Chapter 8Jul 30, 2000 COFFIE i have never liked coffee the only way i could drink it was half a teaspoon of instant (not folgers for heavens sakre) with egg oatmeal and coffee two teapoons of sugar in the coffee here i leave it strictly alone way too strong ![]() Jul 30, 2000 OF INTEREST it was just as i have always thought of republicans the heck with the lower class Jul 30, 2000 OF INTEREST that makes my mind up i will vote third party Jul 30, 2000 OF INTEREST violet if you really want to hear campaigning you should lurk for awhile in my other ng the civil war news group their campaigning may be 150 years old but it's kind of interesting ![]() Jul 30, 2000 GEOGRAPHY WORSE THAN WE HAD was reading an e mail today souths side in the cw do you know we could have wound up with each state an independent nation i wonder about the language the cherokee nation wanted to seceed too there would be at least one more then there would almost undoubtedly be spanish and french german maybe? and how many other differences can you think of Dutch new york was dutch you know it's first name was new amsterdam and the french might have left arcadia alone so no cajuns but they speak french anyway texas spanish undoubtedly another thought on what could happen and this is purely acquarian thinking camilla parker bowles is catholic if prince charles marries her and harry is ever king he would be henry the 9th and might take england back to the catholic church stranger things have happened ![]() Jul 30, 2000 Just ONE more political thing no one likes what is offered yet no one seems to want to do anythimg about it by voting for a third party the present parties have us too frightened by saying it would be a vote for the other side wouldn't they be surprised if the third party won yet the only time i knew of that you could get that many people to agree was during ww2 and that time we really were united ![]() Jul 30, 2000 ACCEPT ME PLEASE~> i belonged to club one time the closing exercise was always the same we sat on the floor in a circle holding hands would turn to your neighbor and say i love you just because you are you a lot of close friendships were made there ![]() Aug 3, 2000 EccentricMARY LYNN iowa isn't eccentric it's sensible did you ever see the picture state fair or field of dreams besides if you like corn you are close ![]() Aug 3, 2000 MILK if i could drink it i would prefer skim but i was declared very allergic to lactate so i get vita milk it is good but i call it that artificial milk when my cousin was little we had to go out every week and buy goats milk for him no lactose ![]() Aug 3, 2000 Cell Phones you heard about the woman whose husband gave her a cell phone for her birthday a few days later she was shopping at wal marts he called her she said to him later how did you know where i was Aug 3, 2000 Cell Phones i really don't know much about cell phones how do they charge you and if all you have is a cell phone can you use the web Aug 3, 2000 Cell Phones can you dial a cell phone from a regular phone ![]() Aug 3, 2000 THE BIG TOP when i was little i thought i would like to be a trapese performer then when i was older i learned you would have to have at least a suggestion of athletic ability which i did not once at the worlds fair chicago1932 we were watching a trapese act they asked for a volunteer out of the audience i was a good way down the steps before my dad caught me ![]() Aug 3, 2000 Getting Older~Carol my pet peave is not being able to remember a name that i know as well as i do my own also if i am working on my languages it bothers me that my memory was so much better when i was in high school ![]() Aug 3, 2000 ALL IN THE MIND!!!! i would think red buttons if any one could hire a chauffer Old is when your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. Old is when your doctor doesn't give you x-rays anymore, but just holds you up to the light. Old is when a sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door nearest your car. Old is when you remember when the Dead Sea was only sick. And he adds.... Sure I've gotten old. I've had 2 bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. I have bouts with dementia, poor circulation, hardly feel my hands and feet anymore, can't remember if I'm 85 or 92, but, thank God, ............ I still have my Florida driver's license!! ![]() Aug 3, 2000 WINDOWS there is one in my room but they don't open it once i came back and there was as lot of wind cold wind someone had opened it i very quickly went and got one of the nurses to close it Aug 3, 2000 WINDOWS the house i grew up in had two in the bedroom 1 in the bathroom four in the living room two in the dining room two in the kitchen later when it got really hot there was a fan in one living room window no air conditioning but it did a pretty good job of keeping the house at a comfortable temperature Aug 3, 2000 WINDOWS the door on our closed in back porch had 8 small panes once mary kicked at her little sister put her foot through and put a big enough cut behind her knee i had to take her to the dr he put three stitches in it then in gym they were doing knee bends she didn't tell her teacher they broke open and i had to take her back to the dr she dd promise not to kick at her sister anymore ![]() Aug 2, 2000 Gobble or Savor? usually pretty fast even if i really like what they have usually my main idea is to get back to my room and back to the web Aug 2, 2000 Gobble or Savor? one of the main things i remember about the moon landing was we had a patient down the hall that was pretty sick i had to keep running down to check on him i did get to see him step down though then later in the challenger incident i was doing some thing i came back and asked them did it takeoff yet they said yes and it exploded i got to see that though there were plenty of replays just the other day i heard they released some more information they said just before it happened you could hear the captain saying uh ooh oh the life of a nurse ![]() Aug 3, 2000 Memories of years gone by i'm sure you all saw at least one of my memories when glo posted my pictures the gym suit black bloomers a white blouse and black tie i didn't like it and i didn't care all that much for gym either reminds me of a funny incident when i was working i had several of the children from the childrens ward in the gym playing on the trampoline an older woman and her husband came in and said where can we find the dr i said there are no dr.s here she said i showed the woman at the switch board my appointment slip and she said to come here i said let me see it she showed it to me and it said in large letters G.Y.N. i took her to the first floor and pointed her in the right direction the switch board girl was new she had never worked in a hospital when i got to high school i didn't have to take gym if you were in the marching band you were excused the nurses in the group can appreciate this one Aug 3, 2000 Memories of years gone by when i worked in the hospital i was delegated all the bed pans and all the enemas as well as all the messed beds as i said i didn't mind because i do not now and never have had a sense of smell ![]() Aug 5, 2000 HAZEL62 WAS ROBBED TELL HAZEL I WILL PRAY FOR HER I'M THANKFUL THEY DIDN'T HURT HER you know she could have been i certainly hope they catch whoever did it and get at least some of her things back i suppose the police have the pawn shops covered as that is where a lot of stolen things end up if she gets anything back do let us know i am saying a prayer for her ![]() Aug 5, 2000 I'm not sure! mary jane i know they must take you off cumadin i don't know the reason for the heperin unless it is for drainage i'm sure if you ask your dr. he will explain it i know there are r.n.'s in this group maybe they can tell you my prayers are with you ![]() Aug 5, 2000 If Walls Had Eyes in my room you would see my bed with my table for the remote on it on the wal i'm facing the entertainment center with my t,v. in it is two shelves with glass doors that my vedio tapes are behnd above them the shelves with my v.c.r. and my web above that a shelf of books i can't reach above the t.v. shelf with my pictures a double frame with both of my daughters a picture of bill my second husband and myself a picture of my daughter and granddaughter a picture of my daughter and her taken when they were in taiwan last year on top of the entertainment center a picture of my mother and dad taken on their twenty fifth annivesary they were married in 1924 two years before i came along some prizes i have won from bingo next to the entertainment center is a two foot wide bookcase with three shelves i can't reach the top shelf there either below the t.v. two shelves with books between the two foot bookcase is a three foot book case with vedios and books below the glass doors in the entertainment center is also two shelves of books the bottom shelves are a little too low for me to reach easily in the middle is the sink on the other side two closets one is mine and the other for a roommate when i have one there is a bed on the other side of the room and i have things on it which is actually a nono in one drawer in the closet i have my astrology material books and magazines that i was able to salvage from home on the web there is a site called astrodienst that you can enter the data and it will give you the chart and a short intrerpretation i don't believe in forcasts and never use it but this morning i put in the time date and place of my daughters death and i did hit for cast just to see what it would do i don't remenmber what all it said and i don't have a printer but one thing it said that I do remember was TIME TO SAY GOODBYE ![]() Aug 6, 2000 V & V's Sat. Outing the first time i drove in pensylvania was on