Chapter 24May 8, 2001 THE$1 SUNDAY DRIVE how many of you remember going for a ride on Sunday stopping at the neighborhood gas station and buying five gallons of gas for $1 how many of you remember when 5 gallons of gas a week was all they would allow you May 8, 2001 THE$1 SUNDAY DRIVE ratioing was in the citys naturaly until i married a farmer and they were not rationed there was usually a gas pump in the barn yard May 8, 2001 THE$1 SUNDAY DRIVE people are getting too money hungry the sad thing has happened the home i live in they sold 40 beds to Kansas City moved all the patients to the other wards it has made the work load for the girls so heavy that quite a few have quit then if the census gets low they will send someone home rather than pay them all for the sake of their bottom line May 8, 2001 THE$1 SUNDAY DRIVE if my mother couldn't feed the three of us for $20 week she thought she was a careless housewife May 8, 2001 THE$1 SUNDAY DRIVE one of our main drives was about 30 miles north where the Santa Fe went through myself my mother dad aunt uncle and cousin my dad and uncle were both railroaders dad would have me read the initials off the box cars and say what road is that car from i knew them too but sometimes there would be tanker i would say i don't know that one dad he would say oh that's a private line i learned a lot of my letters that way i knew all the standards of course like the A.T.&S.F. THE C.N.W. the chicago and north western and dads own ine the P. AND P.U or the peoria and pekin union Pekin was a town about 15 miles south of peoria i have a picture of my dad and the crew he worked with standing in front of one of the big steam engines it was taken in 1934 not to many steam engines left now all diesil i would listen to the whistles at night dad would say to me that means he's coming to a crossing now he's out of the city limits they had a regular language not too hard too learn i wasn't that old May 8, 2001 THE$1 SUNDAY DRIVE my dad wouldn't teach me how to drive said two drivers were hard on a car and there were about 4 years they didn't make cars our first was 32 chivie dad bought it in 1934 then he bought a new one in 1953 a chevy bel Aire they don't last that long now so maybe it is someone would be ashamed to drive a car that old so is it us or the manfactures ![]() May 8, 2001 ROLL CALL~~~INDIANA carol my daughter grandaughter and new great grandson live in indianapolis ![]() May 8, 2001 HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?? that's about what it costs anymore ![]() May 9, 2001 Annoying Habits sometimes here the activity is trivia they will ask a question and the group will answer for example tonight all the answers had to begin with be like name a hound that is black and brown and has big ears beagle of course every once in a while they will say to me Donna be still and give someone else a chance to answer i did throw the leader once every answer was supposed to contain the word white the question was a type of blood cell and without thinking i said Lukocyte she said no it has to be something everyone knows not just a nurse of course it was white cell May 9, 2001 Annoying Habits i was a terrible housekeeper my daughter is a good housekeeper said she learned in self defence May 9, 2001 Annoying Habits when i worked for 18 years as a mental health nurse one of the main things we had to learn was how to listen it's not as easy as you might think one thing you never say to a patient is why most of the time they don't know another thing no matter what a person says it is important to them and you have to learn to expand on it and get them to continue but you don't say why did you say that keep them going and you will probably find out and don't make them feel guilty about anything they might say your job is to listen not judge ![]() May 10, 2001 Samantha she is special as are all babies ![]() May 11, 2001 A Tribute to Mothers for a long time after my mother died i would try to remember something and would catch myself thinking i will have to ask mom after i had the stroke i would wake up in the morning and think she was sleeping in the bed next to me once i thought it was one of the nurses i knew she was gone but i had many delusions at that time i would wonder how will they get me out of bed the curtain would be pulled and i would think my husband was in the room on the other side of the curtain and try to call him i was unconcious for a month after they took me to the hospital and after i woke up my brain wasn't working right and i'm not talking just about the part that keeps the muscles on my left side from working my mother was very strict but i'm so glad she was mine after my grandmother died when i was 6 years old we moved up and lived with my grandfather every morning on mothers day he would get up early go to the florists and bring home carnations for