Chapter 5Jun 15, 2000 CROSSING OVER (sweet) mother always walked me to school till i got old enough she trusted me with jim our neighbor he walked me till 1940 when i was in junior high and he joined the navy ![]() Jun 15, 2000 IS THERE LESS POSTING??? i will admit i have posted less since im have a couple of buddies that keep me pretty busy and i will admit one the things i have really missed since i have been here is just having someone to talk to the girls here are just too busy to stay and talk and i did work in a place for eighteen years where talking to people was the main part of our job or i should say getting them to talk our main job was to learn how to listen and that is not as easy as you would think and when they did talk to know how to respond to keep them talking and to realise that whatever someone says is important to them if it wasn't important they wouldn't say it no matter how crazy it may sound to you and there were times when you would go to chart you would catch yourself thinking now just what did he say that was an indication either you hadn't listened well enough or he needed more help than he was getting these are the reminisses of an ex psych nurse ![]() Jun 15, 2000 IS THERE LESS POSTING??? P.S. if you try to chart what someone said and when you think of it you can't get it it sorted out or make sense of in your mind it's a good indication the person is schizophrenic now don't go thinking if you talk to someone and can't make sure of what they say that they are schizophrenic most people don't really know what that is let alone been trained to handle it neither did we but thank goodness there were trained dr.s there ![]() Jun 15, 2000 CATALINA QUESTIONS brunets can be pretty stupid too once in school i was doing my two weeks in the emergency room the nurse there was doing all she could to teach me a young woman came in with all the symptoms that to me were of appendicitis afterward the nurse asked me what i thought i said of appendicitis she said those are also the symptoms of a tubal pregnancy why didn't you think of that i said oh because she wasn't married ![]() Jun 16, 2000 WEBTV MODOL i had seen the philips magnavox advertised on t.v. and that's what i asked for for christmas but when my daughter got it for me it was a sony but i don't know the difference but she had to hook it up through my v.c.r. and i couldn't use it but then a friend who is a electrician came and fixed it so i could so i am gradually learning all the tricks on this one just last week i learned to use the f keys now can get my favorites like the granies by just punching one of them i have frends who have computers who send me things ![]() Jun 16, 2000 Time to Post???? i might be in the middle of a sentence when someone will come in and say are you ready for dinner supper whatever or your bath or it's time for this treatment or that i say let me finish this sentence please and they say ok but then you need to come i'll wheel you you would think not only retired but disabled no one would bother you any more but i guess that won't happen in this lifetime and they probably don't have the web in the here after just kidding Jun 16, 2000 Time to Post???? they accuse me of being addicted but really i just forget to watch the time Jun 16, 2000 Time to Post???? the where is my horse man just walked in but at least i don't have to pay any attention to him i just give him a dirty look and he turns around and walks out again aren''t i awful ![]() Jun 15, 2000 Favorite Patriotic Song that is the name there's a star spangled banner waving somewhere waving over a land so great and free. all of uncle sams great heros get to go there would there be a place for a crippled boy like me there is lincoln adams washington and perry and nathon hale and colon kelly too Jun 15, 2000 Favorite Patriotic Song second line is waving over a land of heros brave and free ![]() Jun 18, 2000 My Dad Said my dad had one standard saying if i ever asked him why it was "because i said so" ![]() Jun 19, 2000 Playin' in the Rain my dad would get the hose out to sprinkle the yard and we would run under the hose that was before sprinklers at least we didn't have one and sometimes he would fill up a tin wash tub for us and sometimes as you say the sewer would back up and leave a puddle but i remember one summer for two weeks it went up to 113 in the daytime and didn't get below 100 at night that same winter for two weeks it got to 20 below at night and didn't get above zero in the daytime i was very clean that summer i know i was in the bathtub at least four times a day the "good"' old days yes they were i remember one time dad and i were walking up town and it was so hot i complained he said oh in a hundred years it won't make any difference well it hasn't quite been 100 years but even now i hardly remember the heat and if i couldwalk i would walk to town ![]() Jun 19, 2000 GAS PRICES hereit's about $1.92 do any of you remember when they proved suitable gas could be made out of corn and some way the oil companies squelched the knowledge they sure must have a powerful lobby there was talk in one of the groups of a gas out everyone go three days without buying any but here for instance that would not be practical we have one wheel chair van and it has to be on call to take people to doctor appointments and three times a weerk it has to take a group of patients to dialysis appointments and later in the day to go pick them up it has two tanks and it takes about $40 just to fill one tank and once a month weather permiting they take us to wal marts most of the travel is right here in town unless there is a pt they have to take to columbia about 40 miles of course if all of a sudden a person has to go to the hospital a ambulance comes after them i hate to think what it costs to run them maybe the trains will come back