Chapter 34Fri, Nov 16, 2001 PRAYERS ANSWERED my friend who i asked for your prayers for yesterday she was supposed to have a c section Monday went into labor last night and they took home he is 7 pounfds 7 ounses 21 inches and they are both fine ![]() Fri, Nov 16, 2001 Re: Anyone Remember This from 1987 in 1987 i had never heard of the web didn't untill i came here to the home and was watching advertisements i always admired North and always thought he was thrown to the wolves by a lying President North was military and did no more than follow the orders of his commander in chief ![]() Fri, Nov 16, 2001 Re: 50 Mile Radius I was born in Peoria illinois and now i live in Mexico Missouri about a two and a half hour drive but i have a friend who still lives in the same house she was born in in 1926 ![]() Fri, Nov 16, 2001 Re: I WANNA TO BE A BEAR they also send their two year old cubs up a tree and the cubs never see her again no aporn strings there ![]() Fri, Nov 16, 2001 Re: Drug Stores when i was home we had drug store about two blocks away they served what they called walking sundays a cup cone and you could have your choice of ice cream and topping i always got chocolate ice cream with pineapple sauce i think my folks got all the medicine from the dr. back then they made house calls i remember him giving me a teaspoon full of medicine it was always sweet and usually pink and he carried his little black bag which my mother told me he had brought me in i didn't learn about the birds and the bees till i was older Fri, Nov 16, 2001 Re: Drug Stores please excuse the double send also in my next letter excuse the way i spelled Porch and Farrie (the cars) no dictionery here and the spell check didn't know either ![]() Fri, Nov 16, 2001 Re: Loony Laws~ Bumper Snickers saw somewhere where it it was against the law to hook an alligator to a fire hydrant put it in my chat room right away said Caktus another chatter just rushed to out to unchain her alligator next day she said she had the alligater sitting right next to her we had fun with that one for a while good room lots of nonsense and some serious chat one chatter was asking how to invite his mother to something and not include his step father didn't want him but didn't want to hurt his mother ![]() Sat, Nov 17, 2001 Re: Dale's Radiation Treatments. so glad the radiation worked and didn't make him deathly sick like they did my daughter of course hers was directly to the head and we knew it was only a stop gap but it did give us 11 more months with her i know god has a set time for all of us but sometimes i wish 11 years ago my husband hadn't asked my church to pray for my life but maybe he needed me around for the last two years of his life i know i should be grateful ![]() Sat, Nov 17, 2001 PLEASE HELP due to foolishness on my own part i lost my sig could someone please send me a cut copy and paste so i can get my white background and black print back oh Courtney and her baby are doing fine thanks ![]() Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: Worried about my daughter when we first moved to Missouri we had 20 acres of timber pasture one year several men from St. Louis came and said do you mind if we hunt in your timber i said no we only had one cow and she was in the barn so they went on but before they left they brought me two cleaned rabbits oven ready the next year they came back but they brought a box of candy bars for the girls again they left me a rabbit and a squirell they did this every year as long as we were there never went down without asking never left without bringing at least two cleaned rabbits there were a few deer down there but i don't think they ever shot one i remember my dad talking about when he was in the army in northern michigan he said there was a pool there and the men would wait till the deer came and knelt down to drink and then shoot them he said i could never see any sport in that he never hunted and he never fished and once i had the shears and was cutting the hedge i found a big tomato worm about three inches long i was going to cut it in two but he said oh why do you want to do that it's not hurting anything and that was my dad as far as he was concerned everything had a right to die a natural death i don't think he would have killed a chicken so it's good we didn't live on a farm Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: Worried about my daughter not all hunters are renogades some like in my previous post are gentlemen but if they were they would ask first Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: Worried about my daughter you may think my view is strange but i don't think it is wrong or strange to pray for any living creature one of my daughters table prayers when she was little was he openeth his hand and satisfied the need of every living creature ![]() Sun, Nov 18, 2001 a question for the teachers what is the new math and how can it be different i thought numbers were always the same and the way we were taught to manipulate them were too it was never my best subject but i did learn to add subtract multiply and divide even fractions i found an old book of my husbands nephew once and there was a formula for figuring a square root without a calculator i could do it by following the formula but sure couldn't do it again and i know figuring astrology is different because you are adding and subtracting minutes and hours so what have they done with it and how have they changed it? Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: a quesrtion for the teachers is the new math the metric system it's not exavtly new but i guess it would be to us ![]() Sun, Nov 18, 2001 another question forthe teachers Math again i have said i never had any higher than the eight grade there is i think Algebra Geometry and Triginometry which just as well be greek but the men who plan to send a rocket to the moon or Mars they can't send it to where it is but to where it will be what kind of math do they use to figure that ![]() Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: Beautiful Beyond Words. Listen very pretty but this web does not load music too well heard a pretty one on t.v. this morning god bless the children the children teach the world to care Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: Beautiful Beyond Words. Listen got to listen to it that time without the room being crowded with people it is the first time i ever heard it ![]() Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: U.S.Requirements for Teachers in the New Millenium i just got back from our sunday afternoon church service the sermon was on saying thank you and the lesson was the ten lepers jesus healed and only one returned to say thank you how often do the students or parents say thank you to the techers i know i was especially to our band director and the teacher who taught me to play the clairinet though the best way i could say thank you to him was to keep up my two hours of practice a day and i was thankful to the director for seeing i was included in the all city band that played for the special basketball games i got to go to the state contests but not like the year before us to the regional contests i was in high school from 1941 to 1944 no out of state travel but i still have the medels we won in the state contest Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: U.S.Requirements for Teachers in the New Millenium one thing i have wondered about butcant get any answers have heard there is a new math how can math be different i thought numbers were an absolute and didn't change i never had any math beyond the eight grade and still dont know my percents our seventh grade teacher was as bad at teaching math as i was at learning it but after i got got in jr high didn't have that much trouble i know how to find the area of things the circumference of a circle though i had a hard time remembering what pi was though did manage to memorize the tables are they new or can i still depend on what i learned no calculators though i did struggle with the nine times till finally passed out not kidding my mother came and sat down beside me the next thing her apron started to get big black spots on it then i was stretched out on the floor after that she said you quit for now math the only thing that ever took me down now they have changed it how? one of you teachers please tell me not that i want to start over i just do it the way i learned and hope it's right though i don't have to balance books or keep a check book here always wanted to learn languages finally got a first year Latin and have worked on it the vocabulary isn't hard but the grammar will make you pull your hair out at least it hasn't changed got a chemistry book once and tried to study it but there again the math understood it till i got up no the higher valences should have learned spelling better but here i have a spell check Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: U.S.Requirements for Teachers in the New Millenium this would be our 57th but i won't be able go i know waited a long time for my 50th it was in 94 but couldn't go to it either still keep in touch with the girl that was my best friend though she still lives in the house she grew up in we me in kindergarten in 1931 ![]() Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Missing Grannies probably a lot of our granies are busy especially with thanksgiving this close or like here their webs are deciding to act up has anyone noticed the increase in ads the closer we get to christmas i mean in the e mail ![]() Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Bargain on PM MSN Plus System my daughter got me mine three christmases ago but she didn't get phillips she hadn't even seen the ads she and my son in law both have lap tops and i guess at work he has all kinds he's a computer programmer for the university of indiana his e mail addy is iupui. edu i said to my daughter what on earth is that she said it stands for the university of Perdue in Indianapolis anyway he got me a sony $100 for the browser and $50 for the keyboard at first i was on web t.v. and that was $19 95 a month then they stopped having a local number so my son n law put me on socket and you got two months of web free but it didn't change my nic or addy well i'll leave the high tech stuff up to him hope someday maybe i can have a real puter my daughter says i'm too impatient she says even with a real one you have to wait for it to load and that can take awhile Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Bargain on PM MSN Plus System thought for pics you had to have a scanner and if i did don't know where icould put it on the bed? have a table mate from QRS shopping center and it just has room for my keyboard and a bunch of books i keep out when i want to clear my bed i put them back on the table but yesterday one of the girls put most of them back on the shelf of my bookcase i can't stand up and git myself so like a lot of other things i have to depend on someone else med nurse was just in here said it wasn't raining just very cold said she has a dr.s appointment in Columbia about 30 miles said her husband took the day off to go with her but he decided to go hunting first she said if it rains she won't even go yesterday in the hospital new they finally got Cortneys baby picture up nov 15th at 843p.m. 7 pound 7.6 ounces and 20 inches hope she gets home soon here she has a six weeks maternity