Chapter 38Sat, Jan 26, 2002 Re: TRIPOD? one time at work someone came to me and said Donna do you want to go in on the superbowl pot i said i guess so whose playing the last time it really mattered i really cared which school won the annual football game in the annual turkey day contest i even knew which years in the last 40 we had won and how many times we had won that was in 1944 but now i have lost track i really got kidded though when they said that St. Louis is playing in the super bowl this year i said oh the cardinals well they're a good team Sat, Jan 26, 2002 Re: TRIPOD? Mary lynn i still don't now how to do my own gifs but i do appreciate the prerty ones you send me i don't understand what you said you can't do now but is that what happened to my violets but i still have my lovely kitty Sat, Jan 26, 2002 Re: TRIPOD? i don't undestand TRIPOD someone please explain what it is or was thanks ![]() Sat, Jan 26, 2002 Re: SENIOR PERSONAL ADS middle to older lady right half still works well if your left half works we might do some business one wedding present from my former mother in law was a four plot cemetary lot with only one plot used still has two good places ![]() Sat, Jan 26, 2002 Re: Seize the Moment.. reminds me of the bible passage Now is the day of salvation. isn't now all we have it's tragic if we weren't saved yesterday but more tragic if we wait till tomorrow and there is no tomorrow yesterday i sent a card to dear friends i hadn't been in touch with for years i went to the director of activities and asked for a card she said what kind i said oh a hi i'm still alive card she said i'm not sure i've got one that says exactly that so we settled on a pretty thinking of you card and that is what i say to all of my friends whose address i didn't have at christmas i am thinking of you and if i don't pray for you individually god knows who you are and what you need which is what we pray for when we say give US this day our daily bread and may he bless us every one ![]() Sat, Jan 26, 2002 Re: TYPICAL WINTER??? its been up to 50's here too but goes right back down to 30's one snow but it didn't stay at least it didn't keep anyone off work at least i don;'t have to shovel it or drive in it but i can't make snow angels either but that's for grade schoolers ![]() Sun, Jan 27, 2002 Re: MY FAVORITE SONG QUE SERA SERA my mothers favorite was love lettes in the sand and my dads was dance balerina dance my husbands was harbor lights but it was a love hate relationship he said he had been on the ship too many times Sun, Jan 27, 2002 Re: MY FAVORITE SONG Patsy was my husbands all time favorite i liked her too the coat of many colors was my favorite he liked walking after midnight ![]() Sun, Jan 27, 2002 HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH i had a very good friend when i lived in Illinois he would say Donna you're not fifty pounds too heavy. Yosuit when they came back he said i couldn't find anything right the slacks wouldn't stay up she's 19,19,19 ![]() Sun, Jan 27, 2002 Re: From the gym one thing i never had to wear was a training bra i did have to be trained to wear one though my mother showed me how to put it on to get all of me in it i was talking to one of the girls here about the advertisement that says it will make your breasts two sizes larger i said i don't think it would work for me i don't think they make double F bras she said yes they do you just can't buy them over the counter ![]() Sun, Jan 27, 2002 Re: I wesh for you thank you sammy wonderful wishes all but the coffee of course i know some people can't seem to get through the day without it coffee or a cigarette i'll skip the coffee as for the cigarette i give thanks every day i'm not addicted and i feel so sorry for those who are i said once one day they wil do with nicotine the same as they have for cocaine and other addictive drugs and someone else said they won't there is too much profit in it and i'm afraid she is right ![]() Tue, Jan 29, 2002 Re: Need Advise.. i have found the web is a great tool for learning if you want to learn i can finally do the game i was telling you about all thirty questions without looking at my answer sheet at least i am not grabbing up a city and putting it down on the wrong river or tearing up a famous site and putting it down in a strange city i'm sure i've done more to the country than our bombers ever did if it had been real i'm sure it would have banished everything else from the front pages if the Leaning Tower and the Eiffel tower for some strange reason were suddenly found in each others places of course i don't have to take a formal test and be graded on what i know or don't know and as my roommate said what good is learning