Chapter 21Mar 10, 2001 Grannie Garage Sale i'm not sure texas would be big enough to hold all my stuff and yet i regret a lot of the things i lost when i had to come here books of course but pans and cooking utensels too ![]() Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! one of my groups is very contriversial the civil war history group finally after quite of bit of convertion i said i woulnt spam the group but i still had my flame thrower ready after i said i had a great uncle in Missouri who had actually run away from home and been disinherited to join the confederate army they decided i should be an honorrary confederate so i asked the group if they would accept a Yank in the ranks and they said sure as long as i wasn't a spy all this because i asked was Maryland confederate state so instead of kicking me out they made me an honerary confederate one unusual thing i noticed though they all refer to me as miss donna good thing i didn't run into a hateful bunch but every group i have been in has been so nice and i have some wonderful friends from them all Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! ALL how do you spam a group let alone get paid for it what would you do badmouth each individual poster but they are usually so great when you get acquainted Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! i'm near enough st. louis i should know better but a couple of years ago someone said st. Louis is going to be in the superbowl i said the Cardinals? i got some strange responses someone said third down and two out by then i knew i had boobooed Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! ALL i remember one time we were visiting the musuem in the town i was living in one of the wealthier famalies had donated a confederate uniform that looked like it was just out of the factory it was on a manikin in the case there was a union uniform that looked like it had been in the war day by day i said to my husband see that's why we won your men stood around looking pretty ours were down in the dirt fighting he didn't appreciate the remark but at least i didn't say anything like that to the group i can be mean and nasty if i set my mind to it but i would rather not like my husband used to accuse me of having an accent i couldn't understand that i finally told him it wasn't my fault that my first language was ilinese he finally explained one time he said you pronounce every letter in a word well i thought that's what they were there for Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! BEV the only thing i objected to in that history group was the guy that kept saying england should have won the revolution no one liked him i don't know if he got his wars mixed up or just didn't like americans he left voluntarily and everyone was glad Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! CAN'T WE TAKE A JOKE I ENJOYED THE POSTS ONLY I COULD NEVER GET TO THE ANSWERS OF MIKES RIDDLES Mar 10, 2001 I AM VERY UPSET!!!!! I THINK MIKE IS AN OLD HAND AT COMPUTERS SO THEY MIGHT BE BETTER OFF THAN YOU THINK my son in law is a computer programer for the university of indiana and is always helping his dad and marys dad but he said i don't understand webt.v. that much one time when i was working they got computers on the wards one time i was working evenings one of the boys and i tried to turn it on the next morning the head nurse called me into her office she said Donna did you mess with the computer i said we tried to turnit on she said well you lost the records for the medical students 8 fourth year medical students who were in their 8 week psyche block after that i was scared to look at a computer ![]() Mar 11, 2001 Spring Cleaning every once in a while one of the nurses will come and straighten up they say there is no need to take us to the library because my room is one i said to one nurse i used to keep my bookcases in very good order she loked at me kind of funny and said you did? i said yes i did all four of them but i lost so many when i had to leave home all of my astrology books a lot of video tapes too a whole row of star trek (big file slow to load) click to play i had taped (credit for midi) ![]() Mar 11, 2001 SPEAKING OF JFK i was working on the floor in surgery i had just gotten my license not to long before the girls in central supply and recovery room had a radio and they came out and told us i know J.F.K. was a hero and many idolized him but he made a big mistake when he didn't provide air cover for the bay of pigs invasion and many men died needlessly i don't know if any more of you feel that way if you don't i appologise Mar 11, 2001 SPEAKING OF JFK i voted for him at that time in my life i had never yet voted Rebublican though i have a couple of times since i remember them saying how my great grandmother would never vote republican even during the depression and F.D.R.time thats because she as born in Indiana in 1855 and when she was growing up only rebels were republicans im a Yank myself though i don't let it interfere in my voting Mar 11, 2001 SPEAKING OF JFK we kept right on working after all they couldn't send the hospital personel go home Mar 11, 2001 SPEAKING OF JFK one of the things i remember i wonder if any of you do and that is the continuous music that played when they were bringing