our honeymoon loaded truck would get ahead of us on those big hills eventually it woild get to a place where it would pulloff and we could go on made 50 miles that day the next day we got on the pensylvaniia turnpike made 200 miles in the firdt two hours that was in 19949 ![]() Aug 6, 2000 Dehydration warning shirley also potassium pills which they give you if you are on lasix nothing worse if they start to melt before you start to swallow them there is also potassium salt which isn't quite as bad but all i have ever seen here is the sodium salt if your on lasix they just put you on the pills Aug 6, 2000 Dehydration warning when i lived on the farm they had a drink they mad for the men who were putting up hay i don't remember but i think it had ginger in it do any of you farm women know what it was i was helping once and they put me on the big tractor the one that lifted the hay fork to put the hay in the upper window at the side of the barn there was another window the men who were in the barn were standing at it looking out i couldn't reach anything on the tracter it started to go toward the side of the barn just before it hit all the men at the window suddenly dissappeared they had been standing on hay bales so no one got hurt but they let me get off the big tractor i have told you i'm only four nine haven't i Aug 6, 2000 Dehydration warning my husband came home from korea with malaria it didn't affect him all the time but once he was tarring a roof he passed out and the other men had to bring him down off the roof and carry him home his malaria was back and it almost killed him i trust none of the granies have been exposed to malaria and if you have i'm sure you know the dangers and precautions but if a roof needs rto be tarred get someone else to do it anyway ![]() Aug 6, 2000 32 more days!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!! a few years ago i won one of the first big prizes i have ever won a trip from florida to the bahamas it has always been my dearest wish to take a cruise it was legitament too because i called and asked if i could give it to someone else they said no one i wanted to give it to only one drawback you had to be ambulatory if any of you don't know the meaning for that word it means you had to be able to walk naturally i couldn't have something like that a few years ago when i could walk oh well such is life ![]() Aug 6, 2000 DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN??? hey kid me here i always have to sit still and sometimes it gets so cold to me i am shivering when this happens the girls come in and say my gosh donna it's 90 degrees outside i say well it wasn't in here i'm not old enough to be cold for that reason like it says in the bible king david was old and got no heat so they looked for a beautiful woman to sleep with him the other day i was reading one of ann landers columns it was sentences taken from english and history papers of students in the lower grade one of them said soloman was king davids son he had 500 wives and 500 porcupines ![]() Aug 7, 2000 AUGUST ROLL CALL MO here i am same place same time big event for the day whirlpool bath big event for the week perm next fri resent that my hair isn't naturally wavey like my dads but then by the time i was 6 or 9 he didn't have any barber used to tell him he charged him more for finding his hair than cutting it so will stay here reading and posting looking forward to my virtual trip to branson which i will enjoy vicariously through you friend was at 6 flags over the weekend said they rode the boss roller coaster which she did not enjoy my speed at an amusement park is the merry-go-round birthday feb 12 if i still had an aniversary it would be sept 7 clock stopped this a.m. it's a battery clock battery only lasts a year need a new one battery not clock earlier it said 8 and it was 11 girl set it says 11 :40 but wil have to get off the web to see what time it really is t.v. will say and i can't do both at once ![]() Aug 8, 2000 Birthdays & Anniv. ~>Please read P.S. yes i would like to be a regular member of the group you can post my birthday or not as you have room feb 12 no anniversary as my husband passed away in 1993 thanks donna ![]() Aug 8, 2000 eternallife many people think it was unjust of god to cut people off from the tree of life he said unless they takeet and live forever yet he sent christ so we could have eternal life a contradiction i don't think so think of the difference between eternal life in heaven with god and etrrnal life here on earth with all of our faults and frailaties how many older people with the infirmaties of age would like to know that we were stuck here forever i for one would not like to think of it i look forward to the time when i will be able to get up and go where i want to and be with the people who have gone before me ![]() |
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