Chapter 23Apr 18, 2001 QUESTION what is a cookie and are they only for computers not web t.v. Apr 18, 2001 QUESTION PAM did you ever get a letter returned from an address you know is valid and working Apr 18, 2001 QUESTION Arlene--PAM i have ben trying to find a pen pal from england and no luck any suggestions ![]() Apr 18, 2001 WEBTV LOL if they had had computers in the fortys i migt have learned something about them in school and i wouldn't be such a dunce i remember we had typing class but not a computer class i graduated in 1944 i know the newspaper office had a machine that news from different places kept coming in on ![]() Apr 18, 2001 SMOKE & CO DETECTORS i don't know about carbon monoxide it is odorless but regular smoke they have alarms all over this place the only detector i don't have is my nose the woman in the next room will come in and say Donna don't you smell that awful smell and of course i don't but i think that can be a blessing in nursing at least that's what everyone tells me i still think i'm cheated though one time the first place someone had stuffed some oily rags into a closet no alarm but all of a sudden the overhead sprinkler cut loose some damage in the closet too when i worked for the state mental health if they had a fire drill they had to let the fire department know ahead of time it was a drill if they didn't the firemen could get pretty up set usually it was the job of the girl at the switchboard one time here the alarm went off i was talking on the phone and didn't pay any attention till all of a sudden one of the nurses ran in grabbed the receiver said to whoever i was talking to she'll call you back then she grabbed my wheelchair aND SAID IT'S REAL we've got to go out we did out the back door and all of a sudden fire engines were coming from all around so did several nurses that live in sight of the home what had happened some lint under one of the driers caught fire they put us in beds on the other ward and we couldn't come back home till they washed all our walls about 48 hours they said you can't go back the smoke smell is terrible i said i can't smell it they said you still can't go back a good friend of mine her home burned from lint under a drier all of them and all of their cats got out ok though sammy here they were taking everyones vital signs i guess the smoke could have been hard on some of the older ones ![]() Apr 18, 2001 your biggest cooking boo boo i think one of my worst was the first time i ever made sloppy joes for my husband then my fiance i didn't realise you were supposed to add hamburger then there was the time i forgot to put the flour in my angle food cake mix there i was ready to pop it into the oven and i had this extra package left over and the first time i ever tried to make devinity candy it didn't get hard and we were going down to my folks for the families annual christmas get together i had a cake all ready to take so i used the devinity to frost it it was pretty pink devinity but i had to keep taking the top off and scoping the devinity back up on the cake it kept sliding off well that christmas gave me a mix master for christmas and i never had trouble with it again and one time my husband brought in a chicken that something had torn the leg off of we cleaned it and cut it up for frying neither of us had ever cut up a chicken or seen one cut up we got it done but that chicken had some very strange looking pieces later i was visiting my mothers aunt in Indiana and she even showed me how to take the bones out of the back my husband grew up on a farm but his mother thought no man should be allowed in the kitchen their place was in the field at leat she didn't see the pieces ![]() Apr 19, 2001 Peep Hole here a lot of the patients have bracelets on their wrists they are called wander guards if someone who shouldn't gets too close to a door it starts squealing really loud someone will rush over and steer whoever it is away from the door and push the button that shuts off the noise here their is more concern over who goes out than who comes in and the doors are glass all of the doors will alarm unless they turn them off at the desk they did that one time because i wanted the nurse to take me out to see the harvest moon then she forgot to put a rock in the door so it wouldn't shut all the way we wound up banging on the window of the door with a rock someone did come and let us back in at home we had a window in the door but the only time strangers would come was trick or treat night and they weren't really strangers here if you have your room door shut anyone wanting in is supposed to knock they don't always but i have never had an unwelcome visitor though once when it was real damp i had a room mate who would go out and pull the door real hard it was swelled and i couldn't pull it open even with my reacher i had to call the front office and say have someone come back here and let me out of the room the girl that came back laughed and said now i have seen everything ![]() Apr 19, 2001 MARYLYNN & JUDY about 70 miles west of us it would have to get pretty high to bother us though the other creeks can get pretty bad we are about 40 from the mighty Mo. so think we are safe for the time though