into their own or close to here there is an amish community and they use horses and buggys the one road you will drive along and all of a sudden here will come a horse and buggy the drivers sit on the right side too i was lazy this morning yesterday i tried to change the gif glo sent me i had put her cut copy and paste list into storage but when i tried to fix it i was having trouble holding the shift key with my thumb and hitting the right arrow with my little finger so i had one of the girls come in and hold the shift key for me anyway it worked tomorrow is wal mart day i will get a god pen and copy it that way so i may come up with an iris or a carnation or i may lose it again who knows ![]() Jun 19, 2000 Luggage when i was growing up the house had three rooms and a bathroom a living room a dining room a kitchen and a bedroom the one bedroom worked because all the time i was growing up my dad worked nights but the year i was 15 they decided i should have a room of my own the carpenter who had built the house had drawn the blue prints that was in the fall and they were going to build the next spring i was telling this to a man who sits at the same table i do he said well did you get the room i said no something happened he said what happened i said i was 15 in 1941 he said oh i know what happened ''Pearl Harbor" that changed a lot of plans Jun 19, 2000 Luggage i wonder why the army always made the men carry duffel bags ![]() Jun 25, 2000 THE WAY IT USED TO BE--REVISITED i wanted to tell about the first and only time i tried to make butter i was at the same girlfriends house where we were throwing the oleo they had a churn shaped like a square gallon jar with a paddle inside i cranked and cranked till i finally had butter only there was a lot of liquid i thought now that isn't right so i tried to push the liquid back into the butter it didn't work very well then her mother came out she said oh no donna that's the buttermilk you have to drain it off oh well so the butter didn't have a very good consistancy Jun 25, 2000 THE WAY IT USED TO BE--REVISITED my aunt whose folks were from germany made noodles that way for thanksgiving and christmas dinner they cooked it with the turkey broth and that was the gravy for our mashed potatos now here at the home i see they have noodles on the menu i say please put mine on mashed potatoes some of them look at me kind of funny but they do it they aways have mashed potatoe for the patients that have to have their food purried every once in a while we will have cooking the woman that's head of activities supervises that once she brought her electric skillet and all the women were telling how they made fried potatoes bacon grease onions anyway they were really good we all get to sample i said now when they have fried potatoes here why can't they be like this she said Donna they are cooking for over 150 people so i guess it just can't be as good Jun 25, 2000 THE WAY IT USED TO BE--REVISITED i don't remember the halo song maybe that was because my mother always washed my hair with P&G bar soap and rinsed it with vinager she always made syrup with sugar and water too another trick she had and i used it as long as i could cook i bet you have all made powdered sugar icing cream butter mix in the powdered sugar and just a couple of teaspoons of milk till it gets the consistancy to spread well another trick is if you want it a certain color or flavor mix in a package of jello whatever color or flavor you want when i was in school we had halloween parties mother would make cupcakes half of them would be covered with chocolate frosting half with orange icing the frosting made with orange jello none of them were ever left over either Jun 25, 2000 THE WAY IT USED TO BE--REVISITED i have a friend on msn that grew up in germany during the war it's a lot of fun and a real education to talk to her Jun 25, 2000 THE WAY IT USED TO BE--REVISITED shirley i remember that leg makeup and there was a little pencil like an eye liner pencil that you used to make the seams down the back at least my mother did it was then that they invented nylon you know they say necessity is the mother of invention Jun 25, 2000 THE WAY IT USED TO BE--REVISITED p.s. you know what happened to silk don't you they used it fofr parachutes ![]() Jun 24, 2000 Dear Mr. President i didn't vote for clinton and i'm not sure i will vote for any of the ones running now i think i will do what i have done for the last two times and vote reform but it doesn't really matter who i vote for as i am sure god will put in the man he feels should be there and doty i couldn't agree with you more on all points ![]() Jun 24, 2000 Graduation Glo i didn't get to go to college back then a lot of girls didn't if they came from middle class families any way i wanted to be sure my daughter did so her first two years she went to a small lutheran school halfway between Columbia and Kansas city after that she went awhile to m.u. then she dropped out and got married when my grandaughter was about 12 she and her first husband seperated she went back to M.U. and met a man who was set n going into the army they married and he spent a year at fort ord california the army language schol where he learned russian then they sent him to munich germany where he worked in a department where they picked up messages from the russians and translated them while they were there my daughter went to the university of maryland in munich and got her bachelors degree in business when they came back they went to indianapolis ind. and mary went to the university of indiana and got her masters degree now she works in a bank there in indianapolis her title is assistant vice president and relationship manager she said she is in charge for making loans to small businesses in the north western district of indiana earlier this year she