everyone to wear to church white for himself and my mother because their mothers were gone red for my dad and myself every year he never failed to do this May 11, 2001 A Tribute to Mothers my new great grandson was born on what would have been my mothers 101st birthday May 11, 2001 A Tribute to Mothers when i was about 4 i knew my grandmother had cancer and would not live too much longer i said to her once grandma do you know what i'm afraid of she said what are you afraid of i said i'm afraid i'll die before i am old enough to be good enough to go to heaven she said oh Donna you don't go to heaven by being good but only by believing in Jesus i said oh i do but at that age i didn't know exactly what to believe that he had died to pay for all of our sins and risen to assure us of eternal ife at the last she was in the hospital for 5 weeks three days before she died in the hospital her mother my great grandmother died suddenly one night of a stroke she was so sick they didn't tell her but they said a few minutes before she died she looked at the foot of the bed and said why ma what are you doing here May 11, 2001 A Tribute to Mothers my mother told the story of when she and her two brothers were young they lived two miles from the church they attended every sunday morning their mother would give them each two nickels one nickel was for the collection plate with the other they could either take the street car home or use the other nickel to buy an ice cream soda she said it broke their hearts when sodas went up to a dime one woman here once said why didn't they just save the other nickel instead of giving it to the church i said you just didn't know my family or you wouldn't ask ![]() May 12, 2001 Just stopping by.... i had a beautiful picture of my mother i wish i still had it but i lost so much when i had to come here she had just graduted from high school in 1918 she had beautiful long raven black hair the kind of black that had blue highlights of course like many other women she had it cut in the twentys i had hair the color of my dads but not his deep natural waves i remember because before i was out of grade school he lost it all odd becaue his bother kept a full thick head of hair i once took his wedding picture and had it made billfold size but then someone stole the billfold no money but i did cheish the picture ![]() May 12, 2001 QUESTION does anyone have the words to the old civil war song Lorena From: JazzyGma (Judy From Fl...) Now deceased HERE THEY ARE, DONNA The years creep slowly by, Lorena, The snow is on the grass again; The suns low down the sky Lorena, The frost gleams where the flowers have been; But the heart throbs on as lovely now, As when the summer days were nigh; Oh, the sun can never dip so low, Adown affection's cloudless sky. A hundred months have passed, Lorena, Since last I held your hand in mine, And felt that pulse beat fast, Lorena, Though mine beat faster far than thine; A hundred months -- 'twas flow'ry May, When up the hilly slopes we climbed, To watch the dying of the day, And hear the distant church bells chimed. We loved each other then, Lorena, More than we ever dared to tell, And what we might have been, Lorena, Had but our loving prospered well -- But then, 'tis past, the years are gone, I'll not call up their shadowy forms; I'll say to them, "Lost years, sleep on, Sleep on, nor heed life's pelting storms." The story of the past, Lorena, Alas, I care not to repeat, The hopes that could not last, Lorena, They lived, but only lived to cheat; I would not cause e'en one regret, To rankle in your bosom now; For "if we try, we may forget," Were words of thine long years ago. Yes, these were words of thine, Lorena, They burn within my memory yet; They touch some tender chords, Lorena, Which thrill and tremble with regret; 'Twas not thy woman's heart that spoke; Thy heart was always true to me -- A duty, stern and pressing, broke The tie which linked my soul to thee. It matters little now, Lorena, The past -- is in eternal past, Our heads will soon lie down, Lorena, Life's tide is ebbing out so fast; There is a future -- Oh, thank God -- Of life this is so small a part, 'Tis dust to dust beneath the sod, But there, up there, 'tis heart to heart. ![]() May 13, 2001 Thank Back the food was put on the table and we helped ourselves and passed it ![]() May 12, 2001 Grannie Garden~HELP!! =-) a stream with big goldfish May 12, 2001 Grannie Garden~HELP!! =-) Judy be sure and have fairies and Leprucans a couple of unicorns would be nice ![]() May 13, 2001 ME AND MY MOMMY my mother was raised by her mother and her grandmother women from the victorian age when i reached menarch she told me what she had been told by her mother if i were ever to get pregnant before mairrage she would jump of the highest bridge and i truly believed her only she did not tell me how to avoid it except stay