Chapter 32Sun, Oct 7, 2001 WW3 OR ARMIGEDON well i've been watching the news and wondering but god planed it out along time ago and those that trust him have nothing to worry about ![]() Sun, Oct 7, 2001 Re: PLEASE SEND A THANK YOU CARD first time i saw it but i will send a card thanks june Sun, Oct 7, 2001 Re: SO SORRY ALL i know i don't respond to everything sometimes i get really bugged waiting but my daughter who has a real computer and my son in law is a computer programmer for the University of Indiana said mom you are way too impatient it will work just don't mess with it mine is the same way so i have tried to be more patient i went to favs and a lot of times it said this posting is no longer available so i guess favs don't last forever any more than we do but the grannies go on thank goodness ![]() Mon, Oct 8, 2001 Re: WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS PRAYER Sarah whatever happens remember that God is with you and also with Don and as he said to me when i was praying for my daughter to live What's the matter don't you trust her with me of course i will pray and remember God answers prayer in his own time and always for the best which we may not understand now but we will have courage and hold the faith Mon, Oct 8, 2001 Re: WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS PRAYER god bless you all ![]() Mon, Oct 8, 2001 Re: New School Prayer»»Millie i really believe september the eleventh was gods wake up call to this country repent and return to me or face the consequences and my judgement will be righteous Mon, Oct 8, 2001 Re: New School Prayer»»Millie it would be good to see it on all the news broadcasts that say america on the alert i don't think the men who drafted the constution had any idea it woud be interpreted in such a manner Mon, Oct 8, 2001 Re: New School Prayer»»Millie Jesus said no man cometh to the father but by me but he still gives every man his own free will can we do less and hate those who don't believe as we do remember he loves them all and died for all of them even the terrorists and he says love your enemies pray for those who dispitefully use you and persecute you and those who worship god under a different name are still worshiping the same god as there is no other ![]() Tue, Oct 9, 2001 Re: KILLING FROST it's frosted too but i'm looking forward to the fall leaves the16'th they're going to take us on an outing to see them look forward to that and the christmas lights Tue, Oct 9, 2001 Re: KILLING FROST stupid question maybe but how do you know if you have html ![]() Tue, Oct 9, 2001 Re: A Question Hope You Know the Answer i don't know anything about computers but i know here you go to settings ![]() Tue, Oct 9, 2001 Re: JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW, I'LL BE friends husband hooked up my web and my v.c.r. he is an electricion Tue, Oct 9, 2001 Re: JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW, I'LL BE someday i hope to have a real computer a laptop but my son inlaw said they were as expensive as the real thing offices and nurses desk have real computers one office has three census payroll and patients trusts they have a printer that is 5 feet tall by two feet wide and 18 inches thick i sure couldn't have anything that big would have to take out one of the beds ![]() Wed, Oct 10, 2001 a mess i like to go to some of the chat rooms but they have changed things till i can't find them hope they change it back ![]() Wed, Oct 10, 2001 Re: Beautiful yes they are they will take us out as soon as the leaves turn here and we have already had a hard frost ![]() Wed, Oct 10, 2001 amazing the eeb is an amazing instrument when jacob my great grandson was born my son in law sent me pictures i didn't want to lose i tried to put them in favorites but all i could get them in was saved mail then one day i was deleting mail i accidently got into saved mail and discarded them of course i thought they were gone for good but browsing today i ran across albums there they were and i was able to put them into favs someone who knows more than i do will have to explain this thing to me but it may be like when our teacher in seventh grade tried to explain percentages to me i still don't understand them maybe if someone tried to teach me with the new math it would filter through but i doubt it a reader i am a mathematician i am not anyway i have at least two of my favs might have had all five if i had been awake when it happened but i was so sleepy i was thinking it was printing upside down ![]() Sat, Oct 13, 2001 Re: POTATO CHIPS Potato chips i do not like regrdless of the flavor Sat, Oct 13, 2001 Re: POTATO CHIPS some things i do not care or i don't like cheese on things unless it is melt cheese Whiz the men in the fast food window looked at me funny when i ordered a double cheese burger no cheese but i always got Hardies whopper that way i loved them now one time i ordered one when they took me riding but it is hard to manage one with only one hand ![]() Sat, Oct 13, 2001 Re: A Holiday To Celebrate!!! IT WILL SOON BE HALLOWEEN all the children in the neighborhood will come here fo trick or treat we sit in a big circle and drop goodies into their buckets and basket also all the kids of all the employees they go around the circle for about two hours till we finally run out of candy Sat, Oct 13, 2001 Re: A Holiday To Celebrate!!! people like to have their children come here they know it is safe no tampering with the