Chapter 37Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: SLOW BOARD does it ever take you a long time to answer your msn board sometimes i know someone is there but i can't gert too the board ![]() Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: Your childhood games not too many games i was not only the only one in the family i was the only girl in the neighborhood my dad used to get all the boys together and get a baseball game going either in the street of one of the vacant lots when i was young there were a lot of them but when i got older someone had built houses on most of them i didn't care to play base ball and the boys didn't really care to play with a girl but i had my books and when i started to read i could share whatever adventure was going on in the story so i was reasonably happy when i was in school there was one game i liked a little and that was socker i didn't have to hit it just with my hands but could hit it with any part of your body Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: Your childhood games not many all boys in the nighborhood Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: Your childhood games when i started to get a little older we lived the second house from the corner a bunch of the kids woud gather on the corner under the street light and play a game but my mother wouldn't let mre off the porch after dark i had to stay there with her unless the two of us would take a walk eithe down the block and over to the drug store where we woud get a walking sundae a cup cone with your choice of ice cream and topping my favorite was chocolate ice cream with pine apple sauce or we would walk down the street to the dairy and get a regular ice cream cone one time going home i dropped the ice cream out of the cone but when i looked in the bottom of the cone there was a free slip so i got another cone Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: Your childhood games Beckie that reminds me of Charlie Brown and his kite eating tree (Beckie) You probably won`t believe this but it`s really true, Troy... When my siblings and i were younger, we use to fly kites alot, we lived in the country and wide open spaces were all around us however we chose to stay where the trees and wires were plentiful. (need i say more?) but one day my dad made a large pole and a y at the top, with this handy tool, so cleverly constructed my dad would always rescue our kites from anywhere they got stuck...but there`s more, when he made this, little did he know he would have another purpose for it, he would retieve all the bird feeders as well, without a fuss, he`d gracefully get them all down, refill them and return them in the same manner. this was also a favorite thing to do .. helping feed all the birds. what great memories !! sorry to have gone on so, but thank you, the memories are sweet and always good to think back on, Love, Beckie Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: Your childhood games Mother may i if you forgot to say Mother may i you couldn't do anything in fact i think you got a penalty Fri, Jan 11, 2002 Re: Your childhood games in my neighborhood it was always base ball and my dad was the ring leader to this day the boys that are left still talk about him when i say the ones that are left remember that was over fifty years ago Sat, Jan 12, 2002 Re:Beckie & All- Your childhood games my dad did make me kites and fly them with me i was in no way neglected just because i was a girl dad got me my first bycicle and taught me how to ride it also my first pair of roller scates the kind that clamp on your shoes but i never got any good till i was old enough to get a pair of shoe skates and go to the rink and a tricycle though before that i had a three wheeled kiddie car i'm afraid the ones like you see in the advertisements real little cars with motors would have been a little beyond us we didn't even get our first real car till 1934 a 32 chivie dad drove it till 53 when he finally got what i referred to ever after as the new car a 53 chivie bellaire it was light blue and so pretty i remember once when i was little that when i grew up i was going to have a car that was robins egg blue he said well maybe when you grow up they will be making cars that color the flashiest car i had seen at that time was my grandfathers brown Hupmobile Sat, Jan 12, 2002 Re: Your childhood games one of my favorite pasttimes less than two blocks from us there was a big swimming pool it had a low board and a high board many an evening i would beg my mother mom lets go over and watch them swim i didn't like to be in the water much myself my father and i both had the same kind of ears if water got into them especially water with chlorine it couldn't escape and we would wind up with an earache i never tried to go in the pool that was close that seemed to be mostly for adults or older teenagers though my aunt would take me to the YWCA pool she was a strong swimmer in fact that was where she and my uncle met each other i heard someone tell the story about my grandfather when my father wa born in 1900 they lived in Keokuckk Iowa right on the Mississippi they said he would go on the boats and dive off the highest part of them another reason i did not care to be in the water i was and am an asthmatic and i didn't like the pressure of the water on my chest ![]() Sat, Jan 12, 2002 Re: Cleaning Carpet the worst and most stubborn stain i ever ran into was where my husband had sat for years and smoked if it sticks to our lungs that way i understand why they say it is hazardous. he did finally lose lung to cancer and though they thought they had gotten it all a year later