Chapter 25May 28, 2001 A Dog's Diary poor misunderstood pooch i can empathisize one time when i was in kindergarten one of the games was to skip around the circle to the music and if you wanted anyone to skip with you you slapped their hand and pulled them in i pulled my girlfriend in but the teacher got angry and made me get out of the line and stand by her she said something about only the first person in line should choose how fair was that then there was the time the teacher got angry and kept me after school simply because i had come back late from lunch simply because i had stopped to pick her a beautiful bouquet of dandylions oh it is hard to be misunderstood simply because ypou don't exactly understand the rules May 28, 2001 A Dog's Diary---Donna i liked the teachers in kindergarten i really didn't understand from where i was on the end of the line it looked like eveyone was slapping someones hand and pulling them in the dandelions i was in third grade and should have known better than to be late May 28, 2001 A Dog's Diary i was invited to our fiftheth reunion in 1994 but had no way to get there this year would have been our sixty second i did go in 68 that was my mothers fifthyeth reunion my twenty fifth was in 69 we both graduated from the same high school she in 1918 me in 1944 ![]() May 28, 2001 THANK YOU here they almost insist you come to the dining room for meals they don't want you eating in your room if you did choke there would be no one there and they would hate to lose a patient that way i told them once it was because there was too much red tape which is true but not the reason ![]() May 29, 2001 Remember Fanny?? first great grandson born in Feb already over 3 months old and he's not standing alone yet my daughter said she was going to call me last week but she was baby sitting and between feeding Jacob and feeding my sil she just didn't get around to it ![]() May 29, 2001 Update pic of A.D.mygrandchild logo how time flys May 29, 2001 Update pic of A.D.mygrandchild logo i got here one time when the group was advertised at talk city i think at that time you got so many new members at once it upset things but i'm mighty glad i stayed it pays to advertise ![]() May 29, 2001 HISTORY DOES REPEAT ITSELF ask any astrologer every 20 years is the Jupiter Saturn conjunction there was a lot of talk about this in our groups there was even a discussion the election count being as mixed up as it was which man might be in the most danger but there is this also this year 2000 the conjunction is in an earth sign will it make a difference? the starsearcher ![]() May 29, 2001 Shopping wages had a lot to do with it my mothers father worked 12 hours a day 6 days a week for a dollar a day mom said they ate a lot of beans and her grandmother made 12 loaves of bread a week they all grew up healthy except an older brother who died of what in those days they called summer complaint and younger brother who bled to death after circumcision but that was common in those days too at least the summer complaint (diareha) i'm not sure the circumcision death was common ![]() May 30, 2001 HI FROM MO. posted yesterday in answer to the 20 year death of the presidents it is a subject that has been widely expressed in my friends the astrologers every 20 years Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same place after the Florida fiasco there was even some debate about which candidate would be in danger if it holds true this time only this time the conjunction is in an earth sign so will it make a difference or not your granny buddy the starsearcher like yesterday they are hollering at me so talk later but will mail this post ![]() Jun 2, 2001 SUE'S BROTHER PASSED AWAY TODAY my prayers for the family may they know that death is not the end there will be other meetings ![]() Jun 2, 2001 DEVILISH DOTTIE....LOL!! i was reading the dating hints in web t.v. but i didn't see any millionaires between 70 and 80 advertising but then i don't want to seem greedy ![]() Jun 2, 2001 THEN AND NOW been watching pearl harbor on t.v. pictures and interviews with the survivers picture of them then at 19 and interviews with them as they are now 19 december 1941 so you figure their age now i was 14 and i'm 75 now it said the oldest survivor was 92 they had radar but one of the reasons it caught them so much off guard they thought what they saw was reinforcements coming in from the mainland as much a surprise for us when they wiped out battleship row and hickum field as it was for them when we wiped out Hiroshima and Nagsaki but we didn't kill anymore of their people than they did ours it may not sound very christian but they started it and we finished it a thought i think most people who lived through that day share it gave statistics three families lost all of their sons and there were two or three sets of brothers ![]() Jun 3, 2001 New G/Grand