away from boys and i did to the point of crossing the street if i saw one coming and i still feel much like she did not as strongly of course but not to the point of approving of the casual sex of today i think now she was protecting me and i don't fault her for it though i think i might have done better with a little more freedom ![]() May 14, 2001 PERRY COMO yes he will be missed i used to go to sleep at night listening to the record que sera sera i think that was with Mary Ford what happened to her May 14, 2001 PERRY COMO so many of the singer and entertainers i used to love to listen to are gone Bing Crosby Kate Smith with When the moon comes over the mountain but at least p.b.s. stll has an hour of Lawrence Welk on Saturday night and after that Perry Mason on the crime station and i can't get used to the new music the sixtys on i think they stopped writing good music after the fiftys ![]() May 15, 2001 US ZIP GAS SEARCH how can we expect any relief in gas prices or to have our precious natural resourses saved as long as gas is what makes our president and his family their fortune do you really think they care about the ordinary consumer ![]() May 15, 2001 Bragging about HB in my hometown origionally there were two newspapers the Star was the morning paper the Journal was the evening paper then one year i forget which they combined then we had only one paper the Peoria Journal star ![]() May 15, 2001 Mary Lynn... Judy i will pray for Mary Lynn grannies can't afford to lose her Iowa like Illinois and Missouri are terrible places for allergies she might have to go on to michigan ![]() May 14, 2001 OUTDOOR FERNS?? the only ferns i could grow were aparagus ferns i do remember a story my mother told about her two brothers when they were boys my grandfather was working in Louisiansa and sent the boys a billy goat my grandmoter didn't object untill she set her prize fern out on the porch one day to air it goat ate fern end of goat ![]() May 14, 2001 The Grannie Garden...Vids by all means you need a group of fairies to hide under the flower petals and some lepracauns to torment the fairies ![]() May 13, 2001 FRISBEE ANYONE??? i did not see my daughter today because they had made arrangements to have jacob William baptised so they will be here week after next May 13, 2001 FRISBEE ANYONE??? my father was the athlete in the family good too the men that lived in our neighborhood as boys talk about him and the street and empty lot and street baseball games he organized i was a true clutz no arthletic ability at all one time a girl friend and i went bowling when i got home he said what was your score i said 62 he said i mean for both games i said dad that was for both games they said when i was born they said he stayed in the delivery room to be sure he got his own child i said to him once did you ever wish you had just taken your chances he said of course not but i wondered but it makes you feel good to be acepted uncondishionally ![]() May 16, 2001 Hi Wyne wayne i have been having trouble with my phone sometimes no dial tone and of course i can't get on the web i bought a new phone at wal marts it came with new wires but it didn't work at all till finally one of the men told me the ringer was off now every once in a while it will have no dial tone but if i or anyone goes to the desk and dials the number it will work fine till the next time it goes off and knocks me off the web then someone has to dial the phone again and it's not that easy to wheel myself up to the desk it is really anoying May 16, 2001 Hi Wayne i have been trying to get someone to get hold of the phone company here but am afraid it will mean the price of a service call and i just don't have that kind of money have run into something else though which i think is a con because my paralyzed leg was broken i must wear a brace on it they took me to the company that makes braces to have me measured for one that has the part that regulates the width on the outside that has been about a year finally they took me in for the final mesurment the woman said medicare will pay for the brace and the shoe on that foot but the shoe for the other foot will cost $400 i said oh i can wear any good shoe on my good foot sh said don't you want them to match i said not at $400 i don't that has been at least 3 months and we have heard no more they have talked to my daughter and almost have her convinced that it is essential that i won't be able to walk without it that is not true one other woman here has a brace like that she has a nice pair of shoes she said she just took the other shoe to a shop and had it built up but i am convinced i am not going to get the brace until they know they will get their $400 which i do not want my daughter to have to pay talk about cons i have the directer of the home looking into it right now maybe i should have gotten some money