Chapter 28Jul 25, 2001 C WHAT MOM MADE ME..vid cap i learned to crochet the year i was twenty one when i was confined to bed for two weeks with the chicken pox my mother brought me a ball of string a learn how book and a crochet hook she said here teach yourself to crochet it will give you something to do with your hands besides scratch so in that two weeks with the help of the book i did learn i made my mother a runner for the back of the davenport small squares and i put them together of course when i learned not to crochet so tight it was much easier i think the hardest thing i ever did was to try to teach a girl who was left handed it also got eassier when i learned to use yarn and a larger hook i also knew how to knit nothing fancy just the plain knit purl crocheting was a big hobby and something i really miss now that i only have one hand one thing though that has always remained a mystery to me though is how to tat Jul 27, 2001 C WHAT MOM MADE ME..vid cap both are beautiful pam and the lampshade has such a pretty pineapple motif you have to follow your instructions carefuly to get that just right but you make me envious of what i can't do anymore and it hard enough to watch the nurses work but they have to put up with some patients that don' appreciate them at all and really give them a hard way go if eone something sty time can answer me back and they can't fire me but i do try to remember it's not the christian thing to do and i don't have to be around them odd when i worked there weren't that many really nasty patients most were not hard to get along with Jul 27, 2001 C WHAT MOM MADE ME..vid cap Pam she surely crochets beautifully sometimes makes me wish i hadn't learned same with making pictures in counted cross stitch and it aways bothered me i didn't get a chance to learn to play the piano like my mother did but if i had i couldn't do it now reminds you god always knows what he is doing and some day i will have all he let me learn back and more ![]() Jul 25, 2001 town on fire several years ago when i was still working in the hospital in columbia my friend who was off that day called me and said Donna it just said on the news your town is on fire sure enough a worker using a back hoe had knocked the cap off the high presure line turning the high presure gas into the low presure lines immediately every pilot light in the town shot up to about a foot high alltogether about 11 houses burned down my husband got home in time to shut the gas off but we did lose a wall furnace and a hot water heater it was sometime in the eightys at that time you may have heard about the Centralia fires on the news there were helicopters flying overhead and you could see men sitting in the doorways i was in Columbia and didn't really see any of the houses burn down just what was left of them there were no casulatys(sp) no one was killed but it was quite an historic event the only one in history approaching it was the Centralia massacre that was when an outlaw by the name of Bloody Bill Anderson took about 20 union soldiers off the train and shot them down there is a memorial plaque in the town square at the time the sympathys of the town was largely confederate ![]() Jul 25, 2001 SOMEDAY Shirley Flash Gordon never facinated me like Buck Rogers did remember him Buck Rogers in the twentyfifth century ![]() Jul 25, 2001 MORNING it is supposed to rain here today only i don't know if it will make it cooler or more humid so far it looks nice out no sun but so far no rain ![]() Jul 26, 2001 Thunder Storms,Flood and Tornado watch WHEN I LIVED IN CENTRALIA and drove to columbia to work we had to drive a road that was nothing but hills and curves it was so narrow that if you pulled over you could still get hit as happened to asn ambulance that was taking a young boy in to the hospital after his mother had stabbed him she had been our pt and was let go too soon many cars carried bumper stickers that read Pray for me i drive route B Jul 26, 2001 Thunder Storms,Flood and Tornado watch i know they have tornados here in Missouri but Illinois too the worst i remember i was about 16 there was a terrible storm dark we later found out that a twister had hit South Pekin about 15 miles south of Peoria the kind that drove straw into the telephone poles the men my dad and my uncle both railroaders were in Pekin thry said they got in the pits under the engines and the wind blew so hard they thought it would knock the engines over they said they rocked back and forth and those were the big old steam engines watching P.B.S. this morning and it told about a toronado that hit st louis in 1896 it showed pictures of the damage i think it said it killed at least 300 or more nothing to what will happen if the New Madrid fault goes and they say it will one of these days last time 1811 and 1812 and it said it made the Mississippi flow backwards for time but there was not that much population then now there is they said if it happens it will ring bells as faraway as new york and take out all the bridges between there and st.Louis New Madrid is in the boot heel of Missouri look it up worse earthquake fault than any in calif they say someday California wil break off from the rest of the continent at least it can't break off everything west of the Mississippi i hope ![]() Jul 26, 2001 QVC Group i don't watch it often it's just too tempting Jul 26, 2001 QVC Group i have ordered two things from Q.V.C. the table i keep my web keyboard a gold heart shaped pennant for my daughter with her grandparents pictures on they were both real nice but i ordered a bracelet from H.S.N. it looked real nice when they showed it