Chapter 7Jul 18, 2000 Got Mice!---UPDATE i guess in some ways it's a blessing not to be able to smell anything but i still feel deprived when i go into the stores at christmas time just think of all the business that would be in trouble if no one could smell anything perfume companies deoderant companies and others i can' think of maybe some of you wouldn't plant as many flowers of course i don't know if you would rather smell them or look at them i like them even if i can't smell them skunks wouldn't have such bad reputation ![]() Jul 20, 2000 Yuck!! one of the things my mother did was to try to fool me she would fix creamed potatoes the potatoes cut into uniform cubes then during the depression she got so she would cut turnips in the same size and mix them with the potatoes i would take a bite of what i thought was potato and it would be turnip instead i got so i was very good at telling the diifference and leaving the turnips i would still prefer to leave them later when i was cooking for myself i didn't fix them i didn't even grow them in the garden anothrer thing i didn't like was green beans they grew in the garden abundantly every morning there was another pan full to pick but i do like spinach i love it when we have it here they always bring vinager around to put on it once they put the green beans in a saucer of cheese saucei liked them that way one trick i had when i wass cooking i had a big garden my FIL raised pigs about 300 a year when the sows pigged in february which they usually did he would always castrate the little pigs before they were two weeks old as soon as he was sure the sign wasn't in scorpio i would wind up with a big panfull i couldn't waste them so i would pick the little bulb onions and cream them all together it may not sound too good but no onre refused to eat them as for never castrating the pigs when the sign was in scorpio i never knew of one of his pigs to have an infection but he would have laughed at astrology Jul 20, 2000 Yuck!! one thing about being here they may not have what you like but they don't insist you eat it and they will give you a substitute ![]() Jul 20, 2000 good things to try with one hand you were talking about plastic wraps you know the little candies that are wrapped in cellophane wrapped and twisted on both ends i dare anyone to try to open one of those with one hand might if you could get a good hard bite on one end but i don't have any uppers anymore now the hersheys kisses i can get threm with one hand also the minerature hersheys candy bars i have to have one of the nurses start them for me and the things from wal marts that have hard plastic cover they are supposed to stop shoplifting but even when i buy them and get them back here i can't do it by myself no the more i go with only one hand i appreciate what a blessing it is to have two the good lord certainly knew what he was doing when he created us bi manual ![]() Jul 20, 2000 Grass==how true one time my husbasnd was in the hospital he was always very particular about the lawn every time i would go to see him he would say what about the grass have you mowed it i would say no once he asked me i said yes it's shorter he said oh you had it mowed i said no it's shorter because it is leaning over Jul 20, 2000 Grass==how true they talk about dandylions but they are the most generous flower i know it is impossible to be selfish with them ![]() Jul 20, 2000 THE CHAIR in 1932 the year i was 6 years old my grandmother and great grandmother died three days apart my grandmother died of stomach cancer and had been in the hospital five weeks my great grandmother her mother died quickly one night of a stroke no one wanted to tell my grandmother that her mother had died but she knew something was going on at home the last few minutes when they were all gathered around waiting for the end she opened her eyes looked up at the foot of the bed and said why ma what are you doing here the next minute she had gone with her mother and after five weeks of terrible suffering everyone was thankful at home they moved the piano out of the living room and that is where their coffins were i remember sitting under the window in that room thinking i wonder how long it will be before i get to be with them again i thought i will probably have to grow up first and it will be a long time it has been but i am still waiting and i know as firmly now as i did then i will be with them again some day ![]() Jul 21, 2000 ICE CREAM i like a banana split three scoops of ice cream with chocolate strawberry whipped cream chopped nuts and a cherry i don't get one often but whole hog when i do if nothing else chocolate Jul 21, 2000 ICE CREAM when i was home the drug store made what they called walking sundays a cup cone two scoops of whatever you wanted with whatever topping you wanted my favorite was chocolate ice cream with pineapple topping ![]() Jul 23, 2000 WHAT"S FOR DINNER? we have lima beans here often but never butter beans which i like a lot better Jul 23, 2000 WHAT"S FOR DINNER? i really like it when they have tuna salad for sandwiches but they only have maybe once every to weeks always have cole slaw with it but they need to go to the colonels and get his recipe Jul 23, 2000 WHAT"S FOR DINNER? when i was home neither my husband nor i liked dark meat so i would get a frozen turkey breast and bake it Jul 23, 2000 WHAT"S FOR DINNER?...Vel when i was home i loved it when my mother baked a swill steak at least one and one half inches thick she had an iron skillet she baked it in it was so tender and so good mashed potatoes with brown gravy glazed carrots she had a recipe called thousand island pudding solid pudding floating in caramel sauce the sauce was thick enough it would coat a spoon must have been a thousand calories a teaspoon but in those days who was counting Jul 23, 2000 WHAT"S FOR DINNER?...Vel have any of you read the cat who series by Lillian Jackson Braun Quilleran a newspaper reporter