F.D.R.back from warm springs Ga. how many of you remember that ![]() Mar 11, 2001 I'M BEING INVADED..... we used to have flys that blackened my grandmothers screen door you couldn't keep them out of the kitchen there were stillout houses too then after they sprayed the ddt you hardly ever see them you can't tell me that isn't better ![]() Mar 11, 2001 I REALLY GOOFED.... one time my husbands social security check didn't come and didn't come several weeks later we were sitting in the side yard by the dioor we had a basket mail box on the side of the house there was an old fashioned black mail box one day we looked at it it looked like there was something brown inside we went and looked and there was the check we had no idea why the mailman put it in that box but we were glad to find it Mar 11, 2001 I REALLY GOOFED.... i carried the key to the ward door it was a locked ward the key to the medicine room the keys to the narcotic box i kept them on a pin and pinned them to the band of my slacks more than once i got home from work and realized i still had the keys so back i would go 35 miles the janitor could let them into the medicine room but not into the narcotic box the first four years i worked on the alcoholic ward if someone came in with a bottle which was often we took it and locked it up in the narcotic box which was behind the desk one evening a man came up and slapped a five dollar bill on the desk and said give me a drink i said i can't do that he said then i'm going to another party of course he couldn't get off the ward he wasn't quite sober yet they would smuggle them in anyway they could alcohol withdrawal is dangerous though a lot of times someone would go into convulsions one time a man died after being in D. T.s for11 days its the most dangerous drug there is withdrawel from other drugs might nake you wish you were dead but it can kill you ![]() Mar 11, 2001 YWCA how many of you have a YWCA IN your town OR even know what it is all we have here in Mexico is the YMCA and all i have asked thats about all there is i belonged to the B.T.C. or the blue triangle club when i was in high school the and got to go go camping for two weeks the Y.M. had the red triangle club for the boys i think they had a camp too anyway how many of you know what i'm talking about here in Missouri it was 4 H. and they learned a lot about sewing another difference in Illinois they had what was called home bureau there was farm bureau too here in missouri it is called the extension club but all the farm women had good times and i learned a lot of good recipes ![]() Mar 11, 2001 Missing Di & Glo there was a poster when i first came into the group her web name was prayer warrior 2 i havent seen her post for more than a year do any of you remember her or know what happened to her ![]() Mar 13, 2001 MY WEB PAGE IS BACK i had a site with about 8 pictures by the artist they call the painter of light it took them a long while to load but the wait was worth every second i think his name is Thomas Hart i'm not sure does anyone welse know Mar 13, 2001 MY WEB PAGE IS BACK Could you be talking about Thomas Kinkade? Love his work!! ![]() Mar 13, 2001 A JOKE i don't remember where i got this one maybe here a burgular broke into the house he was just going through the jewelry box when a voice said Jesus is watching you he jumped but went about his work again the voice said Jesus is watching you this time he turned on his flashlight there sat a parrot he said who are you the parrot said Isaha he said what fools would name their parrot ISAHA the parrot said the same fools who named their Rottweiller Jesus ![]() Mar 13, 2001 Printable Paper Dolls when i was growing up i didn't care much for dolls but i did like paper dolls my favorites were the quints a couple i had a hard time remembering their names like Annette and Cecile ![]() Mar 13, 2001 SHAMROCKS they gave us some little pots once and some small seeds my little plants were almost an inch high when someone upset the pot into the sink did you ever plant a carrot or potato in a hanging glass of water Mar 13, 2001 SHAMROCKS i thought it took years for a tree to produce lemons though my sister in law did have a pineapple tree in her back yard that was in TEXAS Mar 13, 2001 SHAMROCKS mine (thumb) is red i will even kill the dandelions Mar 13, 2001 SHAMROCKS i didn' realise shamrocks bloomed lots i don't know ![]() Mar 14, 2001 Perfume? my mother always wore Evening in Paris christmas eve my dad would take me to town and we would get her a set with a box of powder a bottle of cologne and a bottle of perfune i guess she liked it i was wierd born without a sense of smell so have no idea what it smelled like i kind of wish i did ever christmas when the new perfume comes out and the pretty candles i regret it that i can't smell but it's just one of those things my husband didn't believe me till the time we followed the skunk down he road and i didn't know what it was Mar 14, 2001 Perfume? i get my daughter perfume for christmas but i have her tell me what she wants i let my husband pick mine out he liked estie lauder youth dew he liked chanel number 5 but we couldn't afford that sometimes he got me avon Emeraude i had an oil you put on after you got out of the shower ![]() Mar 15, 2001 What role? i didn't see many