Chapter 31Fri, Sep 21, 2001 what will this kind of war be like if there is a war it will be different than any we have known i do not believe we can or will slaughter them all men women and children i believe it will be a war of geurilla fighters or ones who learn their language and infiltrate the terrorist camps spys if you will move in as part of them as many of them have done us i believe that is what pres Bush meant when he said it will be long and take patience how long did it take them to set up the attack of the eleventh years probably finding the ones who were capable of doing it training them and putting them in position we will be fighting factions of a country and extremists in it not the country if we attack their religeon then we had better level all the mosques here and there and set up concentration camps not as horible as the ones in germany but we did inter all of the japanese americans this is just my idea and i am open to others i just can't believe wholesale slaughter is the answer and killing one man will not stop them any more than killing st. peter stoped christianity and if their idea of god is the right one and i say if they will win no matter what we do if ours is the right idea we will win and there is no reason for excess fear ![]() Fri, Sep 21, 2001 different kind of war my neighbor in the next room is very frightened that her grandson 19 will be called into the service if he is i wonder what he will be taught a pilot a parachueter arabic to go in as a spy or will they let him continue his training as a dr. we don't know as have never experienced war like this one will be ![]() Fri, Sep 21, 2001 Re: Ted Nuget Letter--Long But Interesting popular opinion or not i believe the same in fact my belief that the terrorist attack is gods call to america to repent i m not saying it happened because of the sins of the victims but because of the sins of the country legalised abortion unheard of when i was young homosexuals accepted i don't believe they should be prosecuted but neither do believe they should be accepted as if by breaking gods law nothing they do is wrong god judged Israel when they turned from him he judged sodom and Gomora and he will judge us we are not exempt from his rightous wrath Jerry falwell apologized for saying what he said was wrong i am not and have never been his admirer but i believe his retraction was what is wrong this country not the victims have sinned and wil pay the price i'm sure many will disagree with me and that is certainly your right but i believe what i believe ![]() Mon, Sep 24, 2001 Re: JUST ADORABLE precious picture actually it reminds me of a book i have Tailchasers song he is an orange cat with lots of cats around him very good read if you like a little sci fiction Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams ![]() Mon, Sep 24, 2001 Re: Good Sunday Morning band was great till you had to march two miles when it was in the ninetys our uniforms were wool too or play at a football game when it was so cold the slides on the trombones froze the wool felt good then blouses and pants complete with spats we were burnt orange and black but central our rival porisa High the citys oldest school was black and white they were really fancy twirlers wore skirts but when it was real cold they wore wool leotard with them other school was yellow and black only three high schools back then but there are four now at least that is the last i heard Manual they taught all the manual arts central the oldest school in the center of town Woodruff he was a mayor in Peoria at one time then there was the accademy of our lady catholic school for girls and spaulding for boys Academy didn't compete much but thanksgiving afternoon in football it was Spaulding and Woodruff in the morning Manual and Central for years we always kept track of who won what years ever since my mother was in school and she graduated in 1918 i graduated in 1944 but same school there is a new Manual now right by the field where we used to practice our marching it was about two miles from the school and you had to get back in time for second hour i only had a clairinet no case but the base drumer and the tuba players the director would give them a lift in his car one thing band members were exempt from gym but thqt was ok by me i was no athlete Mon, Sep 24, 2001 Re: Good Sunday Morning i could never smell but i could tell when it was getting time for school start and i was so glad summer was so lonesome untill i was 12 then a girl my age moved in down the block ![]() Thu, Sep 27, 2001 Clean House for Company? my mother was a 24 hour a day housekeeper if she knew company was coming she would clean the rug in front of the dresser in the bedroom then turn it upside down once i asked her why she said so it won't get footprints on it then as the company arrived she would turn it rightside up again i asked her once why she was so fussy she said when i was 8 years old 1908 i read in the paper where they had arrested a woman for keeping an untidy house translate brothel i vowed i would never let my house get so untidy they would arrest me my mother and grandmother both had the morals of the victorian age i was never that fussy my daughter was a better housekeeper tthan i was ![]() Thu, Sep 27, 2001 the hardest comand Jesus said it has been said love your neighbors but i say unto you love your enemies pray for those who dispitefully use you and persecute you it's in Mark check it out ![]() Thu, Sep 27, 2001 Re: COMPUTER BOUND IF I EVER GET A PUTER I WILL MONOPOLISE MY DSON IN LAW FOR AWHILE HIS JOB IS COMPUTER PROGRAMER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA AND I IMAGINE HE COULD TEACH ME A LITTLE IF I