on the show but when i got it it was cheap i had intended it as a christmas present and was almost ashamed to give it so i may not be able to buy much or often but when i do i will stick to QVC ![]() Jul 26, 2001 ARE YOU SOFT HEARTED? i might be cul e iling l hurt anything i take after my father what one time he was stationed in h Michgan when he was in the army in 1918 he said the men would wait till the deer came to a pool to drink and shoot them when they knelt down to drink he thought that was terrible and so did i i never liked catching a mouse in a snaptrap once i hd to go into the basement and finish killing a bunch of them i was ready o go to the hospital to have my youngest girl and that made me so sick they had to take me right then so yes i guess i am chicken hearted Jul 26, 2001 ARE YOU SOFT HEARTED? saw my husband cry once we were watching a documentary on Korea the forgotten war and one other ime when he got to thinking about the man he had had to kill hand too hand in WW2 they had surprised each other both coming into the same foxhole at thre same time he kept saying why did i kill him he was just like i was wanting to get home i said but if you hadn't killed him he would have killed you he said but yet after i killed him i found his wallet he had a wife and children and i was just single i think he really fought both of those wars for the rest of his life and yet some women complain because they won't let them go into combat do they really know what they are asking for ![]() Jul 29, 2001 SIG ... PLEASE TELL ME computors and the web are very different my son in law who is a computor programmer for the university of Indiana told me he didn't know that much about the web i had a chance once to ue a friends i put in old english and got a chapter in middle english it said at that time english German and scandinavian were the same and if you understood one you undertood all three then English went it's own way i knew English was called a Germanic language i didn't know why if i ever have a computer i would like to have one that has a complete encyclopedia and an unabrigded dictionery(all the words) ![]() Jul 28, 2001 Babies Dying or a dog not as serious but a beloved pet can die the same way ![]() Jul 30, 2001 WANTED A WEEKEND wish someone could take me somewhere for a weekend but it would have to be a rehab nurse daughter can't knows less than nothing about helping the handicapped very lucky they take me to Columbuia for christmas dinner and i would have to have plenty of dramamine along strange i could drive myself anywhere and never get motion sick oh well you remember the old verse if wisshes were horses beggars would ride if i ever win the million dollars will buy my own w.c. van and visit you all ![]() Jul 30, 2001 We are home VID CAP HERE/ Pam what i can see is very pretty did you plant the trees or were they part of the deal we had a peach tree there were two branches i liked to climb up into and lay and swing with the wind when it came to flowers my mother had a real green thumb something i did not inherit but she had the whole yard surrounded with flower beds pretty ones the only ones i didn't care for were the tiger lilys after i was married i had a RUYUBROSA LILLY beautiful pink leaves with darker rose spots ODOR????? but it was a perenial and was already there tried to raise a Paukls Scarlet rose but the first year my husband went over it with the lawn mower second year i pruned it found out later it blooms on second year branches i had pruned the ones that wouild have blooomed i never got my paul scarlet rose but in Illinois there was a beautiful white rose covering the fence it was a seven sisters in Centralia the town i lived before i came here there was a formal garden it had a waterfall and a stream running through the middle one whole section was different color tea roses there was a pond in one corner with water lilys all kind of flowers different color all seasons it was in the back yard of A.B. Chances home he invented the Chance Ancor and started the big factory that was the main employment for miles around people who set telephone and light poles probably know what the chance anchor is all around the edge there were places where there were litle cement benches when i lived there the house was the town historical museum but my mother in law born 1893 had known the man personaly a crew of professional gardeners take care of it in the middle there is a bridge over the stream you could look down and see gold fish about a foot long i used to like to go there and just walk there was wishing well i miss being able to go there they took us and drove around it but to really appreciate it you have to walk through it ![]() Jul 30, 2001 Good Morning, ~Sammy i never got to go camping with my folks they were not out door people when i was in high school they let me go camping for two weeks with the blue triangle club from school that is the Y.W.C.A. they had a regular camp grounds across the river which was East Peoria there was a dining hall but one day one of the counselors took us out showed us how to make a fire and cook shish kabobs there were cabins with screens 6 or 7 of us to a cabin every evening they took us swimming later when i was older i went on an impromptu camping trip with a friend that day i was supposed to be in court for a divorce hearing but all of a sudden i decided i wasn't going my friend and i were out driving we went up through iowa and finally into South Dakota we had a tent that you bent the rods and stuck them into he grounds we found camp grounds along the way pretty expensive once we got up close to mount rainier