it reappeared in his liver after that he lived three months i am still wondering when they will outlaw nicotine as they did the barbituates the heavy addicting sleeping pills and i now since i came in here eleven years ago there are medications i gave that they don't use anymore i don't know about the nicotine i think there is too much money involved ![]() Sat, Jan 12, 2002 Re: Gender i was first subjugated to this kind of thinking in the yeat of Spanish i took in high school all the nouns were either masculine or feminine and you not only had to memorise the noun but what kind of the to use with it la for female and el for male if we go this way are we going to change our definite articles or just forget about them the way they do in Latin or Russian then we would probably have to do like latin does and learn what ending to put on the noun i thought by inventing the single word the we had gone beyond that or have the people who want gender specific even thought of this if we are going to change the english language this drasticly lets just learn another at least that would increase your vocabulary ![]() Sat, Jan 12, 2002 WHAT CARS DO YOU REMEMBER the first car i remember was one of friends of ours it was a grey model A and had isenglass windows you snapped on if it rained then as i have said our first was a 32 chivie black of course the first model to have free wheeling my uncles had a car with rumble seat did you ever ride in a rumble seat of course my mother wouldn't let me go alone she rode with me and once when i was teenager i got a ride in someone convertable i didn't care much for it i was so short i was almost below the dash of course i didn't get any of the wind but it wasn't the thrill i had been told it was a thrill but i couldn't see it ![]() Sat, Jan 12, 2002 Tryng to recruit i have a good friend in Oregon i have been trying to get her to join the group but she says she isn;'t a grandmother besides she has a computer with a program she can put the data in and it will print out an astrology chart she also does private readings for people though sometimes she will send me a chart and say what do you see in it and sometimes i will see something she has missed not what will happen no true astrologer will do that but what the possibilitys are her name is Defiance Gregg we first met through the pages of our magazine the Mercury hour it was called the astrology magazine for astrologers the publisher died a couple of years ago and it is no longer in print but you could send in something and she would print it it was unique there are other magazines but none like the mercury hour i made other friends too her e mail addy is ![]() Sun, Jan 13, 2002 Re: NEW GREAT!!! sometimes they give nature every chance to take it's course with me they waited 48 miserable hours of course that was in 1950 then they didn't decide to do a c section until after ex rays showed she never could have been born normally i was just too short for her to turn and start into the birth canal normally after the ex ray the dr. came and said we are going to have to take it do you mind by that time i wouldn't have cared if they had hit me in the head with a HAMMER just put me to sleep they gave me cyclopropane and oxygen old fashioned now but it worked it was like i sunk into a black hole and then came up when i came too the nurse was standing at the end of the bed saying you have a beautiful little girl all i could see was a red blob i realise now i didn't have my glasses on so the first time i really saw her was the next morning when they brought her to nurse but i was so tired i was afraid i would go to sleep and let her fall off of the bed and it was the old hospital beds that were so high i do know they had moved me because there was a woman in the first room they put me in that had milk fever my husband didn't call my folks till it was all over which didn't please my mother at all the worst part of a c section back then was you could only have two it is different now but they said do not get pregnant for two years they fitted me with a diaphram and gave me all kind of instructions and Vickie was a planned c section and they ligated the tubes my husband and i had a lot of arguments over that i didn't like it but at the end of the second pregnancy i was so sick i said ok go ahead but i was naughty i hadn't taken the precautions they outlined Mary was born July 21st 1950 Vickie July 3rd 1952 i didn't want them so far apart in age then when Vickie died i felt so guilty for years but in the years i worked for mental health they finally convinced me not to feel guilty one time i was talking to my older daughter she said i really felt guilty too i said why it was certainly nothing you did she said but i was older i was supposed to take care of her we finally agreed it was gods will for whatever reason now girls can have three or four c sections i think they do them different Sun, Jan 13, 2002 Re: NEW GREAT!!! congratulations vi i hope you are near enough to see him grow ![]() Sun, Jan 13, 2002 Re: sigless email would you believe i tried it on Mary Lynn milee45 and got a flag saying is not a valid user you figure it i give up but i tried Sun, Jan 13, 2002 Re: sigless email my sig always goes through unless i deliberatly erase it Sun, Jan 13, 2002 Re: sigless email day before yesterday i got a magazine i didn't order in fact i don't remember ever hearing of it before it was something caled Rosie another time i got an e mail that said if you send for this book it is absolutely free i got it together with an invoice i told Doug who delivers the mail they said there was no charge he said but if you don't pay they will