Chapter 22Apr 1, 2001 PRESIDENT RESCINDS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME he's got a lot of nerve just who does he think he is anyway Apr 1, 2001 PRESIDENT RESCINDS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME i wouldn't put it past Bush to try something like that i was reading an interesting article last week NASA MUST EXPLORE FAR OUT INTO SPACE TO be sure nothing sent out will bump into something sometime in the future anyway all of a sudden their computers went tilt meaning some calculation was wrong some where seems there was a day missing no one could understand it till a christian remembered a place in the bible where the sun stood still for about a day to give the isrealites time to win the battle about a day was 23 hours 20 minutes then later god made the shadow move backward 20 degrees which is exactly 40 minutes 23 hours 20 minutes plus 40 minutes and there you have your missing day it was a lot for the scientists at Nasa to swallow but there it was a missing day this was no april fool and one more proof that the bible can be taken literly but when the deciples said what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him they weren't talking about Bush i doubt my weight will drop 5 percent even though i might wish it would ![]() Apr 1, 2001 You guys gotta see this!! happy april fools day all i hope everyone to whom it applies remembered to set their clocks up Indiana where it is on eastern standard time doesn't so for awhile i won't have to remember that my daughter is a year ahead of me she won't be for awhile Apr 1, 2001 You guys gotta see this!! i ike the big chocolate eggs and rabbits but like Alice told one of the kids on the brady bunch to much chocolate makes too much Marcia makes too much donna too my dr. told me i had gained 200 pounds since i was admited here 0 years ago i'm not fast on the comeback but i thought later i don't even weigh 200 pounds 150 and thats 50 too many but like as good friend in Illinois told me your not 50 pounds too heavy your just a foot too short and four foot nine is to short for anyone ![]() Apr 3, 2001 Feeding Babies one time when my youngest was about 6 it was the weekend and my mother and father were out for sunday diner Vikie 6 started to eat with her fingers my father said Vickie you shouldn do that she said grandpa fingers were made before forks he said yours weren't ![]() Apr 5, 2001 WOW!! UPGRADE~~PRINTING someday i may have a computer and a printer if i was that rich i would have a scaner and a digital camera and i would have my son in law here to teach me how to use them oh well you can dream can't you Apr 5, 2001 WOW!! UPGRADE~~PRINTING i have a friend here that has an office to herself she has three computers one connected to he time clock one for the census and one for the patients trust funds she has a machine that is about six feet tall three feet wide maybe 18 inches thick she uses it for one thing to print bills that go to all the families our cable t.v. here costs us $12 a month that goes on the bills one time she was in a hurry getting ready to leave for vacation she pushed the wrong button and all of the bills went out saying $12 for alcoholic beverages instead of $12 FOR CABLE T.V.a lot of families called in that month saying what is happening my mother, father grandmother, grandfather don't drink there is a computer at every desk and in every office everyonce in a while you wil hear a message from the main office saying everyone turn off their computers there is a message coming in from corparate i heard one girl say once we just got the mistakes they sent the last time figured out one time our head woman said she did something once in the office with the three computers and it sent it into a three day circle the bookkeeper coldn't do the census for three days we had just had computers on the ward where i worked one evening on the ward i worked on one evening one of the boys and i tried to turn it on the next moning the head nurse told me i had lost the records for all of our med students forth year medical students just finishing their psych blocks don't complain till something your working with does something like that to you Apr 5, 2001 WOW!! UPGRADE~~PRINTING i could go to my friend and say how much money do i have she would punch a couple of keys and give me the amount to the penny and it would be printed once we visited my daughter they took us to a friend who works computers for the state he took me back to show me how to play a game i said i'm afraid i'll brake it he said what are you going to do take a baseball bat to it so here are computers and computers a fax i hve never even seen one work though one time i was visiting the newspaper in Peoria there wa a machine there that world news kept coming on but i'm not sure it was a computer it just came in nothing went out and it was just news from somewhere imagine news of Pearl Harbor and news of the bomb came in on it ![]() Apr 6, 2001 MORNING i talked to my daughter she said our Jacob is really growing fast when my grandaughter was here she gave me a picture of her and her mom taken about three days before he was born you can look at the picture and tell exactly where he is i remember when Mary was at that stage it would seem like a knee or elbow would poke out i remember the first time i felt her move they had told me there was nothing like it and i don't think there is it felt kind of