anything can happen ![]() Apr 19, 2001 LONG»»SLAVERY STILL remember pharoh told the midwives to kill the boy children of the isrealites when they were born as they were geting too numerous but god saved Moses because he had a mission for him Apr 19, 2001 LONG»»SLAVERY STILL if we could convert the people of those countrys but how many missionerys go Apr 19, 2001 LONG»»SLAVERY STILL there is one story in the bible where the people were so desperate they ate their children ![]() Apr 19, 2001 TOWN ARGUMENT right now in my home town there is an argument someone wants to rename one of the streets for Richard pryor others think the idea is less than good not that a street has never been renamed once what had always been known a Cedar street suddenly became McArthur highway so did the cedar streer bridge and if they just want a celebratey there are more both Fibber and Molly of fibber magie and molly grew up in the same neighborhood i did remember them also Charles Corell Amos of Amos and Andy nothing against Prior he certainly wasn't riaised in a desirable part of town as a matter of fact he drew up in his grandmothers brothel where his mother worked it wasn't me that remembered Fibber and Molly though i did go to grade school with Molly's niece but my folks knew them well right now this room would remind you of fibbers closet ![]() Apr 20, 2001 Peep Hole when we lived on the farm in Missouri the door to our back porch had panes of glass one time both girls were playing out there i heard my oldest daughter cry out she had kicked at her sister and put her foot through one of the panes she had quite a cut behind her knee i had to take her to the dr. and he put in several stiches the next day at school the gym teacher was having them do deep knee bends she didn't tell him about the stitches and broke them open i said why didn't you tell him she said oh he would just have thought i was trying to get out of gym i said well better that than have to back and have him put stitches in again but she was usually very protective of her sister times i wanted to spank her sister for god cause she would get between us and not let me get near once several years after her sister died she told me how guilty she felt about it i said why it was nothing you did her sister died of brain tumor inoperable she said but i was older i was supposed to take care of her ![]() Apr 20, 2001 Weakest Links TV Show-JUDY is that the name of the show the weakest link i couldn't find it in the t.v. guide and if something i in the evening i must know when and where so i don't let them put me to bed first ![]() Apr 20, 2001 The Mighty Mississippi - Vid Cap my home town is on a river Peoria is on the Illinois it can get pretty out of hand too when i was a young girl we had a neighbor girl who had just got married the river rose and they decided they were going to sand bag it her new husband was working on it he got pneumonia and died not too long after that she had a boy i don't know what was the matter with him i never heard anyone say but when he should have been walking she pulled him in a wagon i never remember seeing him any other way i don't know what happened eventually but i do know he was never drafted and maybe that was her blessing Apr 20, 2001 The Mighty Mississippi - Vid Cap we were three miles away from the river so the only ones it affected was the men who went to work on the sand bags teams ![]() Apr 20, 2001 your bigest cooking boo boo one i forgot to mention i was having the minister and his wife for sunday dinner i made a real pretty jellow mold with bing cherries only i didn't realise the cherries had their pits but no one lost any teeth Apr 20, 2001 your bigest cooking boo boo the time i made devinity that kept sliding off the cake i found i hadn't beat it enough because that was the year the family gave me a mix master and after i had that i never had trouble making it again ![]() Apr 21, 2001 YaHoo!!~Carol bed is a pain when you can't turn or sit up i was always in the habit of lying on my right side now i can't because i can't lift my left leg over but i have one of those pillows they advertise that never loses it's shape we taped it into a roll and if they can position it so it goes right under my neck it is comfortable and i sleep pretty well but my bedpan is on the table by the bed i have to put myself on it then i have to call them to fix my pillows again i said if they gave me a catheter it would save me all that trouble but my dr is very against them says they can cause bladder and kidney infection ![]() Apr 21, 2001 QUESTION I WANT TO KNOW how do you know what kind of a web you have my daughter got me mine for christmas on the box it says Sony int W150 ![]() Apr 21, 2001 Quilt beautiful i have sewed a quilt but never pieced one . ![]() Apr 22, 2001 GROCERY STORES when was growing up my mother would call the grocery store every day later that afternoon the grocery boy would deliver the order the only thing i remember different was the milk which was left on the front porch every morning even when it was so cold the stoppers on the botles would push way up another difference there were three of us and my mother thought if she spent more than $20 a week on grocerys she was a