congratulations vel i hope you get to be closer to yours than i will to mine Jun 3, 2001 New G/Grand Vel i love that name too when i was little one of the people i was closest to was my great grandmother she lived with my grandmother and grandfather and had ever since her husband had been killed in 1900 she had a wicker rocking chair in front of the radio i would sit on her lap and listen to all the after school stories on the radio Little orphan Annie Little Annie Roonie and one especially from Chicago Irene Wicker the Singing Lady she told stories and they were always with music like my grandmother she died the year i was six at home three days before my grandmother died in the hospital my grandmother had cancer and her death was expected but my great grandmother had a stroke suddenly one night and she was gone like that i had laid down on my grandmothers and grandfathers bed that night and in the morning my uncle came and woke me up and said grandma Smith died last night and there had been enough talk that i did understand what death meant mainly that it would be a very long time before i would get to be with her again but i had perfect faith that someday i would that was in 1932 and i still have that faith that is one of the things my family did for me and i am thankfulit must be terrible to lose someone and not have that hope thinking back now i know where my great grandsons name came from other than out of the bible of course her fathers name was Jacob i had not remembered it and i doubt if my grandaughter ever knew it but there is a new Jacob his great great great? grandson ![]() Jun 2, 2001 LOST ANOTHER PATIENT this morning we lost another patient he was 89 and had been in the hospital a little over a week i prayed for him but not necessarily for him to live he lost a twin brother 50 years ago he had no other family left so i doubt if leaving was something he dreaded i had even seen him shed a tear or two when he talked about his mother it's a blessing that our life span hasn't been expended into hundreds of years and remember in Genises god said i will cut off the tree of life least they take eat and live forever he did know what was best ![]() Jun 3, 2001 SCRABBLE i loved the game my husband and i used to play it all the time only he was a much better speller than i was i remember how upset he got when i spelled torque Tork at work there was an older gentleman a professor of chemistry at one of the colleges in Jefferson City one time i used the word log when he questioned me i said logarithms you know what they are don't you he said yes of course but i'm surprised you do our friend i have mentioned before the Malaysian boy from singapore insisted on spelling egg Eeg Jun 3, 2001 SCRABBLE i haven't found anyone here that likes to play it i miss it we used to have a group that played Pitch but that broke up ![]() Jun 4, 2001 JUNE ROLL CALL MO. HI MOST OF YOU KNOW ME Donna going off now to watch Quincy ![]() Jun 4, 2001 RAIN!!! raining here too hard my first husband the farmer visited yesterday i didn't think to ask him how the field work was going Jun 4, 2001 RAIN!!! rain here yesterday and today haven't checked about the rest of the week Jun 4, 2001 RAIN!!!~CAROL my room is right next door to the laundry and sometimes one of the driers shakes so hard it's hard to tell it from thunder i was out in the hall one day and i said to one of the laundry girls is it going to come walking out here she said it just might Jun 4, 2001 RAIN!!!~CAROL at least you are not close enough to flood the mississippi again at least i don't think you are in our watershed ![]() Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute when i first got married i didn't know much about keeping a garden but i knew our favorite vegetable was peas so i planted 5 pounds of them canned them all too and we had eaten them all by the time the next years was ready to plant i had a flower too it wasn't mine so it must have been a perrenial it was a rubrosa lily thr petals were like the tiger lily only bigger they were pink with rose colored spots beautiful Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute one time i had two rows of tomato plants they were about 5 inches tall one morning i went out and the plants in one row there was nothing there but the bare stems cut worm thats what they told me but i left them there and they did grow and produce tomatoes only they were about three weeks behind the other row Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute i used to like to grow leaf lettuce because i love wilted lettuce the onions i used to pull when they were small bulbs and cream them with the testicles from the baby pigs none of which were more than two weeks old and i had to use them they couldn't be wasted and they raised 30 hogs a year and all of the sows pigged in february they would dry them then bring them in to warm them i have had