to as the girl who can put it on won't be here till tomorrow they finally brought a girl over from the other ward that knew how so i am up and will be up for dinner so any more storms like that i'll let the rest of you have ![]() Aug 26, 2000 I won Ruthie how lucky i never won anything myself but my husband one time won $500 on a scratch off lottery ticket he used it to carpet three rooms ![]() Aug 27, 2000 Party time!! EVERYONE~GLO glo i miss dora sometimes her voice would wake me up i get drowsy sitting here a lot of times i get cold just sitting we had a friend in illinois they had three children but they lived in a really old house if the kids complained of being cold he would take them outside and have them run around the house two or three times he said after that they didn't complain of the house being cold Aug 27, 2000 Party time!! EVERYONE TTT a party sounds great why don't you all come to my no wine win but i might get the kitchen to rig up some punch and right now there is an extra bed for anyone who gets too much of those wine coolers i remember the first time i ever drank anything i went to a party with the other nurses i had been working on the alcoholic ward and even though i had been raised to believe alcohol was a no no i thought i will try it to see what a hangover is like then i can emphasize with the patients more so i had scotch and coke rum and coke vodka with coke gin with coke after awhile a couple of the girls said come on donna were going to drive you home but i got so sick in the car when we got home they told my husband what i had done he pulled my cloths off and took me in and laid me down on the bed only i kept feeling like i was going to fall off of it the next morning my head didn't ache but everything else did i finally agreed with my up bringing drinking was a no no no at least for me i ached for the next three days later some of the girls told me a lot of the things i had you shouldn't have had coke with but i decided later i would have the coke straight Aug 27, 2000 Party time!! EVERYONE~Sarah the granies too serious well i do my best to keep the hilarity in hand Aug 27, 2000 Party time!! Where is every one?~Barb i am there in spirit it will take a few more years for whoever invented this thing to come up with teleportation you know beam me up scotty but i am sure they will may be even before 3000 Aug 27, 2000 Party time!! i will bring my pet mouse that no one here but me appreciates ![]() Aug 27, 2000 MIDDLE NAME jeanne pronounced jean my mother had an aunt that was really hurt that her mother didn't do better by her name she was the fourth of four sisters and the rest had pretty fancy names Estella Adrian mary Eliza Emma Virginia but her name was just jesse i guess her mother just ran out of imagination with her i didn't know the oldest one she was before my time but they always called her aunt add mary weliza was always aunt mayme and my grandmother aunt Em or Emmy my grandmother whose name was berwick was grandma Berky till i got old enough to know how to pronounce it but #4 was aunt jess if my folks said Donna i would pay attention but when my dad said Donna jeanne i knew i had done something i shouldn't but a lot of times he just called me don or dona honey ![]() |
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