the siamese cats koko and yum yum in every story they solve a mystery usually koko they won't eat canned cat food either quilleran gets them canned salmon or canned chicken or brings them fresh turkey from one of the lunch rooms in the first book of the series he has inherited a billion dollars so he doesn't have to scrimp when he feeds them there is one more book out it isn't in paperback yet but i might get it this christmas it is the cat who robbed a bank they live in Moose County 400 miles north of everywhere if you like mysteries and you like cats i would recommend them ![]() Jul 23, 2000 BED i have one half (room) but things overflow if i get a roommate i will have to be more careful Jul 23, 2000 BED when i was growing up we had one my dad worked nights almost got my own but pearl harbor changed that ![]() Jul 23, 2000 We Made it Home ~ Vi he was really lucky you found him did you ever see the picture the ugly dauchund great dane was raised with three dauchunds and grew up thinking he was one ![]() Jul 23, 2000 Water Softener? depends on the water my dad did the purchasing for the railroad he worked for they got a softener that was supposed to soften 10,000 barells of water but it quit working after 5 but peorias water comes from artesian wells by the river couldn't break it with a jack hamer i was so used to it when i got married and moved to a farm 20 miles north of the city i could hardly stand to drink the well water it was so different ![]() Jul 23, 2000 HAVE YOU EVER...... someone picked us up once we were going to wichita but the car stopped 75 miles short gal picked us up and took us the rest of the way we rented a car to go back ![]() Jul 23, 2000 I Wonder........ if brain cells were like every other cell in the body and renewed themselves instead of never renewing themselves i would be in perfect condition but i guess they aren't smart enough Jul 23, 2000 I Wonder........ they say that by seven years every cell in the body has renewed itself except the neuron in the brain ![]() Jul 23, 2000 IM DRIVING!!!!!!!!! i didn't learn to drive when most people do the war was on and they weren't making cars and dad said ours had to last so after i was married my husband had to teach me he finally taught me the basics i could start and stop but one morning early i decided to drive down the lane and bring the cows up for milking we had a barn and a milk house between them there was a 16 foot gate i went down ok but coming back i got too close to the barn when i went to back up i turned the wheel the wrong way the car caught the barn and pulled the whole corner of the barn off another time i was on the back road he wanted to stop and see a neighbor he said you passed the drive i was only going about 20 but i slammed my foot on the clutch and threw the stick into reverse he clamped his foot over mine so couldn't let the clutch out and spent the rest of the day telling me you can't back up till you stop another time i met a car at a corner i wanted to stop but i froze the cars wound up with the bumpers interlocked the men had to lift them apart but i did finally learn without wrecking the car or even hurting anyone my daughter was 5 and she swore i scared her out of the next five years growth Jul 23, 2000 IM DRIVING!!!!!!!!! that reminds me of a scare i had i was working evenings getting home after midnight to get home i had to cross the tracks i got there and there was a west bound train across a long train and it was not moving too fast so i sat there and waited but i dosed off when i came to the train was just passing i got ready to go here came the east bound lickety split i hadn't yet started to drive over the tracks but it did teach me if one train passes to wait till it gets far enough to be sure there isn't one coming the other way the car and i could both have been scrambled but i did get to be a good driver and if by some miracle i ever get to the point where i can drive again none of you need to be afraid to ride wth me ![]() Jul 23, 2000 SO TRUE :) my mother wore a wedding dress but the waist was at the hips can you really believe that at one time a dress like that was in style ![]() Jul 24, 2000 more granies prayers needed baby gavin whom i asked for prayers for last year is back in the hospital this time with pneumonia its i think the fifth time and he's not two years old yet ![]() Jul 25, 2000 Telephone telephones can be a blessing mine is on the wall and there is no way i can get it when i'm in bed so if it rings and no one comes to answer it i call my daughter to see if it's her but i think it's usually a wrong number like the time i got a call from a collection agency saying they were trying to collect on my defaulted student loan when i was college age there was no such thing they finally agreed they had the wrong person ![]() Jul 26, 2000 Funny but_ R-Rated~Kath they kidded me because i had a little mouse in the room i liked to watch him come out and scamper i would take him crumbs of food one of he girls asked me if he talked to me i said no she said good when he does we will take you to the arther center that is the psych center of the hospital here in mexico i said no if that is necessary i want to go to the mental health center in columbia where i worked for 18 years she said ok i'l be sure and tell them that is your request but the mouse and i haven't started talking to each other yet as a matter of fact i think they caught him in one of their sticky traps and put him outside it may a sound crazy but i miss the little thing ![]() Jul 27, 2000 VOTEING the first time in my life that a republican was elected president was dwight eisenhower i stayed up that night until three o clock canning corn to listen to the returns when i realised that a republican was president it frightened me Jul 27, 2000 VOTEING the last two times i have voted independant kind of disgusted with both parties Jul 28, 2000 VOTEING Darline/Wayne it's ok to say do for