Chapter 29Aug 15, 2001 Re cravings From: hondadonna75 yes i do get cravings a lot of time it's just for something like i used to fix it for myself of course if you don't like it you don't have to eat it yesterday i know they had a novice in the kitchen setting up trays i like the same breakfast have for about the last 20 years well i'm not supposed to eat egg whites so i get over easy with lots of yolk yresterday morning they sent me scrambled when the aide took it back to get it changed it came back with no oatmeal i would feel i was deprived if i didn't get my oatmeal maybe in another lifetime i was a horse if i was i was an also ran i never won a race in my life no the athletic type Aug 15, 2001 Re cravings From: hondadonna75 when i was pregnant i craved wood of all things i chewed most of my clothpins into splinters Aug 15, 2001 Re cravings From: hondadonna75 Hi this is the starsearcher thought i would try a new identity for fun and to see what would happen of course i lost my favs my f keys and my sigs so here i am Donna Aug 16, 2001 TAKE YOU PICK LADIES. ((G)) number 5 is a very common misconception schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder as in the story the three faces of eve or Sybel to name a couple of stories that talk about the condition people with schizophrenia live in a different reality they may honestly see rats growing out of their skin they will also try and often succeed to divide a staff or a family your reality is not their reality Aug 16, 2001 TAKE YOU PICK LADIES. ((G)) Prozac made me wilder than anything else ever did even Benzadrine which the dr. gave me a tablet of one time so i wouldn't go to sleep driving benzadrine is an amphetamine or upper i went to sleep about three times on the way over to the town he was in and it was just by the grace of god that i didn't wind up in the ditch Prozac is not supposed to do that to you but you can never tell what effect a medication will have on a person and the nurses in the group know how serious medication mistake can be Aug16, 2001 TAKE YOU PICK LADIES. ((G)) i made a remark one time in the business chat group that bonds were safer than stocks one of the other chatters said yes they are but they will never make you a milionare overnight but i remember when i bought a bond for $18 and in ten years i got $25 back it seems companies don't want to sell you something that they know they will eventually have to pay you back for Aug 17, 2001 Is web working? Barbara my first husbands birthday is either the 8th or the10th of march i'm ashamed of myself but i still can't keep it straight i didn't have that much trouble remembering everyone elses only his Aug 16, 2001 Union Dues ..?? my grandfather was a very fortunate man he went to work for the railroad in 1912 he retired in 1936 the year the railroad started to give pensions he lived to be 98 if that was a regular occurance i think many companies would give up their pension plans did you know if you get an income tax rebate you will have to report it on your next years income I need some information please Group: alt.discuss.mygrandchild Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2001, 2:27pm From: (donna sneed) i put in a different name they say you can have up to five but i got nothing with it not even grannies on the f F key i tried it once before but i went kid friendly i couldn't even get the home page just some cartons no favorites i don't know about a new web but i had two friends get computers and everything changed i'm scared of computers anyway when i worked in Columbia we got one on the ward one evening i was working evenings one of the boys and i i just tried to turn it on the wards took turns hosting 7 or 8 fourth medical students for their 8 week block in psychiatry the next morning the head nurse called me into her office and said did you mess with the computer i said we tried to turn it on she said you lost all the records for the medical students so i would like to have a computer but as i said i'm a little scared of them Mon, Aug 20, 2001 I need some information please my daughter and son in law had friends that worked with the state of Indiana with computers one time we went to visit them we were waiting for my daughter to get there for supper he took me into the computers and showed me how to play a game i said i'm afraid i might break it he said what are you going to do take a baseball bat to it Sun, Aug 19, 2001 ONLY IN TEXAS?? Wayne i don't know about different levels that way but my husband told me a story of when he was in the war in Europe he and fellow soldier were both working on the radio both on a pole he said the other man was 15 or 20 feet higher than he was he said a missle came in and hit the pole right above where he was he was not hurt but the other man was blown to pieces small wonder the men came home with stress syndrome though in world war one it was called shell shock Sun, Aug 19, 2001 ONLY IN TEXAS?? i don't know Wayne we flew to Germany one time and i heard the pilot anounce we will be ascending to ????? feet