careless housewife we were always well fed though even if she did use turnips more than i liked i had an orange every morning though she said when she was a girl the only time they got an orange was in their stocking christmas morning but then her father worked 12 hours a day six days a week for $1 a day of course she was born in 1900 during the depression my father would bring home at least $25 every two weeks at least we were thankful he was never out of work during the depression i was born in 1926 not too long before the big crash Apr 22, 2001 GROCERY STORES when i was home we had two stores close not too much different but one did have better meat ![]() Apr 22, 2001 My Jeanette shes fortunate too i lived less than two blocks from our neighborhood swiming pool my mother used to take me over to watch them swim but i would have never been allowed in the water as a consequence i never did learn to swim but even a wading pool i didn't like i found out later if a person or a child has asthma the presure of the water on their chest will cause a lot of disrtress if i was in water up to my neck i was very uncomfortable but i didn't know why i just knew it was harder to breathe ![]() Apr 22, 2001 Keep Becky & family in your Prayers i will pray that nothing happens i had a dear friend join the navy in 1940 and you know what happened in 1941 let us pray that history does not repeat itself and that she comes home safely Apr 22, 2001 Keep Becky & family in your Prayers do the women get shipped out or are they kept secretaries i don't remember about the waves Apr 22, 2001 Keep Becky & family in your Prayers it was very hard on our neighbor when their son was lost he was their youngest and what made it worst they had signed the leter giving him permision to go he was only 17 when he left of course at that time no one was anticipating a war but when someone joins the service they should realise they are putting themselves in harms way let us pray for all of our men and women ![]() Apr 22, 2001 JUDY››› one year before my second husband and i were married i was visitng him in Centralia Mo. i had to get back to peoria so i went the way oi usually did the bridge at Louisiana had just been closed so i went north to Hanibal when i got there it was closed too so i thought well Keokuk is next but would you believe it was closed i finally did get accross at Burlington one thing though when i did get across i didn't have to go north which was the usual procedure i went straight east to Peoria i think they both have the same latitude ![]() Apr 23, 2001 PARK WITH A VIEW in columbia there was a park with a high hill when you climbed the path near the top you could go off there was a place to sit you were up above the meadows in the evening you could hear all the birds coming back to their nests it was a peaceful place to rest ![]() Apr 23, 2001 Good morning all hello all this is the starsearcher still stuck in this dumb wheelchair but i'm still glad i've got it but i still wish it had a motor and a rear view mirror raining in Missouri his morning a little windy a burgular broke into a home and was going through the jewelry when he heard a voice that said Jesus is watching you he stopped and looked around but didn't see anyone so he finishefd going through the jewelry again the voice said jesus is watching you this time he saw a parrot he said to the parrot who are you the parrot answered Joshua he said what kind of fools would name their paprot Joshua the parrot said the same fools that named their weimerarainer Jesus ![]() Apr 23, 2001 The Mighty Mississippi - Vid Cap--Judy we can just pray it doesn't do like they have been predicted for the past several years and the new madrid earthquake fault cut loose it did in 1812 and set the mississippi to flowing backwards for a couple of hours there wasn't too many houses back then or farms but they said if it were to happen now it would take out every bridge from there to st. Louis at least New Madrid is in the boot heal it also caused a very large lake to form in mississippi it's called Realfoot lake California isn't the only state with earthquake faults they say New Madrid is the worst in the nation ![]() Apr 25, 2001 MONEY TALKS the nursing home i live in is basically a good one but they are as money hungry as any other business not long ago they sold 40 beds to Kansas city which they had to move 20 patients to our ward and 20 to the other ward they left the ones that are ambulatory so they only need one licensed nurse and one aide but the 20 extra people on our ward a lot of time makes them too busy to help us the girls are so over worked they burn out and quit they don't like them to work an extra shift it costs the company time and a half and if they think there are (too) many people here they send the experienced people home i think the ones they have just hired are cheaper their pay isn't as high i always would have rated this home as a 10 but in my opinion t has deteoriated into 3 and all for the sake of the almighty dollar they do feed you well though some of the things i would not fix if i were home doing my own thing ![]() Apr 25, 2001 SURPRISE!!!! one time i tried to raise a paul scarlet rose bush the first year my husband