Chapter 26Jun 9, 2001 BREAD Lee, of course they buy the bread here in bulk i get three pieces for breakfast to go with my eggs oatmeal and cocoa if you can't tell i love bread and breakfast i like my eggs fried with a lot of runny yolk and they do them like that for me because the dr. said i was allergic to egg whites it's usually the yolk they don't want you to have but as in a lot of other things i'm different there too sometimes the bread is not so fresh and you can tell they are to the end of loaves they have unthawed they do feed at least 150 of us sometimes i have even gotten the heel but i always did like the heel one time the diatery manager came out and appologized to me because she had had to give me heels i said that's ok really like heels Jun 9, 2001 BREAD Lee, bread pudding and bread dressing the first time we had dressing i told Janet the kitchen manager it had twice too much salt and half too much sage i wish i could cook for myself ![]() Jun 9, 2001 Hanging Suicide my cousin had not been married very long two small children her huband hung himself in their basement why no one knows and one ime someone came into the room where the change of shift nurses were having report told one of the girls i worked with that her son who lived in a town 30 miles north had shot himself in the head he did not make it but someone said if he had he would have probably have wishd he hadn't then one time this same girl was readmitting a man who had just returned from pass she took a picture over to the desk to take the glass out of it and during those few minutes he hung himself in his closet with his belt another incident a young woman the drs had taken her to court that morning to try to get her commited and for some reason the judge wouldn't do it when she returned she demanded to be let off the ward and we had to do it she went down and hitched a ride to jeff city the capital of Mo. she jumped off the midle of the jeff city bridge and lit on the railroad track they got her back to the hospital she lived but she was in intensive care for about three months she finally did come back to us in a full body cast and the first thing she did was go take a shower in the full body cast while she was in the hospital the judge who had refused to commit her came in and appologised to all of us Jun 10, 2001 Hanging Suicide a lot of our patients were already over as you say to try to bring them back was the job of our drs. and some of them were very good at it and yet there are some people who still think it is shameful to consult a psychiatrist or (shrink) as some still say Jun 10, 2001 Hanging Suicide some people are already over the brink as you say yet we had some drs. who were very good at bringing them back and yet there are some who still consider it shameful to consult a psychiatrist and yet they have saved many lives another thing i would like to speak in defence of is E.C.T. electric convulsive therapy or shock it's not like some think the first thing the pt is sent in for a full set of x rays the morning the treatment is set for we made sure that all metal that could touch the body is removed from rings to hairpins then an anethtitist from the hospital came over and anethistised the py a procedure that would not last over two minutes at the most when the shock was administered was that their toe would twich after that it was usually my job to stay with them and take blood pressure every 15 minutes the treatment was usually over by 10:30 or 12 and the pt was ready to eat dinner at 12 and as one dr i talked to said it is so much safer you give them pills and even if they are still with it enough to take their own pills you never know when they will decide to take them all shock is for depression and very effective ![]() Jun 9, 2001 post hello kay donna sneed here one daughter 51 in July one grandaughter31 January first and a great grandson born Feb. 23 this year i live in nursing home in a wheelchair stroke in 91 and if you read one of my posts you can tell i just ramble on been in granies about two years got my web at chrismas that year Jun 9, 2001 post oh kay p.s. im in mexico Missouri that's NORTH east ![]() Jun 9, 2001 The Yard when we first bought our home there was a plot in the back yard that had been a garden it was a pretty good size area we put it back into yard my husband was fussier about his yard than a lot of women are about their houses it had to be just so well his sister said to him i have just th thing for that plot here is a sack of bluegrass seed he planted it but horror of horrors it was not blue grass it was rye did any of you ever try to mow rye it will dull the sharpest lawn mower blades i wasn't as fussy about the lawn as he was one time he was in the hospital every time i went to see him he would say how is the yard have you cut the grass i would say oh it's growing finally one time i said to him it's shorter he said oh you had it cut i said well not