Chapter 6Jul 1, 2000 GOOD MORNING ALL take care everyone and don't blame webby too much Mercury is retrograde again bad news for all types of communication ![]() Jul 1, 2000 BODY PARTS i have what i started out with i'm safe because no one would want it i am missing my left hand and my left foot but that wasn't in my sleep one day i stood up to walk out of the kitchen where my husband was took one step and fell flat on my face i couldn't reach the bed to pull myself up i realise now because i was trying to use the hand that doesn't work my husband finally came in and found me and called 911 i remember them lifting me onto a stretcher and taking me out to the ambulance and that's all i remember for a month i miss what i lost but i am confident there is a reason for it and someday i will know it ![]() Jul 1, 2000 KLEENEX IN THE LAUNDRY i forgot to check the pockets but it wasn't kleenex it was my husbands watch and not just once but somehow the watch survived did you ever put your fingers through the wringer i did but there was a release when i was younger my mother had surgery and my dad did the wash my mother used a stick like the end of a broom handle to lift the clothes out of the washing machine into the wringer at least two times he put the pole through the wringer it was an older machine and it didn't have a release so the pole went all the way through ![]() Jul 3, 2000 DAUGHTERS OF THE AM REVOLUTIONS my sister in law who as an avid joiner wanted me to join the daughters of the american revolution wither i told her i knew my ancestors were here then i just wasn't sure what side they were on let's see wasn't it the patriots fought the revolution and the loyalists to stay with england i think they were patriots but i wouln't swear to it then she asked if i i wouldn't join the daughters of the confederancy with her i told her i knew very well i wasn't eligible for that one my folks coming from indiana and illinois though my father did have an uncle a generation older than his other who was a rebel my daughter would be eligible to join the daughters of the american revolution through her fathers side and i guess that would make my granddaugher eligible too ![]() Jul 4, 2000 Guess Who" #4 i really like that hair style it reminds me of when i was young and my father had hair his was like that and mine was straight as a string my mother always said if i had been a boy i would have probably have gotten my dad's wavey hair anyway i bet it is natural ![]() Jul 4, 2000 True or false #1 people say there is no psychic sense because they have never experienced it i could say the samething about an odor i was one of the rare people who was born without a sense of smell because i have never smelled anything i could say prove to me there is such a thing i have never smelled anything and i don't believe there is such a thing this is not just a rambling it is the literal truth ![]() Jul 4, 2000 to all grannies hi wilma welcome to the group you wil love it here and feel right at home i never got to see florida i am in missouri now in a nursing home a hemaplegic from a stroke i suffered in 1991 i was born and rised in Peoria Illinois but have been in indiana many times my great grandmother was raised there and my mother had two aunts there we used to take the train to visit them about two times a year my dad was a railroader and we got passes my one aunt lived in Bucjk Creek a little town about ten miles east of layfayette my greart grandmother was from delphi my first husband and i came to Missouri in 1958 the town i live in is about 150 miles north west of St. Louis i am 74 and have a daughter and grandaughter in Indianapolis as you will notice as you get acquainted i tend to be long winded ![]() Jul 4, 2000 One of the female Rheas when i was first married and lived on the farm we had a big yard front back and side the front yard went down to the road so in the side yard from the house to the garden fence we had a fence so we could put the girls in the backyard and they couldn't get around to the front and go down to the road my pantry window where i washed dishes looked out over this fence one day i was at this window and first i heard a strange noise i looked out and saw this strange creature walking up and down in front of this fence i'm shamed to say it but it actually scared me i ran out to the barn yard got my husb and said come tell me what this thing is in our yard it is making the most awful noise and it looks strange he came in looked out the window looked at me and he was laughing he said didn't you ever see a guinea he said it's alright there is a flock of them on the farm up the road it won't hurt anything no i had never seen a guinea and had no idea what it was as far as i was concernred it could have been one of the little green men from Mars ![]() Jul 5, 2000 do you