yourself i did work from 1963 to 1991 now i can't even take myself to the bathroom or get in and out of bed by myself yes my pension pays for a lot but i am still very thankful for social secutity and medicare i know without i may be sleeping in an alley somewhere it is great to work for yourself if you can but don't belittle those of us who can't you may find yourself in out shoes someday Jul 28, 2000 VOTEING Darline/Wayne i worked as long as i could but now i cant standup and walk accross the floor so i am very thankful to take what i get i don't think of it as the government doing for me but as god providing my needs and i am not to-proud to turn it down there are people here who can walk with help and those who can use both hands and yes i do envy them even though i know it's wrong but i know where i am and what i am doing and some do not ![]() Jul 28, 2000 Slang Expressions one that is used on me a lot you're a nurse you should know better then ones my kids used later alligator or after while crocodile ![]() Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? my husband coud go to sleep faster than anyone i ever knew one night we were talking i asked him where are the white cliffs of dover he said down by route b and paris road i thought ok that's it for tonight Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? one time i woke up my husband up very fast i hit a plastic lamp shade with a plastic fly swatter it sounded like a rifle shot the next second he was kneeling by the bed in a shooting position later he said don't ever do that i spent too many years sleeping with one ear open Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? i have more trouble here than i ever did i think it's because once i get settled in i can't turn and i can't sit up i have to put my self on the bed pan and it's very hard to use when you're laying flat Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? i play on the web till they come down and say we have to put you to bed because we have to go home at 11 besides the night shift fusses if you are still up when they get here Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? i do usually fall asleep and miss my favorite bewitched Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? there are times when even sleeping aids don't help the night we came home from the hospital after my daughter died a nurse that was staying with us gave me a 300 milligram tylenal any one that knows antything about medicine can tell you they're pretty powerful but still i didn't close my eyes all that night i just lay awake and thought i know she's all right but it will be so long before i see her again Jul 28, 2000 SLEEP? the dr had me do that once count down from 100 of course he was getting ready to do a cascerian section and had a mask of yclopropain and oxygen over my nose i made it all the way to 97 ![]() Jul 28, 2000 RECIPE when i lived in illinois on the farm i cooked a lot there was one boxed mix that i really like it was called pie oh my pudding cake it was cake with a pudding that rose to the top but i think it's only advertising was word of mouth so it didn't last ![]() Jul 28, 2000 ANN LANDERS VERY LONG BUT FUNNY this article was taken from student papers history and english it is called The History of the world Adam and eve were created from an aople tree Jacob the so nof Isaac stole his brothers birthmark one of jacobs sons joseph gave refuse to the israelites the inhabitants of egypt were called mummies they traveled by camelot Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the red sea where they made unlevened bread which is bread made without any ingredients david was Hebre Kng who fought the philatelits solomon was one of davids sons he had 500 wives and 500 porcupines the greeks invented three kinds of columns the doric corithian and the ironic the mother of achilles dipped him in the river styx until he became intolertable in the olympic games the greeks jumped ran races hurled the biscuits threw the java the reward to the winner was a coral wreath socrates was a famous greek teacher who died of an overdose of wedlock eventually the ramones conquered the greeks nero was a cruel tyrant who tortured his poor subjects by playing the fiddle to them in the middle ages king harold mustarded his troups before the battle of hastings joan of arc was canonized by george bernard shaw donatellos interest in the female nude made him the father of the renasiance william shakespere wrote about romeo and juliet a romantic couple the mgna carta provided that no free man could be hanged twice for the same offence william tell shot and arrow through an apple while standing on his sons head martin luther was nailed to the church door at whittenburg for selling papal indulgences he died a horrible death being excomunicated by a bull queen elizabeths navy defeated the spanish armidillo miguel cervantes wrote donkey hote sir william roleigh invented cigarettes and sir frances drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper john milton wrote paradise lost then his wife died and he wrote paradise regained christopher columbus was a great navigator who discovered america while cursing around the atlantic his ships were the nina the pinta and the santa fe one of the causes of the revolutionery was the english put tacks in their tea samuel morse invented a benjamin franklin invented electricity by rubbing cats backwards gravity was invented by isaac walton it is chiefly noticable in the fall when apples are falling off the trees bach and handel were famous composers handel was half german half italian and half english he was very large lincolns mother died in infancy in 1865 he signed the emasculation proclamation lincoln got shot by an actor in a motion picture john wilks booth this ruined booth's career madam currie invented radium and karl marx became one of the marx brothers ![]() |
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