ran over it with a lawn mower the second year i tried to prune it only to be told later they bloom on second year branches needless to say i am not gardener i tried for it because when i was a girl at home the neighbor across the street had an arched trelis it was completely covered by a paul scarlet rose bush it was beautiful i love glads one time i got a special book on them it said dig a trench so deep line it with small gravel then cover the gravel lightly with lime put your bulb down and cover them they grew but i think i should have put a stake by each bulb my grandmother had a fence out by the barn and it was covered with hollyhocks i never see them anymore we used to pick the flowers and pretend they were dolls with pretty skirts then there was a back fence in our garden i don't even know where they came from but they were beans climbing that fence about the size and shape of big lima beans but they were beautifuly colored ![]() Apr 26, 2001 NEED 306 POSTS.... just pray for good weather this weekend if it is nice my friend will be coming from St. Louis she is planning picnic in the park for her grandaughters birthday if it is nice she will take me Apr 26, 2001 NEED 306 POSTS.... hi mary so glad you are back the group was asking about you the other day ![]() Apr 26, 2001 See the USA... i would like to see the states i've never got a chance to visit Alaska Hawaii virginia west virginia Vermont and New Hampshire Mass then the western states utah idaho montana nevada washington and oregon california and all the rest even the florida keys and the water wildlife like the dolphins etc i would just like to see al the things i havent of course if i could win the lottery but there is about as much chance as there is my being able to get up and walk i would enjoy things a lot better that way i would like to see canada mexico and the rest of the central and south american countrys then i would start on europe ![]() Apr 26, 2001 town still argues Peoria IIl once again down the proposition to rename one of the streets after Richard Prior but there is new man coming onto the city council that will bring it up again i think the majority of the population is against though ![]() Apr 26, 2001 Gardening i tried glads once after reading a book first you dig a trench about 6 inches deep cover the bottom with small gravel then sprinkle lime lightly over the gravel place the glad bulbs and cover the only mistake i made i should have put a stake beside each bulb they got really tall and flowered beautifuly quite a bit of work but worth if i can get them to grow at all i would rather plant perenials in centralia we had kind of a thicket in the yard a clear space surrounded by bushes there was a flowering quince and a lilac bush i like iris my mother had the whole yard surrounded with flowers a big bed of petunias several nice peone plants that always bloomed in time for memorial day on the farm we had a small plot of aspargus made such beautiful ferns at home the most i had to do with the flowers i would go out every afternoon and gather the seeds off of the four o clocks Apr 26, 2001 Gardening ~? about roses i tried my best to grow paul scarlet rose our neighbor had had one climbing over a u shaped trelis but the first year my husband cut it down with the lawn mower the next year i tried to prune it then someone told me i had cut the wrong stems it blooms on second year wood never did get my paul scarlet rose but in Illinois there was a beautiful white rose climbing on the fence it was caled seven sisters every bloom was a bunch of seven flowers in centralia there is a garden called the chance garden it is in the backyard of the house where the man lived that originally invented the chance anchor bit among other things it has a rose garden beautiful rose bushes of all different colors of course a professional gardener takes care of it more than one i think another thing i liked at home was the bridal wreath growing under the porch when i was in grade school i used to go under them and get the little lilys of the valleys that grew there then we eould tale them to school put them in the ink well and watch the color come up into th flowers home in centrlia we had a big hydrangia bush at the corner of the house big white blossoms i would take cups or bowls of water put a few drops of food coloring in put one of the flowers in i could have any color flower i wanted Apr 26, 2001 Gardening ~? Carol i never heard of a blue rose though i bet it would be beautiful when it grows send us PICTURE i did have a lavender spyarea (bridal wreath) ![]() Apr 27, 2001 See the USA...TWILA i think it would be nice on the next reunion if we could visit Twila ![]() Apr 27, 2001 Flowers nipped...It is a shame! here in the courtyard here are a row of potato with tomato plants i haven't ever been out to look at them closely but they are about a foot high it can't be too bad they are still taking the soaker o on the porch of course it would probably take more than a heavy frost to nip them i think some of them would go out and smoke if it was a blizzard ![]() May 6, 2001 back on the web finally 'm back on the web my phone gave out and i couldn't get in then a friend brought me a new phone from