won a trip to hawai my sil is a computer programer for the university of indyes i am proud of them ![]() Jun 24, 2000 I HATE TO ASK FOR PRAYERS.... may god give her faith and peace she certainly needs it at a time like this they say when you won't let a person go you make them suffer more Jun 25, 2000 I HATE TO ASK FOR PRAYERS.... june don't ever be afraid to ask for prayers or to ask others to pray for you or anyone it is a privledge god gives us ![]() Jun 24, 2000 Practicing for Branson the only place i ever knew where it was proper to speed was on the autobahn in germany there is a driving lane and a passing lane and if you are in the driving lane you better go fast enough so people won't have to pass you ![]() Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE we were not poor my father worked all through the depression and i didn't have any brothers or sisters to share with but i have eaten fried mush and liked it another thing my mother used to do i saved left over mashed potatoes formed them into a patty lightly flour both sides anfd fry them there was one thing she did make that i didn't like and i got to be an expert at avoiding it she would cut potatoes into squares and cream them sometimes she would cut turnips into the same shape and creaming them with the potatoes i could take a bite of potato which i really liked and get turnip instead i got really good at telling the difference before i bit into it one other way i didn't care for potatoes we had neigbors who had been born and raised and married in scotland every once in a while she would invite us over for supper and have potato pancakes and i really didn't care for them Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE my mother was born in 1900- she said she didn't know if she and her brothers would have made it if it hadn't been for beans my great grandmother who lived with them used to bake about 12 loaves of bread a week when i was growing up my uncle who was 7 years younger than my mother would come down and say emmy make me a pot of beans with slip go downs noodles and she would Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE you talk about eating things the next day i didn't care for pizza but my husband really loved it so in the evening i would go to the pizza hut and get him an individual pizza while i was waiting for the pizza i would get myself a bowl of spagetti and meat sauce eat it with texas toast and a big coke then i would take the pizza home he would eat about half and put the other half in the refrigerater for the next morning and the next morning he would eat it cold one time at the hospital i worked for in columbia it was new years eve several of us stayed and worked the night shift about midnight someone from one of the pizza stores brought us two big pizzas i don't know if someone had ordered it but i thought it was thoughtful Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE i do think a lot of things depend on your background when i was little i was never allowed to have coffee i had hay fever and asthma so badly they could never get me to gain weight so my mother would make me egg nogs or ovaltine but no coffee and i still don't like it and oh now that i can only use one haand i don't care for spagetti and meat sauce i was used to eating it with a fork in one hand and a piece of bread in the other now when i try to eat it when i get done it looks like i've been in a spagetti fight they have things they fastren around our necks they insist the staff call them clothing protecters but if i don't have one i will holler to one of the nurses hey bring me a bib not hey i do use their names they will say we are not supposed to call them that i think oh well a rose by any other name i remember my grandmother used to wear a rubber apron Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE SARAH i remember the margerine that was in the war years i was visiting my girl friend we had one of those pound plastic sacks we were throwing it to each other one of us missed it went all over the kitchen wall it was at that time i got to liking oleo better than butter but after i got married my husband didn't appreciate it he would say you know we are selling cream Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE-PS once my grandfather who had been working out of town brought home a package of limburger cheese he put it in the refrigerater a couple of days later he went to look for it no cheese he said who took my limberger cheese my great grandmother who lived with them said oh Ed i thought it was something gone rotten i took it out and burried it Jun 24, 2000 The Way It Used To BE-Gloria Jean my father came from a big family my grandparents went to the market with a cart and brought home a lot it was my dad and his brothers job to put it away my dad came across a big bar of laundry soap (how many of you remember them) he threw it to my uncle who ducked it went through the window my grandmother did not believe in sparing the rod my dad got a licking for throwing it my uncle got a licking for ducking ![]() Jun 23, 2000 Signers of Declaration-- Long read Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward. Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton. At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr, noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates. Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot about what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn't fight just the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government! Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn't. So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid. Remember: freedom is never free! I hope you will show your support by sending this to as many people as you can. It's time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games. Jun 24, 2000 Signers of Declaration-- Long read VI it makes you stop and think what a long ways our genration has come from the men of that generation Jun 24, 2000 Signers of Declaration-- Long read VI i wonder how many things there are that they never put in history books ![]() Jun 23, 2000 GRANDPARENTS ARE SPECIAL!! my great grand mother died when i was six too young to wonder about a lot of things but if i could be with her now there would be so many questions i would have mainly about the family all i know she came from delphu indiana and the first person to come to america was an english silkweaver and lived up by mass i think in a community of silk weavers ![]() Jun 21, 2000 HAPPY SUMMER yesterday it rained hard the one day a month we get to go to wal marts i was ALL READY when the head nurse came down and said dona you just can't go out in this not with the cold and cough you have you just came off an antibiotic and you're on a mega dose of prednisone i'm afraid if you go out in this rain you'll have pneumonia so i stayed but they did bring me what i need two big boxes of kleenex which i have been using like it's going out of style a big sack of hersheys kisses which i need of course like another hole in the head and package of good writing pens with which i was trying to copy the address glo sent me but i kept doing something wrong so in the end i cut copied and pasted the list i was trying to change the flower to iris but i messed up and lost everything oh well maybe some day i'll get good enough to do it myself i'm not as smart or dexterous as the rest of you gals ![]() Jun 20, 2000 Fire Flies i loved to watch them but i never caught them my dad wouldn't have let me he loved all animals even the big old ugly tomato worms once i had the shears and was going to cut one in half he said oh no don't do that that would be mean Jun 21, 2000 Fire Flies ~>Darlene literal i guess one time my folks had just got home from someplace they were in the bedroom changing their clothes i was standing right in the kitchen in the next room getting a drink at the sink they were right in front of the window my mother said now you just turn that light on so i reached up and clicked it on she yelled dona get that thing off dad said to her now don't scold her she just did what you told her to bad communication Jun 21, 2000 Fire Flies i guess i inherited some of my dads attitude when we went out east on our honeymoon upon the coast of maine all the restaurents featured lobster i would never eat one because i couldn't bear to think of them being boiled alive Jun 21, 2000 Fire Flies i haven't been outside at night for years not even to see the eclipse are fireflys on the endangered list i used to hate to see the slugs that used to crawl around the garden ugly old black things till one evening it had been pretty wet i saw one with it's antenna spread out and from antenna to antenna there was a rainbow i guess it's like the song says everything is beautiful in it's own way ![]() Jun 26, 2000 PEPSI VS COKE i like coke the clasic i don't trust the diet drinks i think eventully they will be found to do a lot of damage ![]() Jun 26, 2000 AN EVENTFUL DAY reminding hazel to remember to take the web reminded me of an eventful day in my working days if we had fire drill where people had to leave the building there were several important documents we had to take out with us the census the medication book i don't know if any of you remember or even heard of it but about 8 or 10 houses in centralia Missouri caught fire and burned to the ground what happened was a worker with a backhoe knocked the regulater off the gas line letting the high pressure gas into the low pressure lines every pilot light in the city shot up about a foot high and this day there was a man in one of the rooms who was getting an i.v. treatment and was having a bad reaction the dr and all the medical students on the ward were in with him one of the girls another patient had taken a soda can out of the trash opened it and cut her wrist so we had her in the treatment room about this time i got a call from a friend of mine who was not working that day she said donna have you seen the news your town is burning down i said i hadn't heard about that time the fire alarm went off i had to run behind the desk get the books that had to go and get the patients lined up to evacuate i did mention that i worked in mental health didn't i as i went by the desk the head nurse was talking to the people in the main office up stairs she looked at me and said i'm not sure if she is aware i said yes i'm aware my town is burning down we were lucky we only lost a wall furnace and a hotwater heater oh and the man got all right and so did the girl but that was a hectic day ![]() Jun 26, 2000 STORMS....(HELP) you think when i was young my mother was very afraid of storms my father worked nights and that left the two of us alone when there was a storm she would get me out of the bedroom bring me into the living room and play the piano for me which i loved she could play beautifully even now when i hear it storming at night i feel comforted Jun 26, 2000 STORMS....