just turn it over to a collection agency do you want me to return it to sender i said yes he said they try to suck you in that way since then i have gotten several more ads for it but i am smart enough to ignore them i do wish they would outlaw spam on the web but i guess thats too much to hope for ![]() Mon, Jan 14, 2002 Re: PRESIDENT he was ((elected)) on the 20 year the same as many other presedents who have died in office but he may live out his term there was Lincoln Kenney and others who went into office on the 20 years its the year when jupiter and conjunction joined we are not sure if that is what caued it just going by history many of us the astrologers have wondered if Gore might not be in as much danger as Bush oh F.D.R. was another his fourth term started on the 20 year ![]() Mon, Jan 14, 2002 Re: SPEAKING OF SOUP.... every once in a while here they will have cream of potato i am sure it is very nutrisious but i don't consider it soup when you can stand a spoon up in it one of the women here said she wishes we would have clam chowder but they never have and i for one have never tasted it another thing i wish they would have they have lima beans but i would rather have butter beans i asked Janet the head of the kitchen she said they weren't even on the list of things to order the state makes all of those rules anyway now when they have rice pudding they do put raisins in it they are not lavish with them but they are there if i had a wish it woud to be able to cook my own food again but then i probably would weigh over 200 pounds Mon, Jan 14, 2002 Re: SPEAKING OF SOUP.... i like cream of mushroom but then if i ordered a pizza it would be triple mushroom Mon, Jan 14, 2002 Re: SPEAKING OF SOUP.... we would have slit pea soup here and one of the aids an older woman would say to everyone you had better eat that i spent all morning in the kitchen splitting those peas What is split pea soup anyway i don' really know can someone enlighten me i'm pretty sure you don't split them ![]() Mon, Jan 14, 2002 Re: PLASTIC OR GLASS i like glass the only time we have plastic is when the dishwasher goes out i have a glass here on my table with a built in straw right now i need to take it to the kitchen and have them put it through the dishwaher ![]() Tue, Jan 15, 2002 Re: SPEAKING OF SOUP.... i remember when i was seven i had the measles one of the neighbors brought my mother a big pot of chicken soup all i can remember is that i didn't feel much like eating and here they have potato soup but it is so thick you can stand a spoon up in it to me that's not soup besides i eat a good breakfaST A BIG BREAKFAST after that i'm not hungry and i wish they would do meals like they do the other activities you could go or not your choice but i know if i don't go some poor overworked aide will haVE TO BRING IT TO MY ROOM and a lot of times i wouldn't leave my room otherwise i can eat it or not as i choose and pushing a wheelchair to the dining room is not that much exercise i can remember times when i used to be hungry for more than one meal and i'm sure the girls who are working are glad when it's time for their dinner or supper break ![]() Tue, Jan 15, 2002 Re: sigless email the first time i tried to use the f keys i lost everything ![]() Tue, Jan 15, 2002 Re: Reading on Line.. dear kath i could spend all day reading and i don't have all day all my life any book i could get my hands on i could spend the rest of my time on your site and even though i have read most of the books i never think only one reading is good enough for a good book ![]() Tue, Jan 15, 2002 Re: Mud Puddles & Dandelions one time when i was in grade school i stopped on the way back from dinner and picked my teacher a bouquet of dandelions as a consequence i was late getting back to school and i had to sit in the clock room for the rest of the afternoon i didn't mean to do something bad i just thought they were pretty and i wanted to give her something nice i'm not sure she appreciated them ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 Re: IMPORTANT FRAUD INFORMATION haven't had a wallet since i had my stroke in Feb of 91 even then i had cut up my credit cards months before and i havent caried my social security card since sometime in 45 not too long after i got it i did have a lockbox at the bank but that key was gone along with everything else i got a notice one time from them saying they would have to drill it open and take any valuables the box it cost so much a month i told them to go ahead it carried my birth certificate and my passport i don't know if they did open it but i never heard any more i did have my wallet stolen once but all i had in it was a picture of my dad taken in 1924 the year he and mom got married and a picture of a friend i hated to lose it i got the wallet back but not the pictures maybe they were mad because there was nothing of value in it i don't know what they did with the pictures but they threw the wallet in the trash somewhere when they took me to the hospital not long before that i had taken some special pictures i had had aND PUT THEM IN A SPECIAL PLACE one was of me and jim the friend i wrote the poem in my link about the one i did get was my cousin on his harley davidson right after he got it two weeks before he was killed on it he was killed May 30th 1950 and my daughter was born July 21st that year he was 3 year younger than i was and the closest thing i ever haD TO A BROTHER i guess Jim was the closest thing i ever had to a boyfriend but like i say i was only 14 when he left so i didn't think of him that way then when i got sick i lost all my astrology books and i had a lot of them