from the hospital when the nurse let me fall and break my leg accidents happen but that one was uncalled for she was teaching me to transfer out of my wheel chair and the seat i was transfering to a board was wet my hand slipped off and down i went my daughter said don't make waves but things like that arent right ![]() May 16, 2001 BOO HOO-Nobody likes me :-) Darlene i usually have too many but sometimes not some of the most important but you know we all love you may i add you to my buddy list love donna ![]() May 16, 2001 DELAYED MOTHER'S DAY...Carol my daughter could not be here on mothers day because they had made arrangements to have Jacob the new great grandson baptised and she knew i would think that was more important they will come the weekend of the twenty seventh ![]() May 17, 2001 Matthew Is Walking!! their bones are still flexible besides they don't have that far to fall May 17, 2001 Matthew Is Walking!! my husband learned to walk by pulling himself on their dog and walking around the yard with him his mother told me this she also told me about the time she walked down the street to their little church and Bill followed her losing his diaper about half way she said when she got in church she wondered why everyone was looking back and laughing ![]() May 20, 2001 SUCKING THE END OF A PETUNIA how many of you have ever pulled the flower off a petunia and sucked the end of it it's really sweet i think that's where the bees get their honey ![]() May 20, 2001 WHAT DID YOU DO i know there are nurses in the group is there anyone who cooked for a school or any big crowd tell us about it ![]() May 20, 2001 Good News For Me Too that is great sammy it is really good to be able to control diabetes with weight and exercise and not need medication in Missouri they have a new rule no patient is supposed to be prescribed more than 11 medications i was talking to my dr. yesterday he mentioned the rule of 11 i said is that a law he said no but they know with that many or more there is a greater risk of drug interactions it reminds me of what one of the drs. at mental health told us one time he said over the counter drugs are still drugs you get enough of them in your system you don't know what kind of concoction they are brewing up or what they might do he said the same thing for he so caled herbal remedies don't forget they are drugs some very potent they have not gone through F.D.A.'s safeguards and you don't know what they might do did you ever drink milk from a herd of cows that got into a field of mustard plants or see horses that had been in loco weed digitalis is the basis for the drug digoxin which must be used very carefully May 20, 2001 Good News For Me Too t seems like every month i gain a little only 2 pounds but it does add up 160 now and at my height even though i can't stand up it's still four nine that is rediculous and if i try not to eat they get really upset here and you pretty much have to eat what they give you if you don't they will give you pedialite not exactly but the geriatric equivalent the nurses here will know what i'm saying and anyone who has cooked for a crowd will understand too over 150 people here now every month one of the activities will be a cooking class one day the director of nurses brought her electric skillet bacon drippings and everything else the women said we made fried potatoes i said why can't the kitchren make them this good she said donna there are 7 of us they are cooking for over 150 are their any school cooks in the group maybe they can give us their side ![]() May 19, 2001 Circus how many of you remember the circus parade from the boxcars to the ground where they would set up the tent during the performance i liked the flying trapese in fact i got to go to the Chicago worlds fair in 1932 the year i was 6 they performed in soldiers field the trapese performers were on a stage all of a sudden the man said who will volunteer from the audience i was quite a ways down the steps before my dad caught up with me he said afterwards they have performers in the audience he did not mean just anyone and i was the least athletic person you would ever know but i sure liked to watch them ![]() May 20, 2001 OH! THOSE DIRTY BLUEJAYS!!!! when i lived at home there was a tree just off our back porch it had one bare limb that stuck out about 10 feet one time our cat climbed the tree and got out on the end of that limb along came a blue jay and whacked her on the rump did you ever see a cat come down a tree front end first ![]() May 20, 2001 ARE ANY OF YOU????? i have been having a lot of trouble with my phone all of a SUDDEN IT WILL JUST quit and without the phone it will just not work but if someone from the desk will dial my phone number it will be all right i will have dial tone and things will work but this morning i got as far as type your pass word and the keyboard quit