Chapter 33Thu, Nov 1, 2001 Re: 1st day of November and i already have my great grandsons christmas present i got it at our craft fair a baby afgan crochetted with frilled edges not a bit hard to make if i had both hands and could crochet it is pink and blue and green and yellow with little splashes of white i hope they like it my neighbor here looked at it and said how is it going to fit anyone i said i hope it will the last time i talked to my daughter she said he was 15 pounds if like we used to do with her if it was cold i'd put her in her buggy and tuck the covers around her he will be 10 months old two days before christmas he was born on my mothers birthday Feb.23rd only difference was she was born in 1900 he was born in 2001 i'm really sorry she didn't live long enough to see him but it says god knows us even in the womb so maybe he introduced them and don't say i'm too fanciful she died in 1971 and my dad in 1973 they were married in 1924 and i have always thought he just didn't want to go on without her Thu, Nov 1, 2001 Re: 1st day of November and last night was our trick and treat but they took us outside and as much as i wanted to see the kids in their costumes it was just too cold and i didn't stay ![]() Thu, Nov 1, 2001 Re: THE GOSPEL ACCORDIG TO KIDS in our town we had a very successful construction company Reinhardts construction mr. William Reinhardt was the manager of the sunday school one time a friend asked her son 5 at the time what they did with the sunday school collection he said oh they give to mr. Reinhardt so they will have enough to buy food he was probably the richest man in town my friend thought oh my my son need some instruction but reminds me of when i was in my first sunday school class we were 3 about 5 litle girls we all put a penny in the collection box on the table our teacher came and took the pennies and put in one coin she said there thats as much as what was in there but we thought how can that be she only put in one and we each put in one ![]() Thu, Nov 1, 2001 Re: Time to Take Our Costumes Off darn last night was wednesday and i forgot all about our astrologers wed night chat room oh well there will always be another wed. i hope anyway a lot of chat about Hillery as usual not many of us approve of her but to each his own Thu, Nov 1, 2001 Re: Time to Take Our Costumes Off didn't realise we were disguising ourselves got to spend more time in the group i could have been the water bearer user name i use a lot because i'm such a strong Acquarius 5 planets out of 10 ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 REQUEST would some one on the way to gatlinsburg stop and toss my wheechair in the trunk and me somewhere in the car i will pay for the gas thanks ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: STRANGE SOUNDS one ofthr first things i learned to listen for when i was little was the trains they weren't too far my dad worked on the railroad at the roundhouse when they whistled at night dad would say that whistle means he is coming to a crossing he just left the city limits it was a good sound to go to sleep to and with my dad there explainng everything i remember the crossing three shorts and a long there was one when he left the yards one for a siding and one for leaving the city i remember bon ami was the thing for cleaning windows back then but dad said hrey couldn't use it on the engines as it might distort the color the engineer would see on the signals the signals down the track tell him if the block is clear or if there is another train in it of course if a train was stopped for some reason there were the fusees red or green our favorite fourth of july decorartions and the track torpedos maybe now they have c bs or cell phones after all things have changed since the thirtys but i wonder how many chilfdren now are put to sleep with their fathers explaining the workings of the railroad or even with their father there Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: STRANGE SOUNDS when we first moved to Missoui and lived on the farm one sound we could hear clearly at night was the baying of the foxhounds one of our neighbors that lived not to far had a pack that had won many ribbons at the Quiver river meet the Quiver is a river in mid missouri and there is a place south of where we were that had fox hound trials they said when the dogs were out at night every man could tell his own dogs by the sound of course i never saw a hunt they were mostly at night but i remember one time i was visiting the farm of the man who had the pack with the ribbons we were standing in the yard and someone her brother i think opened the gate of the pen here came the whole pack straight at us the girl i was with said just stand still and sure enough as the dogs got to us they split and went on each side of us it was different than a herd of cattle where you might be in danger of being trampled they didn't touch us or eewn run into us just half the pack went on one side half on the other ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: Something to Really Share...Long.. i was in one of the so called christian chat rooms there was a--professor there