have a nickname in all the time i was growing up and going to school i never had a nickname my name is donna jeanne and when i heard my dad say donna jeanne i was pretty sure i was in trouble now that am here in the nursing home i do have a nickname it is creeper or the little creep how i got it is interesting one day i was sitting in the front office visiting with a friend the head of dietary was in there too i hadn't been here long and definately wasn't used to the food it wasn't what i would fix for myself at home she made a remark that she had 10 cooks of course she as thinking of at least 2 shifts 7 days a week i said is that what's the matter with the food she looked at me and said there's nothing the matter with the food you little creep of course afterward they asked me if i minded i said no i kind of like it so they put it in my chart that tit was acceptable to me so ever after that i am the creeper or the little creep and the food relly isn't bad once you get used to it of course breakfast is my favorite and i asked them early on if i could have it three times a day they said no way it would be entirely against the dietary rules but they do have a list on my card of things i really dislike and they are very good about giving you substitutes Jul 5, 2000 do you have a nickname my husband used to call me leeroy do ypu remember the song leeroy the junk yard dog meanest man in the whole darn town but we loved each other as long as it was given us to be together .Bill was baptised onFriday in 1993 and died the next friday i had been praying for that for a longtime but he said after fighting two wars he didn't feel he was worthy of god but he finally felt differently a friend said he won't have much of a reward he waited long enough i reminded him of the parable of the man who had hired workers in his vineyard early in the morning and others he had hired at the last hour and how he had given them equal pay with the men that had been there all day oh Lereroy was Leeroy Brown Jul 5, 2000 do you have a nickname~~DONNA i kind of like the idea that they like me well enough to give me a special name it'sbetter than what they would like to call some of the others of course they don't and even that one i had to approve it before they were allowed to Janet the head of the kitchen is a good friend i have many good friends here ![]() Jul 5, 2000 YOU BE JESUS reminds me of when my girls were 2 and 4 my oldest was very well potty trained and hardly ever had an accident but that day she had been too interested in playing when she came in there was a teltale knot in her panties i said Mary what did you do she looked at me with a very serious face and said I didn't do it Vickie did it ![]() Jul 7, 2000 Invited to Supper sounds good except for the green beans the only time i liked them here they were in a little saucer in cheese sauce i am invited to supper every night but here it is more of a comand performance about half an hour before time the girls will come down the hall and call out don't forget supper and even if i know i am not goimg to like it i usually go because i don't want the girls to have to carry it down to my room they work hard enough without that and the only way i can help is to get myself there Jul 7, 2000 Invited to Supper but green beans are one of the gifts the garden gives every day i know i've picked enough of them ![]() Jul 8, 2000 BEES when they were building our home in 1927 a man down the alley kept hives one time a whole swarm of bees came in and swarmed on the cabinet they were just building my mother was pretty upset but dad went down and got the man with the hives he brought a queen bee and they all went back to one of his hives he kept the folks in honey for awhile interesting hobby ![]() Jul 8, 2000 WHAT SONG..??? STATES the missouri waltz here but illinois has one that's not so well known it's title is Illinois
Jul 8, 2000 WHAT SONG..??? STATES you bet give me land lots of land under starry skys above Don't fence me in gonna ride over the wide open prairies that i love don't fence me in bob hope wasn't it ![]() Jul 8, 2000 dr's can be wrong after i came here in 91 they kept giving me a medication called cumidaen it's a blood thinner i used to wonder about it because i knew my stroke had been a hemoragic stroke bleeding instead of a clot then i got a bad cold with the usual cough and everytime i coughed it felt like something was riping my insides out then i was vomiting and couldn't keep anything down the dr took me to the hospital and put me in a contraption called an MRI machine it's a little like an ex ray but it works on the soft tissues he came to me afterward and said you have been bleeding into your prlvic muscles i had to stay in the hospitsl for about a week and of course he stopped the cumiden (like locking the barn door after the horse