candy we sneak a piece ourselves once in a while besides everyone here is grandparent besides some here have their grandmother or grandfather here as patients not supposed to be familiar with the patients but if they call them grandma or grandpa that' ok ![]() Fri, Oct 12, 2001 Re: MY GRANDSON LUKE.... vidcap i have never been too great on spelling but can learn some when i go to spell check unless it is too confused about what word i was trying to use and that has happened ![]() Fri, Oct 12, 2001 Re: Fall leaves they haven't turned here yet but we are going on a ride to see them when they do ![]() Sun, Oct 14, 2001 Re: Do you dry your dishes. all the time i was growing up i had to dry them but when i got my own home i would rarher scald them and let them dry then later when i was working we put them in the dish washer and when they were done they were ready to put away ![]() Sun, Oct 14, 2001 Re: Hang laundry outside i liked to dry them outside unless it was too cold or too wet our basement had two rooms the back room was the furnace there was a cot back there the men came in to rest on if it was too wet to work in the fields and that is where i had my inside lines i would hang the diapers there an everyday job till one day i came in and they had me a drier they got tired of wet diapers hanging over their cot when it was wet and they got a break from field work i was really glad to have it but i still hung them outside unless it was really cold one time when i was first married i put too much bluing in the water i had two really pretty blue sheets but the neighbors laughed at me my sister in law said you didn't learn much at home did you? and it was the truth my mother was a 24 hour a day housekeeper and didn't want someone else messing with things but then my mother in law never let the men or boys in her kitchen so the first time my husband and i tried to cut up a chicken it had some very strange looking pieces Sun, Oct 14, 2001 Re: Hang laundry outside i always thought the wringer washer was faster yes i seperated them washed whites and baby cloths first then through the wringer into the rinse tub about 4 groups whites light colored dark colored overalls didn't take that long but with the washer i still separated them but the washer had to finish it's cycle and i always though that took a lot longer with the wringer i could be done in a couple of hours but either the automatic took at least three unless i went to the laundromat and had a different washer for each load but then i had to wait for them to finish in the drier at home i could be doing something else if i hung them out a lot of times the first load would be dry and in before the lst load was done and i hate to tell you how many times i forgot to take my husbands watch out of the pocket of his overalls one of the worst things that happened in the farming days one morning he went out to do the milking always the first chore when he came in his ears were frozen it was cold that morning we called the dr. he said have him sit in a warm room them drink one ounce of whiskey every hour well of course we didn't have any whiskey in the house so we called his dad he brought a bottle he had gotten it in town the township he lived in was wet but the one we lived in was dry if you remember what that means ![]() Mon, Oct 15, 2001 Re: INTRODUCING A LOVELY LADY Sue welcome to the grannies post and let us get acquiainted i'm donna from Mo. i have one granddaughter 31 and a great grandson who will be 8 months the 23rd and my daughter will be 51 july 21st ![]() Mon, Oct 15, 2001 who likes romances i'm not much for romances but just read one that is really good it's on the new York times bestseller list so i guess i'm not the only one who thinks so if you are interested it is the Kiss of the Highlander by Karen marie moning ![]() Mon, Oct 15, 2001 Re: The NEW~Carol Carol comgrtulations om the new look Mon, Oct 15, 2001 Re: The NEW~Carol Carol not skinny slender give them a thump ![]() Wed, Oct 17, 2001 Re: 10/17/01----Patty---- we took a trip yesterday Morn to Mark Twain lake and Mark Twain state park by Florida Missoui his birthplace they have the cabin enclosed in a building about 80 miles and we were gone over 3 hours had to sit on one of the side seats in the van i had a seat belt but not as comftporble as if i could have stayed in my wheelchair as long as i have lived in Misouri i had never been there before Mark Twain lake like the lake of the ozarks they made it by damming salt river and it took several towns but quite a tourist arttraction now ![]() Thu, Oct 18, 2001 Re: My Hardest Post since Vickie died in 1967 there have been cases where they actually have removed tumors from the brain stem i read about them in readers digest of course that was over 30 years ago and they make advances every day in medicine there was a time before radiation she would only have had a few weeks or days rather than the 11 months she did have maybe some say a final cure will be found one day in religion class we were talking about abortion among other things someone said God why did you never send someone who would find the cure and God said i did but you killed him ![]() Thu, Oct 18, 2001 Re: How Many Emails 25,360 believe it or not just not all at the same time thank goodness but the first thing i do in the morning is to check the mail and i discard most of them if i forget one day i get the warning your mail box is full get rid of some once it