he was bragging how he had been taught by professors in the schools he had gone to how many inaccuracies there are in the bible and how everything it says about Jesus is inaccurate and a myth and how now he was teaching it to his students ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: Update on my Bro- in-law,ELM whenever two or more shall ask something in my name it shall be done for them by my father which is in heaven how many times has that been proven to us ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: Cousins words when i was home our grass was always greener than one of our neighbors they had blue grass we had crab grass and the heat doesn't bother it ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: Ice Cream one of the troubles of this country is not that someone would ask god for ice cream but that some don't ask him at all when he wants us to pray to him constantly and realise that all things good or (bad) come from him who does the woman who protested think gave her the ability or the wherewithal to be there came from we don't praise him for what we do have ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: The Wonder Years.... they say be careful what you ask for you may just get it i don't think being older would be bad if i still had the use of my entire body but i have tried to keep my mind active and my daughter says that is good there are some here older than i am can get up and walk and help themselves but also some that don't even realise where they are or who they are they say just lay in bed for a year you will be a year older but try to do something you might grow up rather than older i love the show the wonder years how it is with someone that age but listen he is always telling how it is now and just looking back on how it was ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: NEED A GOOD MIDI SITE.... been browsing the gatlinburg reunion site not too long ago my grandaughter and her husband went to gatlinburg to get married i should say her fiance i don't have the pictures yet but my daughter says they are fabulous just bought my first christmas present they had a craft sale here i got a baby afgan it's about two by three solid crochet with frilled edges it is pink blue green and yellow with just a touch of white he will be 10 months old two days before christmas he was born on my mothers birthday Feb. 23rd the only difference she was born in 1900 he was born in 2001 ![]() Sat, Nov 3, 2001 Re: Grannie Prayers needed... Di prayer is god for everyone doesn't have to be just family besides there is a blessing for the person who prays as well ad the person prayed for Sat, Nov 3, 2001 Re: Grannie Prayers needed... Beckie is right we are all gods children because of christ we can all call him father so we are all family ![]() Fri, Nov 2, 2001 Re: Grandmas Rules the rules for me was what book will i get this year but as i got older it was what can i get for them that was always the big thing at our house was the opening of presents and it was so exciting to see what everyone else got once in the thirtys my mothers youngest brother had just ben married that year his wife my aunt had a big box from him when she opened it on top was a pair of silk hose then a pair of rown suede shoes then brown crepe dress and on the bottom a mink coat she had it for years that same christmas my grandfather had bought my grandmother a new kitchen range top of the line it had a reserviore for hot water a big oven lids you removed to put the fuel in mostly corn cobs mother got me a baby doll all latex except for the face and her friend made me a complete layette that was fine but i still wanted my book i was in the process of getting the whole series of Bobsey twins one for christmas and one for my birthday they were fifty one cents ![]() Sun, Nov 4, 2001 Re: consultats and other beasties story reminds me of who if anyone our nursing home has been consulting first they eliminated 40 beds saying they were selling them to Kansas city who needed them worse they moved the 40 patients to the other two wards there is a short hall and a long hall the idea at first was they would need only one aide on the side they removed the beds from as they kept the ambulatory patients well we have no more aids less actually as many of them quit due to the over work and when someone comes to help you they say i must get up to the long end right away i'm the only one here there are 48 patients up there sometimes i wish the long end would disapear into a black hole and they don't like anyone to work overtime they have to pay them time and a half so sometimes they even send them home and a lot of time the north ward will (borrow) some of the aids we have they use the excuse it is the medicare ward and they need more help maybe with all the economies they are making more profit and their stock holders are happier but their patients and employees aren't right now i am thankful my retirement check and my social security pays for me to stay here but every year they raise the price so maybe some day it won't but thwy say don't worry about tomorrow and maybe if that time comes i won't be here where i