is gone of course it did cleasr up he said your body will reabsorb it but after that i didn't get anymore cumiden once they gave me a meduicine called prozac it's supposed to be an antidepresent for some reason the dr. keeps thinking i'm depressed anyway the prozak affected me like an upper i was climbing the walls and taking everyone else with me one day i heard one of he nurses say to someone were you here when they were giving the creeper prozak she said my gosh how could anyone forget that but i think on the whole they do a pretty good job some of what i get i'm sure i need it when they took me off of it i know what they mean when they say a maniac doesn't really want to come down and i've worked with a few dillies we had one man when we saw him coming we would say he was coming round the bend doing 90 miles an hour i think that's from the wreck of the old 97 either that or Casey jones ![]() Jul 8, 2000 POPCORN of the fourth they took some of us out in the back yard to watch the sky rockets one of the nurses brought popcorn and soda it was regular popcorn but i'm sure she did it in the microwave they won't let anyone but the cooks use the stoves and i think then only when either the diatery superviser or assistant superviser is there they are very careful of fire here once the lint under one of the driers caught fire they took everyone outside and then over to the ward in the other building we had to sleep there and stay there about 24 hours till they got all the walls washed on our ward my room is right next to the laundry i heard the fire alarm but difdn't pay any attention they often have drills i was talking on the phone all of a sudden one of the nurses ran in and said you have to hang up it's real ![]() Jul 8, 2000 Question i have a series of books called the dragonridrers of pern it's about these coloninests who have settled another planet in some it describes what they are eating they have a very popular dish called red fruit you can tell from the description they are talking about tomatoes of course everything they have had been transplanted from earth but even in the first book they ran out of coffee so they use the bark of a tree that has a cinnamon taste they call it clah it always talks about having clah for especially for breakfast horses are runner beasts any more of you out there affectionados of science fiction their planet is called Pern and is in the sagitarian sector in the first trilogy i read it has been so long they don't even remember earth Jul 8, 2000 Question i was always so glad when they didn't have to import them (tomatos) anymore Jul 8, 2000 Question we had a neighbor who used to make what she called end of the garden relish boy was it good wish i had some now one of my favorite recipes was to just brown pork chops pour on a big can of tomato juice cover it an let it simmer for an hour or an hour and a half the chops were so tender and the tomato juice cooked down to the best tomato gravy Jul 8, 2000 Question i have a video called fried green tomatoes just out of curiosity i would like to try them sometimes ![]() Jul 8, 2000 STEWED TOMATOES?? we had breaded tomatoes a lot when i was growing up and i loved them now i would rather have them diced especially on a hamburger do you remember a time when people thought tomatoes were poison i used to love to can them though i finally started canning them in the presure canner they wouldn't seal right if i did them open kettle i liked to scald them and then silip the skins off ![]() Jul 9, 2000 EASY QUESTION>> i love the iris all colors but especially the purple did you know iris is the goddess of the rainbow ![]() Jul 9, 2000 GREEN TOPS i love turnip greens like them better than spinach and when was in school we got our lunches in the cafeteria they had a salad with a green init called enccarole think that's right it's edges were curly and i liked it better than lettuce ![]() Jul 9, 2000 Gods Plan gods plan for us is so much better than what we would chose for ourselves if we just have faith and don't question it ![]() Jul 9, 2000 Strange Things Happening i was 8 years old when i realized when it rained it didn't rain everywhere we were supposed to go on a picnic and meet my aunt and uncle who lived on the other side of town at the park my mother had already made the sandwiches and frosted the cake when it started to rain not really hard but steady mother said well no picnic now i was so disapointed but in about a half an hour my uncle called and said where are you mother said we can't have a picnic in this rain he said what rain it's beautiful here i said to mom how come it's raining here and not there she said oh just because it's raining here that doesn't mean it's raining everywhere i said no maybe not in china because there on the other side of the world aren't they she laughed and said