skipped and i accidently discarded some i had saved thought they ere gone forever but one day web browsing i found the pictures my son in law sent me when Jacob was born they say whatever was in a computer is still there some where i guess someone knew what to do the time i lost the records for our med students any way they all graduated which they needed their psych records to do and went from being M 4's to interns and they could write orders that didn't have to be co signed watching dr.s graduate from a university is quite a sight they all have special robes don't know what color medical dr. robes are but they are special ![]() Thu, Oct 18, 2001 Re: Good Morning all Good morning it is nice here in Missouri clear and in the sixtys no rain and it doesn't look like we will get any yesterday they took us on a trip to mark Twain Lake and Mark Twain state park i had been to Hannibal but never there Florida Missouti where he was born they have the cabin he was born in enclosed in a building to protect it from the weather Hanibal was where he wrote the stories Tom Sawyer Huck Finn Etc. tom sawyes House is there Becky Thachers etc The Fence i even went through Injin Joes cave got a coon skin cap there yesterday i couldn't get out and walk around it was about4 hours and over 80 miles when we got back to Mexico we stopped and the activity director got us cheeseburgers from Hardies we missed diner here but that's okay i always eat so much breakfast i'm not hungry the rest of the day not much exercise pushing a wheelchair Thu, Oct 18, 2001 Re: Good Morning all STAND BESIDE HER AND GUIDE HER THOUGH THE NIGHT WITH A LGHT FROM ABOVE ![]() Thu, Oct 18, 2001 Re: Homemade Christmas Decorations i was never good at crafts even when i had both hands however my dughter was very good but i did love to do counted crossstich the last christmas present i made for my daughter was a circle of white roses on blue aida cloth then i had it framed and put under glass she has it hanging over their bed it took me about two weeks to do it but it was worth every stitch she really liked it i miss that and being able to crochet i made her several afgans for her bed stripes in autum colors dark green orange gold brown dark red when it got chilly in the house instead of turning up the heat i could start an afgan before long it would be down over my knees and keep me plenty warm but i can't anymore never figured out how to crochet or embroider one handed and now they want us to do crafts for the next sale the money goes into the fund they use to buy us christmas presents with at the annual christmas party the next thing is the trick or treaters on the thirty first all the kids from the neighborghood and all the kids of the employes they will all be wearing costumes some really cute Thu, Oct 18, 2001 Re: Homemade Christmas Decorations if money as no object i would be in northern Michigan in summer and Florida or southern California in the winter whichever is warmer i would have my own special house and own special nurse but only if i win a million in the lottery not likely as i don't play it ![]() Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: TRIFOCALS ; NO LINES my husband had trificols he didn't have any trouble getting used to them ![]() Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: Wartime Rations~Hilda & Joel I WAS ONLY 15 BUT I REMEMBER RATIONING for one thing my dad wouldn't teach me to drive he said more than one driver was hard on a car and ours had to last because they weren't making them the car was a 32 chevy that he had bought in 34 the first new car we had and i still think of it as the new car was a 53 chivy told dad one time when i grew up i was going to have a robin egg blue car he said well maybe when you grow up they wil be making them in that color and they did like the computer when i went to high school they didn't have computer class i atribute that to the fact that i graduated in 1944 i don't think any of you had them then either i thought A cards got 5 gallons of gas a week tell a kid now adays they can only have 5 gallons of gas a week when i got married he was a farmer and there was no restriction on gas for farmers and ww had our own milk and eggs though he would get up set when i would pull the top off the milk can and dip out the cream we sold grade a and we got paid by the cream content nylon stockings silk was for parachuets remember the stockings in a bottle and made the seams with an eyeliner mother took care of the food stamps it was over by the time i was keeping house i decided at that time i liked oleo better than butter that didn't set too well with my husband either we sold milk and cream he thought we should eat butter made lot of angle food and pounds with the eggs white in angle food yolk in pound we did have a good size victory garden my aunt and uncle lived on the edge of town and there was an empty acre back of their house mostly the adults worked in it though ![]() Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: Whoopass DON'T FORGET THE GREEN BERETS I THINK THEY WILL PLAY AN IMPORTANT PART ![]() Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: I was reading in the paper how could they have gone to work before knowing where he was doesn't say much for parents Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: I was reading in the paper just as frightening that the parents didn't care anymore than that ![]() Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: I WAS TOLD MY ?FRIEND? IS BACK if there was ever a bear here we have an dog catcher not a bear catcher did have a pot bellied pig one time roaming the town but i think they finally found that wonder what they would do if they did see a bear evacuate the home? mom and dad took a trip west once took a cabin in yellowstone park mom said that night a bear tried to get in the car scared her. Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: I WAS TOLD MY ?FRIEND? IS BACK i'm pretty sure it's not legal to feed them ![]() Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: Happy Halloween Party Here!!! i had a halloween party every year we would have black cats bats ad witches on the walls would bring in a shuck of corn stlks in the corner back by the furnace that was where the fortune teller sat mother would make up a big skillet full of chilie for our hotdogs and a big trayful of cup cakes half with orange icing half with chocolate and cider one time my friends brother and his friend drank the whole gallon had to go get some more but there was a tub with ice and cans of soda too apples hanging on string and bobbing for apples pelling an apple tossing the peel over your head to see what initial it made and more i forget at the church party they blindfolded you and passed around things like peeled grapes the eyes spagetti the veins etc. but nothing to scare you too bad you knew it was fun Mon, Oct 22, 2001 Re: Happy Halloween Party Here!!! yresterday i read a history of halloween it has GONE THROUGH A LOT OF CHANGES first there were the celts it was their new year samhain when the god of the underworld took over the sun and there was a period of darkness then the romans i think that was where we got the pumpkins and nuts then the church who made it all saints day followed by all souls day about the only holliday that didn't have a pagan origin was easter which was the jewissh passover the blood of the lamb saved them ![]() Tue, Oct 23, 2001 Re: The man in the yellow sweater (long) i used to like to listen to my grandmother and great grandmother but they both died the year i was 6 so there was a lot of questions i was too young to know to ask them a lot i would have liked to know better but the most i remember about my great grandmother was she was a rabid republican even during the depression when everyone else i knew was a democrat and for Roosevelt i know she lived through the civiil war but there are many things i would like to know about that that i never knew to ask in fact all i knew about it later was that an uncle of my father a generation older than my grandmother had defied his family and joined the confederate army he was banned from the family for this even marked out of the family bible sometimes i would like to know what he was thinking it must have been something other than all the rest of the family thought either side ![]() Tue, Oct 23, 2001 Re: Wartime Rations I lived in ill we paid close attention to the blackouts my dad was block captain and for a long tiime we had helmets and gas masks in our basement we were careful because there was a factory in our town that could have been a target Caterpillar tractor think at one time they made tanks i was too young to do any war work i was 15 when the war started and my mother wouldn't have let me near a U.S.O. place though the older girls in the neighborhood did i never did know if there was an age limit on them but as far as my mother was concerned there was and as far as the WACS OR THE WAVES even when i was older i couldn't have belonged to them there was a 5' 2" limit an i was never over 4'9" in fact i'm still not as Alice said 3" is such a rediculous height and of course i was the wrong gender to be drafted though i was probably too short for that too Tue, Oct 23, 2001 Re: Wartime Rations i remember a parade down main street on v.e. day people hugging and kissing and two or three cars of the gold star mothers people would run out in the street and bounce the cars but not those cars they were treated with great respect ![]() Thu, Oct 25, 2001 LAST WORDS I REMEMBER READING OF THE DEATH OF ROY ROGERS by his son Dusty who was there at the time he said his father had been in a coma but just before he passed away he woke up and said Lord it's been a long hard ride ![]() Fri, Oct 26, 2001 Re: Tornados,Power Failures, several years ago there was a tornado in Peoria my folks were still living and i tried for hours to get them on the phone but either all the lines were down or they were all busy the most it did to them was take out a picket fence in the back but it did take the roof off of the new high school i say new because it was the same high school i graduated from in 1944 but it was built new and at the location of our football field when i went to school the band had marching practice there we had to go there in the morning band was first hour it was about a mile west from where i lived and the school was a mile east after practivce we had to get back to the school in time for second hour the director would take the ones with the bass drums and the tubas in his car but all i had was a clairinet so i was on my own one silvelining i thought band members were excused from gym and i wasn't atheletic so that was ok by me marching and geting back to school was plenty of exercise Fri, Oct 26, 2001 Re: Tornados,Power Failures, mothers grandmother used to take her to Indiana with her in the summer she would go