worked it was state and we just had the state paperwork to do here thy have the state and the company i said many years ago someday they will have to hire two staffs one for the paper work and one for the patients i think they have almost reached that goal Mon, Nov 5, 2001 Re: consultats and other beasties one of the nurses just received a new title compliance i asked the director what that was she said there at least 800 rules we have to follow she is to see that they are followed and documented you know the old saying if it's not documented it's not done she is a wonderful nurse but all i can say is that i don't envy her ![]() Sun, Nov 4, 2001 i disgrased myself when i was in L.P.N. school we had to take a two to three week class of working in every department in the hospital it was my time in the emergency room the nurse there liked me and was doing everything she could to teach me one time she was gone somewhere for awhile they brought a young woman in she was having really bad stomach pains i talked to her and thought this must surely be appendacitis the dr came and they took her up to surgery right away the nurse came back she was talking to me she said what did you think was wrong i said i thought appendiitis she said did you think of tubal pregnancy i said oh no she said the symptoms are very similar why not i said oh it couldn't be that she wasn't married she didn't laugh at me i don't know why not and i hope you all don't laugh either ![]() Sun, Nov 4, 2001 Re: Dale's Doctor Appointment so glad dale is better i don't know about chemo but i know radiation made Vickie so sick the dr. gave me suppositories to give her to help with the nausea but i hadn't had any nurses training then and one time her arm got so stiff i couldn't bend it it wore off but if i had known at the time about tardive diskinesa i would have really been scared as it was i knew the radiation would not give her more than a year to live but at least i had that time with her sometimes you wonder why he would take one so young but whatever his reasons they are good and for the best as i read one time when the time comes we know why we would not have it any other way ![]() Sun, Nov 4, 2001 Re: Grannie Prayers needed...Troy & All for our sakes it is nice to know her name but remember god knows it ![]() Sun, Nov 4, 2001 Re: WINTER MUST BE NEAR i love fall if i could just get out and enjoy it not too cold not too much mud like winter as long as i don't have to scrape the windshields or drive then there is so much snow you can't see the edges of the road or as long as there isn't ice under the snow otherwise i love it especially for christmas ![]() Mon, Nov 5, 2001 BIBLE TEACHING COLLEGES it is good to know there are still institutions of higher learning that teach the bible one day i was in a so called christian chat room there was a person claiming to be a professor who was saying he had been taught how many inaccuracies there were in the bible by professors he had studied under and how anything in the bible having to do with Jesus Christ was no more than a myth and how he was a professor now and was passing along what he had been taught became quite upset with me when i dared to challenge him saying i had read the bible as a child and still had that mentality i didn't stay in the room too long and he didn't get too good a reception anyway he hasn't been back i told him to go on to the pagan chat room where they believe satan his master is a myth Tue, Nov 6, 2001 Re: BIBLE TEACHING COLLEGES yes you can thank goodness but i don't think it is very appropriate for a person to come into christian chat room and put down everything a christian believes in i think if they feel that way they should go to the pagan chat room ![]() Mon, Nov 5, 2001 Re: Need to brag a little & Ask for prayers they are in my prayers and be so thankful they are christian and have not secumbed to satans deception ![]() Mon, Nov 5, 2001 Re: November Roll Call,Missouri i'm still here north east Missouri been here in the nursing home 11 years this fall and am looking forward to the next 25 my grandfather lived to be 98 and i am only 75 but at least i have my web and all you for friends my favorite hobbies were crocheting and embroidering i know there are people who have mastered crocheting with one hand but i am not one of them i actually used to wonder if it would be worse to lose your sight or your hearing i never gave a thought to losing your hand especially the one that isn't dominant ![]() Mon, Nov 5, 2001 Re: News Bulletin: Just Released good pic but all kidding aside the green berets will play their part i have no doubt ![]() Mon, Nov 5, 2001 Re: "Class Reunion" ~by a lady over 65~Long but very funny i missed my fiftieth reunion and i know i will miss my fifty seventh the other day in the bathroom a girl pulling up my pants said that hand is not cooperating with me i said well it's not cooperating with me either that's the trouble the left half of my body doesn't cooprerate with me at all i remember once i tried to put my wedding dress on the one i wore in 1949 i will leave the results to your imagination ![]() Tue, Nov 6, 2001 HELP tried to put in one of