to get above the storm though i think he went a little higher than 15 feet Sun, Aug 19, 2001 ONLY IN TEXAS??wayne i was about 8 years old when i learned if it was raining it wasn't necessarily raining everywhere we had been planning a picnic with my aunt and uncle everything was ready when it started to rain my mother said we can't go now i was so dissapointed when my uncle called and said where are you we have been waiting my mother said we can't go in this rain he said rain it isn't raining here afterward i said to my mother how could it be raining here and not there? she said that's the way rain is it doesn't rain everytwhere i was surprised but later in school i learned more Tue, Aug 21, 2001 Can I use the Car ??? the age most people learn to drive is 16 so when i was 16 i asked my dad if he would teach me he said no our car has to last and two drivers are hard on a car and they aren't even making cars right now i was 16 in 1942 and they weren't making crs then planes and ships but no cars so i didn't learn to drive until after i was married Sun, Aug 19, 2001 Re: JELLO have you made powdered sugar icing where you mix powered sugar and butter then gradually add milk until it is the right consistency to spread on a cake add a package of jello to the powdered sugar and your icing will be the color and flavor of the jello we used it at halloween my mother would make cupckes for my halloween party half with chocolate icing half with orange we got the orange icing BY ADDING ORANGE JELLO more accurate than food coloring Wed, Aug 22, 2001 Tomato Sandwiches i like a good tomato slice on a hamburger i like the beefstake tomatos Wed, Aug 22, 2001 Tomato Sandwiches i like miracle whip rather than mayonaise Wed, Aug 22, 2001 Tomato Sandwiches i like b.l.t's too haven't had any for a long time Thu, Aug 23, 2001 Re: First love is dying, Would you go see him at hospital? i as fortunate when my husband was in the hospital and going to have a pneumonectomy the people i had worked with in columbia came to get me and took me into columbia to the hospital so i could be there when he died about three years latter they took me from here to the visitation and to the funeral years earlier when my first husband had a quadruple bypass i was there and Bill my husband at that time would have thought strange if i hadn't he was the father of my children my first (boyfriend) we were too young to be serious i was 14 when he left his death was sudden and unexpected a naval battle in the Phillipines latter his brother used part of the $10,000 insurance to go over and see his grave he said jim really had a beautiful place even if i had been married if there had been any chance to see him i would have but like Mary and Martha i will see him at the resurection one time i heard an athiest talking about that incident he said why did jesus say Lazerus come forth implying that he wasn't really dead a boy in his Sunday school class said if he hadn't said Lazerus come forth everyone in the cemetary would have and some day he will call us all Thu, Aug 23, 2001 Re: POETRY BY BECKIE #3 Beckie you are so right today my grandson is six months old seems no time at all since my daughter was i barely remember when i was but that doesn't seem too long either first strong memory i was about two they took me to the neighbors who had a party in their basement japanese lanterns all around really pretty they had a girl about 5 or 6 and they took me up and put me to bed in her room the lady brought me a doll with a pink dress but she had a little bookcase against the wall full of little books i remember i didn't want the doll but i sure wanted to get to those books i never did want dolls only books Wed, Aug 22, 2001 Re: Links for Seniors & More it may or may not have anything to do with it but i think we will someday find that nutra sweet is much more dangerous than anyone realizes Wed, Aug 22, 2001 Re: MY HOME Gloria god never gives you more than you can stand Thu, Aug 23, 2001 Re: LATEST ON BILL if he enjoys visiting and the patients are up and around he will make a lot of friends here a lot of the patients aren't that with it but i have made a lot of friends with the staff yesterday i fell and the girl that was with me was just devastated i was transfering from the stool back to my chair and the one side wasn't locked but we should have both remembered to check it i lit on my arm and shoulder it was pretty sore yesterday but it is a lot better today i was kidding one of the girls one time she had me in the whirlpool tub which is pretty deep i was sleepy and my head kept going forward she said don't do that i told her if you let me drown you can't imagine the paper work you're in for she said i don't want to find out even a fall is a lot of work call the dr. call the family fill out all the extra forms in my case it's been there done that but actually they are very careful but things do happen she said i've been nursing for three years and never let anyone fall i said well wait till you're at it over 20 she said that's so far off i