but i wouldn't have room for them here anyway but i have a place here on the web i can get a chart and a friend that keeps me in charts and i can still interpret them tried awhikle ago to convince someone i met here on the web that astrology is not fortune telling and it isn't despite the papers and mgazines that publish the sun signs all it can do is tell you your strengths and weaknesses and say something pleasant or unpleasent may or may not happen but a lot of it depends on you like with the web this morning if i hadnt tried something i knew nothing about a fault of mine this person kept telling me by messing with it i was serving the devil i finally had to get rude and tell him to bug off i even turned the web off in the middle of one of his preaching bouts and i havent heard from him again i'm thankful to say ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 I DIDN'T ORDER IT other day i received a magazine i didn't order and certainly don't want i never heard of it one time i did order one from points i had accumulated but i never got it i thought they weren't supposed to give your name and addy to someone else i can see the sales reasoning behind it i suppose if someone gets their product many will subscribe but how do you protect yourself from this not to mention the book i got that was suposed to be absolutely free but it came wih an invoice it was returned to sender and Troys instructions which i tried earlier has really messed things up instead of connectimng to my isp it connects to msn and dials a toll call if it keeps doing that i may lose the web my daughter pays my phone bill and they went to all the trouble of putting me on an isp you avoid toll calls so tell me how i can correct this please otherwise i may be off line for awhile Wed, Jan 16, 2002 Re: I DIDN'T ORDER IT problem is i have an i.s.p. my son in law arranged that when they discontinued our local phone number this morning i tried what Troy said about clearing your own set and it would load faster that is what happened to it my isp is socket and i have never had trouble with it it wil go even if the phone is out of order he said it was a technician that told him that i wish he would hurry up and find out what i do now ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 TROY TTT do i do whatever i did it won't connect to my isp insists on going to msn at an extra cost and it dials long distance ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 Re: POSTS DO COME UP FASTER one thing about troys advice posts are loading a little faster ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 APOOR IDEA i only have a web but i tried Troys idea on how to speed things up when i turned it wouldn't let me back on my isp it insisted on connecting me to msn at a cost of 21.95 and then it dialed a toll number something my daughter who pays all my bills including my phone bill has asked me not to do so TROY how do i correct the damage my daughter told me i was too impatient so i will take her advice and just wait with my e mail i just erase ALL THE SPAM i don't drive so i don't care how much i can save on gas i don't want to reshape my body i just wished all of it worked and if i lose weight too consistantly they will make me drink the stuff that's the adult equivalent of peidia sure thats like they insist on calling the big terry cloth bibs they give us clothing protectors as a lot of nursing home residents get upset if someone implies they need a bib so TROY tell me how to undo whatever it was i did ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 WHICH IS IT FOR YOU BREAKFAST LUNCH OR DINNER OR BREAKFAST DINNER AND SUP THERE IS AN OLD MAN SITS AT MY TABLE I HAVE KNOWN him ever since we moved to Missouri an old farmer he can be pretty confused at times and not know what meal he is eating for breakfat he wants three bowls of oatmeal for supper a bowl of rice crispies and two jelly sandwiches the other night he kept asking the aide is this breakfast she said no Virgil this is dinner when she left he looked at me and said isn't this breakfast i said no Vergil it's supper he said oh and settled down and ate what was there but she confused him by saying it was dinner PER ![]() Thu, Jan 17, 2002 Re: Here are my grands when someone sitting in a jerry chair gets in th position kristina is in some will start hollering help thry are going to fall out a couple have but only in one case were there any bad consequences the old man broke his hip and finally died but usually a fall is unpleasent but not that serious and it certainly wouldn't be for her for quite a few years in the future i don't remember of course but just learning to walk must be quite an adventure if a little scary for the parents ![]() Wed, Jan 16, 2002 another groaner a man went to his proctologists office i assume those other than you nurses know what a proctoligist is he was looking around the office on the table there was a tube of k.y. jelly an examination glove and a can of beer the dr. came in he said i understand the k.y. jelly and the glove but whats the beer for the dr. called in to his nurse and said darn it Hellen i said a butt light ![]() Thu, Jan 17, 2002 Re: What dances come to mine i wouldn't know but two people here in the room said jitterbug the charleston was in the twentys i don't remember trucking ![]() Thu, Jan 17, 2002 Re: cute pic thank you for sharing annalise it made my day ![]() Thu, Jan 17, 2002 Re: Hello Mary Jane.. Happy 28th i have a picture of my mother and dad taken on their twenty fifth i remember we all had a party my uncle gave them a folder with twenty five silver dollars in it i had not been married too long but