Chapter 36Sat, Dec 15, 2001 Re: prayers answered...DONNA i will have to admit that i was a coward when he stuck under my toes to numb them i hollered and the nurse had to hold my leg still and yet it was really no worse than the dentist sticking a needle in your gums before he pulls a tooth the nurse held my foot and my leg and held a four by four under my foot so i wouldn't bleed all over the floor but after it was all over there was very little bleeding all the nurse did was look at it and put a band aid on it i cut my thumb much worse the time i cut through a piece of ham making sandwiches for my husband to take into the field i wasn't holding the knife right i cut through the piece of ham and almost sliced my thumb off i sat down on the edge of the bed and promptly fainted afterwaRDS I SAID TO MY HUBAND WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST BRING ME TO HE SAID WELL I HAD TO FIND SOMETHING to wipe up the pool of blood you were dripping all over the floor he took me to the dr. and the dr. put staple stitches in it the next time i knew better than to cut towards myself ![]() Sat, Dec 15, 2001 Re: I knew you would come~get the tissues and some people scoff at the phrase the faith to move mountains the boy prayed in faith and that is more than some of us can do we believe but do we truly believe in our hearts where is it that the deciples told christ we could not heal him because he didn't have enough faith and christ told them it's not the faith of the person being healed but the faith of the person doing the healing ![]() Sat, Dec 15, 2001 I'M SURE SOMEONRE KNOWS Evangeline was my mothers middle name and i have always loved the poem but i would love to know i have searched the web and i can't find the history who exiled the Arcadians and why? ![]() Sun, Dec 16, 2001 Re: An Angel?? (chicken soup) visits from angele truly happen never doubt it the day will come when you will be able to thank him and the one who sent him Sun, Dec 16, 2001 Re: An Angel?? (chicken soup) My aunt told ne the story of an aunt of hers who lived in Iowa on a farm the houe was on a hill and there were trees in the distance she said one time there was a knock on her back door she went and there was a man asking if he could do some work for a little to eat she told him no he thanked her and she closed the door as she walked back through the house she thought now that was wrong i could feed him easily so she hurried to the front door to tell him to come in and eat but he wasn't there she went out and looked all around the house but he was no where in sight and he certainly had not had time to reach the trees she said she had turned an angel away from her door and vowed she would never do that again i was little during the depression and my grandmother always said if there was only one piece of bread in the house and someone came to the door asking for food they would be welcome to half of it and in those days people did come to the door asking for food that was the early thirtys ![]() Sun, Dec 16, 2001 Re: BE WARNED!!! my husband was tending the boiler in one of the colleges in Columbia Mo. i visited him one time there was a note that it said Please supply us with some different rat poison the roaches have eaten it and now they are eating the rats ![]() Mon, Dec 17, 2001 FUN ON THE WEB last night i found a game that kept me busy for so long i almost forgot about bedtime in search i had clicked travel then Germany and finally German states in the request line i put german state capitals this brought me to a board called QUIA it had a line europe you selected one of the squares and got a question for exMPLE the capital of italy type your answer then it would tell you if you were right if you were you got so many points only the answer was not Rome it was Rom it asked the questions in German and you had to answer them that way for example i visited the kids in Munich when they were over there and one of the questions in famous sights the Glockenspiel in the Marianplatz is in ??? but couldn't type Munich as the answer it had to be Munchen i recognised the word for France and Great Brittan but Austria kind of threw me i didn't recognise the word but the answer wasn't Viena it was Wienand Poland wasn't warsaw it was Warshau but after playing the game for a few times i finally started to get the hang of it but when it came to the capitals of the german states i was pretty much at a loss i knew that Munich was the capital of Bavaria but not much about the others then i got into the quia site it had flash cards for spanish mostly animals but as i say i had fun sometimes you run into something that is just facinating but other things you can't find my mother middle name was Evangeline and i have always loved the poem but i couldn't find the history and i don't remember ever learning i know the Arcadians were exiled and are the decendents of the Cajuns but i couldn't