working just wouldn't do anything i tried using my remote but i can't type on that i pictured myself buying a new keyboard but after breakfast i tried again and there it went i can't find my ephemeris just now but i'll ask my pals in the astrology group i'm fairly sure it's not mercury retrograde well as long as everything keeps workng here i am yesterday a lot of waTER GOT SPILLED ON MY LITTLE TBLE THE KEYBOARD SITS ON maybe it was that i remember i had a car that wouldn't work if the carburater got wet the dr was here yesterday and asked me if i knew how it worked i said no it's like the car i knew how to start it and stop it and steer it that's about all i know about the web but i know i've still got a lot to learn like how to get to the gifs and put them in even my son in law who is a computer programer for the university of Indiana said i don't know that much about the web oh well here i am anyway ![]() May 20, 2001 stake and kidney pie at times i have read novels set in england they talk about steak and kidney pie what on earth is it? ![]() May 20, 2001 SO LONG TO LOAD sometimes on an e mail and sometimes in the group it seems what i m trying to get will take forever to load does anyone know why this is ![]() May 20, 2001 SUNDAY MORNING GREEDING sometimes i moan for the position i'm in then yesterday i talked to the dr. and i realised i should be thankful i'm not aphasic (unable to speak) and that i can still think and fairly well remember things at least i'm not like my neighbor who wanted to know what i did with his horse or like the lady who asked me one time what they were going to do with that bunch of cows down the hall Joke a man was out west once for the first time he said to the rancher look at that big bunch of cows over there the rancher said herd herd of what said the man Herd of cows . Of course i've heard of cows there's a big bunch of them over there ![]() May 21, 2001 College Shirley i am 75 and i would like to do what your doing i didn't have any college though one time in the morning i did get a call from a collection agency saying we are trying to collect on your defaulted student loan now i graduated from high school and i'm not even sure they had student loans it was early in the morning and i wasn't thinking fast or i might have said oh what college am i supposed to owe it to and if i had gone somewhere i coud have said if i don't pay it are you going to reposess what i learned i did get to go to L.P.N. school in 1962 and graduated in 1963 but i was 36 and back then no r.n. school would accept you if you were that old the year cost me $60 and that included uniforms and books my cousin attended a 3 year nursing school at the hospital in Peoria so of course she was a real nurse something i always wished i was i tried to get into school a few years after i graduated but they said no you didn't have algebra our high school had three courses Business with typing shorthand and bookkeeping that's what i had to take mothers wishes she was a secretary Accademic Math and science all you needed to go on to college and Manual training cooking and sewing for the girls woodwork and metal work for the boys anyway the collection agency said is your social security so and so i said no it's not they said then i guess we have the wrong person i had paid the $60 for L.P.N. school before i ever started i think now it's at least $2,000 May 21, 2001 College we have a director of nurses that is not a nurse she has never worked the floor and to be truthful comes up with some pretty foolish ideas like the number of aids has to be regulated by the census of course that is the company she is just following orders but it not only makes it hard on the girls but hard on the residents it was never like that till the company decided it should make more profit ![]() May 21, 2001 Good News For Me Too they advertise all kind of things on t.v. things that will keep carbohydrates from turning into fat and one that particularly interests me use this cream and we guarantee it will increase your bust two sizes now i already take a double d bra before i tried that i would have to check and see if they make an F cup i always thought if i were rich enough to have plastic surgery i would have my breasts taken down to an A cup size too much is too much and they gall me they have to keep using a certain cream or they get raw and very sore my daughter said you be sure they use it it costs me $40 a month for you nurses reading his it's Talc with menthol and camphor May 21, 2001 Good News For Me Too before we moved to Missour i dieted from early spring to fall i kept myself mostly on a high protein diet and went from 163 to 112 pounds ![]() May 22, 2001 Need Help with my Roses :-( dear shirley i don't know too much about flowers my mother always did that but i wanted in the worst way to grow a Paul Scarlet rose a climber so