like a bunch of butterflys but i guess you all remember it it is hard to explain ![]() Apr 7, 2001 LOST FUSES thought i would tell you how i lost every fuse in the house in about one second out back we had an old chicken house with a corrugated metal roof there used to be a light over it the light was gone and just bare wires there was a switch on the porch that had been used to turn on that light when there had been a light there i had been warned never touch that switch but one time without thinking i walked past it and flipped the switch bam there went every fuse in the house washer drier and those fuses were big my husband said to me you tried to light up that corrugated tin roof and it was more than they could take now i have to change them all i said why don't you put a light back in it he said it would all have to be done over there are just wires there just stay away from that switch please well i didn't forget again one time we were to a family reunion there was a swing in the yard i went and sat down and the end of the swing fell down later i came in and went to take the top off a pan wouldn't you know it it just wasn't my day my husband and his nephew were there my husband didn't say anything to me but i heard him say to his nephew in a soft voice a crowbar in a sandpile and i don't think he meant it as a compliment oh well here at least i can't get up and make trouble ![]() Apr 8, 2001 Your Web ?? i hope nothing happens to mine i don't have room for all the attachments printer scanner but i wouldn't have room for a computer even if i could afford one i'm not sure but i bet radio shack would have them ![]() Apr 9, 2001 Easter Plans notice my new web page i chose it because at least it's something i know someelements of the horoscope ASROLOGY BAICS ASTROLOGY BASICS These referenced pages and their links have become inactive since here death. Apr 9, 2001 Easter Plans they will give us ham at home we had roast chicken i don't like ham at all but they will give us ham i'll bet on it Apr 9, 2001 Easter Plans no plans someone will come and preach a sermon some are better than others i was about 10 i went to an easter sunrise service with my girlfriend they paraded around the church ringing bells and swinging containers of incense she had a little book with two columns english in one column Latin in the other gave me a lifelong urge to learn latin and a few years ago i got a book i've been working in it but wish i'd had a teacher when i was younger the vocabulary isn't hard but the grammer is a little sticky but even in English gramrer wasn't my best subject Apr 9, 2001 Easter Plans when we went home for a holiday dinner my mother would have a turkey with a drumstick for each girl but when it was just the three of us my mother my dad and i it was chicken i didn't like dark meat then and i still don't ![]() Apr 10, 2001 New Car when i was a kid i told my dad when i grew up i wanted a robins egg blue car he said well when you grow up they might have cars that are robins egg blue my favorite car was a honda civic it was small enough i didn't have to stretch to reach the accellerater but someone hit me from behind and demolished it i would still like one like it due to the size i never did like one that was too big for me to handle but that honda was just right only it wasn't robins egg blue my daughter and son in law had to leave it when they went to Germanyi don't know what kind it was they had over here but it was nice but they lived close enough you could walk to the base ![]() Apr 10, 2001 "Ab"vertising FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH i have a web page they have been kidding me about the ad that says increase your bust by two sizes or your money back they said Donna first you will have to be sure they make bras with F cups need less to say i don't need what they are advertising ![]() Apr 10, 2001 Vegetable Garden when i was in high school we had what thy called victory gardens my mother and father my aunt and uncle had an acre they planted everything but not field corn or soy beans the first time i had a garden of my own i planted 5 pounds of peas i canned 32 pints twice then the first time i went to the store i got 32 cans needless to say i wasn't thinking later when i lived on a farm i had a big garden to take care of one time when was growing up Peoria had a hail storm the hail stones were 3 inches across and at least an inch thick it hit the whole county later when i was married my husband told me they had to replant a whole field of corn but there was a truck farmer lived on the edge of the city he had two acres of tomatoes just ready to pick i think after the storm he had catsup hail that big can do a lot of damage i think every window in the stores uptown was taken out i saw on the weather channel they had hail that big somewhere it's something you don't forget if you ever see it Apr 10, 2001 Vegetable Garden i really liked corn on the cob sweet corn but don't make a mistake and plant it next to a field of corn field corn plus sweet corn makes tough corn on the cob Apr 10, 2001 Vegetable Garden strawberries are good but murder to pick when we moved to our house in centralia a man had a plot in the back yard full of strawberries he asked if he could leave them there we said of course he said well pick what you want that's how i know they are not that easy well gradually he moved them all to where he moved but once