Chapter 35Sun, Dec 2, 2001 Re: DON SOMEWHAT IMPROVED Sarah i am so glad he is better and has his appitite back i bet you are relieved too was he ever in the service if he was he will be asking for creamed chipped beef on toast or as they called it S--- on a S------ O if someone doesn't understand army slang ask a vet they know what i mean Sun, Dec 2, 2001 Re: DON SOMEWHAT IMPROVED sadly some visiters just don't know when enough is enough when my hubby was terminally ill his nephew and his wife stayed with him since i couldn't be there the girls here at the home had promised to take me home that monday however his niece called Friday afternoon and said Uncle Bill died but they did get me to his visitation and funeral even stopped at Golden Corall on the way home from the visitation so could get my favorite dinner that was in 1993 and i don't miss him quite as much as i did for a long time they say time heals you remember but with not quite as much pain and just as when my grandmother and great grandmother died in 1932 the year i as 6 i knew i would be with them again but i didn't know how long it's been 70 years now and i know it won't be another 70 at least i hope not ![]() Sun, Dec 2, 2001 Re: Our TV Star!! the dog looks like it knows it's loved and i'm sure it is just think how much christmas shows us we are loved by the lord would you have left a beautiful home to benefit people you knew would hate you when you knew you would have to die such a death for them yes we were loved greatly and still are let us be thankful ![]() Sun, Dec 2, 2001 Re: Tinsel ~VidCap i would never have a tree without tinsel when i was little i used to lay on the floor and pull the strands off one at a time i didn't put them on one at a time either but my husband said they made aN AWFUL MESS maybe so but the tree wasn't a tree without them we stored the decorations but i always got at least one extra box of tinsel another thing we had homelights that had belonged to my great grandmother a santa going down the chimney a yellow bird and a little bell (not a light) that i used to ring while layng under the tree a beautiful picture ![]() Sat, Dec 1, 2001 Re: Patti...All read, please... Dorie youk now they claim we are the worst patients like the other night i got into it with one of the aides which i don't usually do when the dr looked at my foot he told them to put a catheter in so he could give me laxix a diuretic and remove the edema in my foot well this aide rather than measure it into a measuring cup emptied it into the stool i said your supposed to measure that she said here are measurememts on the bag i said but thats not accurate you need to use a graduate pitchure she said haw whos the certifed nurses aid around here i said ok whos the l.p.n. she really didn't like that then last night they put me to bed the girl who put me to bed got it under my leg latter i asked the night girl to see if it was draining ok and in trying to get it out from under my leg she pulled it out now someone has to put it back in i know any nurses on line will know what u'm talking about of course i know i didn't make that little girl too happy but they need more training they don't have that many catheters around here and one womans is super pubic they just need more training but before i was in nursing school i wouldn't have had a CLUE WHAT TO DO they do have classes to be a c.n.a. a certified nurses aid but only about 6 weeks and i know they can't get everything especially when they don't get the experience like they do at a hospital just as i know an r.n. woud know so mch more than i do i'm sorry to say it but if i had been her supervising nurse i would have probably have had to write her up which is a reprimand no one likes ![]() Sun, Dec 2, 2001 Re: New Great-Granddaughter i'm sure hoping for a great grandaughter i spoke to my grandaughter and she said oh grandma not till this one gets out of diapers so i was hoping next christmas but maybe not maybe the next one Jacob will be ten monts old two days before christmas but they said that's a long way for a baby in a car and i know it is they did bring him when he was a week but they stayed over besides on holidays they still only get one day off but my friend here at work her daughter is a year old maybe i can get her a frilly dress ![]() Sat, Dec 1, 2001 Re: trip around the world Dear Annieliese what a beaytiful trip i made a special favorite folder for it thank you (trip around the world ![]() Sat, Dec 1, 2001 GRANADA i got a POSTCARD NO RETURN ADDRESS my guess is a friend from granies she said she had seen my post about being on he beach at galveston that she was at Granada do you believe i had to search the web to find out where it was finally found it under travel in the Caribean would you believe i looked in the states even Texas though she said she was 2000 miles south of granada that's how much i know about geography though i would love to know more and the web is a great place to learn it would someone please let me know who my new friend is and if you have chance to write you know my e mail i really love the card and i thank you Donna Sat, Dec 1, 2001 GRANADA Carol it might be the card said there might be more i sure hope so i meant to say it said Granada was 2000 miles south of Galveston i don't know