movies when i was little mostly shirley Temple but there was another ACTRESS I LIKED AND SHE WAS JANE WITHERS remember her were any of you close enough to Chicago to get the chicago radio programs i remember there was Irene Wicker the singing lady she always had STORY WITH SONGS Mar 15, 2001 What role? one time my husband and i got hooked on a soap opera and you really CAN GET HOOKED ON THEM IT WAS Days of our lives Mar 15, 2001 What role? i guess i would chose Marias Von Trapp in the sound of music as if i could ever have a voice like Julie Andrews Mar 15, 2001 What role? maybe Uhura the communicatiions officer in Star Trek or maybe nurse chapel she had a crush on Spock too Mar 15, 2001 What role? i never did care much for movie stars but i did like Spock if he did live 300 years in the future Mar 15, 2001 What role? i would have liked play with Frank Sinatra or Gene Kelly in anchors away but there again she had a beautiful voice ![]() Mar 14, 2001 short circut time soon in Missouri at least there is a law that anyone who does not have $50,000 in the bank or in personal property will get a refund of a certain percent of what they have paid the nursing home for the year one year i got two hundred another time two fifty year before last i got $700 and last year $900 i have used it to pay $35.00 for a magazine i have subscribed to last year i got an entertainment center and an extra bookcase for my last year i got my daughter a medal from q.v.c. with the picture ofher grandparents on it it is called the short circut and is very welcome when it gets here i used to call it the kick back but they said no that's not the name do any of you know if it is in different states it would be nice never to have to worry about money i don't social security and my pension pays for my living here i am very fortunate ![]() Mar 15, 2001 Mary i had a new buddy in instant messenger and the web was acting up so much i couldn't talk now i had them put in two new batteries so it's working better ![]() Mar 17, 2001 Wed. Outing i just got back from the corned beef and cabbAGE DINNER they have every yeaR on St. Patricks day at the Catholic church it was very good i worried because my Dr. who should know better discontinued my car sick pill dramamine i got there ok then when the director got there she had some in her purse so i had one and was o.k. for the ride home i will still have to say something to him though i know they are trying to cut everyone in the nursing homes down to no more than children who just wan't to when i see the dr, that discontinued i will heve ew hoie qot da go ![]() Mar 17, 2001 WEATHER it was 60 here then 16 i wish it would make up it's mind ![]() Mar 18, 2001 sig dear Mary Lynn thanks for giving me my sig back but the cat isn't winking yes he is ![]() Mar 18, 2001 SEE WHAT MARY LYNN DID FOR ME~ Mary Lynn is great i really liked your sig too how can you lose them if you don't mess with your sig box ![]() Mar 18, 2001 LOOK WHAT OUR SON...... i was reading about the 5 cent surcharge on e mail does that include posts to a discussion group ![]() Mar 20, 2001 SPEAKING OF WATCHING TV i would like to have some of the new chanels if i could AFFORD THEM especially science fiction and t.v. land but the ones i have are pretty good nick at night has all the old sit coms but i miss a few bewitched dragnet mr ed they have different strokes which i like i see our sigs are back what happened does anyone know ![]() Mar 22, 2001 BLACK-OUT for 4 HOURS.. in Centralia the own i lived in before i came here there were many blackouts a heavy dew would cause them though one time a raccoon got into the transformer it fried the raccoon and blacked out the town we had candles but once about 2 a.m. my husband said when we light them be careful and pull the curtains so they won't see them i said whose them who do you think is out there he said the chinese this is the time of night they would start shelling us i said Bill that was in Korea at least 25 years ago he said i know but it pays to be careful talk about flash backs he knew but he was still nervous ![]() Mar 22, 2001 Refluff and Fold when i was first married i got my dryer in self defence the basement was devided into two parts in the front was my washing machine and the rinse tub in the room in back was the furnace and the coal there was also a cot that the men used to come in and rest on when it was raining and too wet for them to work in the fields of course then it was too wet for me to hang the clothes outside so i had lines up over their cot the first thing i did every morning was to wash a load of diapers they were cheesecloth and about a yardlong i had four dozen for my oldest girl but when it rained i had to hang them in the back room over their cot one day i came in and had a brand new dryer they said now when it rains we will be able to use our cot like i say i got it in self defence their defense i appreiciated it though i would rather hang them outside how do new mothers afford disposable diapers i'm glad i didn't have to try and buy them ![]() Mar 22, 2001 Web site every once in a while i will come across something that says show your website what is one and how do you get one ![]() Mar 22, 2001 Lookout!! Webby at work!! the other morning i noticed my sigs whicjh Mary Lynn had done for