find why they were exiled or who except know from the poem it was the English but what did the English have against them and why someone so far away ![]() Tue, Dec 18, 2001 Re: For all of you!!! thank you ammy your blue sig is so pretty i love blue i really like the music though my husband used to get a little upset with me when i would start to play my christmas records in june or July but it isn't just one day or one month is it the activity directer here at the home is the same way when i ask her to play christmas carols in the summer she will say oh Donna but after 11 years she's used to me ![]() Sat, Dec 22, 2001 NEW PICTURES ten momths ago in february when my great grandson was born Mary Lynn put a picture of him on the web when he was still hollering about being out in the cold well i got new pictures this week one sitting on santas knee one in his pooh outfit that my daughter said was for halloween i am going to send them to Mary Lynn and ask her to put them on the web so you can see the difference he will be ten months old tomorrow Dec 23rd i asked Mary if he was walking yet she said not yet but he pulls off and walks around things i said when he walks he will keep you running she said he already does he can crawl really fast i asked if he talked any yet and she said no mom he's only ten months old well i remember the first sentence she said her sister was born july third 1952 Mary was two that month on the twenty third i talked to her on the phone from the hospital she said bring bickie sister home and it wasn't long before she learned the rest of the language and talked our arm off one time the minister and his wife were there for sunday dinner her dad said to the minister will you say the blessing but Mary beat him to it it wasn't that much later either she had her table prayer she always said Come lord Jesus be our guest and let these gifts to be blessed i'm sure most of you use the same or your children have and then there was another she knew he openeth his hand and satisfieth the need of every living creature ![]() Thu, Dec 27, 2001 WITHDRAWEL FROM THE WEB for the LAST THREE DAYS I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO GET ON THE WEB my phone wasn't working i would turn it on and get the flag that said your phone is disconnected or in use and of course i had no dial tone but this morning i thought i'll try anyway and sure enough for some strange reason i got in i know the smokers here faunce and fume untill they announce smoking well the web isn't as hazerdous to your health but i am still addicted they came for me just as they do every christmas i got three cassettes of christmas carols i had asked my daughter for but the biggie was from my grandaughter a specially made calender with Jacobs picture from his birth in Feb. on the front and for each month a picture of him playing in his bath on a pony in his pooh costume at halloween she said he has 6 teeth now is pulling up and almost walking i asked my daughter if he was talking yet she said my gosh mom hes only 10 months but he will be i'm sure Mary his grandmother had a very good command of the language by the time she was 26 months old i'm not sure when his mother talked like today they didn't live close but i saw her when she was about three she said do you have any little girls i pointed to her mother and said that's my little girl she said that's my mommy ![]() Fri, Dec 28, 2001 Re: Where is everybody?? dear sammy so sorry your sick especialy this time of the year or any time the creeping crud has been going around the home i've been lucky so far i had the flu shot thet said it was scarce this year thge vaccine i mean but of course i guess the nursing homes were top priority as they say the flu can be more dangerous for the senior citizens and of course they don't want to thin out their census. bad for business all kidding aside they take pretty good care of us Fri, Dec 28, 2001 Re: Where is everybody?? i will admit that i have spending a lot of my time with game i found it is called a challenge board there are 30 questions in all european capitals German state capitals rivers and famous sites it aSKS THE QUESTIONS IN gERMAN AND YOU HAVE TO ANSWER THEM THAT WAY it gives you the right answer and i have made a CRIB SHEET but i am learning some words and some geography and a little history yesterday my daughter and son in law were here i showed them my son in law was telling me how to pronounce some of the words they were there for three years Mary said how do you read it i said oh i wing some of it and she laughed at me but it is a challenge for example famous sites there is the glockenspeil in the main square we visited it but even if you know the answer is Munich yiou have to put munchen and i get mixed up on the towns that are spelled burg and berg and some i have my own memory system for example there is something called the zwinger it is in dresden