why i ever thouht it woud be part of the United states but even if the rest of me can't take a vacation my brain does ![]() Sat, Dec 1, 2001 Re: Virtual Alarm Clock Dear judy it would wake up not only me but all the other patients on the ward and the nurses would really be on my neck Sat, Dec 1, 2001 Re: Virtual Alarm Clock WHEN THERE IS A FIRE ALARM THE FIRE DOORS SLAM SHUT THE ONLY TIME IT REALY HAPPENED HERE I HEARD THE ALARMS BUT WAS ON THE PHONE AND DIDN'T PAY ANY ATTENTION BUT PRETTY SOON HERE CAME A NURSE SHE TOOK THE PHONE OUT OF MY HAND HUNG IT UP AND SAID HAY THATS FOR REAL WE HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS THE LAUNDRY WHICH IS ONLY TWO DOORS DOWN FROM MY ROOM LINT UNDER THE DRIER HAD CAUGHT FIRE OUTSIDE NURSES THAT ONLY LIVED THE NEXT STREET OVER CAME RUNNING AND THEN HERE CAME THE FIREMEN OF COURSE IT DIDN'T REALLY DO ANY DAMAGE but we couldn't go back to our own rooms for over 24 hours they had to wash down all the walls due to the smoke and they took us accross the yard to the other wing where we stayed and when we got over there had patients lined up and were taking vital signs and listening ti their hearts and lungs the administrater was in the next town visiting her sister of course they called her and she came right away i said to her afterwards the first time in four years you take time of and they try to burn the place down they did get a new drier will you all say a prayer for me the girl that can put my brace and my shoe on and not hurt me was off last night and tonight there are several others that can do it but none of them here this weekend so i don't really want to stay in bed till mon morning but that is better than the way some of them do that shoe and when this first happened it was just as easy to get on as my good foot but when i was in the hospital one of the nurses let me fall and break my leg i had to wear a cast for ten weeks after that they put a brace on my foot and leg first my sock goes on and it had better be straight no wrinkles then the brace then my shoe and my toes want to curl i have no muscle control and can't straighten my foot and keep it straighten my toes are contracting there is too much pressure on them the dr. does let me have extra strength tylenol and it does help but my foot wants to turn to the side it was broken on it turns against the brace which cuts it anyway i would appreciate granny prayers even if it is like a selfish thing don't hurt ![]() Sat, Dec 1, 2001 Re: Are You a Tea Drinker ??? don't like tea or coffee maybe because as a kid i was never allowed to drink them my mother was always trying to put weight on me but she never succeded till they took me to northern Michigan for the month of August to get me away from the midwest allergy belt so all i could have was milk even chocolate ovaltine i got little orphan Annies decoder pin does anyone remember them once in a while she did mke me sasafrass tea and it wasn't too bad but i like milk better milk or hot chocolate or both which is usually what i get here though a lot of the ladies drink coffee or ice tea and a few want hot tea it must be an acquired taste ![]() Sat, Dec 1, 2001 Re: Guess Who? hee,hee it's true i'm wiser than i used to be and i wouldn't want to go back and i have learned a lot in the last 11 years though i'm not sure if i want to live them over and i'm sure i'm here and this way for a reason and someday god will explain it to me ![]() Mon, Dec 3, 2001 Re: December Roll Call hello again to everyone i am dona in Missouri i am a widow my husband died in 93 i had a stroke in 91 am paralized i can't walk or use my left hand i am in a nursing home in Mexico Missouti that's about100 miles north east of st. Louis i have a DAUGHTER AND GRANDAUGHTER but they both live in Indianapolis two states away in Feb i had a great grandson he will be 10 months old two days before christmas i would like to see him see his first christmas tree but he is so little i don't think thet will bring him but my daughter and son in law always come for christmas and take me to his sisters in columbia for christmas dinner soi'll write again in Jani will get some pictures and if i do i will send them to Mary lynn and maybe she will put them on the web for me so you can see him ![]() Mon, Dec 3, 2001 Re: HI EVERYONE!!! caroline i sure envy you i loved to crochet and do pictures with counted cross stich but now that i have lost the use of my left hand i can't i have learned to do some things one handed we have bibs at meals only they would much rather we call them clothing protectors i have learned to put the knot that holds them through the button hole then i take off my glass and get the hole over my head if someone else fastens it i try to make sure they have the knot on top it is easier for me to reach behind and get the knot out of the buttonhole if it is upside down i usually have to ask someone else to do it for me and i hate to have to depend on someone else though for most things i do i can't evenstand up and reach a book on the top shelf of my bookcase ![]() Mon, Dec 3, 2001 Re: OUR GRANDDAUGHTER.... Carol i'm not sure but i think the same time and place as the expresion Will it play in peoria and there was a theater when i was growing up that they said had been a vaudville theater of course