said not as far as you think this morning they exrayed my arm and wrist but it's not broke i remember my leg she couldn't even put my shoe on Fri, Aug 24, 2001 afraid to tell someone something when i was in the hospital i was in after i first had my stroke it seemed like every weekend something happened my husband had said do you think we can get by this weekend without any incidents then that Friday night when the nurse was teaching me how to transfer from the wheelchair to another seat it was in the shower room the board i was transfering to was wet my hand slipped and i went down and broke the paralized leg one of the aids told me afterwards my legs were all twisted under me anyway i thought how am i going to tell Bill about this i told him nothing would happen this week so when he called in the morning i told him i fell and my leg is bent the nurse took the phone away from me and said her leg is broken so for10 weeks i wore a cast and had to go to a nursing home because with the cast on i couldn't do the required time of rehab exercises but the first home i was in was not very good after i got the cast off i went back to the hospital for about a week then my daughter found the home where i am now i will be here 11 years this fall and baring a miracle the rest of my life and i'm only 75 but in everything there are blessings at least i can still think and keep in touch with my friends on the net i am so thankful for webt.v. i asked my son in law the other night about the price of a laptop he said they were more expensive than regular computers but he would keep his eye out for one they could afford so maybe someday i will actually have my own computer i don't know what else i could do with it goodness knows i wouldn't have room for a printer or a scanner at least with the web i don't have to worry about viruses Fri, Aug 24, 2001 Re: WHAT A DUMMY I AM›› when i was working our insurance was Moshers Missouri State employees and retires a very good insurance but one time they told us we could take an h.m.o. we had to chose a dr. that they had on their list bu it was only $5 for an office visit if you went to the hospital the most it would cost you in a year was $600 not bad for an extended hospital visit but all of a sudden they told us we would have to come back to moshers i learned later that that h.m.o. had gone banktrupt another insurance to be wary of is AARP my huband and i had taken it for a number of years then he had to have surgery a knee replacement after it was over we found out because the drs. that performed the surgery did not ccept medicare AARP would not pay not one cent left us with a $700 bill thankfully we did have the part of social security that covers you with insurance the part i object to is that in all of their advertising they never tell you that it was only when we put in our claim that they told us that Fri, Aug 24, 2001 Re: WHAT A DUMMY I AM›› nothing is wasted if you make friends and since i have had this web i have found out that is one of the best thing about ngs i belong to more than one and have made good friends in each of them special people use the web Fri, Aug 24, 2001 Re: TIPS ROR DRY LIPS OR SKIN i had always heard about using cocoa butter on stretch marks after childbirth isn't it supposed to be good for chapped lips too Fri, Aug 24, 2001 A true story this is a true story it is long but i thought someone might get ome comfort from it i have said before my youngest daughter died in May of 67 short time before her fifteenth birthday a short while after she died about a month a man appeared by my bed he said i'll take you to her now we went to a room somewhere she came in and said oh mommy it's so beautiful and i'm so happy i'm going to school and i have 33 of the most breautiful teachers i said i was glad she was happy she said well mommy i've got to go now and she left the room awhile before she died i was by myself and was praying that god not take her from me he said to me in a very clear voice What's the matter don't you trust her with me and then he was good enough to let me know what good care he was taking of her this is an absolutely true story Sat, Aug 25, 2001 BE CARE FUL WHAT U SAY!!! i have a habit of calling Bush the shrub no offence to arbor day people Sat, Aug 25, 2001 Re: POETRY BY BECKIE #4 bethankful you can twist and turn all of my life i was used to lying on my right side now cannot because i can't bring my paralized leg over i can turn on my left but not too easily therefore i lie on my back wiyh my head propped up on pillows i do sleep though i know because i dream i often dream that i am walking and can use my left hand well dreams do come true sometimes i'm really not in that much of a hurry but someday i won't have to wake up and the dream will be true let me tell you about my second worse accident the other day in the bathroom i was trying to get back into my chair it wasn't locked and flew out from under me i say the second worse one time and old cow tossed me over her head and proceded to stomp on me i had much worse