i planted one by the trellis by the front porch well the first year my husband ran over it with the lawn mower the second year i tried to prune it then someone told me it blooms on second year vines so i kind of gave up ![]() May 23, 2001 Prayers for TACO Dottie remember that god takes care of all his creatures and will take them to be with him as surely as he does us he created them and wil hold them in his hands ![]() May 23, 2001 THROWED ROLLS Twila i did not get to go to the reunion but my husband and i did go to branson one time when i was home and could still walk we spent a lot of our time in Silver Dollar City one place we went was the cave before we went there was a retaurant they served baking powder biscuits about hree inches across and i was hungry i love breakfast anyway we had been touring the place and i was hungry which of course made everything taste twice as good i didn't get a chance to visit the restaurant you mentioned i wish i had oh i am so glad to see you back on line i really love your song about the dipper the north star is it the alaskan state song i also read your biography it was very interesting i still remember how the gals stopped back and visited with me after the reunion and the presents i believe it was you who sent me the little pin with the alakan flag i appreciated it ![]() May 22, 2001 They Say That Your Taste Buds. i don't enjoy things here like i did at home but i think it is mostly i can't get up and run around and get hungry they say your sense of smell affects your taste i wouldn't know i was born without a sense of smell but i can taste things when i watch the cooking shows i wonder what difference herbs would make think that is mostly odor one thing salt will spoil things for me sometimes one of the girls will pick up the salt and salt my food before i can stop her i have asked the kitchen not to put salt on my tray but sometimes they forget most of them know now i don't want it things don't taste the same as when i could cook my own i think again it may be lack of appetite May 22, 2001 They Say That Your Taste Buds. things don't taste as good but i think that's because i have to sit all day and i'm not as hungry besides if i were home fixing my own i would do t differently ![]() May 25, 2001 SLED DOGS just saw a new sport on t.v. alaskan sled dogs were pulling men on skis instead of sleds it said it was a new type of cross country skiing ![]() May 25, 2001 PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE HERE Judy i didn't understand a lot of the list is it all for web i know web doesn't have java script i enjoy the music that comes with it my one complaint is that some things take awfully long to load even hitting cmd and r and reload in options a couple of times i have been put clear off the web waiting someone in another group told to remove signature and it wouldn't do that but i'm talking about some of the e mails i get all of the win this that and the others are bad enough or buy so and so i don't and can't buy on the web no credit card as far as that goes no income $30 a month if you can count that i get S.S. and a good pension but it all goes to pay for the home and if you don't pay they can put you out i do have a good insurance MOSERS Missouri State Employees retirement system and i just got a letter from them i could work for the university of Missouri and still get my retirement so my only hope there is to win a Million and i don't see that happening ![]() May 24, 2001 AFRAID AND DEPRESSED how many of you have seen the advertisements for products that say if you are afraid and discouraged just buy our product and it will change your lives i have yet to see one of them say accept christianity find christ and you will find the peace that passes all understanding free too just read the bible believe and pray and we won't need all of their expensive notions any coments on this ![]() May 24, 2001 Good Thursday Morning good morning fay here it was in the 90's all last week now it is in the 50' and damp and windy a big change can't get out to see what is blooming but from past experience i imagine the pussy willows and daffodils are out and by memorial day my mother always had peonies (sp) blooming to take to the cemetary did any of you ever hear the superstition take something away from the cemetary and you will bring something back that's what my mother said to me when she caught me picking violets ![]() May 24, 2001 Big Mouth Billy~ Cute don't know much about fish except i know i like baked catfish even if it did disturb my husband by baking it head and all and i love broiled snapper the way they fix it at red lobster and when i was in northern michigan i had whitefish which wasn't bad and i like baked halibut steak and baked salmon steak i also like sardines out of the can and salmon and mackareal but i never ate bass or trout or anything