by the time i came along it was a movie house ![]() Mon, Dec 3, 2001 HARD TO LOAD there are some posts that come along that take forever to load and my own is one of the worst i wouldn't mind but when i go to the web i clear my e. mail and then come to the group i wouldn't say anything but sometimes my time in the morning is limited breakfast is at 7 and they get really upset if you are late to a meal even though sometimes it reminds me of the motto my husband said was common in the Army Hurry up and wait but what do you do to hurry loading i hit cmd and r and option and reload but a lot of times i still have to wait it seems like forever but then i'm not the most patient person in the world ![]() Mon, Dec 3, 2001 a question for any teachers i have been trying to get a question answered it is the new math math was certainly not my best subject but how can anyone change the rules of numbers i know it was quite an historical event when 0 was invented as a place holder but have they invented something else i never learned percents properly and don't really understand them has all that changed please tell me ![]() Mon, Dec 3, 2001 Re: Lights on Tree to me a tree is not right unless the lights are all colors and not blinking ![]() Tue, Dec 4, 2001 Re: December Roll Call we have a woman here in the home she has parkinsons disease but her husband lives here in town every mealtime breakfast dinner and supper he is here he gets her out of bed wheels her to the dining room makes sure he has coffee wheels her back to her room then after supper he stays and puts her to bed when he is not here she is restless trys to get out of the wheelchair if she is too restless the nurses will put her in a reclining gerry chair he also takes her to the beauty parlor once a week sit there and waits till she is done they just recently celebrated their 60th wedding aniversary ![]() Tue, Dec 4, 2001 Re: Fruit Cake i had a recipe i really liked it was applesauce fruit cake i mixed in the dried fruit baked it in small loaf pans then i would decorate the top with red and green marochineo cherries and give the loaves to the neighbors for christmas presents it was well received and was not that hard to make another thing i made once i really liked them but they were not as easy my mother in law had left two stone jars i think they were about 5 gallons i had a recipe from my mothers cousin for company best sweet pickles first you filled one of the jars with cucumbers covered them with water then every day for 14 days you would change jars and change water by that time the cucumbers were soft you boiled a mixture i can't remember the ingredients i think ot had dill in it slice the pickles boil them in the solution and can them quite a bit of work but ther were worth the work green and crisp and sweet here awhile ago they made bread and butter pickles when i knew they were going to qomnderd how on earth they could do it in just one activity period but they did and they weren't that bad though i iked the company best better if they did take a little more work when i worked in columbia every evening they would bring a platter of snacks carrot sticks celery sticks and little paper cups of dressing i used to like to take the cucumber slices and dip them in the dresing every evening they bring a tray of snacks here but it is nothing like we had there cups of ice cream or pudding graham crackers fig newtons but no sliced cucumbers celeryt sticks or carrot sticks and no dressing ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 Re: Airline agent deserves an Award reminds me of a story one time i was watching grand old opera the entertainers were giving autographs Little Jimmy Dickens said to someone do you know who i am the person replied no sir but there is a nurse over there you go talk to her i'm sure she can help you Wed, Dec 5, 2001 Re: Airline agent deserves an Award a p.s. they were giving a benefit at a childrens hospital and the person had aked him first who he was he replied don't you know i'm sure any of you who have watched the opera for any time know Little Jimmie Dickens ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 an irritable customer the first four years of the 18 i worked in the mental health hospital was on the alcoholics ward if a patient came in with a bottle we would lock it up in the narcotic cabinet over and behind the desk one evening i was the only one on the ward one of the men came up and slammed a five dollar bill down on the desk and said give me my bottle i said i'm sorry i can't do that he headed for the door which was of course locked and said then i'm going to another party. you ask if i wasn't frightened no because there were always men there who had sobered up enough they weren't going to let anyone get away with anything one time one of the men took out a knife and was trying to cut the screen out of one of the windows two other men went one on each side of him got him by the arms and said come on and he did after i had worked there about four years some students came on the ward one evening they said to me what do we do what do you say to an alcoholic i said it doesn't matter what you say to them they have antenna ten miles long and will know exactly what you think of them and that is true i remember the first time