them was a party for the whole family they were married in Jan. too Jan. 1924 my mother died in 71 not quite before their 50th this year it would have been their 76th but they would have been 102 and not many people make it that long who was it said youth is wasted on the young congratulations and enjoy each other every year is a new adventure ![]() Thu, Jan 17, 2002 TROY HELP yesterday i did what you said about clearing someway it erased my access to my i.s.p. when i first turn it on get the pop up saying it will dial long distance then if i click continue it hooks up to msn instead of my isp this morning with another girl helping me i went to account the isp is paid in full but there is nothing not the number or anything i never had to change my web address or my password since my son in law hooked me up to rhe isp but when i did what you said it really messed things up and that was to turn it off hit option 3 times and type in a number it may not erase cookies but it sure cut me off from my isp so i will be off line till i can get things fixed so bye all for now ![]() Thu, Jan 17, 2002 Re: MEET 4 OF MY GRANDS really good looking children how old is brandon? i got a picture in one of my cards it was a picture of Bills niece and her two children the boy is just out of boot camp at the naval training base in Chicago and is going to Hawii next in the picture he is in his dress whites that brings back a lot of painful memories the girl is working in the hospital in houston going with a man who is going for his doctorate in neurosurgery i remember one year we were all together at a family reunion Amber the girl was about 4 we were playing a game with her you turned the cards over they were mother animals and their babies she had to match them then she and i were out walking and we saw a wooly caterpillar i said to her that's a baby butterfly that was a little hard for her to understand ![]() Tue, Jan 22, 2002 HI I'M BACK after too long my son in law told me how to get in touch with some people that helped me get back on the web that's the last time i ever try to do anything fancy to this keytboard no matter how many technicianns say so but it's not the worst thing i ever did we had new computers where i worked one evening i tried to turn it on and lost the records for all of our medicaL STUDENTS i was working in the mental health hospital which was attached to the medical center we had 7 or 8 medical students working on our ward taking their psych block they had been there about 7 or 6 weeks and i lost all of their records don't ask me how but they graduated ANYWAY right then i wasn't too popular don't mess with a computer if it loads slow i will just be patient and wait ![]() Wed, Jan 23, 2002 WHAT TO DO i came here 11 years ago last september things have changed drastically in the last year. they sold 40 of the beds on one ward the idea was they kept the patients that were ambulatory but have moved so many on our ward and the other ward that the care isn't as good many of our good aids have quit they are so overworked i have debated whether to try to get my daughter to take me to Indianapolis where they are or stay here i have made good friends in the lst 11 years and i would hate to leave for that reason i hate for things to change but looking back over my life they always have and if i did want to go it would be my daughter decision movings decision anyway it wouldn't be like Mary Lynns decision moving from warm Texas to midwest winters but Indiana is stll midwest ![]() Wed, Jan 23, 2002 Re: THANKS YOU Gerry i'm so sorry for your loss my prayers are with you but just remember you will be together again love Donna Wed, Jan 23, 2002 Re: THANKS YOU Geraldine i don't know which is worse though ny way is terrible it was very hard to lose daughter even though i had almost a year the worst was after wards that dreadful feeling i had for years .It was your fault if you had done what the dr.s said and not have gotten pregnant so soon she wouldn't have died though logically i knew better but then it wouldn't have been Vickie so i'm thankful for the 14 years god gave me with her my feelings of guilt were as foolish as my oldest daughters who said I was older and i was supposed to take care of her but it's been 35 years now and the time we will be together again is getting shorter at least i have that hope at least i am more blessed than my roommate who says there is no resurection of Jesus or anyone else when you are dead you are dead no coming back though she has not lost anyone she needs our prayers how sad to have no hope ![]() Wed, Jan 23, 2002 HISTORY CAN'T REPEAT ITSELF CAN IT got a letter and a picture from Bills niece who lives in TEXAS her son just finished boot camp at great lakes naval training station in Chicago and will be going to Hawii i thought he will be safe history can't repeat itself can it it's been 60 years but we are at war now so who knows just pray for all of our men and gods will be done ![]() Wed, Jan 23, 2002 Re: GLENDA JONES a very good friend of mine at work one day they came into the room we were in getting report Nurses will know what i mean someone came in and told her her son had just shot himself so tragic later a couple of years later i went with her to visit his grave the first time she could bring herself to ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 some facts about my town a few facts about my town you can get all the information you want about st. Louis or Kansas city but Mexico where i live it was known as the saddle horse capital of the world and when the shuttle took off it took off from a base of fire brick made at Mexico Miss Missouri