it doesn't work that way wait till you get older and you will learn about it in school but from that time on i knew if it was raining it wasn't raining everywhere that held till i was about 13 and Peoria had HAIL STORM hail three inches across and an an inch thick that hit not only the town but the county after i was married my husband who lived 20 miles north of the city but still in the county said they had to replant a whole field of corn a truck farmer who lived on the edge of the city had two acres of tomatoes just ready to pick i will leave it up to your imagination as to what happened ![]() Jul 10, 2000 REALLY WEIRD ... a few years ago when i lived near Columbia Missouri i belonged to the school of metaphysics they taught us a meditation technique in which you sit still then you imgine a ray of ligt going out from the center of your forehead you can control the color of the beam of light pink is love try sending pinklight to an enemy i did and before long i hd a very good friend one of the men in the group belonged to the agriculture department of the university he had a big tank in which he was raising earthworms he said he had concentrated pink thought to that tank he said you wouldn't believe the way those eartheworms grew and reproduced long and fat and he said they multiplied like crazy strange something like that would work on something as lowly as a worm but it surely works on people i have used it several times succesfully so maybe a pink morning is god sending his love to the world in a way we can see and how many of his creations grow and flourish under it ![]() Jul 10, 2000 OK SOMEONE BRING COLD FRONT IN HER PLEASE(HOUSE) when i was growing up we had a full finished basement it was at least 15 degrees cooler and when it got real hot we practically lived down there i remember once we even took our mattress down one summer it was in the 30''s we had two weeks that it was 113 in the daytime and didn't go below 100 at night the winter was just as bad for two weeks it was 20 below at night and didn't get above zero in the daytime i think it was 36 because my husband was 18 that year and their farmhouse burnt down he said the pumper came but it froze and couldn't pump any water he said his father was upstairs he carried the pillows down the stairs but he threw the mirrors out of the window it's odd what the excitement of a fire will do to you ![]() Jul 12, 2000 "The Good Old Days" one of my biggest treats was for my grandmother to take me downtown we would eat at the lunch counter in the dime store remember dime stores what happened to them i used to say grandma can we go uptown and eat at the supper store and if my grand parents went to the movies they would bring me a sack of candy flat chocolate on one side and little white dots on the other side i remember one time my aunt gave me a nickel and told me to go down to the ice cream store on the corner and get myself an ice cream cone only when i got down there i decided i would rather have a box of crayons when igot back my aunt looked and said i told you to get ice cream i turned around and ran all the way back to the store the store keeper told me no if you want ice cream you have to give the crayons back quite awhile later i heard my aunt talking to my mother she said my gosh emmy i didn't care what she got i was just surprised my aunt was there she was really my mothers aunt was there because my grandmother her sister and my great grandmother her mother had just died the week before it was 1932 and i was 6 years old i really wanted those crayons though my mothr used to help me color in my coloring book and i liked nice sharp crayons when i was older i got a box with about 18 or more colors that was a treat Jul 12, 2000 "The Good Old Days" before i got sick and had to come here i wanted a computer in the worst way but they were so expensive i didn't hear of the net till awhile before last christmas though had heard about the net and surfing the web a good friend of mine here has one in her office she is the bookkeeper she keeps track of how much money each patient has in their trust how much they owe the home how much medicare or medicade pays and our insurance she also keeps track of the payroll for the home if an employer punches the time clock on their birthday it will play happy birthday every family gets a bill every month and she has a big machine in her office that prints them out once in a while you will hear the head office announce will all the offices turn off their computers we are receiving a download from corporate yesterday two of the girls were in here they said darn we are just getting used to the mistakes they sent us the last time once my friend went on vcation each month our t.v.cable costs us $12 a month and that is what goes out on the statements this time she punched in the wrong