so i picture a person swinging that needs to get dressed as i say i have my own method thew Brandenburger tor in berlin i pictured Hitler standing in berlin eating a hamburger as i say my own system crazy as it sounds for example there is state caLLED SCHLESSWIG HOLTEIN holstein is a cow and the capital as kiel or cattle and that is what i've been doing crazy as it sounds and my roommate thinks i have completely flipped but one of these days i'm bound to get a perfect score one answer that bugs me it is koin with two little dots over the o but that is not on this keyboard you can also put koein also but they usually call it wrong web bug i guess sorry this is so wordy but when i get going i'm a real blabbermouth ![]() Fri, Dec 28, 2001 REALLY NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT my grandaughter sent me a really nice present a calender of course the callender is for 2002 but every month has a different picture of jacob on th front is the picture i had from him the day he was born but in the Jan picture he is setting up there is one picture of him in a high chair where he has really crashed she says he has six teeth and is almost walking not talking yet but Mary my daughter says he nows a few words like cat and mama i remember we had a neighbors baby and the first word he used was car this year they thought he was too young for such long trip but maybe next year i really hope she keeps on with the calender idea i will be able to see him grow there was one for me and one for her grandfather who is really elated that someone in the family finally had a BOY we had two girls mary our daughter had a GIRL now our grandaughter finally had a boy. don't know i sure can't get a boy dresses with lace and ribbons like i would like to though in one of the pictures he is in a little short suit that looks a lot like a dress but she said no more till he is out of diapers ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: Hey Yankees all my life i have had a red thumb everything i touched died except the iris my mother in law would give me a beautiful violet plant i would put it in the same window she kept it in and it would stop blooming tried to raise a paul scarlet rose first year my husband ran over it with the lawnmower second year i pruned it then someone told me it bloomed on second year wood it never did climb up the trellis click on click on and meet Jacob Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: Hey Yankees~Wayne if i could change things the one thing i would change in my life i would be able to smell things it must be a wonderful experience but for some reason the ability was denied me i have heard other nurses say your lucky but i don't believe it ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: IS YOUR TREE STILL UP? i have a tiny tree my grandaughter gave me about three christmasses ago but most of the lights are out and i couldn't find the tiny bulbs to replace them so this yeart i didn't put it up at home after we took it down mother would put it in the yard and tie pieces of bread and suet to it we had birds and squirrels a rabit and i think once a coon Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: IS YOUR TREE STILL UP? mother and dad always took our tree down the first i did the same after all the spirit of Christmas should last all year but sometimes it seems like it is over too soon ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: PLANS FOR NEW YEARS EVE? i enjoyed it a lot more when you could listen to guy Lombardo play Auld Lang Sine he is no more but maybe Lawrence Welk will play it we do still have him i'm thankful to say i'm still big band i don't care for the falling light as much one time we had to work new years night one of the places in Columbia brought us three big pizzas Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: PLANS FOR NEW YEARS EVE? will likely be in bed by that time the night shift who comes in at ten just hates it if we are still up when they come in but i have my t.v. so maybe can still see the ball but like them to get me up by three thirty or four so by seven or eight i'm usually ready to have them put me in bed if i could crash by myself it would be different but i still need that help durn ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 i need some help anyone out there that understands german i still need help on my challenge board my room mate said my gosh how often are you going to play that i said till i don't make any mistakes i said like when i was in the band if i had to play a piece 200 times before i got it right i would play it 200 times i'm stubborn but i ordered a geman dictionery from the book store that should help i have already figured out some words von is of hauptstadt?? is capital fluesee is river am die is on the and now i know why they call that city Frankfurt am Maini always kind of thought the only river in Germany was