but very night we did find a camp grounds it was one of the most impulsive things i ever did and the whole thing was caused because if we had stayed married i was making so much that my husband would have lost his military pension you could not be prosperous and stay married later after i retired and was only getting social security it was different but then after i was retired i got bored and went back to work part time p.r.n..R.N. they called me when they needed someone it was a good deal if i got three or four days month i made as much as my social security check for someone who is not normally an impulsive person that was the craziest thing i have ever done but i look back and i'm not sorry p.s. we never did get the divorce i had been talking o the lawyer in the phone just before we took off he said be here at such and such a time i hung up an said i don't want to my friend said lets just go somewhere i said ok lets and looking back i'm not sorry i'm glad i got to see t Rainier ![]() Jul 30, 2001 DO YOU AVE A FAVORITE V.C.R. A I THINK ONE OF MINE IS Babe but i have Lady and the Tramp 10 Dalmations the cartoon and the live show Cinderela Pinochio That darn Cat with Haley Mills the Parent trap also with Haley i don;t have Pollyana i have Anchors Away with Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly Star Treck the Voyage home Mary Poppins Snow white peter Pan and probably my favorite The Sound of Music all my tapes together with my books and they call my room the library annex i have plenty to keep me busy then my daughter got me a nice t.v. my web and keeps my phone in she is so good to me the girl who is the head of recreation has to take the names down of those who go to the scheduled activities and chart on them she said i don't worry if you miss an activity i know you keep plenty busy in your room she said the ones i worry about are the ones who just lay in bed and there are some who do and not necessarily the ones who are really sick i feel sorry for the girls starting at 5 a.m. they have to have everyone up for breakfast then after breakfast put them back to bed i don't go my foot is uncomfortable if they leave my brace on and if they take it off i don't know if there will be anyone to put it back on and not everyone can i'm lucky though all thee more girls learned how to do it and even with them having every other weekend off i am lucky enough there is usually at least one girl who can do it ever since i fell and broke my ankle when i was still in the hospital and had a cast on for 10 weeks my foot wants to turn to the side and it has to be flat in the brace before they can put my shoe on if i tried to step down without the brace ny foot would turn and all my weight would be on my ankle now it is time for me to cut this letter short lucky this last week there has been someone here to get me up by three or three thirty then they don't have to bother with me again till i go to bed at eight thirty or nine i try to watch the clock and go before ten the evening shift leaves then and nights gets a little upset if i'm still up by the time their shift starts AT LEAST ONE PERSON CAN DO ME I CAN HELP myself that much ![]() Jul 31, 2001 Hi hi aimee i like to read something that you know someone put some effort into if i really get to writing i can be pretty long winded too ![]() Jul 31, 2001 BARB'S PRIZE CATCH it is big what kind i dont know my fish well when i was 6 we went up to sault Ste Marie Michigan on the canadian border we went to see the locks there was a boy about 7 he was carrying a fish as long as he was tall my father told me it was a great lakes white fish they were on the menus in all the restaurents too they were good ![]() Jul 31, 2001 Good Morning, ~Sammy it will be hot here today in the ninetys but a heat index of over 100 i walked to school and sometimes it was 20 below but i am thankful it was before the wind chill factor you knew it was 20 below but they didn't make you colder by telling you it was really 40 or 50 we were young and kept moving that made a difference i realise the difference when i have to just sit ![]() Aug 2, 2001 LUGGAGE STOLEN--PITTSBURGH AIRPORT hard telling where it went it may be in Alaska but then again it might be in the Antarctic i sure hope it turns up for you ![]() Aug 2, 2001 Don't Faint Frogie reminds me of my grandmother my dads mother she had 16 too not in the same family she was married twice had 10 children by her first husband 6 by my grandfather my dad was both the eleventh and the first child my mother said that was why i was an only child she said my dad grew up in such a crowd he didn't want anymore i understand buit was a lonesome way to grow up ![]() Aug 2, 2001 Update...Alex Just remember no act of kindness to any of gods creature goes without it's reward yours waiting for you whether here or later you shall have it ![]() Aug 2, 2001 LUGGAGE STOLEN--PITTSBURGH AIRPORT as long as it wasn't like my daughters luggage when they flew home from Germany after her husbands discharge from the army her two cats ![]() Aug 2, 2001 WISH YOU HAD BEEN HERE sounds great one of these days i might get to a gannies reunion someone will pack my wheelchair into the trunk Aug 5, 2001 WISH YOU HAD BEEN HERE Carolyn i too wish i had been there but maybe someday nothing is impossible but some things are more unlikely than others on the web we often have notices of the thousands of dollars we might win but is that any better than the dozens of friends we do make just with the thousands we might have a chance to meet more of them ![]() Aug 5, 2001 Sending love and best wishes i will surely pray for them but remind