exactly it leaned over there were a lot of rabbits in it he would say just be sure there isn't an indian hiding out there but he was a little paranoid too if the lights would go out at night which they did often especialy if there was a heavy shower about two A.M. he would get very nervous he would say shut the blinds i would say what are you afraid of he would say maybe there are Chinese out there this is the time of night they would start shelling us (Korea) i said Bill that was 40 years ago he said yes but it's hard to forget i guess but being a female it was something i didn't have to experience he used to say i don't understand why women would want to go into combat if they had ever been there they wouldn't he said when the men came back you could tell by their faces which ones had had been in batlle did any of you ever see the movie where this one man could look at a photograph and the ones who wouldn't come back looked like there was a spotlight on their faces they called it a police action but it was as much a war as any of them sorry this thing is so long i get carried away ![]() Jun 10, 2001 Vi & Vel's Jaunt -- Long Read i just finished reading a novel that was set in the grape vine country around san francisco i think they called it Napa Valley it sounded beautiful any one familiar oh wayne when i talked about losing my glasses it wasn't a flood just the gulf which to me didn't look near as awesome as the Atlantic did the one time i saw it from the beach at Atlantic city i waded there too got the hem of my dress wet when it dried it was stiff and salty when i said something my husband said (we were on our honeymoon) what did you expect you did know the ocean was salty didn't you well i did but i hadn't thought of it i don't remember if the gulf was or not i did have a bathing suit on that time and the ocean does flood bill said one time he was in Tokyo and a tidal wave took out everything below the sea wall Jun 10, 2001 Vi & Vel's Jaunt -- Long Read i didn't realise they had farms that close to the atlantic but then i'm not too up on my geography in a lot of places ![]() Jun 10, 2001 Thank You!!! Kay i had a friend who was born and raised in Singapore 5 degrees north of the equator so you could expect heat but he said every afternoon there was a shower which kept it not bad but i'll still take the weather here in the midwest Jun 10, 2001 Thank You!!! two mosquitos flew by and saw a man sunning himself on the beach they picked him up and one said to the other should we eat him here or take him home the other said eat him here if we take him home the big ones will get him ![]() Jun 10, 2001 This is cute!! don't forget the male was here first the original headache Jun 10, 2001 This is cute!!~~Sammy Wayne i visited Houston one time we went to visit my husbands sister and brother in law but the most water i saw was at galveston threre it was so deep i waded out into it the men ducked me and i lost my glasses Jun 10, 2001 This is cute!! we will shirley day by day remember when a flood scares you god said this far shall ye come and no further also he promised by the rinbow not to destroy the world by water again the next time it wll be consumed for Jesus said lo i am with you always until the consumation of the earth ![]() Jun 11, 2001 IS PRAYER EVER TO LATE my husband was in WW2 while there the thing that bothered him the most he was on radio detail out ahead of his unit he went into a foxhole from one side just as a german soldier entered it from the other well as he said it was either one of them or the other my husband was the quickest and killed the german with his bayonet the only time in either war he fought he had to kill someone hand to hand he said it really bothered him especially when he went hrough the mans pockets and discovered a billfold with a picture of his wife and children that really tormented him i said well did you pray for that family or do it now he said oh now would be too late that was over thirty years ago i said no i don't believe it is too late Jun 11, 2001 IS PRAYER EVER TO LATE we should remember god is not only everywhere he is everywhen ![]() Jun 11, 2001 A Demonstration one time when i was attending bible schol one of the teachers gave us a demonstration i still remember he had a blackboard and a piece of chalk on the board he drew a straight line he said this is the timeline and by points he said this is us and we can only go one direction then using the side of the chalk he whitened the rest of the board and said this is when god is ![]() Jun 11, 2001 Why is it when I find the time??? i'm sure you have all heard the old saying use it or lose it i realise now how true that is i will admit i was a terrible house keeper now i really wish i could stand up and get after things with both hands and get this room straightened out but i missed my time but i know it won't last forever i am 75+ and surely it can't be too much longer i am