COULD KEEP HIM AROUND LONG ENOUGH Thu, Sep 27, 2001 Re: COMPUTER BOUND glo why can't you get into granies i mean i know some are specialized the man that was showing me his office computer today said he could not access the payroll or the patients' trust funds but for each individual patient he could find their birth day find them by location here in the home their diagnoasis and their religeon ![]() Fri, Sep 28, 2001 Re: Just so you know yesterday one of the men in the offices was showing me how the new computers work every office and every nurses desk got new computers they had dell these are compaq i wonder what they will do with the old ones Beverly Enterprises must be doing ok they have over 400 homes all over the u.s. just think if they changed computers in every one of them he said all the computers in the building form a web but there are things he can't get on his the payroll and the patients trusts that is for the bookkeeping office and one front office where the girl takes care of your money how much you have several years ago my husband was a patient here and he and the administrater were really good friends because when he had been in the state hospital for alcoholism her mother had been his nurse his favorite once i asked her about having my own checking account she said Donna why did Bill have a seapeate checking account i guess he tattled on me but i really wasn't that bad just not too good one time in Columbia we had a patient who was a professor of math at the University of Mo. one time one of the girls asked him if he always kept his check book straight he said no she said he can abstract but he can't add and subtract oh well i don't need a check often and if i need something the girl in the front office takes it out of my account but they feed me too much i gain on the average two pounds a month that is 24 a tear and i'm only four nine if i could stand up well just so i don't get too wide for the wheelchair if i could just not eat breakfast but i don't have the will power got to have those eggs and oat meal they do serve a healthy diet the state dictates the menu and the recipes i have met the head the state dietician ![]() Fri, Sep 28, 2001 Re: THANK YOU!! Arlene if you couldn't be there you know god was and that is what is important blessings Donna ![]() Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Such a Beautiful Sight i used to hate the slugs that crawled around in the yard till one misty night i saw one with water between it's antenna a perfect rainbow one of the prettiest i had ever seen since then they have not seemed too terrible to me Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Such a Beautiful Sight the picture of my son-in-law holding my new born great grandson not his but Jacob will never know the difference Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Such a Beautiful Sight the flat country can be beautiful too the rolling prairies and the wild flowers Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Such a Beautiful Sight the first time ever i really saw the ocean was in atlantic city one morning looked out and thought how far it was to land and it kind of scared me i waded out got the hem of my dress wet i forgot it would dry stiff with salt even forgot about the water being salty or rather i didn't think of it ![]() Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Still Got Your Tonsils? i haven't had mine since i was 3 i don't remember how sore it was but i know i got ice cream they gave me ether and when they were going up on the elevator my mother passed out and dad had to pay for two rooms i was only in overnight though Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Still Got Your Tonsils? no shot just put the gauze over my mouth i was on the table and was screaming i want my nice white titty and i wasn't nursing still i was 3 years old they said finally the nurse climbed up on the table with me brave woman Sun, Sep 30, 2001 Re: Still Got Your Tonsils? i had both my tonsils and adenoids both out when i was three 1929 yes they used ether but i was born without a sense of smell so no problem there sore probably i really don't remember but they took me home the next morning i know there can be hemoraging after surgery just don't have it on the full moon i say that both as an astrologer and a nurse Sun, Sep 30, 2001 Re: Still Got Your Tonsils? a lot depends on the dr. i don't mean to acuse any dr. of malpractice but face it some are better than others and it is best to have them out as a child new anisthesias now with my first daughter they gave me cyclopropane and oxygen by a mask and had me count back wards i got to 97 but every surgery after that it has been a shot not too much difference as i said before i can't smell the gas at 3 i don't remember my throat being sore but i got ice cream it must not have been too bad or i would remember i do remember things that happened when i was 2 i had my daughter by c section just when they were saying the sooner patient gets up the better my it was a long way down the hall to that bathroom then i found out the nurse had meant to come back and help me but i managed ![]() Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: ALL WOMEN UNITE ~ :) i can't agree with that idea how can we plan to deliberately cause someone to commit a sin or what is a sin in their eyes even a terrorist all muslims are not terrorists in response to this post The President has asked that you unite for a common cause. Since the hard line Islamic people can not stand nudity, and consider it a sin to see a naked woman that is not their wife, tonight at 7:00, all women should run out of their house naked to help weed out the terrorists. The United