the Rhein but there are a lot of them all the thes mix me up der die das and all the others i'm rambeling again ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 WHAT WOULD YOU DO what would you do if you won ten Milion or the ten Million the first thing i would do i would check with the i.r.s. and see how much i owed them then i would put 25 or 30,000 in trust for Jacob payable when he became college age i would invest in a wheelchair with a motor buy a house if i had enough left and hire some private duty nurses and i may even get a credit card but i won't hold my breath till i win it either after all they allow me $30 a month to do with anything i want to and 5 or 6 hundred a year a percent of what you pay the home for the year it's called a circut breaker and anyone that doesn't have 50,000 in personal property gets it you get it at income tax return time this year i got $600 i still have $100 left my main personal expenses are books but once a year a franchise called clothes to you comes right about the time we get it it i usually buy two or three dresses usually about $50 i got a call one night the lady said you have been approved for a credit card i said but i don't have any income she said none i said well i have social security and a pension she said oh that would be plenty i said but i live in a nursing home and they take all of it but $30 a month after that she didn't seem interested in talking to me i didn't realise it but someone said one time a banks business is to sell money and the price you pay them is their profit i never thought of it that way but i guess credit cards are the same ![]() Sun, Dec 30, 2001 late or early when you finally get my cards you can chose whether to call them very late for this year or kind of early for next year ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: To Tell the Truth to ya'll i has my first daughter a c section in 1950 a young doctor that was just getting ready to go into the military they got me up walking the third day not the easiest thing i ever did but when my second daughter was born also a c section i had an older dr. he kept me flat in bed for fourteen days i didn't know if i would be able to remember how to walk but i have found out you may lose the ability but you don't forget how one of the main reasons for early ambulation is much less chance of pneumonia the nurses will know what i mean by turn cough another thing it is not easy to do after they have cut you down the middle but turn cough and deep breath when i was about 16 my mother had a histerectomy i played a dirty trick on her i took her a book The Egg and I when she came home she said that was a dirty trick you can't read it and not laugh ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 Re: SCOTCH OR WATER i will have water i was raised in a family of teetotallers the lips that touch liquor will never touch mine kind besides i found out when i was older three or four ounces will make me sicker than a dog for three or four days ![]() Sat, Dec 29, 2001 reunions i did get to my twenty fifth reunion i looked forward to my fiftyeth for a long time but when it came around in 1994 i was in no shape to go i am still in touch with the first friend i made in school the one i met the first day i went to kindergarten we are still around but a lot of friends are gone ![]() Thu, Jan 3, 2002 Re: IT WASN'T TRADITIONAL, BUT ..... there is no tradition as i understand it here at the home oh the decorations are beautiful but ham??? for a holiday dinner in my family my mother woud bake a chicken even for lesser holidays like a family birthday turkey of course was for the family get togethers one time i baked one for a neighbor whose family was there because she had lost her husband she seemed really glad she said oh donna people brought everything but that but ham for holiday i know people say it is tradition but not my tradition even if the head lady here at the home did have a sign on her door a big turkey holding a sign saying this year try a ham at least the ham they had was little beter than they serve on ordinary days it was about an eighth of an inch thick not so thin you can see through it and of course they did have dressing but no cranberry sauce when i was young i had an aunt whose parents had been born in Germany she would bring big sheets of egg noodles which went in our gravy she also had a cookie shaped like a little pillow with a design on each side they had a good flavor but were so hard you could break your teeth on them she called them springerlies ??? (sp) her mother made them i was four and all these things were accepted gladly but i did hear hushed discussions when she and my uncle were engaged she's catholic she may lead him astray but i loved her she used to rock me and sing me lullabys in German Thu, Jan 3, 2002 Re: IT WASN'T TRADITIONAL, BUT ..... since the dr cut the tendons under my toes no more