bruises that time but worse it scared me of th cow as after that it was a little harder to go out among them to feed them i got ovrerthere thunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn'''' Sun, Aug 26, 2001 web page i can write poetry sometimes and have put a few on the web but how do i make that a web page and not just links Sun, Aug 26, 2001 web page help i can use all i can get Mon, Aug 27, 2001 Re: New style e-sig would love to be able to do something like that but i can't put pictures on this web my don inlses sister has a regular computer and they have pictures of his nephew in his racing car Mon, Aug 27, 2001 any teachers in the group i have a question i can't find an answer for any teachers in the group what is new math i was never that good at it but i thought it was an absolute first you learn to count then to add and subtract building blocks are good for this then you memorise the time tables heaven help you if you don't Mon, Aug 27, 2001 advice from Ann i ran across some advice from ann the other day that some of our younger generation of girls might well take to heart it's about the relationship between the sexes when i liked him i loved him when i loved him i let him when i let him i lost him i know some may say oh that's so old fashioned but is it really how about some opinions on this or have things really changed so much so many of the young girls are pregnant now and seem proud of it Mon, Aug 27, 2001 Re: Why Married Women gain weight a married woman cooks and if it's really a hobby they sample i loved to cook especially bake here you eat what they serve or you leave it if you leave it too much they fret and give you the geriatric version of pieadilite Tue, Aug 28, 2001 YIKES i was thinking an angel Tue, Aug 28, 2001 YIKES it has to be something she was looking for i was thinking a kitten till i got to the part about the curler Tue, Aug 28, 2001 Re: New style e-sig~ All i'm not sure what i have my daughter got it for me at wal marts i saw the picture but i know it doesn't have javatrid one time to get in the card games a lot of them here play but i couldn't i would lke to have a lap top but my son in law told me they were as expensive as the big ones if not more so well maybe one of these years i remember when i was little a radio was quite an investment but a couple of weeks ago i got one at wal marts that plays cassette tapes and it wasn't quite $10 so maybe one day computers will get inexpensive enough for me to afford one it seems as technology inceases things get cheaper in this room i wouldn't have room for much more than a lap top night aide tofd me this morning you could use the software with them but you needed an extra attachment but it wasn't much bigger than a little radio so that i would have room for Wed, Aug 29, 2001 Re: MSN Took Over WebTV Today-I hope you had Grannies on F Key i hate change and i always have and my first change was when i was 6 years old my grand mother and my great grandmother had died and we were going to move up and live with my grandfather i was used to the other house but i hated to leave my house i hid under the bed and my dad had to get one foot and drag me out but worst we crossed the street that devided the school districts i had just finished the first grade and i had to go to a different school i didn't get back to "my" school until the fifth grade that was in 1932 my folks had just built the house in 1928 and while we were gone they rented it for $25 a month do you remember those days then after i got married and was just getting used to living on a farm we moved from Illinois to Missouri nothing against Missouri it is a good state but i did get to go to l.p.n. school and made that my carreer then we had a nice home in Centralia and all of a sudden one morning i fell on my face and since then it hs been the hospital then the nursing home oh well looking at my astrology chart all the changes are not surprising Uranus the planet of change rules 5 of my other planets and i have another configuration in my chart that says you have a lot of lessons to learn so i know getting used to new things is the main thing i'm supposed to learn but i still don't like it Thu, Aug 30, 2001 CAN YOU DO IT does anyone know how to put a letter in your e mail into favorites i've tried and all it does is go into my stored mail Fri, Aug 31, 2001 Re: ITS THAT TIME AGAIN i used to look forward to winter a lot now i don't so much it really doesn't make that much difference in here only they take us to WAL MARTS once a month and if the weather gets too bad they won't in case there is trouble with the van this home is no smoking and they usually take the smokers to a special room down at the end of the hall or if the weather is nice not too cold or rainy they take them to a patio off the south dining room i have gone out there with them a few times i don't smoke but just to get out the other night one of the men got out without anyone seeing him they knew someone went out the alarm on the door went off they went all over some even went around