boxes of baby pigs sitting on the register in the oven and down by the furnace then as soon as the sign was out of scorpio they would cut them Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute my mother kept our yard surrounded with flowers but the only serious gardening i knew them to do my parents my aunt and uncle and two other couples from the railroad had a victory garden about half an acre i didn't pay much attention to what they grew but they really worked on it Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute at that time the victory garden was as common as buy war bonds Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute someone who lives like that a depression won't bother too much do you remember in the 29 stock market crash what they called black tuesday it was the rich men who jumped off of the roofs and out the windows what does that tell you Jun 5, 2001 Just in for a minute it can also remind us of the verse that says lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth ![]() Jun 5, 2001 NEWS GROUPS i love the grannies and always will however i belong to a group where they are really at each others throat it is the civil war history group and believe me that war did not end in 1864 like the history books tell us but it is all in fun i told them i wouldn't argue with them but i would keep my flame thrower ready my grandmother had a brother a generation older than she was he actually defied his family and went to fight for the rebs his family disowned him even took his name out of the family bible so a couple in the group made me an honorary confederate i hadn't even heard of the disgrace untill i was grown and then it was one of my dads sisters told me it was the skeleton in our closet he was from st.joe Mo. but i don't know where he fought or who for ![]() Jun 5, 2001 BIRD FEEDER when i lived near columbia there was a park that had a high hill we would climb the path near the top there was a place where you could get off the path and sit beside the path you were above the meadow and the trees if it was almost sunset you could hear the birds coming back to their nests if i had had binoculers i guess i could have seen them too but i used to go out to a lake that wasn't too far and watch the ducks and geese come in and take off Jun 5, 2001 BIRD FEEDER now i content myself by watching the animal planet on t.v. Jun 5, 2001 BIRD FEEDER after christmas my mother would put the chrisrtmas tree out in the yard she would tie bread and hunks of suet to it and sometimes bacon rinds none of what she put there lasted long ![]() Jun 5, 2001 Thank you! Very Long......Sorry the older man here at the home whom we lost last saturday it is not usual in a place like this but we had gotten pretty close when he was younger he had been a good friend of my brother in law and would talk about him and my husbands family 50 years ago he lost a twin brother to cancer and used to wonder how long it would be before they were reunited also his mother who i had seen him shed tears when he talked about her he had no family just a young woman whom he and his wife raised she used to come see him and called him uncle Don so i am actually happy for him ![]() Jun 6, 2001 "The Year 1901" for a long time dr.s didn't realise heroin was addictive because the dr.s that discovered it none of them were affected that way now all addictive drugs it is illegeal to prescribe them and i wonder when or if tobacco will be treated this way or is the government making too much from the tax coco cola when it first came out had cocaine instead of caffeine ![]() Jun 6, 2001 Genealogy i didn't kniow you could do geneology on the web i thought you had to have a computer i know a little my great grandmothers parents were Jacob and Milfdred Modolin and they lived close to Delphi Indiana other than that i know the first person to come to america was an English silk weaver and he settled somewhere in Mass i think with a colony of silk weavers i don't know if they were all from England some years ago someone researched my husbands family and my daughters could belong to the D.A.R. if they wanted to but my one living daughter never expressed any desire one thing i used to hear often when i was little Pochontis was an ancesteor once when i was older i asked my grandfather about it and he mentioned family names i had never heard of well i know she finally did go to England took a christian name but i don't remember the details oh well i'll settle for being a decendant of Adam and Eve and Noah Jun 6, 2001 Genealogy i'm not sure if i would be eligble for the D.A.R. not really being sure what side they fought on my SIL was a joiner once she asked me if i would join the D.A.R. with her i told her i didn't know if i could then she aked me if i would join the daughters of the Confederacy with her i told her i knew i didn't belong in that one my great grandmother being so strongly Union she was an avid christian so i assume her folks were to and she had been educated in a seminary but i didn't know much about that except a daughter had smallpox and was in place where they kept people isolated and she went in there to nurse i would know more if he and my grandmother hadn't died the year i was 6 too young to be curious about a lot of things but i was a little pitcher with big ears and remember a lot i heard ![]() Jun 7, 2001 How Rude i have a NEIGHBOR WHO COMES IN AND READS MY WEB WHEN I'M ON INSTANT MESSENGER she is older and her memory is very bad so i hesitate to say anything to her but it bugs me ![]() Jun 8, 2001 MOST GRANDCHILDREN ? 