or twice a week he would bring us a big pan of strawberries Apr 10, 2001 Vegetable Garden we didn't garden when i was growing up but my mother always had the yard surrounded with flowers when i moved on the farm there was an orchard with about eight apple trees at the foot of the orchard there were three cherry trees outside in the yard there was a peach tree cling stone peaches murder to peel and can one year the apple trees would produce vey heavily the next year the peach tree i was always thankful they didn't both produce heavy the same year i did like to can but enough is enough we woukld go down to a little town on the river take the ferry over to illinois there were peach orchards over there big free stone peaches if you picked them yourself you could get them for a dollar a bushel i spent many day and evenings canning them but hey were easy to peel after they were scalded Apr 10, 2001 Vegetable Garden correction i planted 39 pints twice but we did eat them all by the time the next garden came up Apr 10, 2001 Vegetable Garden~Wayne? i remember the story about the indians teaching the pilgrims to put fish in their hills of corn i love tuna solid pack but we get tuna salad here ![]() Apr 11, 2001 Fruit & Nut trees?? peach pear apple and cherry but you must have two pear trees for there to be any fruit and really good peach trees are grafted i learned that in an orchard in Illinois beautiful big freestone peachs the pear trees are probably the most beautiful while in bloom snowwhite though the apple trees are probably the most faithful bearers i have heard that orange blossoms are the best smelling but i don't know that personally of course Apr 11, 2001 Fruit & Nut trees?? we have black walnut and pecan but i have never had one from them in the yard or the orchard not the right climate for coconuts in fact the first palm tree i ever saw was in my sister in laws yard in Texas Apr 11, 2001 Fruit & Nut trees?? are papayas a fruit what climate do cumquat trees grow i think my friend said they had them in Singapore but i doubt if anyone here is that far south if there are i've never seen in the monthly biographys ![]() Apr 10, 2001 "Ab"vertising i could really cash in if they go in for boobvertising ![]() Apr 10, 2001 WHAT DO YOU... they don't deliver here on saturday or sunday anyway but i think that is mainly because there is no one here to pass it around Mydaughter mailed me a book for my birthdaY AND I NEVER DID GET IT but when she came to see me she brought it i don't know what happened to the first copy do you think the indians got it Apr 10, 2001 WHAT DO YOU... if they do raise the price of postage again i doubt the mailmen wil get a raise but maybe i'm just sceptical at least it's still cheaper than U.P.S. Apr 10, 2001 WHAT DO YOU... GOOD IDEA WAYNE I AGREE ![]() Apr 12, 2001 John Edwards=Crossing Over can't get sci-fi wish i could but life after death is not science fiction just make sure you have the right guide when you stand before god in the judgement you will need the best defence attorney Jesus is the best and satin is a well known prosecuter he will have proof of all the reasons you should belong to him but Jesus is the only hope you have for the verdict to be not guilty Apr 12, 2001 Scan Your Own i think there is more to check out than just scanning they have to know how to package the things so the bread doesn't get squashed or the eggs broken maybe dry goods is easier ![]() Apr 15, 2001 Rainy Easter Sunday at least it is a nice day here not sunny not raining no real hard winds one of the worst snows i evr saew was on easter i had parked in the parking lot and forgot yo yurn the motor off it's s wonder i didn't run myself out of gas at least i didn't have to scrape the windshield and the car was warm but we lived 7 miles north of town and there was too much snow to get home so i stayed that night in a hotel room at least here i have my own room Apr 15, 2001 Rainy Easter Sunday the farmers won't like it very wrll if it's too wet to gt into the fields when the rain is really essential is when the corn is tasselling that's what decides whither it will ave good full ears or not and knee high by the forth of July doesn't mean mucjh anymore with the new faster growing corn ![]() Apr 14, 2001 SWEET AND SOUR GRANNIE.. the other day we had sweet and sour chicken i've been waiting for it for three months the head of diatery just said it's coming they use pineapple juice not vinegar mushrooms and french style green beans mixed in too on rice Apr 14, 2001 SWEET AND SOUR GRANNIE.. i added another powem to my web pages but i can't get them lined up nice like you did ![]() Apr 16, 2001 Landscape Areas ![]() Apr 16, 2001 Am I the only one.... i can read the posts ok if i can get them to load been having a lot of trouble geting response ran into a site awhile ago national weather warnings from Florida we do have tornados here not that often but we do have them a little too far inland though to worry about hurricanes i never knew us to have one anyway in the middle away from both oceans and too far north for the gulf and i never heard of one from the great lakes i think they need more water to build up steam or wind or whatever they do ![]() Apr 17, 2001 Niece's death at least we can know that because of easter the parting is not forever but i pray god will give you strength until that time ![]() |
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