leave but at home she has a two year old daughter shehad planned to spend all day last sat with i know when my youngest was born my oldest was a few daYS AWAY from two weeks from her secondbirthday Vickie was born July 3rd she was 2 July 21st she talked to me on the phone and said hows Bicky sister when you going to bring her home then after vickie died just before her 15th birthday Mary said she felt really guilty i said why? she said i was older i was supposed to take care of her and that was after she was grown well i felt guilty too i wasn't even supposed to get pregnant before Mary was two they warned me about that because Mary had been a c section then they said couldn't have anymore after vickie i hated that too i always wanted more children now they do c sections different and you can have more but they were born in 50 and 52 medicine changes and will keep changing and improving i hope i have even heard now that there have been times they did opperate on someone that had the same kind of brain tumor that killed vickie back then 1967they wouldn't even touch it they gave her one series of radiation but said that would only give her 6 months to a year they said any more radiation would destroy too much brain tissue as it was the last picture i have of her she is very sober looking at the proofs when i chose it the pictures she smiled in only one side of her face smiled the other side was paralised but i'm glad she died with faith and unafraid ![]() Mon, Nov 19, 2001 Re: Fun Fact - What do you do? can't touch while i'm sitting or after i stand up either hang onto the rail till whoever is helping me has my pad back on and my underware up then i reach for my chair one day a new girl was helping me she forgot to lock it and i forgot to remind her wound up on the floor on my bad upper arm and shoulder they pulled me out picked me up and put me back in the chair my lower arm and wrist were sure sore for about a week but they took exrays and thankfully nothing was broken but after that i'm sure they have the chair locked i know some of the new girls hate to have me remind them but i do anyway after everything is done they flush it if it is flushing we had a terrible time about a week ago the plumbers were here for about the whole week they got several protection pads some underware out too it that some of the people who are less aware tried to flush and they were back yesterday they got a pair of slacks i guess whoever tried to flush them thought they were putting them in one of the laundry barrels anyway that one week was one of the few times i was glad i couldn't smell anything now you will notice that thanks to Mary Lynns love and patience i finally have things back as i like them Mon, Nov 19, 2001 Re: Fun Fact - What do you do? i did too back in the good old days before i had to depend on everyone else at least i can still think though i do some foolish things like erasing what i had but at least i have it back and maybe someday in gods good time i won't be helpless but that will be his decision and i'm 75 so if he decides it will be for another 25 or 30 years i know he is still with me and one day i will be with him ![]() Mon, Nov 19, 2001 Re: Stuff It? when my mother was alive and we had diner at home she stuffed the turkey and made a casserole of dressing to bake along side other regulars were mashed potatoes candied sweets noodles cooked with the giblets for gravy and apple bnut salad i think it's official name is Caesar and oh yes cranberry sauce and not the kind out of the canand pie usually apple though i remember one time i had mince though i don't think that was at home and she always had drumstick for each girl it was a feast i won't have again for awhile they did have a thanksgiving dinner here a couple of weeks ago turkey right off the bird mashed potatoes no sweets no noodles no apple nut salad and only about a teaspoon of cranberry sauce we had our choice of pie lemon pumpkin or pecan the real thing every once in a while here they will have caramel oatmeal pie it's not quite the mock pecan but it is good the menus and the recipes here are very nutritional according to the state dietary people they take good care of us as a rule you can have substitutes they have a lot of green beans an broccoli hardly ever squash which i love and right they said no i could not have breakfast three times a day i love my over easy eggs and my oatmeal one time the director asked me if i thought i might have been a horse in a previous lifetime horses do love their oats Mon, Nov 19, 2001 Re: Stuff It? forgive me for rambling on like i usually do but not many people here have time to listen to me ramble on besides it seems like only when I'm writing do i get diarrhea of the mouth used to have a hard time writing letters for that reason i would t started and go on and on ![]() Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Compulsive Cleaning when my mother was expecting company she would clean the rug that was in front of the dresser then she would turn it over till they came one big event every month her sunday school class met and when it was our turn to have them it was like a regular spring cleaning i couldn't see it needed much she was a compulsive 24 hour a day cleaner i asked her once why she was like that she said once when she was 8 year old she was reading the paper and saw where they put a woman in jail for keeping an untidy house that was in 1908 so i will leave it up to you to figure out what an untidy house was i guess back then they coudn't use word like brothel in a public paper Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Compulsive Cleaning as you know this lazy grannie don't clean but at least once a month housekeeping