thge sigs but tried it myself without cut copying and pasting and i lost every thing my violets my little winking cat and even my color black on white can someone please help me i don't care about the links i can get them back if i want them but do want my violets and my kitten ![]() Tue, Nov 6, 2001 Re: Beautiful & Inteesting Site i retired in 1988 i thought now i will have time to do all the things i didn't have time to do when i was working i did them alright but wore myself out so much i went back to work in 1989 worked three more years before this stroke laid me low now i have to let other people do things for me i guess there is a lesson in it maybe some day i will have learned whatever there is to learn ![]() Tue, Nov 6, 2001 Colored Icing i'll bet you all know how to make powered sugar icing powered sugar butter and just a little milk but do you know how to color it not with food coloring but before you put anything else in the powered sugar put in a package of jello the icing will be whatever color and flavor you chose it flavors it as well as coloring it when i said half of our cupcakes for halloween had orange icing that is how we made them a package of orange jellow in the powdered sugar or is that jello brain is on vacation this morning ![]() Wed, Nov 7, 2001 Re: Uses for Baking Soda i used to wash my white woodwork by putting baking soda then ammonia into the pan you hardly had to rub and it woud take off the worst stains but my husband kept saying you're going to knock yourself out he thought just because i couldn't smell the ammonia it still wasn't good for me but i got the woodwork clean ![]() Sun, Nov 11, 2001 Re: WELCOME ANNELISE not sure we have met lee but welcome and a blessed and happy thanksgiving Sun, Nov 11, 2001 Re: WELCOME ANNELISE i have only been in grannies a litle over two years when i got my web wonderful group wonderful friends Sun, Nov 11, 2001 Re: ANNOUNCEMENT believe me animals can tell when there is something wrong my husband was an alcoholic and before he found sobriety which he did in the last 10 years of his life he could get very verbally abusive when he did my dog would come over put his paws up on my knee and lay his head on my lap as if to say it will be alright so remember with the help of god and granny prayers it will be alright for you too ![]() Wed, Nov 14, 2001 Re: Buttons, buttons!~Carol i saw an advertisement one time of this device you could use to punch buttons on things for decorations sweat shirts hats handbags etc. ![]() Wed, Nov 14, 2001 Home schooling what is your opinion of home schooling do you know anyone who has had it ![]() Thu, Nov 15, 2001 Re: Just In Case!!!! in my half of this semi private room i have two bookcases full of books just in case i want to read them again and i probably will third time or more for some also i have a shelf full of videos just in case i want to watch them again Thu, Nov 15, 2001 Re: Just In Case!!!! anyone got any of the old sad irons left all you needed to use them was a god hot cook stove my mother used to say to me Donna if you don't learn to throw something away you will have to build another room on to the house Thu, Nov 15, 2001 Re: Just In Case!!!!Dottie when i was home i had a carrier that sat on the floor with 4 legs on it i had the pattern of whatever counter crossstich picture i was working on little pockets on the sides for embriodry scissors floss in the color the pattern called for a white strip of cardboard with holes i would unwind each scain of floss cut it and thread it through the holes and place by each hole to write the number of the color you could pull out one 6 strand of floss at a time break it down to two or one which ever you were using there was also a magnet on the strip for your needles it was really handy the first thing i would do when i decided on a pattern was to go to the store where they sold all of that pick out the colors the pattern called for all the colors were numbered take them home and set them up on the strip i sure wish i could do it now but it takes two hands and the ability to get around the last christmas present i made for my daughter was a circle of white roses on a blue cloth when i got it done there was a place in Columbia i could go to and have it framed and put under glass really miss being able to do that now also to crochet they were my main hobbies that and reading well at least i can still read and now i have the web something i had never heard of when i came here 11 years ago but i did have a t.v. also a radio my husband got me that had a place in front where you could play cassettes that one one of the girls knocked off and broke but i got myself one a couple of months ago ![]() Thu, Nov 15, 2001 PRAYER FOR A FRIEND a good friend of mine will be having a c section monday morning she is not due for three weeks but has had so much trouble during this pregnancy they decided to do c section she will have a little boy she has a little girl who will be 2 on Saturday after that she will take a 6 week in maternity leave i will miss her but just want things to go ok for her her name is Cortney ![]() |
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