like that and i have never tasted lobster couldn't bring myself to eat something that had been boiled alive silly aren't i ![]() May 26, 2001 MY MEMORY i remember V. E. day well we walked up town and there was a real party going on at main street and Adams that was where the bus that we went home on crossed there were five streets that came up from the river and ran parallel with the river they didn't exactly go north nd south but the one we went on we always said went to the south side that was where we lived i told my husband that one day he had been raised here in Missouri he said that isn't south it's west i said well the river eventually goes south and runs into the mississippi anyway the streets were Washington Adams Jefferson Madison and Monroe good way to remember the presidents we went the same way V.J. day and there was an even bigger crowd they would run out in the street and sway the cars there were three cars carrying the gold star mothers one was our neighbor the mother of the boy in my poem my friend jim yes he was a neighbor and had been as long as i could remember and my mother did have him walk me to school Jr. High was a mile and a half and she wanted me with someone she trusted though after he was a sailor she would not have let me go anywhere with him anyway he left in 1940 and i was only 14 he said write to me and i never did i regret that now but my second husband the missourian served in World war 2 and Korea my mother never got to meet him May 26, 2001 MY MEMORY i never saw that(blimp) i guess it missed Peoria May 26, 2001 MY MEMORY as i remember the flags had a blue star to show you had someone fighting and gold if they were killed when i talked of the three cars carrying the gold star mothers that is what they were mothers who had traded their blue stars for gold they had lost a son ![]() May 26, 2001 NEW JOKE every wednesday their is a woman who comes to the home and she will give anyone who wants one a manicure well wed she told me a new joke there were two painters who had to paint the top of a tall steeple they climbed to the top they painted and started to run out of paint they didn't want to climb all the way down so they thinned it with some water they had they then had enough paint to finish painting the steeple they had ENOUGH TO FINISH PAINTING THE STEEPLE when they climbed down there came a big rain storm and the paint started to wash off the steeple all of a sudden there was a voice from the heavens it said repaint and thin no more repaint and thin no more ![]() May 26, 2001 TRUE i would be lost without my web and the friends i have made here ![]() May 26, 2001 Mary Lynn.....UPDATE Prayers and love for M.L. may she be back with us soon i pray for her speedy and quick complete recovey love tp all Donna ![]() May 26, 2001 PLEASE TAKE A hour »»GRUMP there was a time when at least once an hour or more often my phone would go out and i would have to go to the desk and dial my own number then it would work again and no phone no web but for some reason it hasn't done that for the past two days so whatever was wrong they must have fixed it it was't the phone i have a new phone and new cords got them at Wal Mart ![]() May 27, 2001 Family in Service my second husband served in WW2 and Korea but i didn't know him then we met in 1971 and married in 1975 but he had a lot of stories in KOREA he got the bronze star with V for valor twice and the combat infantrymans badge that's the rifle on the blue oval background in the gulf war you could see Gen. Swartzkopf wearing it also Gen. Collin Powell he was infantry in both wars and with Patton when he took the tanks in to relieve the men fighting in the battle of the bulge i don't remember how many times we went to see the picture Patton Bill was there when he made his speech May 27, 2001 Family in Service beside the granies i belong to the civil war history group you would be surprised of all the posters that have excerpts from diaries of their great grandfathers or others from that generation myself i had one paternal great uncle fight with the confederates he was from St. Joe Missouri his family disowned him to the point of crossing his name out of the family bible i didn't know about him till was older none of the family were proud of the rebs i probably had some Yankee ancesters too my great grandmother would have known but she died the year i was 6 too young to be curious about anything like that May 27, 2001 Family in Service i lost my friend Jim in the first invasion of the Phillipines in 1945 i was 14 when he left 19 when he was killed May 27, 2001 Family in Service Sammy i pray that he will stay behind a desk when Jim left in 1940 no one had any notion of what was to come he was only 17 when he left and his folks had to sign permission before he could join the navy ![]() |
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