there to keep house for two uncles it was northern indiana Delphi and there may have been a lot of wind storms because if there was a storm especially one with wind it frightened my mother ![]() Sat, Oct 27, 2001 Re: AIRPLANES i remember when i was little running out and looking up if i heard an airplane they had a wing on the bottom and one on the top of course i am often out of date when we toured the Medical center one of the sights were the flight for life helicopters i asked them when they had started putting the patients inside and was reminded me Mash was quite awhile ago ![]() Mon, Oct 29, 2001 Re: A sad weekend i am praying for you and i pray for god to give tou the certain knowledge that she is strong and happy and doing al the things she couldn't do here and god has let her out of the prison house of flesh that she was confined to and when ypu see her again she will be well and strong and you will see her again just as i was certain when my grandmothers died the year i was six that i would be with them again that has been 69 years ago and i know now it can't be that much longer at least not that long again so when it is my turn i would rather think of them rejoicing than being sad Mon, Oct 29, 2001 Re: A sad weekend be glad for her and greattful to god for releasing her from the prison of her flesh ![]() Tue, Oct 30, 2001 Re: FOR THE CRACKER JACK KID!! it wasn't what you got as the act that you got a surprise and the cracker jack was good Tue, Oct 30, 2001 Re: FOR THE CRACKER JACK KID!! tomorrow night here is trick and treat night we will all sit around in a circle in the lobby and all the kids will come in in their costumes walk around the circlre and we will put candy in their bags or buckets all the kids from the neighborhood come because people know it is safe and all the kids of the employees will come it's a big night ![]() Tue, Oct 30, 2001 Re: My thanks so many people are better off when god takes them home i would wish all could have the experience i had after my daughter died i was actually taken to see her and she was able to tell me how happy she was i knew it but it was actually confirmed and she said she was going to school and had thirty three of the most beautiful teachersi don't doubt her teachers were angels but i didn't ask her what they were teaching her if i had i doubt she could have answered i'll know when i get there ![]() Wed, Oct 31, 2001 Re: HALLOWEENS A COMIN for our parties my mother always made a big skillet full of chilli for our hot dogs then there was a big platter of cup cakes half with orange frosting half with chocolate and apple cider my girl friends brother and his friend drank a whole gallon of it one year but my dad went out and got us more so we had plenty we spent most of the week before cutting out black cats and witches to put up on the basement walls we had candy apples too ![]() Wed, Oct 31, 2001 Re: True War story you don't know if you weren't there my first link is true war story too but that isn't all of it Jim and Bob my girlfriends friend left for training together they were both 16 Lavone and i were 14 when they shipped out they were both on the same ship then it went down and they were seperated Jims ship went down in the battle of Lynguyan gulf in the first invasion of the Phillipines in 1945 he was probably 21 at the time his death upset bob so much he and Lavonne started to write he came home when the war ended in 45 they were married in 46 she and i were both 20 that year they had six chilfdren i was 14 when Jim left and of course don'y know if there would have been anything between us if he had come home who knows something like that but we all went on and lived the life he never had sorry didn't mean to get maudlin Wed, Oct 31, 2001 Re: True War story my son in laws father was a pilot not in korea but in ww2 when we went to visit the kids the three years they were in germany Marys dad asked Jim my son in law if he thought his folks would be coming over Jim said the only way you will get my dad here is if they let him fly the plane now they are back and when Mary comes to see me i will say where is Jim she will with at his sisters in columbia or at his folks he remodeled his mothers kitchen for her and rebuilt their porch but a lot of times he is teaching his dad about his new computer ![]() Wed, Oct 31, 2001 HOW I disgrased MYSELF was reading about the different technology since Korea the hospital where i worked was physically attached to the University of Missouri Medical center one time they remodeled their emergency room and waiting area we all went for a tour of the new facilities of course part of it was the helicopters of the flight for life i said to the man who was conducting the tour how long have they been putting the patients inside he looked at me and laughed and said do you know how long it's been since Korea of course i know any of you who ever watched Mash understand and Bill my hubby was in Korea so we were pretty constant watchers now they have the helicopters fixed up better than an ambulance there is even a crash cart in them that's what they use to shock someone in case of cardiac arrest when the heart stops and there is always an R.N. that flies with them and i think a dr. anyway it is different than it was in the 50's also different than wartime they might pick up a lot of car crash victims but not too many battlefield casualties ![]() |
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