i met my second husband the man i married probably five years later i sat with him for probably an hour trying to convince him he really was worth while and no he shouldn't commit suicide which 'm thankful he never did ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 Re: Please Help My Kids it may be a scam but as the bible tells us judge not i have wondered about some of the bigger charities i used to give faithfully to the christian childrens fund when i could first it was $10 then $12 now it is $28 it makes you wonder also a girl in one of the indian reservations as long as i sent money it seemed it was fine but one ime in the winter i sent a winter coat i got it back with the letter moved no forwarding address since then i will give in a case if i'm sure it is going to the person it is intended for one time my husband was sending to a girl in Korea shekomg tok over cong took over would write us letters telling us what she had done with the money one time she said she had bought a blue wool skirt for school after about three years we got a letter saying we can no longer the part of the country she lives in she as a girl from South korea so i guess theViet ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 CHRISTMAS POST CARDS i tried to send a christmas post card to those granies whose addresses i had in my address book i find i can type more legebly than i can write with my one hand besides i find in my aDDRESS BOOK sometimes it's hard to read my own writing but i would like you all to know i tried and am thinking of you i hope you get the card but if not don't think too badly of the poor postman so as the cards say wishing you a joyous season and a happy new year ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 Re: WEB I COULDN'T GET TO MY REGULAR CHAT ROOM USUALLY A SIMPLE PROCESS ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 Re: ROSE god sent a rainbow as a promise why not a Rose? ![]() Wed, Dec 5, 2001 Re: I AM STILL AROUND Darline i understand about radiation you may have heard me tell of my fourteen year old daughter who had to have radiation treatment for brain tumor they told us the tumor is in a place where we can't touch it with surgery burt we can give her a series of radiation treatments that will shrink the tumor but only one series any more would destroy too much brain tissue the radiation we can give her will give her six months to a year to live without it she would have had weeks she lived 11 months after the treatments one thing that made it easier one time i was home by myself absolutely no one there i was praying oh God please don't take her away from me a very distinct voice spoke to me not loud but very clear it said Whats the matter don't you trust her with me? after that what could i say except thy will be done then i will tell you about another happening about a month after her death again i was alone at home i went in and lie down on her bed when i lay down i turned my head and looked toward the dor of the room there was a man standing by the bed why i wasn't' scared i don't know but i wasn't he said you come i'll take you to her i stood up we were in a hallway we walked down the hall we came to a door he said you go in and she will come i went into the room and Vickie came in from an entrance on the other side she said oh mommy it's so beautiful and i'm so happy i'm going to school and i have 33 of the most beautiful teachers i told her i was glad she was happy she said well mommy i've i've got to go now and she left the room again by the place i could not see then the man came to the door and said i'll take you back now we walked back down the hall and then i was back in the bedroom no sign of the man you say oh you were dreaming when i lay down i hadn't had TIME TO DROP OFF besides that was in 1967 how many of you remember a dream clearly that long no i believe it really happened the man did not say to me i am Gabriel as he did to Mary and Zachariah when he announced the birth of Jesus and John the baptist what happened to me was not that important but it did happen Vickie died May16th 1967 she would have been 15 on July 3rd i got another post card today from St. Vincent if it is Wayne sending them i hope they are having a wonderful time ![]() Thu, Dec 6, 2001 Re: Homemade Candy when my husband was alive i always got two boxes of chocolate cherries for christmas one from him and one from my daughter now she gives me two boxes one of the things my father always used to bring home for christmas was one of the big round two pound boxes of chocolates i remember that and him stretching out the christmas tree lights and checking them to see which bulb was keeping them from lighting then he would string them and there was a piece on top shaped like a star it held five bulbs and he would always put the yellow ones in there so there was always a yellow star on top of the tree when i was home he would take me out on christmas eve to buy my mothers christmas present but after i was gone from home he would go out and get it himself one year he got her a string of reaL PEARLS she had a diamond ring that was set in the old fashioned basket setting it had gotten so thin in the back it would cut your finger so one christmas he took it and had the diamond set up high in a platinum setting