does what they call deep cleaning the girl comes in washes and dusts everything the guy sweeps and mops then another comes in and buffs they really do a nice job and sometimes one of the nurses will come in and straighten up my bookcases and sometimes will go through my closet and straighten things up there ![]() Tue, Nov 20, 2001 what would you pick people keep asking me what i would like for christmas i would really like to see the Harry Potter movie but i think that is out of the question but i know sooner or later the video will be out and i will get it even if it's not before next christmas ![]() Tue, Nov 20, 2001 what do you remember best of the christmases when you were little is there any particular thing that you remember especially when i was about 6 the depression had just got good start my uncle had gotten married earlier that year he had a bigbox for his wife when she first opened it was a pair of silk hose next a pair of brown suade pumps next a brown crepe dress and on the bottom a mink coat i will never forget how excited she was she had that coat for years though she told me later after i was grown that she would just as soon wear a good warm cloth coat i remember at that same time my mothers cousin had a raccoon coat they were the height of fashion at that time ![]() Sat, Nov 24, 2001 Re: Deer Season one time i had deer hamburger a friend brought us i made a meatloaf but it was so dry later someone told me i should have mixed in a little pork but i'm not going out to get one myself as far as i'm concerned they can all die of old age Sat, Nov 24, 2001 Re: Deer Season ~ Sammy thats a useful talent better to know how to fix and preserve the meat than kill it Sat, Nov 24, 2001 Re: Deer Season ~ the farmer put a sign on his cow before he turned her out painted in big white letters on each side cow man wanted to go hunting and his wife insisted on going along he took her out said you stay here ill go on but if i hear your rifle i'll come running soon he heard shots he hurried back there was his wife pointing the rifle at a man she was yelling get away from my deer he said alright lady alright you can have the deer but let me get the saddle Sat, Nov 24, 2001 Re: Deer Season--Gerry friends daughter hit a deer her grandson then 5 was really upset because she had killed one of santas deer ![]() Fri, Nov 23, 2001 Re: The Night Before Christmas, Ground Zero very nice and true does anyone realise the song of the angles was not peace on earth good will to men as we hear so often but peace on earth to men of good will ![]() Fri, Nov 23, 2001 Re: I NEED SOME HELP! Darlene i sure don't know enough about the web to answer your question you might ask some of those who are more expert like Mary Lynn or if all else fails go to radio shack you know what they always say in their ads you have questions we have answers Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: 50 Mile Radius i have a friend who was born in new york city now she lives in Seaside Oregon Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: 50 Mile Radius my daughter was born in Peoria now she lives in Indianapolis her daughter was born in columbia Missouri now she lives in Indianapolis too Sun, Nov 18, 2001 Re: 50 Mile Radius Dorie that reminds me of the signpost you see in Mash you know the one that says Chicago so many miles Cincinnati St. Louis etc. Where were you born? ![]() Sun, Nov 25, 2001 Re: Good Morning .... 11/25 it rained here yesterday but just made it colder i would be glad to tag along for lunch with anyone when i was little my grandmother would take me to town and we would eat at the lunch counter at one of the dime stores so i would say to her grandma can we go uptown and eat at the supper store Sun, Nov 25, 2001 Re: Good Morning .... 11/25 sammy corn bread is ok but i'll pass on the buttermilk churned butter one time in one of the glass jars when i got done i tried to push the liquid back into the butter i guess that was buttermilk i don't know but someone said no you don't do that ![]() Sun, Nov 25, 2001 Re: Prayers for Rob's family, Please! i can't do much to help the people or even myself but i'm thankful ican still pray for people Sun, Nov 25, 2001 Re: Prayers for Rob's family, Please! i used to have very severe asthma to the point by the time i got to the drs. office my hair in back was soaking wet he knew i was an l.p.n. and able to give shots he gave me a bottle of adrenaline and said get the little insulin syringes if you have an attack give yourself a shot of a quarter cc of this it really worked too but when i got a little older he said you cant have it anymore i had two inhalers that worked well if i was out driving and started to have an attack i would go right home i had gone home to get them sat down on my bed i kept them on my bedside table i used them and could breath then i got up to walk out to the kitchen where my husband was and fell on my face i couldn't even call him my mouth felt all funny but when he came in and found me i was able to tell him i'm sure 'i've had a stroke i couldn't get a hold of the bed to pull myself up i didn't realize that half of me didn't work he called 911 and i remember them putting me in the ambulance and that's the last i remember for the next month i hallucinated i would think my mother was in bed with me if the curtains were drawn i would be sure she was in the room on the other side of the curtain and couldn't understand why she didn't answer me but that passed though for long time i was afraid i would have another bout of asthma but i didn't till one night s few years ago here it has been either a blessing or a punishment that i have stayed alive this long i can't help myself or anyone else anymore but at