something like that going to do you probably no good of course and on some of the things i hope no one asks me all right thats where it is but what is it some things i have learned from the net and others from one of my favorite programs Rick Stevens Europe on our P.B.S. every morning ![]() Tue, Jan 29, 2002 Re: Loss of a cousin I HAD A COUSIN three years younger than i he was the closest i ever had to a brother in early May of 1950 he got a brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle May thirtyeth he was coming home a motorist turned left in front of him killing him he was 20 he was burried wearing the tie we had given him for being an usher at our wedding the previous August my daughter was born July twenty first that year ![]() Wed, Jan 30, 2002 Re: You got this problem??? i havent seen any users even my regular one since my son in law put me on isp it just connects then says password then i get the butterfly and finally my home page i haven't had any offer for an up grade for a long time and if i do i think i will just ignore it you never know what will happen i am satisfied with things like they are and think i will just keep them that way ![]() Wed, Jan 30, 2002 Re: Winter has finally come...... our prediction here in Missouri snow thursday that's tomorrow but i won't have to get out in it i have my nice warm room i just hope it won't get so bad that they can't take us on our monthly jaunt to Wal Marts next Tuesday nothing i need but a couple of things i would like to get womn again yestersday at bingo one game but she did give us our cost of living raise two quarters and a dime instead of just two quarters i had said to her one day Betty you ought to give us a cost of living raise at bingo if we win we get fifty cents but if we want to buy a candy bar out of the machine it is sixty cents so now we get sixty instead of fifty last time i won once and got three quarters because she didn't have any dimes then yesterday i won once so now i have $1.35 that is one thing i want to get at Wal Marts a little change purse i have to put them in the pocket on the side of my chair and then when i want them i have to dig Wed, Jan 30, 2002 Re: Winter has finally come...... if it's cold at night i love to snuggle under the bed clothes thats as good a hibernating but i usualy have to have them put an exrtra cover over my feet when you sleep alone no warm legs or back to put them up against but my worst complaint is all my life i was used to sleeping on my right side now i can't bring my left leg over to turn that way but i have gotten pretty used to sleeping on my back as long as my rolled up pillow is there to go under my neck that is very comfortable and i go right to sleep then since the girl who has always been so good at putting my shoe and brace haS gone to nights she will usually get me up at four at the latest or better yet at three thirty when she comes back off of her last break ![]() Fri, Feb 1, 2002 Re: Good Clean Joke my husband said one time when he was a teenager he had two girlfriends he wrote them each a letter and then got their letters in each others envelopes i will leave the rest to your imagination ![]() Fri, Feb 1, 2002 Re: Cruise Carriacou Great pictures Wayne i tried photopoint but when it brought up the sample pictures but when i clicked on them it said this contains the kind of information web cannot use the pictures i clicked on were dog and puppies i guess the web just won't take some stuff but the pictures i did see were great several years ago i won a CRUSE TO THE BAHAMAS from a local travel agency it was legitimate because they said if i wanted to i could give it to someone else but my daughter and son in law were too busy you would have to fly to florida then i asked them if you had to be ambulatory to go and they said yes someone said that was discriminating but by myself what could i have done wheel myself to the table i certainly couldn't get up and walk the deck a shame i couldn't have won it a few years before when i could get myself around i could say taint fair but as my favorite head nurse said fair is for five year olds by my age i should have learned to roll with the punches ![]() Sat, Feb 2, 2002 Re: Need Advise.. i have heard that SUDDEN DROP IN GRADES or any great change like that is a real danger signal and that the parents and students need immediate and serious counceling that it can be danger to the point of the child actually considering or trying suicide don't just overlook it as kids will be kids they can be in serious need of counceling and prayer ![]() Sat, Feb 2, 2002 Re: A very Interestig Day.... sounds like he told her you were a maid for hire or did she mention a wage sometimes people like that