States appreciates your efforts, and applauds you. God Bless America. ![]() Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: Ice fishing. Do you don't fish even in the summer too soft hearted feel sorry for the fish and for the worms though i don't know if they feel pain ![]() Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: RED SKELTON will they let prayers back in the schools after what happened many prayed that had not before tragedy is that it takes something like that to make us turn to god Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: RED SKELTON a good and god fearing man Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: RED SKELTON many shows on p.b. s. are those who have gone on ![]() Sat, Sep 29, 2001 Re: DOLLAR BILL~very long i once had a sunday school teacher tell me the way men are taught to recognise a counterfiet bill is to study and know so intimately the true bill that a phony can not fool them he said do the same with religion know your bible and the true christian religion so thoroughly so intimately that a false one can not fool you ![]() Sun, Sep 30, 2001 Re: ANNIVERSARIES (9/30 to 10/6 ~~Carolyn~~ when mail comes back i can usually look at the addy and see where i mistyped some not all i have not been able to send to Mary Lynn milee 45 it always comes back ![]() Mon, Oct 1, 2001 Re: Ever wanted to Drown ??? i have made several bad boo boos in my time probably the worst was when our hospital i worked at for 18 years first got computer at the nursing station we were mental heath attached only physically to the University of Missouri medical center about every three months we would get 6 to 7 fourth year medical student taking their psych block they always had a resident witth them to sign their orders etc that was one of the first things we did as we came on a shift was check all the charts to see if all the orders they wrote had been co signed ad taken off and sent to the pharmacy in the Med center so the patients would have the right medications for the next 24 hours one day was working evenings one of the boys an aide came up to me and said do you know anything about the new computer i said not a thing he said well lets see if we can turn it on so we tried but no luck the next morning the head nurse called me into her office and said Donna did you mess with the computer i said yes so and so and i tried to turn it on she said well you lost the records for all the students i was less than popular for awhile but it passed i'm a little scared of them ever since my daughter in indiana had friends that had been in the army with my son in law they lived in Vienna that time he worked with computers for a company in the states they left germany shortly after Mary and Jim did also settling in Indiana once they took me to their place for supper my daughter was working somewhere but supposed to come later he took me into the room with the computers said here i'll show you how to play a game i said aren't you afraid i'll break it he laughed and said what are you going to do take a baseball bat to it well i played the game only he turned it off and on and off for me ![]() Tue, Oct 2, 2001 Re: A.S.A.P. and another thing to remember in these times is the bible verse where Jesus said love your enemies do good to them who hate you pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you a little hard to follow now but still his words ![]() Tue, Oct 2, 2001 Re: Kewl Music i hear music on the television i have even sent for one cassette i have radio with a place to play cassettes i got country western story songs like el Passo the ballad of the Green Berets Big Iron etc. then the other night they were advertising sixtys rock music it was 9.95 and i remember thinking who on earth is going to spend $10 on something like that but i suppose a lot do people do me i'll stick to Lawrence Welk i like the older country and big band oh well it takes all kinds wayne i couldn't hear your song the link wouldn't load ![]() Tue, Oct 2, 2001 Re: Roll Call-- Missouri hi i am still here still in the home still in the wheelchair the only difference is my greart grandson 7 months old the 23rd of Sept and for some strange reason named by my grandaughter Jacob if i had ever had a boy of course he would have been Joseph after my father but get use to Jacob it's not so bad i still need to get pictures of his baptism ![]() Tue, Oct 2, 2001 Re: the one Muslim i knew personaly not all Musims are bad i knew a young student here in the University he said he had been a prisoner due for execution the next day but he prayed to Allah the same god and that evenng was released with a bunch of other prisioners he graduated with his doctorate in agriculture and was going home somewhere in the middle east to share his knowledge with his people of course his experience had strengthened his fate but he was against the radicals their god Allah is the same as our god the father but sadly though they believe Jesus was a great prophet they do not beieve he was god which they say he will deny when he returns they believe in one god but not the trinity and jesus said he must return to heaven so the comforter could come but sadly i have been in a chat room christian seniors where just one person who talks against the accuracy of the bible said he learned this in college from many professors one chater replied when she knew a professor who could walk on water raise the dead be crucified and raised on the third day then she might believe the professors his Nic is jesus the myth another told him to go on to the pagan chat room where they believe his master Satan is a myth which many of them do saying he is an invention of the judeo christain relegion