it was a perfect bluewhite i think a half caret and it was sure pretty when she died i took it and my daughter took the original setting but one chtristmas shortly before she got remarried i gave it to her they had it set in a yellow gold ring of course it was theirs but i always thought it looked prettier in the platinum she took the pearls with her when we burried her the ring had always fit me and her perfectly but my daughter couldn't get it on she said i can't believe you guys haNDS WERE SO LITTLE ![]() Thu, Dec 6, 2001 Re: I NEED SOME INFO i have my own phone in my room that my daughter keeps in for me i have had trouble a couple of times when for some unknown reason the phone just quit working but when that happened i couldn't get on the web at all and if someone really needs to get hold of me they can always call the home you know if you have it on your home phone and you are using the web they will gret a busy signal Thu, Dec 6, 2001 Re: I NEED SOME INFO if you have it on your home phone anyone calling you wil get the busy signal if for some reason the phone isn't working you will just not be able to get on the web you will get a flag saying your phone is disconnected myself in the wheelchair sometimes my chair catches the cord and pulls the jack out a little so i always check the jack and make sure it is in tight the part that is connected to the browser is down behind the entertainment center and i couldn't get to it if i were normal it is funny in a way i will call someone in to set my foot better on the foot pedel and they will say which one then try to move my good foot which i can do anything i want to with i will ask you all to pray for me i don't know why it is worse but my bad foot has been terribly painful all week ![]() Thu, Dec 6, 2001 THE MOUNTAINS OF ILLINOIS i got an e.mail from Indiana Joan praising the majestic mounrtains of Illinois .Poor girl do you think there is anything we can do for her i told her i lived there from1926 till 1958 i saw plenty of snow but nary a mountain if there are any there someone is keeping them a well hidden secret from the natives Thu, Dec 6, 2001 Re: MOUNTAINS OF ILLINOIS-Donna Joan it's nickname is and has always been the prairie state and it is not flat it is gently rolling as the state song says o're thy praries gently rolling from thy gently moving streams comes an echo on the breeSE FLOWNG GENTLY THROUGH THE TREES and it's mellow tones are these Illinois Illinois p.s. we are known as suckers as my dad once told a neighbor boy ewho had been born in Indiana hoosier by birth sucker by choice ![]() Fri, Dec 7, 2001 Re: A little prayer for you Vel he stopped it by doing something to my forward the left hand list now stops with respond ![]() Fri, Dec 7, 2001 Re: Invitation to a Party Sammy i accepted it the year i was 4 when my grandmother invited me i will meet you all ![]() Fri, Dec 7, 2001 Re: The Fragrance Of Christmas i have always thought christmas was the worst time of year not to be able to smell anything not only the house with the tree and the baking but if you want to buy someone perfume for christmas or even one of the candles they have the only one i knew for sure was my mother she always wore Evening in Paris an older scent i don't think they have it anymore but i think Mary likes Chanel number five but usually get her something else and hope for the best i always let my husband choose my perfume and he usually got me estie Lauder youth dew but i have been told with my chosen profession which is nursing sometimes i am lucky not to be able to smell anything anyway if it is a good dinner i can taste it they say you cant but maybe if you can smell it tastes different anyway if there are scents you can enjoy be thankful i wasn't nearly thankful enough for my left hand when i could use it i was right handed and didn't realise how important it was ![]() Thu, Dec 6, 2001 Re: Had to post this.... My grandaughter was born Jan 1st always remembered christmas but never her birthday she is grown now and seems satisfied with whatever christmas gift i give her even though she is harder to buy for now she has outgrown Barbie dolls always her favorite she was born Jan1 1971 ![]() Fri, Dec 7, 2001 my forward right now for some reason my left hand list is stopping on respond no forward and i did wan't to send vels poem she said lets see how the devil stops this well that's how he did it in my case ![]() Sun, Dec 9, 2001 Re: THAT'S GOD i have probably told you about the experience i had when my youngest daughter was dying one night i was alone in the house i prayed oh god please don't take her away from me a quiet but very distinct voice spoke to me it said"what's the matter don't you trust her with me" that was GOD and i know it was i really heard the voice it was not my immGINATION ![]() Sun, Dec 9, 2001 I WAS WRONG i went exploring on the web and there really are mountains in Illinois the Illinois Central r.r. built and bought many mountain engines to carry the coal out we are still the prairie state but there is lots of coal there were mines around my home town Peoria of course it is soft coal but it heated a house real well in winter the first thing my dad would do when winter got near was to order two tons of it there was a coal room right behind the furnace there