me was gone i was going to call web t.v. but they came back so i didn't ![]() Mar 25, 2001 PICNIC when i was home when i was growing up my mother a dad and i went on picnics just the three of us we always had the same thing my mother had a grinder that fastened on the edge of the table she would grind BOlogna slices and little pickles that was for our sandwiches i still don't like ham salad unless it is made with bologna she had a thermos for lemonade cans of baked beans i called them stuck together beans and a cake with chocolate icing was our picnic then on fourth of July we my aunt and uncle and cousin went to friends who lived on a farm we had fried chicken potato Salad and other things the men made ice cream in a freezer it was nice but to me it wasn't a picnic no ham salad sandwiches no stuck together beans cake but not necessarily chocolate it just wasn't a picnic but my mother said yes it was a real picnic one time we were supposed to meet my aunt and uncle at one of the parks but it rained i was really disappointed finally my uncle called and said where are you my mother said we can't have a picnic in this rain he said it it isn't raining here that is the first time i realized i it was raining where you were it wasn't necessarily raining everywhere else before that i just thought it was now i know differently Mar 25, 2001 PICNIC ~Donna it was depression time ham was too dear that's why i got turnips mixed in with creamed potatos ![]() Mar 25, 2001 Downwind from Flowers~Long but worth it how many of gods remedies are not known how many of our dug companies want simply to manufacture another medication that will make them a fortune ![]() Mar 25, 2001 THOUGHT PROVOKING one is easy i am agaist abortion you never know who god is sending (Gloria Jean) TWO TOUGH QUESTIONS: Question 1:If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who we deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates: Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, use opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening. Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.
![]() Mar 27, 2001 I would like to introduce myself my name is Donna i live in Mexico Missouri north east i am in a nursing home since a stroke paralized my left side in 1991 8 days after my 65th birthday the home i am in is Pin oaks a part of Beverly enterprises it is not really a bad place to be though i am an l.p.n. and wish i could get up and work with the girls i type one handed so please excuse any typos i got my web a year ago christmas and was accepted into this group not too long afterwards before my stroke my hobbies were crochet and counted cross stitch i love to read and people call my room the library i have met many friends on the web really a friendly place another big hobby is astrology which i keep up with as best i can i was born in Illinois moved to Missouri in1958 i have one daughter one grandaughter both in indianapolis my social security and my pension keep me in the home and we get $30 a month for personal expences there is a beauty shop here in the home and it is $6 for a shampoo and set my daughter told me to have them send her the bill once a year we get what they call a short circuit which is a percentage of what you have paid the home for the year i was married in 1949 had two daughters in 1950 and 1952 the youngest died in 1967 of brain tumor but i have a new great grandson born feb 23rd my first husband and i seperated in 1971 i remarried in 1975 but i lost him to cancer in 1993 he had lung cancer had a pneumonectomy then a year later came down with liver cancer and lived only three months if you are just coming into the group i know you will love it as much as the rest of us do ![]() Mar 27, 2001 JUST A REMINDER i had a book at home telling me when it starrted every year also where in Indiana my daughter doesn't have it so i won't call her too late the book was called time changes in the United states i also had time changes in the world important information for an astrologer but i lost them with many other books i had when i had to come to the hospital and the house was sold over the years i did get a few of my books back and i have friends that will send me a chart when i need it like i wanted one for my great grandson born feb 23rd there is a place on the web but you have to be 6 years old to use it ![]() Mar 28, 2001 MORNING 3/28/03 remember rain rain go away all the children want to play and i think it was raining when the cat in the hat paid a visit with thing one and thing two first book i had for my girls was red fish two fish red fish blue fish friend from singapore was visiting he had taken English since first grade we were riding we passed a field he said look a sheep we came to another where there was a flock he said look sheeps i said it doesn't work that way he said why not and what could i say ![]() Mar 31, 2001 HURRAW SIG IS BACK there for awhile it was lost in cyber space ![]() Mar 31, 2001 PLEASE READ!MARY LYNN i have been having all kind of trouble today lost my sig though right now i can see the kittens ears so maybe that has corrected now don't know what has gotten into this thing today sometimes it's worse than a kid in the terrible twos ![]() |
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