severe pain like i had been experiencing but still some discomfort i keep trying to remind myself no crown of thorns no crown of gold ![]() Thu, Jan 3, 2002 Re: CITIZENSHIP i agree with a lot of what you said about citizenship but i think it is a privilege to be bilingual or even multlingual as far a god i am sorry to say that it is mostly our own people who have objected to prayers in our schools not the foreigners and i think they have a right to worship god as they understand him in their own ways after all this country was founded on everyone being free to worship as they wish i doubt many of us even the devout christians would agree to go back under the rules of the minister Cotton Mather and the puritans or burning or hanging the heretics those who who don 't believ as we we do though i did know one woman when i was younger who would have gladly had all catholics exterminated ![]() Thu, Jan 3, 2002 THE PHONE LINE lately i have ben having a lot of trouble on the web i will turn it on and i will get a flag saying your phone seems to be disconnected or in use the other day doug the assistant activity director took it and said when he brought it back it work fine plugged in another outlet the jack you plug it into is dead oh well it has straightened itself out before it probably will again if i get on it when i first get up three thirty or four. but then later it will cut out again this annoys ![]() Thu, Jan 3, 2002 Re: DO YOU LIKE BLACKEYED PEAS?? when i worked tthe hospital on Jan. first they woud always have blackeyd peas in the cafeteria lineup but this year i hadn't even thought of them till now once in a whle here we woud have split pea soup one of the older workers woud say you had better eat that i spent all morning in the kitchen splitting those peas ![]() Fri, Jan 4, 2002 Re: I got my results don't worry about the job either just remember the lords prayer and keep faith in the line that says Give us this day our daily bread and have faith that he will ![]() Fri, Jan 4, 2002 Re: SQUIRRELS one time i saw one fall off the wires from the top of a phone pole we thought at first it had killed the poor thing but it just knocked it out far about an hour ![]() Fri, Jan 4, 2002 A NEW JOKE a man went to a proctologists office while he was in the waiting room he looked at the table there was a tube of k.y. jelly an examination glove and a can of beer the dr. came in he said i understand the k.y. jelly and the examinatuion glove but why the beer the dr. hollered in at his nurse darn it helen i said a butt light ![]() Fri, Jan 4, 2002 Re: STRANGE BIRD we had a regular thicket in our yard in it there was a blue jays nest the cat kept going in there then one day just outside the back door there was a tree with one bare branch sticking out one day the cat climbed the tree and was out on the end of the branch the blue jay and whopped him on the rear did any of you ever see a cat come down a tree frontwards you know i am an astrologer well right now Jupiter the plabet of increase is closest to the earth it has been for many years or will be for many more and i actually did win a bingo game last week two whole quarters someone said don't spend it all in one place but now candy bar in the machine have gone up to sixty cents the same ones you used to get for a nickel oh well my mother remembered when an ice cream soda was five cents but that was before my time about 1910 in fact did anyone here win the publishers clearing hous ten million it wasn't me Fri, Jan 4, 2002 Re: STRANGE BIRD i read an article that said that birds have been showing up in very strange places miles and even continents away from their usual habitat but i also read an article once that said Alaska is thawing they based that on the death of trees attacted by an insect that is only native to much warmer places Global warming? could be i haven't heard yet if the swallows came back to Capistrano i don't even know when they are supposed to ![]() Fri, Jan 4, 2002 FINALLY i ran into game on the web it is a challenge board of german stat capitals rivers and famous sites there are 30 questions altogether i have been playing it now for about two weks and driving my room mate up the wall i said oh it's like when i was in the band if i had to play a piece 200 times to get it right i would she said how did your mother stand that well i usually practiced in the basement we did have a full finished basement and really i only practiced two hours a day well this morning i finally got all 30 questions right and i only have to go to my crib sheet about three times my most mistakes was spelling the names of the citys wrong for example i would spell a city berg when it should be burg or the other way anyway i finally did get them all right and a score of 14,000 points every question has a different number of points of course everytime you go there each question counts a different number of points anfd