code and all the statements read $12 for alcoholic beverages which no one could even have without a dr.s order no one caught it till the families started to call in but no one got angry it was just a big joke ![]() Jul 12, 2000 Eating Apples i never cared much for raw apples when i was little my dad used to take a knife and scrape them and fed them to me that way but if i do eat one i want a johnathen ![]() Jul 12, 2000 WE DON'T EXIST once after 4 or five months it (webbie) kept telling me i was using the wrong password i finally called and they told me how to go in and change it a friend of mine says she doesn't even use a password i had another name i could go in under but i don't know what i did when i made it but i could get only childrens pages and it kept saying we can't show you that it was very aggrevating no groups i guess they thought grannies would corrupt me though i don't know i belong to one group that keeps trying to convert me into the confederacy well that's much different than the way i was raised but at least they are not trying to make an athiest out of me but i can see where it might be dangerous to a young person ![]() Jul 13, 2000 FROG LEGS i had a friend that fixed squid i didn't care for them too rubbery but he said they were a real delicacy in Maylasia he got them at an eastern grocery ![]() Jul 14, 2000 NO MORE INSTANT MESSENGER i would feel lost without ism i talk to people i can't contact any other way it relieves my lonliness a lot and i can do anything with the web i have learned to do i know there is a lot more but i will get that in due time ![]() Jul 14, 2000 WHAT AM I i can't finish a post it keeps stopping typing one group i am in made me an honerary confederate MY ggma would turn in her grave ![]() Jul 15, 2000 " Branson in style" if anyone has a trunk big enough to accomidate a wheelchair it does fold up and are coming my way stop by before you head for the ozarks we will just have to remember to take my dramamine and a barf bag like they provide on the airplanes i don't get motion sick if i drive but i don't think you want me doing that do you i forget where the fire look out tower is but i won't be able to climb it like i did the last time oh well i can dream can't i ![]() Jul 15, 2000 "Guess Who" #11 vi the first picture was taken when i was in the second grade 1932 it was what the school called a gym suit black bloomers and black tie in high school the uniforms wrere a little more sophisticated but i didn't have to take gym in high school i was excused because i was a member of the marching band and we got a lot more exercise than anyone in gym class if you don't believe me ask anyone who was in the infantry though i would have been in the awkward squad i did have a hard time telling left from right my dad was a master sargent and he said that's where i would have been in the second picture i was in jr. high about 1939 how did you know that's when the pictures were taken? ![]() Jul 17, 2000 MIRACLES HAPPEN just this last weekend a friends grand child was floating face down in the pool he was given c.p.r. and taken to the hospital where he was given life support he is now off life support and he will be fine thank the lord he is three ![]() Jul 17, 2000 Got Mice! when i was growing up our house was very mouse proof but one time there was a mouse our basement had cement bricks built every so far along the walls there was a post of cememt blocks that was where they were coming up so they filled them with ashes and we never did see another mouse there were three pillows from the davenport piled up and i was standing on them i don't think i would have been so scared if my mother hadn't been carrying on she went right up on the cabinet and i don't think she used a chair my dad said afterwards i would have loved to see how she got up there ![]() Jul 17, 2000 DAY OF BIRTH millie it didn't work for me but i know anyway i'm friday and i know my chart by heart astrology that is it's not hard i'm acquarius and i have five planets in hat sign Jul 17, 2000 DAY OF BIRTH i was thinking of saturdays child when i had my cataract surgery they took me to the hospital for tests we were in the admitting office one of the questions they ask you now is have you ever worked in a coal mine there was a man there just ahead of me he looked like he wass at least in his 60's they asked him that and he said why you got a job for me i'll bet he did work hard all his life Jul 17, 2000 DAY OF BIRTH computers can be wrong i know very well the day i was born from the ephemeris but i was with a friend who was working with a computer class in college he had programmed it and it said he was born on thursday i said that's wrong he said oh it can't be i knew better but he refused to disbelieve the computer ![]() |
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