them that god sends no test without a reason and that his reasons are always good thank you for letting us know ![]() Aug 6, 2001 A story, O'Hare in Chicago, Vi history story that should be taught to every school child in Illinois but t sure wasn't of course i was in school by 42 in fact i was out by 44 i did hear about Capone of course but not in school and never about his lawyers in fact i didn't know he had any i just knew they finally arrested him ![]() Aug 4, 2001 WONDERING??????? if you die and don't go to heaven you blame the government for not allowing the schools to teach the children about christ if in their judgement we are condemned for killing our children we blame the manufacturers of the contreceptives for the mistake of allowing the child to have life we had better change our ideas soon ![]() Aug 7, 2001 THE THREE TREES long on a hill top stood three trees they were talking about what they would like to be the one said i want to be a treasure chest and hold great treasures the second said i want to sail the mighty oceans of the world and carry mighty kings one day some men came and cut the three trees down the first was carried to a mill and instead of a treasure chest was fashioned into a box the animals ate out of one night two travelers came into the place where it was that night a baby was born the mother placed the baby in the box and it knew it held a great treasure the second was too small to go to the great ocean so it was sent to a small lake and went into a ship that sailed that lake one night a great storm came up and it seemed certain the little ship would be lost until a passenger stood up and said to the storm peace be still and the storm was quiet and the tree knew it did indeed carry a great and powerful king the third had wanted only to stay on it's hilltop and point men to god was good only to make a rough beam one day men came and nailed a mans hands to the beam it felt worthless and cruel but that next sunday it knew people would not think of it without thinking of god if you have read this before sorry ![]() Aug 7, 2001 Class of 2001--Long read they don't remember Pearl Harbor D day V.E. day or V.j, day they probably never heard of the battle of the bulge the battered bastards of Bastone the kamikaze pilots what happened to the Hindenburg or the depression men who sold apples on the street corners the dust bowl the Okies but then i don't remember the Alamo the forty niners i have heard of them of course i don't remember ever seeing Lincoln but my great grandmother did i didn't know why huck Finn felt so guilty for helping Jim ecape i know some prople from the class of 2000 and 2001 but i was in the class of 1944 myself ![]() Aug 7, 2001 Seize the Moment. i never remember passing up a chance to eat out before i was 6 my grandmother would take me to town and we would eat at he lunch counter at one of the dime stores yes they still had five and tens then if i knew we were going to town i would say can we eat at the supper store no i don't get many chances but if i do i don't let anything stand in my way ![]() Aug 8, 2001 QUESTION FOR ALL.... my grandaughter went to Gatlinburg to get married i don't have the pictures yet but she said it is really nice there they have small chapels for weddings my second husband and i were married in the chapel at the University of Missouri Medical center small but very nice the hospital chaplin married us Aug 8, 2001 QUESTION FOR ALL.... i think Gatlinburg would be nice if it were possible for me to go i would love to but i don't think the home would approve of anyone taking the wheerlchair van that far the other day i was surfing the web i asked about wheelchair travel it told about cruise ships especially the newer ones it said the cabins were wheelchair accessable and there were showers and toilets that were too it said the newer ships had elevators and most of them had lifts from the docks and if that didn't work right there were plenty of able bodied seamen in other words if you have the money you can go anyplace an ambulatory person can go oh to win that lottery i did love to travel and one of my dearest wishes was to take a cruise to Hawii or somewhere even one of the cruise ships that travel the Mississippi one time we did visirt Hanibel Missouri and took the supper cruise from the boat there it was about three hours down and there back they served dinner and you went around the table and got it cafeteria style it was prime rib there was also a cash bar which was well attended but not to be got out of line it was a good time we went up we were only about two hours or less from Hanibel we stayed in a motel just outside town we took a tour that took us through tom sawyer's home even where Mark Twain lived we even saw the cave but it is well lighted now it is real tourist place Aug 8, 2001 QUESTION FOR ALL.... where i lived the place to go was the lake of the Ozarks there were many shops a few good restaurents and cruise boats also helicopter rides there was a show on television the Ozark Opery you could go there to see the show live one time it even came to the middletown school and played in the gym it wasn't as well known or didn't have the famous persons Nashville did but it was good one time we took my grandaughter and there was a place where they spray painted any design onto a tee shirt i forget what she chose but it was a nice place to spend the day i think now they go to Mark Twain lake which is north but i never got the chance to go there so can't say anything about it one time twice actually i got to go to Lynchburg virginia to an astrologers convention it was pretty there and the