least i can pray for them ![]() Sun, Nov 25, 2001 Re: Dog adopts piglets i have heard of it but never saw it her instinct tells her she is a mother and should be nursing something Sun, Nov 25, 2001 Re: Dog adopts piglets we had a full grown black lab here that was just sure she was a lap dog they love and want to be loved ![]() Sat, Nov 24, 2001 Re: Hi Everyone... Judy is there any hunting in Texas? Sat, Nov 24, 2001 Re: Hi Everyone... never knew of having lobsters for Christmas but then there were never many where i lived wouldn't eat one when we were on the east coast on my honeymoon in Maine just didn't like the idea of boiling them alive ![]() Fri, Nov 23, 2001 Re: Deer Season one time a friend brought us deer hamburger i made a meatloaf but it was so dry someone told me later you were supposed to mix a little pork with it but my dad was never a hinter we never had it so i didn't know Fri, Nov 23, 2001 Re: Deer Season it's a dangerous time of year not only for the hunters but they are much more to run out on the road increasing the likelihood you could wreck your car i'm not sure but i heard someone say deer hunting season was in the rutting season when they are also more apt to run in front of you ![]() Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Dress Up or Casual i will probably wear the red dress i got when clothes to you were here and when the girl that does our hair will put a cinnamon rinse on it it's pretty brown but she said that will just put a hint of red in it she's pretty good so i trust her Tue, Nov 20, 2001 Re: Dress Up or Casual i doubt if the pilgrims dressed up and probably the Indians didn't either but maybe they wore their best feathers do you think that's where the expression fancy feathers came from my daughter will come she will dress nice but nothing formal the only time i ever dressed formal for anything was my wedding reception or can you consider a wedding dress formal i know if a man is in the service their uniform is considered formal did you ever see the movie or videoThe sound of Music and see the medals the captain wore at the wedding but of course most men and boys consider a tuxedo formal a young man came in here the other day wearing army fatigues his mother was the med nurse that day she said he had been hunting thought hunters were supposed to wear bright orange ![]() Mon, Nov 26, 2001 Re: OH! WHERE IS IT??? when my mother was young my grandmother would make a pot of beans with noddles in them every once in awhile my uncle he was 7 years younger than my mother she called him her baby brother he would come in and say Emmy make me some beans with slip go downs (noodles) and she would make them for him i think they ate a lot of beans she said my grandfather worked 6 days a week 7 days a week for $1 a day but he raised my mother her two brothers and two cousins their mother had died and his mother in law my great grandmother he bought their house 5 rooms downstairs and two up stairs of course when he bought it it was $2000 i think 1905 mother said they got one orange a year in their christmas stocking she told of when they were little the church was 2 miles away every sunday morning their mother would give them two nickels one was to go in the collection plate the other they could take their choice they could either ride home on the street car or use the other nickel to buy an ice cream soda of course you can guess what they chose she said it broke heir hearts when ice ream sodas went up to a dime one woman said once why didn't they keep both nickels. She didn't know my grandmother she worked 12 hours a day ![]() Wed, Nov 28, 2001 ADVENT it is advent do you have your christmas carols out of mothballs hubby used to get upset when i played them in july but i think any time is the time for good music ![]() Thu, Nov 29, 2001 Re: Decorating Time Saver we kept the boxes of bulbs and the lights in a special place in the garage but i like a lot of icicles so i always got at least one new box of them my husband said they just make a mess but i remember when i was little at home laying under the tree and pulling off the icicles one at a time when my girls were little i had a cardboard nativity scene it fit together with certain tabs going into certain holes only cardboard but it was pretty when i was home when we were finished with the christmas tree my mother would put it out in the yard and hang bread and suet on it for the birds and i guess the squirrels because some times we would hang ears of corn on it it's hard for them to find food in the winter ![]() Thu, Nov 29, 2001 Re: NEWS: some companies get more stingy all the time like here they are so short of help yet they don't want the girls working overtime it costs them more so they go without the wages they deserve and we go without the care we deserve and pay for they let go of 40 beds so they would be more near full but theyt kept the patients we were supposed to get the girls that worked on that ward but so many of them quit we didn't keeps them running over 8 hours as day and now cold as it is if an employee wants to smoke they have to go outside but the patients they have a special room for them and there are some real nicotine fiends i'm sure they were chain smokers i'm really thankful i never did my husband after he lost a lung to cancer could only give them up for a shorttime and i remember giving a cigarette to my father when he was in the hospital with SERIES OF SMALL STROKES THAT KILLED HIM there it was not the cigarettes ![]() Thu, Nov 29, 2001 welcome back they can be really chintsey Thu, Nov 29, 2001 i guess if they think everyone shorted them 20 cents they would go out of busines ![]() |
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