certainly not afraid of what comes after as i was taught before i was 5 the meaning and the truth of John 3/16 just what the lord did for me ![]() Jun 11, 2001 wrong addresses did you ever get so used to something that you automatically do it wrong many times when i make a list of addresses to e mail i will put even when i know it is wrong for example i have one friend at and one at hotmail .com and i have put them just out of habit my son in laws is so unusual that i usually get it right it is i asked my daughter how did he get one like that she said it is Indiana University Perdue University at Indianapolis i said Perdue is at Layfette she said but they have a campus here ah the wonders of the computer as the old saying goes GIGO garbage in garbage out in other words do it right or else SIL is a computer programer for the University of Indiana but says he doesn't understand the web that much he does send me pictures though ![]() Jun 14, 2001 Dale is home let us be thankful he has come this far Jun 14, 2001 Dale is home every once in a while here at the home when someone won't eat they try to give them insure i kidded the nurse one time and said you are trying to give us pedialite she said no this is different the pedialite set needs things a little different than you do and of course they do but i still kidded her ![]() Jun 14, 2001 The Daffodil Principle i should have saved the love story about the 60 year old letter but i was too busy messing up my web could someone please send it back sure wish i had a printer thanks donna ![]() Jun 13, 2001 Sad news Violet hearing is the last to go and many people do need permisson to go my aunts daughter in law said to her at the last it's time to be with Michal now Michal was a grandson aged 6 that she had lost in 1966 Mary Ann said after that she just went to sleep ![]() Jun 16, 2001 ONLINE BANKING~ML i handle all of my accounts through the bookkeeping office here i have never paid for pictures but i have never been asked to that i know i do owe $8 to the learning kingdom Jun 16, 2001 ONLINE BANKING i was not good at keeping CHECK BOOK BALANCED if i did have bookkeeping in high school bad enough to the point my husband soon saw we had separate accounts Jun 16, 2001 ONLINE BANKING~ML my mother was a whiz my dad would bring his check home give it to her and say i made it now you manage it and she did when i was older though he did get her some beautiful christmas presents though one time a string of real pearls then he took her diamond ring which was in an old fashioned basket setting and had the diamond set up into a platinum setting it was really beautiful i had it after she died but one christmas i gave it to my daughtrer now she has the diamond set into her wedding ring i think someday she will give it to Amanda my grandaughter but unless she has a girl the line will stop that's what i hope her next one will be a girl am i foolish? ![]() Jun 16, 2001 Good Morning ---Yawn...:•) what a hunk is he one of yours ![]() Jun 16, 2001 TOO HOT AND HUMID, so ..... yesterday i felt bad so had them put me back to bed but i said get me up at two that's when the day girls leave and there are only two of them that know how to get my brace and shoe on so got up and went to bingo a mistake because i almost froze so when i got back i went back to bed even though i knew i would have to stay there this morning finally someone came in and took my temp it was 101 so she brought me some tylenol later i woke up and my pillow was really wet so was my hair but she changed the pllow case then at 5 the girl was here to get me up i felt so bad i didn't even want to bother to use the bedpan so i just kept my underware and pad on ussually is no no for me they think if i use the bed pan i will stay more self sufficient ![]() Jun 16, 2001 THE BEAR ... please read my mother and dad took a trip west one year they stayed in a cabin in yellowstone park mom said at night she could hear bears scratching at the car trying to get in it scared her to death Jun 16, 2001 THE BEAR ... please read dottie we took our honneymoon out east in 1949 i didn't now then about the Appalatian trail i wish i had i think it would have been the worlds best adventure to have hiked it to me better than climbing mount everest or something ![]() Jun 16, 2001 SMELLS my husband made our hearing stove in the liviing room the pilot light went out and i put an emergency call into the heating company he said afterward i know you can't smell so i have it fixed if the pilot light goes out the gas turns off so i cost us an unneccessary heating company visit but better that than have the house blow up Jun 16, 2001 SMELLS i think the main reason for my lack of appitite is the lack of exercise when i was up running around i never had that trouble i always loved breakfast but after that i'm pretty much done for the day but they won't give me breakfast three times a day so after that i'm pretty well