mounrains really were blue if you looked at them from a distance i think it would be a nice state to tour Aug 8, 2001 QUESTION FOR ALL.... it is certainly not too easly to plan not for something like that the sooner the better there are so many beautiful places to go and things to do i don't know how many of you are familliar with Lillian Jackson Brauns series The Cat who but for those of you who are i vote for Moose County 400 miles north of everywhere or even Breakfast island if you have ever read The Cat who came to Breakfast oh well so the places live only in her imagination i would like to visit Pern too for those of you who are familliar with Anne McCaffery but that was 15 years they hadn't dicovered faster than light and couldn't go as fast as the Enterprise so we will have to restrict our travels to this planet for now as the man who wrote the star wars trilogy said one story was in a sand environment one in snow and the other to forest greenery and as long as there was only Earth that was what he was limited to may the force be with you all or as Yoda said when Luke said to him master you can't die he said strong am i in the force but not that strong and of course only one man that ever lived was Aug 8, 2001 QUESTION FOR ALL.... for those of you who have read the stories that's Injin Joes cave he was a real figure in Hannibel but not the villan he was in the story ![]() Aug 8, 2001 WEBTV BARBIE my grandaughter was born jan first 1971 she is 30 now when she was little every time i took her to town i would get her the latest barbie it's too bad they weren't saved but back then i never thought of collectables one time she was about 4 her mother and i took her to the store she picked out an outfit for her latest doll it was a one piece outfit going home in the car i said to her let me see your barbie clothes she said grandma it's a clo it's only one well it doesn't seem possible but the twentythird of this month her son will be 6 months old the time goes so fast except when you are waiting for something then it can crawl right now i am fortunate the girl who has always been able to put my brace and shoe on has gone to the night shift she will get me up at three o'clock or four at the latest i am thankful for that by that time of the morning i am more than ready to get up last evening one of the nurses was telling a new girl that i was a one she meant i could help myself enough that it only took one person to help me i said i was sorry that i wasn't a none and she laughed at me but when you did for yourself for 65 years it is hard to get used to having to wait for help ![]() Aug 9, 2001 Re: 8/8/01 it is not bad here in the home but i like it warm if it gets too bad you can always turn on the air conditioner in our room but i don't have to run up and down like the girls that work here i just sit in my wheelchair and that makes a lot of difference one lady in the room next to me complains says the heat will cause her to have a heart attack i told her we wouldn't make good roommates she would freeze me out and i would smother her ![]() Aug 9, 2001 Speaking of Flowers .. in 1966 and 67 my youngest daughter had brain tumor for that last year i had to take her into the pediatric clinic at the Medical center for examination this was after she had finished one series of radiation treatments in the clinic was a big acquarium in the acquarium there were many neon tetras they are little fish with a rainbow down their sides they were very pretty and we enjoyed watching them finally the dr who did the examination said to me she only has about two more weeks he could tell by looking at the retina of her eyes he said i can do on more thing i can put in a shunt which will relieve the pressure on her brain i said what would do he was a very honest dr he said it would give her a few more weeks of misery so i said no i knew when she died god would take care of her she died May sixteenth 1967 she would have been 15 the third of July and someday we will be together again sorry didn't mean to write a tear jerker ![]() Aug 11, 2001 GREAT GRAND children are exciting grand or great mine Jacob born on my mothers b.d. his great great grandmother too bad she couldn't have known him of course he was born 2001 and she was born 1900 pretty evenly spaced mother 1900 me 1926 daughter 1950 grandaughter 1971 now Jacob 2001 next one in the twentys?? ![]() Aug 12, 2001 WHO DID YOU SEE IN PERSON in your lifetime how many big stars or famous people have you ever seen in person one time my mother and two aunts went to chicago we went to a show and saw sonja Heine skate and one time my dad took me to our colleges fieldhouse and we saw Gene Autry and his horse on the stage once when i was older i went to st. Louis with my neighbor who was a tupperware salesman the hotel we ate at the stage show was Guy Lombardo he came up and danced with all of us when i was a kid and there was only radio no t.v. my hero and favorite show was Buck Rogers of course back then we only heard the story in fact when we got our first t.v. i was in the habit of listening to the soap operas of the time that was 1955 on a little radio i had on a shelf next to the stove and the pantry where i washed dishes on t.v. was one of the stories but i couldn't quit and go in and watch it and i don't know how many of you realise it but listening to a story on the radio was very different from trying to listen to it on t.v. i was dissapointed i didn't want to give up on the story neither did i want to stop and go watch the t.v. gradually though the stories went off the radio ![]() |
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