everytime the board is different yesterday i finally got the german dictionery i ordered and some of the words surprised me for example one turned out to be a gothic cathedral and another a dungeon or cage that is the Zwinger in dresden and another king ludwig did something in some city i thought he ruled there or was crowned there or something but acording to the dictionery he died there and the answer wasn't hard to remember it is starnberger a stern king so starnberger then one of the states is slesswig holstein and the answer is kiel holstein cattle so kiel don't laugh at the way my mind works my daughter said how do you understand a german site i said oh i wing it and she laughed but ever since i was really young i have been interested in other languages how other people say things if anyone is interested the site is erdkinde und landeskunde or geography of the territory just type that into search and it is the quia chalenge board ![]() Sat, Jan 5, 2002 Re: WHEE!!!! SNOW IS COMING i hope no major snow here or we wil miss our monthly trip to wal marts theey will cancel it if the roads are too bad not that i need anything but there are a couple of things i would like to have the last thing i ordered from the book store of course was a german dictionery so i could keep up with my game found out what the name means erdkunde is geograhy landeskunde is of the territory and i am getting better i don't have to consult my crib sheet as much i can remember a lot yesterday i made one perfect score but every time the question board comes up it is different the answers aren't different but the questions are in a different place and i still have trouble with a lot of the state capitals though now i know quite a few by heart and there was one question king ludwig 11 starb in ???? i didn't know if it was saying he was crowned or what but according to the dictionery it means he died it doesn't tell you lot you want to know but you can get an idea it seems bremen is a great music town when the kids were here i asked jim they lived there for three years he said a lot of that was east germany and they couldn't go i'm glad we can visit anywhere we want to in this country though if things had been different in the 1860's we might need a passport but maybe not we don't to go to Canada ![]() Fri, Jan 4, 2002 Re: Just Checking In neither will the dr. 10:30 sounds more like regular surgery than have to though if it were have to they wouldn't have waited at all i pray everything goes well and remember the final result isn't up to any dr grannie prayers can do her better than any dr. ![]() Sun, Jan 6, 2002 a test and a game get your search line then type in erdkunde ubd landeskunde it will take you to a challenge board it asks questions and you have to type in the answer each answer you get right gives you points i am still trying to get a perfect score so far my highest is 14,000 don't try it unless your stubborn i make silly mistakes like once i typed in that the capital of spain was moscow and spelling the names of cities wrong but i am stubborn enough to keep on trying i got a german dictionery which helps for exaMPLE ONE QUESTION IS THE HOECHSTER BERG IS?? AND IT JUST MEANS THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN but try it for fun if you like a challenge ![]() Sun, Jan 6, 2002 Re: ON MY WAY OUT THE DOOR LEE praise the lord she is better i was just chatting with beckie 54 her 18year old niece was in an accident and needs our prayers she was just going to call to get the latest news says she hasn't had time to ask the group yet i don't know her name but god does Sun, Jan 6, 2002 Re: ON MY WAY OUT THE DOOR i was talking to the girl that comes in every week to do our hair she said a good friend of hers was having a hard time for christmas she had just lost her baby to sids its not something you get over i remember when my uncle died his father my grandfather was 98 he had already lost my father and one of my aunts i heard him say i just can't stand to bury anothrer one of my children and they were all in their 70's but i guess age doesn't matter Sun, Jan 6, 2002 Re: ON MY WAY OUT THE DOOR great picture Mary Lynn do you miss Texas ![]() Wed, Jan 9, 2002 Re: What are your Hobbies past crocheting making pictures with counted cross stitch piano playing my Clairinet nursing mental health i did that 18 years the past are past because you cant do them one handed and not walking add cooking especialy baking present the web reading and learning things i didn't know like my latin book and the living languages i have been able to get from the audio book club Russian was the most fun the biggest challenge but if i got in a real pinch i could call my son in law and ask he got a year at fort ord Calif the army language before they sent him to munich to translate things from east germany and russia if money were no object i have kind of dreamed of going to another