done if you go enough without eating what they think you should they give you a liquid i kid them and say they are giving us pedialite one nurse said now donna you know better than that we wouldn't give nursing home residents pedialite i don't know what the cut off age for that is but we're past it ![]() Jun 16, 2001 The Magic of Make-Up... did you hear what they found when they got all the make-up off Tammy Faye Baker Jimmy Hoffa ![]() Jun 16, 2001 Move over Frances! i thought it was hilarius i will go into the corner with him ex spelling on hillarius not my best subject Jun 16, 2001 Question i know i should know it but i don't will someone please give me Twilas e mail address yes Twila from Alaska ![]() Jun 17, 2001 DID YOU EVER did you ever try to remember something and find yourself thinking i will just have to ask mom i have and my mother had already been gone 20 years ![]() Jun 16, 2001 Check this out...... why not the people who discovered how to grow the Bonsai tree Jun 16, 2001 Check this out...... i don't think i would like them any better square than I DO THE PRESENT SHAPE BUT THEN THEY ARE NOT MY FAVORITE FRUIT nor is any mellon it really surprised me the first time someone mentioned the odor of watermellon i had never thought of water having an odor though there was water in a town near us i could not drink it was Sulfer but then after i go married it took me a really long time to get used to their well water i would be glad to get home where i could get a good drink out of the faucet Peorias water came from deep well by the river over on the other side of the river there were artesian wells they ued to say how hard it was but it tasted good to me so i will leave the watermellons to the gourmets that like them though i can see where square might be handier i guess they could do the same with pumpkins but what would happen to Halloween ![]() Jun 17, 2001 Spell Check what do you do when you know you have spelled something right and the spell checker keeps insisting you change it ![]() Jun 17, 2001 WHAT IS YIOUR OPINION i know my grandaughter is very happy with her new husband and my great grandson but he is the youngest in his family and has 5 older sisters i pray for her but in a way i shudder any experience out there my daughter says i borrow trouble ![]() Jun 17, 2001 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY WAYNE Wayne i second that wholeheartedly be thankful you still remember your family ![]() Jun 17, 2001 Watch that C.R.S. ??? sorry but someone that faR GONE SHOULDN'T TRY AGAIN one old man here insisted we get him to a certain town on time or he would miss his wedding he was a grandfather he has since passed on ![]() Jun 16, 2001 HI ALL MISSOURI HERE HELLO ALL THIS IS dONNA from Mexico missouri they had a birthday party here for one of the residents here today he is 75 his wife and daughter did it they had punch and about 6 or 7 different kinds of cake i just told them i wasn't hungry for supper so now they will fuss and worry but they don't hold your nose they just want you to be in that dining room once i asked them why they said because you spend every other minute in your toom either reading or on the web you need to come out once in a while i do if there is something like bingo going on i went yesterday and that was a mistake it was so cold in the dining room they had it in that when i got out i was sicker than i was yesterday morning i don't like them to fuss over me but they do giving me tylenol 4 times today simply because i had a high temp yesterday i told the nurse the dose i got then broke it i usually go because if i don't the girl have to bring the tray back here more work for them ![]() Jun 19, 2001 WHAT HAPPENED ON YOUR FIRST DATE my fiance was coming by early in the morning to get me i was in the living room sleeping on the opened out divan when he came earlier than i expected i realised i was late i jumped out of bed my leg turned under me bad my ankle was badly sprained so he took me out to the town he lived in and had he dr x ray my foot the first bill he got on me was a dr. bill an that was before were married ![]() Jun 20, 2001 Hello aimee one thing to remember about Illinois heat it always cools off i remember one time i was walking up town with my father it was so hot i complained he said in a hundred years you will never know the difference well that was in the thirtys and the heat is forgotten where in the prairie state are you i grew up in Peoria Jun 20, 2001 Hello when i went to school there were no school buses we walked i'm just thankful it was before they invented wind chill ![]() Jun 19, 2001 GOOD MORNIN GRANNIE NE mO HI ALL HERE I AM AGAIN9(STILL?) you ll know me but i'm Donna 75 one daugher one gandaughter and one very new great grandson Feb 23 this year all in Indianapolis i wanted more but it was not to be Jun 19, 2001 GOOD MORNIN GRANNIE NE mO weather here inMo. iffy some days hot some cool and a few