was a window in the foundation of the house and the men would drive the truck up and shovel the coal into the window it got pretty cold so central heating was nice then later after the war and after i had married and moved away they got a stoker so dad didnt have to go down and shovel coal but the fyurnace was nice my mother had an iron skillet if it got dirty and food got crusted on it she would take it down stick it in the furnace everything would burn off and get it real clean the first house we lived in had a floor furnace and i could get warm by standing on top of it but it wasn't as nice as standing in front of the register at home then in mo we had a stove in the bedroom and one in the living room the stove in the bedroom was an oil stove the one in the living room was a wood stove and it was much warmer wood makes warmer heat and we had 20 acres of timber pasture so we had plenty of wood ![]() Sun, Dec 9, 2001 i goofed candy bars here in the machine have gone up from fifty cents to sixty in the pocket of my chair i had forty i had saved from my bingo winnings so asked one of the men on the evening shift if he would loan me twenty cents and he did so i got a Milkey way way to go with my supper then for three days i forgot to go to the girl who handles the trusts to get the two dimes to repay him then i forgot to get it friday and of course she is off over the weekend all the office people are so i will have to wait till Monday to pay him back i apologized to him and he said forget it but you know i can't do that and it will worry me till i finally get it back to him at least i'm thankful i'm not like some of the patients here they would even forget they owed it to him i do pray i never get like that but who knows i may ![]() Sat, Dec 8, 2001 WHICH RIVER Mary Lynns slides are beautiful and i really enjoy them but after you get out of the midwest my knowledge of geograpy is truly terrible i know Mary Lynn is from San Antonio that is where she was when first met her online and is the river the rio grande and is that one barge or float the texas rangers? when i was little and listening to the radio i always wondered why they called the Lone Ranger the Lone Ranger one question i never thought to ask my parents though i kept them busy with questions about all the othr things i wondered about though by the time the war started i was old enough to know where Germany and Japan were across the oceans both directions ![]() Sat, Dec 8, 2001 Re: my forward~Donna sorry wayne but it is the e mail that has forward in the left hand colum not the posts but i have found you can't put an e mail in favorites it just goes in the saved mail someone said it was probably you sending me the beautiful post cards from Granada and St. Vincent if it is i want to thank you even though i did have to resort to the web to find out where Granada was you said 2,000 miles south of galviston i should have realised it was in the Carribean i hope you had a lovely trip ![]() Mon, Dec 10, 2001 Re: Prayers for Rob's family, Please! I HAVE HAD ASTHMA ALL MY LIFE AND AM VERY FAMILIAR WITH IT THERE HAVE BEEN TIMES I WONDERED IF I WOULD LIVE TO GET TO THE DRS OFFICE ONE DR COULD BRING MY BREATHING BACK WITH A SMALL INJECTION OF ADRENILINE AND THERE WAS A TIME WHEN HE LET ME HAVE IT AT HOME KNOWING I WAS AN L.P.N. AND COULD GIVE MYSELF A SHOT BUTTHERE WERE OTHER TIMES I WENT STRAIGHT TO THE HOSPITAL IT IS NOT A FUN AFLICTION BUT LIKE EVERY OTHE DISEASE GOD CAN CURE IT AT HIS WILL SO I ASK HIM IN THE NAMRE OF JESUS CHRIST TO DO THIS Mon, Dec 10, 2001 Re: Prayers for Rob's family, Please! one of my worst night mares when i was small was that i was going into a plush lined cave that became smaller and smaller till i got so far in i could not breath and my mother who i was sleeping with said she would lie there and wait for me to take another breath praying all the time but here i am at the ripe age of 75 though i am thankful i have only had one bad asthmatic bout since i came to the nursing home 11 years ago though at first i was afraid if i was very far from the nurses desk that i would stop breathing and they wouldn't know but she said don't worry we are close enough that we would know i and i now the others wil pray for the child it's no fun regardless of your age though a friends child had breathing problems he was in the hospital 5 times before he was 3 months old i came in to the granies group and asked for prayer for him now he is over two years old healthy and a strapping big boy Mon, Dec 10, 2001 Re: Prayers for Rob's family, Please!