the building outside then one of the night aids called and said he was at break time a station not too far down the road he is not really steady on his feet and he had gone all the way down there pushing a wheelchair he kind of goes with my roommate and he said if he could have made just one call he would have gotten away my roommate said his family would have brought him right back it could have been bad he could have fallen gotten hit well thats about all the exciting news from here my arm is still sore from having fallen last week stupid of me i was transferring from the stool in the bathroom back to my chair the chair wasn't locked it went out from under me and i lit hard on my shoulder and upper arm they exrayed it nothing broken but my arm and wrist are still really sore after this i say to the aid whoever it is is it locked of course most of them do it automatically well have a nice weekend it's too soon for my daughter to come again so much the same here sorry didn't mean to be so long winded Donna Fri, Aug 31, 2001 Re: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar, anyone? i've had Cider but it was sweet cider not vinager which is latin for sour wine had a haloween party and my girlfriends brother and his friend drank a whole gallon didn't leave any for the rest of us Fri, Aug 31, 2001 Re: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar, anyone? i like to watch the cooking shows and have seen the chefs use wine vinager a number of times which is what vinager is sour wine latin wine vine sour ager don't know any benefits except it is supposed to make things very tasty Sat, Sep 1, 2001 Re: My NEW Job... Judy you will enjoy the job but remmber it can be heartbreaking too bet you wind up adopting some of them good luck they need all the love and help they can get Sat, Sep 1, 2001 Re: My NEW Job...UPDATE isn't it a thrill to see them find a loving home don't you wish they all could little cat they took into the home she was hanging around begging for food and one of the girls brought her in pretty little orange cat poor little thing had been spayed and declawed then evidently dumped don't understand how someone could do that so sad to see ehr try to clean the claws that aren't there my husband used to say it was a crime to declaw a cat ours would sit on his leg and dig in with her back claws when she took off he never liked cats before we got her but she adopted him and he loved her never said a word when she took off from his leg would scold me if i scolded her for getting a fledgling bird said that just her nature she was his baby then when he moved to a place that was on the highway he found her a good home in town afraid she would get hit on the highway she was used to the town streets and he said he couldn't keep her inside all the time so found her a home with a lady that loved cats by that time i was in the hospital i did get to go home a couple of times but she was afraid of the wheelchair Sat, Sep 1, 2001 QUESTION FOR WAYNE i am asking wayne this because i think he might be able to answer my question i can't get an answer in the business chat room What really happened in 1929 and why and is it likely to happen again thanks Sat, Sep 1, 2001 Re: I'll VOTE FOR THIS ONE..LOL i would have loved to have a big family always wanted one but then after 48 hour when they said they woud have to take my daughter cesaerian back then 1950 cesaerians 2 were the limit after that they cut the tubes they said after mary was born do not get pregnant for two years but i wanted them to be closer Vickie was born July third 1952 Mary was two the twenty first of that month and they deliberatly took Vickie at least two weeks early to be sure i wouldn't go into labor they told me not to get pregnant and i did deliberately that is why i felt so terribly guilty when she died they said that didn't have anything to do with it and logicly i knew it but i felt guilty just the same for years i had disobeyed the drs. so it was my fault Sat, Sep 1, 2001 Re: I'll VOTE FOR THIS ONE..LOL kath did you ever see the episode of bewitched where sams mother made Darin pregnant Sun, Sep 2, 2001 Re: Supper supper here is good and nutriscious but not usually what i would chose if i could cook my own so i had one of the helpers pick me up a jar of chunky peanut butter and a jar of apricot jam and that is usually what i ask for if they would give me breakfast three times a day it would be fine but they won't not good for you they say Sun, Sep 2, 2001 Re: Supper a lot of times at night we wouldn't be hungry sometimes we would get the carton meals on wheels had brought at noon but lots of time i would open a can of biscuits put them in the oven and we would eat them with jelly or sometimes i would hardboil a couple of eggs mash them up wih a can of tuna add a spoonful of miracle whip and make sandwches or make grilled cheese or i would get chicken breasts at the store put them down in cassarole and bake them for about an hour neither of us liked dark meat |
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