(HELP) you think my dad used to tell me when it thundered that the old woman had just upset her apple cart actually it was wind my mother was afraid of not so much lightening or thunder ![]() Jun 26, 2000 A NEW HIP my husband had a knee replacement he had to exersize a lo tbut everything went well one fly-in-the ointment for years we carried AARP insurance for the surgery we chose drs that other people who had had the same surgery said were the best it was only after it was all over we discovered the dr.s didn't accept medicare for that reason AARP refused to pay a penny they don't advertise that so be careful we had carried their insurance for several years maybe i shouldn't but i just wanted to warn others ![]() Jun 27, 2000 PRAYERS FOR A GOOD FRIEND for years i have subscribed to a magazine called The Mercury Hour it is published out of lynchburg virginia it is called the astrologers astrological magazine it's contents are articles we astrologers all over the country send in the woman that founded it and the publisher lost her husband a few years ago since then she has been pretty ill we have all known she was soon going to sell out this month when the years second edition was going to come out we knew there was an important news letter coming now we have it she has cancer and the only thing we can do is pray that her last days be as comfortable as possible it will be a great loss to the astrological community and the loss of a personal friend to many of us thank you all ![]() Jun 27, 2000 TODAY'S MUNCHIES hersheys kisses i try to get a big sack on the one day a month they take us to wal marts then i keep them in the top drawer of the bedside table and at meal time i put some in the side pocket on my wheel chair i like them because i can get the wrapper off with one hand one day i was sitting at the table at lunch unwrapping them one at a time one of the nurses came up and said donna would you like some lunch with your chocolate they gave me up as a hopeless case a long time ago i'm really thankful i'm not a diabetic it would be so hard to give up chocolate and eat only what the dieticians prescribe but i still hate to hear them say donna you are a nurse you know better one time i said that to the state people when they were here questioning us one of the older ladies said do you i said usually ![]() Jun 27, 2000 NEW TOY!!!!! right now we have a large george forman grill in the display case they are raffling it a dollar a ticket or six for five one of the girls said have you bought your chances yet. the proceeds will go to the relay for life i said no it would be just my luck to win it and what the heck would i do with it ![]() Jun 27, 2000 KOREAN WAR AND MEMORIES my husband had just come out of WW2 he was in the reserves he was only a master sergeant but when Korea started Truman knew he had to have experienced men so bill as called back to Korea he said it was worse thanWW2 because in europe you knew who the enemy was and pretty well where he was in Korea you didn't his group was on the Yalu river when the chinese came in and they retreated to the48th parallel only he didn't say retreated he said ran he was in four battles in Europe and five in korea it was in Korea he received the bronze medal twice both times with a V for valor and also his combat infantrymans badge which he was proudest of it meant you were at least thirty days on the front line he called Korea the forgotten war said the goverment didn't let them win because it wouldn't give them the supplies they needed and i have heard other men say the same one a dr.i worked with who was navy ![]() Jun 27, 2000 THE COFFIN great joke fay but it took more than cough medicine to stop the coffin i've had for the past couple of weeks it took an antibotic and mega doses of predinosone but i'm pretty well over it now just need a good swallow of cough medicine when i go to bed lying down is worse but i did get over coughing made me to short of breath to navigate the wheel chair there was always someone around to help though ![]() Jun 27, 2000 AN EVENTFUL DAY~~DONNA-LEE i worked 11 to 7 a lot of my years too one time we were keeping a girl awake for a sleep deprive EEG she was to have the next morning she got away from us broke out through the door that was before we had the real big heavy doors we had later she got outside and climbed a tree next to our window and we were on the second floor the fire department came but the fire department didn't have a net finally the fellow who was her med student climbed a ladder as high as he could go and talked her down another time the dr.s took a girl into court to try to have her committed for some reason the judge wouldn't commit her all the patients had to have a lawyer that was the first thing we did when they came in was assign them the next lawyer on the list anyway when they came back with her she came to me and demanded i let her off the ward and i had to she went downstairs hitched a ride to jeff city jumped off the middle of the jeff city bridge and lit on the railroad tracks they got her brought her back to the medical center and she was in intensive care for at least two months when she came back to us she was in a full body cast and the first thing she did was take a shower in the full body cast ![]() Jun 29, 2000 255,000~WAYNE DID IT~WAYNE after i had my stroke and was in the hospital and realized that half of me didn't work i said to one of the nurses i need a brain transplant she said whose would you want and i couldn't think of anyone i would trade with and lose all my memories ![]() Jun 30, 2000 WE HAVE HUMMERS!! did you ever wonder where the expresion to eat like a bird came from wild birds must eat at least their weight in food every day Jun 30, 2000 WE HAVE HUMMERS!! i did like the ways they did vacations when i worked for the state you had to work five years to get five days off ten years to get ten days fifteen years for three weeks but the way they did they would give you a weekend then your five days then another weekend if you had two weeks it was a weekend five day weekend five days and weekend so if you only had two weeks you would actually get ten days plus four weekends or eighteen days of course there would come a time when you would have to take some of your days or lose them that was Missouri i don't know how the other states did it of course there were the regular holidays if you took christmas one year you would get thanksgiving the next it was a nice system i thought ![]() |
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