--Gabi dottie you wil gasp for any air you can get fresh or not and since i have never been able to smell anything i don't know if that affects me or not though i know when i worked at the hospital there was a special room where the patients went to smoke with a nurses supervision they would never let me be the one to go in and supervise ![]() Mon, Dec 10, 2001 Re: Christmas Mis-take~please read some of our schools are shameful no prayer no mention of God or christ and now i hear that in California there are certain schools that require reading promoting homosexuality and Lesbian are just other life styles and nothing to be ashamed of but natural and normal. i wonder how much longer God will put up with our country don't be too surprised if he doesn't ![]() Mon, Dec 10, 2001 Re: Twas The Night Before Christmas do you know there are not many people who can name the reindeers not too many that can name the seven dwarves either ![]() Tue, Dec 11, 2001 prayers answered i wrote and asked you to pray for me because i have been having a lot of pain in my foot the one i have to wear the brace on my toes were contracting because of the paralysis but yesterday they took me to the hospital to see the orthopedic surgeon he cut the tendon under my three middle toes yesterday it was pretty sore and they put me to bed early and the nurse got me an order for tylenol number three which as you know is tylenol with codeine but my toe has felt as good as the good one so i don't think i will need them and there is certainly no need to take codeine if you don't need it this morning though i had a backache and a stomach ache i said to the nurse i feel like i'm going into labor she said you had just better not be and of course i'm not i think i just lay wrong last night because once i'm there i can't turn from side to side all my life i was used to sleeping on my right side now i can't because i can't bring my left leg over and i can't sit up and grab my pillow and position it but tonight the girl is here that knows just how to fix them so i am looking forward to a good rest but i am thankful the dr fixed my toes and i thank you all for your prayers once more granny prayers have been answered and i don't have to ask you to pray my discomfort is not labor after all i haven't been exposed since 1991 bless you all ![]() Tue, Dec 11, 2001 Re: It's the Law i read in one place where it was against the law to chain your crocodile to a fire hydrant i posted it in the chat room just for fun the next line caktus one of the chatters posted back Caktus runs out to unchain her crocodile the next day someone asked her where her crocodile was she said he is sitting right here next to me i miss the chat room someone would type a line to a song someone else would carry it on we hd a lot of fun ![]() Wed, Dec 12, 2001 Re: Blonde Joke, cute i always thought it would be nice if you had a garage to leave it in park it on the street and the snow plow would bank it in and you had to either shovel it out or hire someone to do it but we were fortunate there was always a teenager eager to make a buck but i did have to scrape the windshield one time we had a visitor boy from maylasia my husband was gioing to drive him back to Columbia it was storming and he didn;t come back and he didn't come back i was worried finally i got a call from the boy he said we got to Hallsville and lost the windshield finally my husband came home and i said what did you do when you lostthe windshield he said oh we didn't lose the winfdshield it was the windshield wiper the boy was in college and had taken English ever since he waS IN FIRST GRADE but as you can tell it wasn't that good yet he would play scrabble with us and would always spell egg eeg but i wasn't that much better you should have heard my husband the time i spelled torque tork he said i challenge you Wed, Dec 12, 2001 Re: Blonde Joke, cute i was telling you aboutthe malaysian boy but one time before we went to germany to visit my daughter and son in law who was in the army there i took a short course in german at the high school in the evening class i knew nein was german for no i to the teacher i had nein brothers or sisters but it didn't work their no does not mean none or not any as ours does just no their not any or none is kiene i found out and if there are any german speakers on line i appologize for my spelling ![]() Thu, Dec 13, 2001 Re: It Is Snowing! :-( Just wait Mary it will come one of the worst i remember was on Easter snowed so much i had to stay in town that night and i only lived 7 miles not the big one like they expected in the cat who books but enough after all Moose county was 400 miles north of everywhere Thu, Dec 13, 2001 Re: It Is Snowing! :-( i didn't really mind driving in snow as long as it didn't cover the side of the road a bad fog was worse one night driving home in a pea soup fog i got off the road i finally did manage to back out and get back on the road the only thing i didn't realise was that i had made a 180 degree turn and was going back about fifteen minutes later i was back in the town just before mine i pulled over and lay my head on the steering wheel soon the town policeman came over and asked me what was wrong i told him he said well i would take you home but the patrol car isn't working par for the course for that town i started out again that time i got there at that time i was working the evening shift three to 12 one time the car quit on me in the middle of town there i was in the middle of town at three a.m. aND OF COURSE A CARLOAD OF THE people i worked with drove by and saw me i got a lot of kidding about that one i finally called my first husband who still only lived 7 miles out of town he came and got me and took me home 25 miles but i got there we were married 21 years and have always remained good friends we seperated in 71 and in 75 i remarried but my second husband died in 93 two years after i came here ![]() Thu, Dec 13, 2001 PEACE ON EARTH how many of you think the herald angel said Peace on earth