showers and thunderstorms well i only get out once a month second tuesday morning when they take us to Wal marts just got my yearly money last month but can't realy think of anything i want to spend it i stay away from Q.V.C. though i did get my table i keep my web remote keyboard on i have learned to get what i need if i can and stay pretty well away from it if i just want it Jun 19, 2001 GOOD MORNIN GRANNIE"S~FL much as i wish i could be up and doing i don't have to worry about the grass one of the housekeeping men rides around on a little mower as i said we go to wal marts if it is snowing she cancels it also if it us raining hard and a couple of times they have come and told me i shouldn't go i was just getting over too bad a cold and i usually listen to them if i don't go and spend the $30 we get every month it makes more when i can go between social security and my pension i get a little over $500 a month but the home costs $283 a week then every year about income tax return time we get what they call a short circuit which is a percentage of what you have paid the home for the year somehow it's part of the law you don't get it if you have $50,000 of your own and believe it or not some of the people do property and all long term care is not cheap plan for it if you possibily can ![]() Jun 19, 2001 HEY TAXI.... my first experience with a taxi was in chicago it was the worlds fair in 1932 i was 6 we had gone up from Peoria my mothers aunt had come over from Indiana they had all taken an appartment a few miles from the fair grounds we had been at the fair all day then my mother her aunt and left there were a row of cars on the street my mother her aunt and i they went to one of the cars and got in i was frightened i said if he people that own the car come back won't they be angry because we are in it my mother laughed and said no they won't be don't worry that is what they leave it here they will take us to he appartment and we il give them some money that is how they make their living ![]() Jun 18, 2001 Good Morning a beautiful morning here in north east missouri i haven't listened to the forecast but i think not as hot as some days have been or as cold as others i think it is supposed to rain sometime this week but it sure oesn't look like today but then you never can tell the weathermen can but not me happy week everyone ![]() Jun 18, 2001 MEMORY OF DAYS GONE BY! i remember a lot of that but not all i do remember the ice wagon and another thing that may have been privy to our town in the evening a man would come by pedaling a little white cart you could hear him clear down in the next block shouting hot tamales i would say to dad oh can we have some and he would go out and buy a package for ten cents it was wrapped in news paper then when you opened it the individual tamales were wrapped in corn husks each tamale had a coat of mush before you got to the meat hot and spicy but oh were they good then finally he didn't come around any more something about the city didn't think he should because he made the tamales at home i do know my mothwr lost a brother of what in those days was called summer complaint probably from the milk that was delivered to the door our grocery was much like that only my mother phoned in an order and every day it was delivered by the grocery boy he did become a good friend we seldom went to the store so there were no impulse purchases the store was not sert up like that and if it had been the items would have been ignored in those days few people bought on impulse Jun 18, 2001 MEMORY OF DAYS GONE BY! hi marie my son in law was laughing one day he said my mother is Mary my sister is Mary and my wife is Mary he also has a niece Dominique Marie we call her Nicky she graduated this year ![]() Jun 21, 2001 Accidents CAN happen... one time the pilot light on our hearting stove went out me with no sense of smell was wonderng gosh is the house filling up with gas will it explode so i put in an emergency call to the heating company saying please hurry the house might blow up afterwards my huband laughed he said i know you can't smell anything so i have all the stoves fixed so if the pilot light goes out the gas turns off a good idea for me ![]() Jun 23, 2001 Accidents CAN happen... my grandmother had a kind of little room attached on to the house they called it the summer kitchen and did most of the cooking out there in the summer there was also an outdoor bathroom out by the barn and my great grandmothrr would use nothing else she thought a bathroom in the house was a disgrace ![]() Jun 22, 2001 HEARTBREAK IN HOUSTON we had a patient in our hospital one time we knew she was not ready to be discharged but the time came when the dr.s had to let her go when she got home she stabbed her litle boy her girl was able to get out and run to the neighbors for help the ambulance came to take the little boy to the hospital in Columbia Mo. the road from Centralia