country and living there till i was fluent in the language but only a few people would ever be able to afford that ![]() Wed, Jan 9, 2002 Re: Roll Call---PEG my own family is way too far away for someone who can't drive Mo. to Indiana but i have a great adopted family here on the web and i was lucky enough to find one of the best groups on it be right here unless something happens to my typing hand but that would be a little much but then i'm so much better off than some of the others here yesterday one of the ladies grandaughters came to visit her and she didn't even know her i'm so thankful i'm not like that but you can't tell shes 90 something and i'm only 76 ![]() Wed, Jan 9, 2002 LUCKY i have so much to be thankful for if you have a heart attack it can affect you from sick to dead a stroke is the same thing as a heart attack only it is a brain attack it can affect you in different ways Paralized like i am but it left me my right hand and i am right handed some people lose the ability to talk some the ability to think i don' memorise as quickly as i did i told the dr. i guess i'm getting too old the dr said no th brain is like a computer and a stroke like you had scrambles it so maybe in time it'll unscramblle my daughter said keep trying to learn like you do that's good physical theripy she looked at the german game i have been playing and said you don't understand german how do you do it i said oh i wing it and she laughed at me but i am lucky on a lot of ways ![]() Wed, Jan 9, 2002 Re: VICKY ON TRAMPOLINE - CHRISTMAS one time i was working on the childrens ward i had taken them down to the gym where there was a trampoline set up they were having a lot of fun on it then there came in an older couple older than the kids that is probably in their 30's or early 40's the woman came over to me and said where is my dr. i said there are no dr.s down here she said oh i showed my appointment slip to the girl at the swichboard and she said this was where we were supposed to come i said let me see the slip i looked at the slip and it said very plainly GYN i took them up to the first floor pointed out the right hospital and the right outpatient dept we were hospital (state) but were attached physically to the Medical Center new girl on the switchboard and hurried back to the gym with the children Wed, Jan 9, 2002 Re: VICKY ON TRAMPOLINE - CHRISTMAS they are fun but you can break your neck but maybe any sport is that way if you don't know what you are doing i was never very athletic much to my fathers disapointment when i was a kid i was even afraid too do cartwheels i had been to the YWCA and was practising some of the exercises at home the one where you sit on the floor with your legs crossed and rise to a standing position i could not get up so he nicknamed me lead butt but the time i went bowling with a girlfriend when i got home he said what was your score i said 62 he said i mean for both games i said dad that was for both games he just sighed but at least i got the bill down the alley if most of them did go by way of the gutter one time when i was younger he took me the ball was pretty heavy for me i let go of it at the wrong time and it went back under the bleachers a young man in the next alley looked at me pointed toward the pins and said That way Corrigan do any of you remember wrong way Corrigan ![]() Wed, Jan 9, 2002 Re: You have to have BALANCE on my honeymoon in 1949 we drove accross quebec i did learn a few words of french but not that many even if it was one of the sets i got from the audio book club i was using a friends computer once i typed in the search line old english i always had trouble with it in literature it set up some bible verses and said this is middle english it said there was a time when there was no difference between german scandanavian and english but then english went off on its own (it would) but i had heard it called a germanic language i tried to learn it but there are too many ways today the but at least they are there when i was studying the Russian i tried to look up the in the back of the little dictionery that came with the course it said Russian has no articles but you know neither does latin you kind of put in what sounds best in the sentense i'm not sure if that makes english more complicated or them in Latin it says watch your word endings but we have different word endings too etc great greater and greatest but the endings here tell you the part of speach like is it the subject or the object i learned more about english by studying the other languages Wed, Jan 9, 2002 Re: You have to have BALANCE one of my groups is civil war history i'm just glad you don't need a visa to go south or a passport but it could have happened ![]() Thu, Jan 10, 2002 Re: What are y Wayne i have always loved science fiction starting with Buck Rogers when i was tall enough to tune on the radio and i will bet your stories