is chosen and crowned at the mexico Millitary academy here a silly little rhyme my mother and i used to sing every night as we sat on the front porch singing Tick Tock Hickory Dock Johnny shall have a new master he shall have but a dollar a day because he can't work any faster ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 Re: WHAT TO DO ~ i haven't said anything to my daughter yet i feel like she does so much for me i hate to complain the other night they scolded me for messing myself the administrater asked me if i wanted to file a formal complaint but of course i didn't today i asked to go and everyone was too busy i about decided if i messed myself because no one wanted to take time to take me i would complain Mary said once if they took me to Indianapolis then for some reason they decided to move they would have to go all the way back to see me and when they come his folks are only about 50 miles west and marys dad is about 50 miles east with me in the middle and they can always stay with his sister about forty miles south so i am really on the fence ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 WHAT IS IT i have been playing a game on the web it asks questions and you have to type in the answers it is a game of european capitals german state capitals rivers and scenes and famous sights i made myself crib sheets and for the sceins got to know where many things were what city etc but i sure didn't know what they were i know one girl on the web that is from germany but couldn't contact her i know a little for example i know from the time we visited my daughter and son in law that the autobahn is a superhighway so i supposed anything with bahn would be some kind of road but this is the reeperbahn and is in Hamburg yesterday just surfing travel i find it is the red light district oh well they say live and learn ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 Re: WooooHoooo BECKIE thank you for sharing ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 Re: Facts about N.J. i was there once all i remember is that i looked out over the ocean waded in it and got the hem of my dress salty i had forgotten it would be salty that was at atlantic city early one morning we had tried to go out the evening before but the trafic was too heavy besides every motel we saw had no vacancy signs for the rest i'll take your word ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 CROWNS some days i have a very comfortable day other days my bad foot hurts very much from the pressure of the brace i try to remember i am where i am and how i am because that is the way god wants me to be for some reason. i also try to remember no crown of gold without a crown of thorns ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 Re: Facts about N.J. forgive me i tried to post this morning when i was more than half asleep ![]() Thu, Jan 24, 2002 Re: Make your Living Will one of the things they urge you to do here at the home is make what is called a living will it is notarised and kept on file and of course if anything should happen your next of kin or power of attorney is notified i made mine a couple of years ago no c.p,r. keep me comfortable but not necessarily alive after i'm gone use whatever is usable bury me by my husband here in Misouri. if they spend thousands on a funeral i will come back and haunt them one more thing i have thought of doing is leave a note telling them how to get into the group and notify all of you ![]() Fri, Jan 25, 2002 Re: from worse to worse i had a cat one day he dissapeared i walked the neighborhood looking for him the most disturbing thing i would call to her and could hear her answer but i couldn't tell from where i finally asked my sunday school class to put her on the prayer chain we had a regular line one member of the class would call another till all had been contacted about two days later our neighbor came home from a weeks trip she called me and said your cat is in our attic come and get her what had happened some men had been working in her garage they left and shut the door and Callie was still in there there was a space over their rooms that she went up into when i went over and called her first she jumped down on the car then jumped over into my arms i took her home and surprisingly she wasn't hungry but very thirsty i think there may have been mouse or two in the attic i think the same prayer chain is the reason i'm still here i know my husband not yet a church member at that time called them in the month after my stroke when i was unconcious there was also a hematoma that was pressing on my brain they thought they would have to go in and drain it but it absorbed so i survived at least most of me did Fri, Jan 25, 2002 ask a folish question we have a cat here it is white and very large and fat i asked our directer of activities when is it going to have it's kittens she answered He isn't well i never examined it that close besides it's calico white with a couple of little spots of orange and black on its tail and paws and a male calico is pretty unusual though one of the best science fiction stories i ever read was about a male callico ![]() Fri, Jan 25, 2002 Re: GOOD NIGHT ALL you know i was blocked from the web for a week my son in law in law finally gave me a number to call it is to to was 1-800-469-3288 they checked it and told me to call call my i.s.p. i did and they told me how to have it dial the right number i had to reset it and they told me what number to type in it is a local number so no long distance thank goodness anyway it got me back on line i was having withdrawal ![]() |
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