1 for me i had one daughter that lived she had one girl now i have a great grandson any more well i will wait and see ![]() Jun 8, 2001 THE BABYSITTER one of the girls that works here told me a cute one today she has a dog and cat that grew up together she said when the cat wants to go outside she will carry out her kittens one at a time and lay them by the dog then she will go to the door to go out and give him a look as if to say you had better take care of them then when she comes in she will take each kitten and carry it back to her nest in the bedroom she said they did grow up together ![]() Jun 8, 2001 WHAT IS THE EERIEST .....+++ i had a record player it would take 5 or6 records at once i don't think they make them like that now the player was right by our bed i would put on STACK OF MY FAVORITE RECORDS turn it down low and lay there and go to sleep listening to it then i realised if i was lying on one side i could hear it if i was on the other side nothing i went to our E.N.T. B Dr. and said i'm deaf in one ear he said how did you come to that conclusion i told him he said well lets see he used his tuning fork on both sides of my head and said yes you are he went into my mouth and did something to pop the eustasion tube and my hearing was fine he was a really good dr. how many of them would have realised that was the trouble from the time i was little i was a very bad asthmatic i would dream i was crawling into a plush tunnel it would get smaller and smaller and it would get harder for me to breath finally i would wake up i slept with my mother my dad working nights she said when i had that dream she would lay and wonder if i was going to take another breath what is known now of course as sleep apnea Jun 8, 2001 WHAT IS THE EERIEST .....+++ in our house after we moved to Missouri our living room and the bedroom were back to back my husband and i slept on a divan that opened out into a bed right behind us on the other side of the wall was the bed and the girls slept there one night the neighbors dog came up on the porch and right in front of the door to the living room and made enough noise to wake me up but not quite all the way i got up and looked in the other room to check on the girls in my dreaming state as i realise now they weren't there that was scary of course they were there once i was in the hospital and they gave me a fifty milligram dose of thorazine or was it it 100 mgms the nurses here will understand me anyway i went to sleep and dreamed the roof of the hospital was a pagoda and i was skiing down it they had a really hard time geting me to take that medicine again the nurse said you know it was a dream and you woke up i said not soon enough Jun 8, 2001 WHAT IS THE EERIEST .....+++ every once in a while i will dream of Jim i will dream he is home for the weekend of course he never was but once in a while he is there in my dreams Jun 8, 2001 WHAT IS THE EERIEST .....+++(Janet) do any of you remember a granny called prayer warrior 2 she was pretty much of a regular when i first came into the group but i haven't seen her post for a long time ![]() Jun 8, 2001 TAX REFUND INFO we get what they call a short circut it is a percentage of what you paid the home during the year they have to figure it then the girl who is head of social service brings yiou the paper that says how much you will get this year mine will be $602 but to stay here costs me my pension and social security it costs almost $300 a week to stay here so if you are working take into consideration what your pension will be that time will come sooner than youi think i worked at the hospital worked for 1 years if i had made 20 i woud get a little more we had good insurance one time they put on an H.M.O. but the company went bankrupt so we had to go back to mosers that's Missouri state employees and retires it still works for me good is good pension last year i got $900 i asked her how come it was so much more last year she said last year they made a mistake paid everyone for prescription drugs and they shouldn't have but they do give us $30 a month tha was 18 yeares not one i don't have it yet but i will ![]() |
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