wal mart but it didn't work either new cord and everything she said i dialed you from the desk and your phone rang but it didn't ring here finally one of the men said let me look at it he did and said your ringer was off he turned it on now everything is fine you can't get on line without a phone i have been very frustrated ![]() May 7, 2001 ROLL CALL~~~INDIANA~~~MAY i am donna sneed from north east Missouri i have been a widow since 1993 i am a hemaplegic left side due to a stroke in 1991 and am in a home here in Mexico Missouri i have a daughter and a grandaughter both in Indianapolis Indiana Feb 23rd i had a great grandson he was born on what would have been my mothers 101st birthday my phone has been acting very strange it wouldn't work so i got a new one it wouldn't work either till one of the men looked at it and said the ringer was turned off then earlier today it worked ok then was completely dead he switched the cord around and everything still no phone then when i had given thought i would have to wait for the phone company it rang i couldn't get to it in time to answer now it is working fine again someone explain it to me May 7, 2001 ROLL CALL~~~INDIANA~~~MAY hobbies were crochet and counted cross stitch but i can't do them one handed so now it is the web i love to read and for some strange reason i really like to study languages a few years ago called the high school in Columbia and got myself a first year latin the vocabulary is not hard but for the grammer i kind of wish i had a teacher ![]() May 7, 2001 PRAYER REQUEST FOR DOTTIE dottie i am praying for you take care of yourself and come back when you can we will miss you May 7, 2001 PRAYER REQUEST FOR DOTTIE remember that parting is not forever in gods good time we wil be reunited with our loved ones ![]() May 7, 2001 CUTE TOON when i was little i used to say when i get to heaven i'm going to ask for long golden curls my mother would say well if that's what you want you can probably have them of course as i got older i could think of other things i wanted more but i think i would miss the web too i know i do here ![]() May 7, 2001 INTERFEARING WITH PROFIT when i was first married and lived on the farm we sold grade a milk the men milked with machines took the milk to the milk house and poured it in cans sitting in as tank of cold water when i wanted to cook something i would go down to the milk house pull the lid off one of the cans take a little pan and skim the cream off of the top one time my husband caught me doing this he said don't you know they pay us by the cream content it seems i was interfering with the profit from the herd but he liked what i cooked one of the things i really miss is being able to cook ![]() May 7, 2001 TRIPOD "HOUSEKEEPER"--ALL--TTT what ever tripod housekeeper is or was i missed it but i have to admit i was a terrible house keeper when i was up and around and able you know what they say use it or lose it and if i could go back i would try harder May 7, 2001 TRIPOD "HOUSEKEEPER"--ALL what on earth is it and how do you get there????? May 7, 2001 TRIPOD "HOUSEKEEPER"-PAM i'm afraid to try anything with the sigs Mary Lynn gave me i'm afraid i'll lose them a lot of the web is still a deep dark secret to me ![]() May 7, 2001 DUST????? all i know i a swipe with a cloth every once in while i can't clean my own room but they do a good job of keeping it decent as far as things in it mosty books if any of you remember the old radio show Fibber Magee and Molly just remember fibbers closet ![]() May 7, 2001 AUDIO HOROSCOPE i have a place on line where i can get a horoscope as long as i have the data to enter the data is date month day and year place and time as exactly as you know it but when i tried to get my great grandsons it has to be at least 6 years but i had a good friend who sent me his chart she has a computer that will print them out and once i have it i can read it his indicates that no home he is in will be dull he is a pisces taurus ascendant saggitarius moon quite a combination also with neptune the ruler of the seas in his choice of careers it is possible he could have a naval carreer a chart is very interesting when you know how to read it but sun sign astrology is not thought too much of amid the real astrologers it might indicate but it is not fortune telling all it does is signify the true you i am acquarius and friends mean much to me as they do to all acquarians as a pisces my grandson could easily let feelings get in his way ![]() May 7, 2001 SLOW BUT SURE hi mary glad to see you back we have missed you keep getting better ![]() May 6, 2001 Missing and worried about wayne i have been off the web because my phone gave out i got another but it didn't work either today one of the men came down and looked at it he said your ringer is off he turned it on so now it's fine and i can get back on Donna i'm a dunce when it comes to electronics even a phone i'm like the person that thinks all you have to know to drive a car is start it stop it and steer it ![]() May 6, 2001 Prayer, please i will pray for you mary and ellen may the lord have grace on you or give you the strength to bear what you must ![]() |
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