and believe in him no more than we believe in Thor Woden or any of the other gods of mount olympus ![]() Fri, Oct 5, 2001 social securuity number i have run into places on the web wanting information some want your social security number and i refuse to post it over the net i wiill tell them my location and age when they say household status kind of hard to say in the choices they give you that you have a room in a nursing home that takes your pension and social security to stay here they do give you $30 a month you can spend any way you want to plus once a YEAR they give you what they call a circuit breaker a percent of what you have paid the home i usually get some this year i got $600 and usually use it to get christmas presents with this year i got myself a cassette with the great story songs ie sink the bismark north to alaska El Paso and one i didn't know but i really like Cross the brazos at Waco the blizzard by jim reeves am strongly thinking of getting the one by perry como and couple of books i've been wanting and three new dresses when cloths to you came i have about $30 left will have to be careful saw a really pretty bracelet on QVC WOULD LIKE TO GET FOR MY DAUGHTER but that is all for me i don't want to get something because i just want it but don't need it really woud like that bracelet for my daughter do i get it or the perry Como cassette after all here they feed me and i have my bed so i really don't need anything except some winter gloves when the time comes i used to have a walkman with marches i had made it up to double time but no more wound up in a heap on the floor because i was trying to transfer to the wheel chair aide didn't have it locked and when i tried to turn it went scooting and i went down and they are always so concerned when you fall well the floor is kind of hard one time when this first happened i was in the hospital i was standing by a bed by the nurse i forgot my leg didn't work tried to step out and fell on top of her since then i've tried to remember what works and what doesn't i have figured one thing the paralized leg is dead weight i think that causes a lot of the problem though i have a one handed walker and if the therapist is with me i can swing that leg at the hip i think i started out to say i will not post my social security number ![]() Fri, Oct 5, 2001 Re: REMEMBER BRANDON the brandon i asked you to pray for is now going on two a great big healthy boy and probably doesn't remember his first perilous months our prayers were answered mightelly ![]() Fri, Oct 5, 2001 Re: Welcome Patti ~ Hey Patti i had two girls but only raised one then my daughter only had one girl now she has a boy is it selfish to wish for a great grandaughter because i sure do so much easer to find them pretty clothes though he could be like my daughter was when she was little and not like frills besides it's easier to find a chritmas present for a girl unless shes like me and cares nothng about dolls and wants a bo instead well in that case i would just have to find out what she wanted Fri, Oct 5, 2001 Re a girl for christmas have a great grandson but would really like to have a great grandaughter so much easier to buy pretty cloths unless she is like my daughter and doesn't like frills or like me and wants books instead of dolls if so will just have to find out what she likes anyway she probably won't read them until she is at least in the first grade ![]() Fri, Oct 5, 2001 Re: HELP PLEASE learn all you can does he have the type of diabetes that can be controled with diet and a pill or will he need insulin if so you will need to learn to monitor his insulin one or both of you will have to learn to draw it up and give it know what kind of needle you have and what kind of insulin you are using there is u20 u40 and u100 one time i caught my sister in law using u100 insulin with a u40 syringe not good one patient insisted on grabbing all the desserts she could and had already lost one leg another farm woman had been walking around the farm barefoot the bottom of her feet were a mess diabetes depresses the senses she didn't realise her feet were cut also be very careful cuting toenails or fingenails they wouldn't let us do it even as l.p.n. a wound on a diabetic is very hard to heal in fact almost impossible it can also lead to blindness but taken care of properly, it can be managed and does not really change your lifestyle eating there are many diaBETIC FOODS ON THE MARKET if you really want to cook for yourself learn the different sugars and their effects glucose is the culprit but then there is fructose dextrose and lactose it is not hard to learn and you have an incentive but enough i don't want to scare you alcohol i'm not sure but i think it is bad if he eats sweets be sure it is in moderation and i said learn to moniter from Donna SNEED L.P.N. retired and handicapped and i am sure there are R.N.S IN HE GROUP but taking classes at the local hospital is not a bad idea and stay in touch with your dr. Oct 5, 2001 Re: HELP PLEASE good link but remember carbohydrates and glucose the sugar are the same to the body they are stored as glycogin and used by the body for energy when needed and if the diabetes is severe ie the pancreas not producing insulin you might have do with a little less energy but remember exercise is important too ![]() Sat, Oct 6, 2001 Re: READING POSTS PROBLEM Mercury went retrograde and we will have trouble with communication till it goes direct again and i'm afraid that will be sometime near the end of the month i will ask my other group and check for sure lately the web cuts out and keeps booting me off your starsearcher Donna ![]() |
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