good will to men how many realise that what they actually said was Peace on earth to men of good will ![]() Thu, Dec 13, 2001 Re: Stockings when the kids were little they usually wore anklets so woud hang one of my hose when i was little i had to wear long stockings brown ribbed if you remember those i would hang it on the foot of my bed and in the morning it would be full of hard candy and nuts with an orange on top my mother said when they were little they got one orange a year at christmas i got orange juice every morning followed by a spoonfull of cod liver oil i loved it and would suck the spoon but i learned in nursing school that the white lining on the inside of an orange peel is just as important as the juice ![]() Thu, Dec 13, 2001 Re: Displaying Christmas Cards as soon as i can get help i will tape my cards to the part of my walls that are still bare ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: I knew you would come~get the tissues Sammy that is a beautiful story there are many more miracles than we realise and the greatest was the gift god gave us all on christms day ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: New Coffee Drink i have never cared for the taste of coffee not even mocha flavored ice cream and i don't care for the taste of alcohol not to mention the fact that a very little bit will make me deathly sick for about two or three days so i think i will just take my ex lax straight thank you ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: Make Your Own Mixes Judy i'm sorry but all i got on your site was vote for us no recipes and all i know is the recipe for Bisquick and it's been so long since i've been able to cook that i'm not sure i remember that correctly Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: Make Your Own Mixes i used to have a really good fruitcake recipe the main ingeredient was applesauce i would mix dried fruit into the batter bake them in small loaf pans and decorate them with red and green marochino cherries i gave them to the neighbors as christmas presents and they seemed to be appreciated it except for one man an old farmer who said we shouldn't waste our time and money on such fioolishness but he did keep it maybe he had never learned to enjoy christmas ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: I AM THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT you sound like the spirits of christmas past present and future that accompanied scrooge as he learned the true meaning of christmas ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: Grenada tour Wayne really lovely pictures though i cant get into photo point maybe because i never signed up for it i don't know when my daughter gave me the web i promised her i woud never buy anything on it i do know the tune and also it's history it is amazing grace it was written by a ship captain who was the captain of a slaving ship one time he was caught in a storm and thought that was the end he dropped to his knees and prayed for deliverance his ship came through the storm all right and his life was changed and he wrote the song ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 Re: Forgotten Medical Cures my grandmother my fathers mother learned many cures from her mother who was an indian medicine woman she told of one her daughter one of my aunts had cut her hand and gotten a bad infection she dug up earth worms made a poultice of them girls hand she said the next morning the infection had all gone out of her hand and into the worms another time she said my father had pneumonia the dr. asked her if she knew how to make an onion poultice she said yes he said if you do it wrong she could kill him he said make an onion poultice put it on his chest and stand him in front of an open window she said she did and he got well her mother was also a midwife dad said he saw his grandmother when he was very young he said she smoked a corn cob pipe and looked like Mammy Yokum ![]() Fri, Dec 14, 2001 different names in Illinois it was called the home bureau the womans division of the farm bureau here in Missouri it is called the extension club though i don't remember the neighbors getting together to exchange ideas one recipe take a carton or two of chicken Broth pour it into an electric skillet take Bisquick easy to make but i can't remember the exact recipe after 11 years out of the kitchen though i think flour baking powder powder shortening cut in like you would for pie crust instead of making biscuits take doughy balls about two inches drop it in the simmering chicken Broth cover for about 20 minutes makes some tasty dumplings another recipe for a souffle take some ears of sweet corn while they are still in the milk cut down the middle of each row of kernels run knife down to squeeze out the inside of the kernel do this till you have about two cups better cream corn than you can get out of a can use it a baSIS FOR YOUR souffle another recipe i can't remember off hand but i'm sure you all know how then one thing we have done here take a package of biscuits roll them flat put in a spoonful of cherry pie mix close it sealing the edge with a fork fry each side with a fork brown each side in the skillet then dust each side with sugar ![]() |
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