where this took place to Columbia was a very narrow and twisted road it was called route B there was a saying pray for me i drive route B i drove it twice a day from 1967 to1991 just going to work anyway the ambulance pulled over for some reason and a car came over one of the rises and hit the ambulance the little boy did survive i don't know what happened to the mother she didn't come back to our hospital but they might have taken her to Fulton our state hospital if they did they could keep her longer there if they had to we were limited to no more than three months they have since redone that road one thing our state highway taxes accomplished Fulton the State hospital had an extension called Biggs it was for the criminally insane and anyone who worked there got combat pay which my husband told me was something extra the soldiers got if they were actually in combat when he was drafted in 1942 they were paid $50 a month during the years he was in he sent enough home that his mother was able to buy a house one time after she passed away i was going through her papers and found a v mail letter he had written does anyone remember V mail ![]() Jun 22, 2001 WHAT IF SUDDENLY EVERYTHING IS LONG DISTANCE one of the girls was telling me that after July 17 our access number here in Mexico will not work and after that when we come in evey thing will be long distance she said she got this notice in her e. mail though i have not if this happoens i will not be able to keep the web because the two other times i have let it dial long distance a town not too far from us it has added from $40 to $60 on my daughters telephone bill what should i do any advice always now if i see the long distance number i shut it off till later but usually it dials a Mexico number so i don't know what will happen but much as i hate it it may be goodbye ![]() Jun 23, 2001 LOSS OF LOCAL NUMBER NO HOAX last night i got hold of web tv they said it was a fact after July 27 all of my access numbers would be long distance he said go to the phone book and change my isp? so i will have to see if i can do that otherwise i'm afraid i'm out unless i can get things straightened out would it be innapropriate to ask you to say a prayer for me ![]() Jun 23, 2001 MY HEAT IS ON!!!! i love to sleep in a thunderstorm when i was little my dad worked nights and my mother was afraid of storms especially wind she would take me out in the living room and play the piano for me anything i wanted to hear and i never asked for anything she did not know and most of them she didn't have to have music for especially the hymns ![]() Jun 24, 2001 Some Good Hints Here my mother had an iron skillet if something got caked on it she couldn't get off she would take it down put it in the furnce it would burn clean not recommended unless your skillet is iron also every time she washed my hair she used p.& G bar soap she would rinse it wih vinager said it got all the soap out also she would warm olive oil to part my hair and rub it in when i got old enough to wear hose she had me put on a pair of cotton gloves to put them on with ![]() Jun 24, 2001 Hi Grands~~~~The Joker~ have you heard this one i can't remember who i got it from a class was lined up in the cafeteria at a catholic school first there was a big bowl of apples the nun said take only one god is watching you at the end of the line was a big platter of chocolate chip cookies one of the boys had put a note on them take all you want god's watching the apples ![]() Jun 23, 2001 ANTARCTICA~HERE I COME if it were possible for me i would like to hike the appalachain trail i have looked on the web trying to find out what kind of things you should take with you on a trip like that i know they have places where you can stay overnight when my daughter got married her brother in law was on a ship going to the antartica however it wasn't a cruse ship i think it was a cruiser though i don 't know the difference in the navy ships their dad was carreer air force i just know it wasn't a battleship ![]() Jun 24, 2001 THE 60 YEAR OLD MAN a 60 year old man went to the dr for a checkup the dr said your in remarkable shape you could be 30 how old was your father when he died the man said did i say he was dead he is 90 and he still back packs and surfboards the dr said how old was your grandfather when he died " did i say he was dead he is 106 and still skies surfboards and hikes furthermore he is getting married next week the dr said now why would a 106 year old man want to get married "did i say he wanted to" ![]() Jun 25, 2001 DESPERATELY NEED PRAYERS counseling could certainly be a help but it can't be forced on someone that refuses to admit their mistake but remember it is certainly no disgrace if the girl herself would need to be hospitalised for awhile i worked in a mental health clinic for over 18 years and they can turn things around ![]() |
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