are as good or better than some i have read and i would love to read one of yours ![]() Thu, Jan 10, 2002 Re: What are your Hobbies i think the scanners are fun i was down by the lake of the ozarks once a little town down there everyone has them to keep up on each other reminds me of when we first moved to middletown in Mo. we were on two swichboards and had a diffrent ring for both then they came along and put in underground cables and we were all going to have a phone that rang only in your house something i had never known anything else when i lived in Peoria but when i moved to the farm my husband would say don't say that on the phone we are on a party line any way in Mo. the more people that picked up the receiver the fainter the call would be my mother would call from peoria once a week and every one would listen i didn't mind that but the more people that picked up their receiver the harder it was to hear her i would say mom what did you say and someone on the line would say Donna she said so and so they were very helpful when we got individual phones some of the older people really didn't like it they said how will we know what is going on in the neighborhood or if someone needs help or not Thu, Jan 10, 2002 Re: What are your Hobbies i had an organ a double keyboard and the bottom keyboard the last octave on the left was chords the man accross the street had a ham radio and once in a while the radio would come through loud and clear on the radio the first time it happened my husband was there alone and it scared him but we got used to it as soon as we found out what it was it was strange sitting there at the organ and listening to a conversation ![]() Thu, Jan 10, 2002 Re: Do you have Nickname's i do have a nickname i got after i came here to the home i had only been here a short time i had been used to cooking my own food as well as choosing it the menu here at the home is set by the state dietery dept. and is very nutrisious but i wasn't used to it and didn't really like it i was in my friends office visiting with her the womaN WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF THE DIATERY DEPARTMENT WAS THERE ALSO she said i have ten cooks now of course she was thinkng of the staffing 24 hours a day 7 days a week but i was thinking of the old saying too many cooks spoil the broath i said is that whats the matter with the food she said there's nothing the matter with the food you little creep so ever since i've been the little creep or the creeper of course they had to document it in my chart that i agreed to it that it didn't bother me i even had to sign now if a new worker here someone call me that it kind of shocks them according to the state they should have more respect but i never had a nickname before and i kind of like it when i was growing up i just knew if my father said Donna Jeanne instead of just Donna i had done something and i had better listen he didn't say it too often Thu, Jan 10, 2002 Re: Do you have Nickname's grandparents name it was Berwick but as long as i can remember i called them Berky grandma and grandpa Berky my youngest daughter when she was little she called potato chips big corn flakes her name was Victoria but we called her Vicky and many times i caught myself calling my grandaughter that her name is Amanda Victoria and after her first marraige she used the web name avcress my oldest daughter Mary her middle name is Virginia but she never used it ![]() Thu, Jan 10, 2002 Re: WEB TROUBLE for quite awhile i would get the flag saying your phone seems to be in use or disconnected and i didn't have a dial tone then Doug the assistant to recreational therapy took the phone he said i plugged your phone into another jack and it works fine so i knew it was with the phone company but now it seems to work i still don't have a dial tone but if i need to call i can go to any of the offices and if they need to get me they can always call the home but i think it's terrible my daughter pays phone bill then it doesn't work but one morning i tried and the web worked someone came and said is your phone still out i said no but the webs working they laughed because they knew that's what i really wanted but i have gone to search and clicked one of the listings and have it say web can't find the page i have also had e mail bounce when i knew i had the addy right and last night i tried to go to a chat group i belong to it is in one of my fav folders i got that far but then it just sat there it wouldn't open but it's working now ![]() Thu, Jan 10, 2002 THEY ARE FINALLY in THE MAIL yesterday Doug came to my room he had a sheet of paper with little labels that peel off he helped me readdress my Christmas cards so they are finally on their way i told you sometime in Jan.. so i hope they they go through some of the addresses in my address book are not too legible ![]() |
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