think you should do things like that as a favor for them wonder how much they would be willing to do for you Sat, Feb 2, 2002 Re: A very Interestig Day.... sounds like she might need our prayers maybe all she knows is what she can get for herself maybe not love or concern for others ![]() Sun, Feb 3, 2002 Re: Truer Words Were Never Written... my mother graduated from high school in 1918 she took a job as secretry to the secretary treasurer of the Peori paper and was geting a really good wage for that time $25 a week she said in 1920 she had to pay her first income tax $10 how times change the only thing wrong with that was that she was bound i should be a secretary and like everyone is not born to be a Da Vinci or a Micalangelo i was not born to be a secretary Sun, Feb 3, 2002 Tobacco will never be outlawed like cocaine and phenobarb or the other dangerous addictive drugs have been too much money for the government though i did read a science fiction story once where all drugs were legalized in fact all an addicted user had to do to get them was register and if they couldn't afford them they were supplied when the person died in some doorway they were given a quick burial no stealing purse snaching or mugging to get the money to support their habit just register and what they needed was supplied no fancy funeral that cost thousands of dollars just a pine box in some potters field sounds like the Opium wars in china the countrys that were supplying it went to war to force them to keep accepting it it was too profitble trade to give up ![]() Sun, Feb 3, 2002 do you remember this dance in fact did you ever hear of it or is it a dance when i was very young i learned this song East side West side all around the town. the kids play ring around rosie. London bridge is falling down Boys and girls together Me and Mamie o' Rokke dance the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York no one ever told me what the light fantastic was does anyone know ? ![]() Sun, Febays of great music Sun, Feb 3, 2002 Re: Frances & Pam i would still give a lot to be able to get up and do it with them we had a roller dance that had about the same movements ![]() Sun, Feb 3, 2002 Re: FriendShip ~Mary Lynn my good friend who moved to st. Louis was just here to see me she will be back on my birthday the twelfth as her sister is having her labor induced on that day she has been a really good friend since i came here in 91 i sure hated to see her move ![]() Mon, Feb 4, 2002 Re: Bee i remember when i was about 15 Peoria or rather Peoria county had a hailstorm it hit the whole county the hail stones were about three inches in diameter and at least an inch thick after it was over the men had to go out and shovel them up during the storm my mother and i were in the basement sitting on the ceder chest she held on to me like she was afraid i would dissappear but just before it started to hail my dad was looking out the back door wondering if the tree in the neighbors yard would wind up in our yard mom kept saying oh Joe come in shut the door but he stayed and watched those hail stones were in layers they said afterwards the wind kept tossing them back up into the clouds and every time it tossed them up it would add another ring Mon, Feb 4, 2002 Re: Bee Bee you will have to show the picture again i missed it the first time around ![]() Mon, Feb 4, 2002 Re: WHERE IS THE ROLL CALL THREAD¿¿ i will take this as the thread and here i am still in Mo, and still just sitting around not much help to anyone but not too bad havent had any more really bad days stopped taking the colace (thats a stool softener not a laxative) but too much for me in the past week i messed myself four times which didn't make me or the girls taking care of me too happy now i have told them i will take one a day for awhile they were giving me two and i would see how that went i told them to call the dr. and get the order changed but so far they haven't well i pretty well know what i can handle Kath thank you for the thoughtful gift it will make a difference this is the month while on our monthly trips to Wal Mart i will get Jacobs birthday present he will be a year old on the 23rd i talked to my daughter she said be sure you get him a year and 20 pounds he has already outgrown his nine months clothes i would like to get him one of the little wagons they advertise one they can either sit on or push but i thought clothes them i can mail to him anyway i am bound to do better by him than i did his mother my grandaughter she was born on Jan first i could remember christmas presents but i had a hard time remembering her birthday i don't know much about boys but i thougt there might be a cute romper suit i always thought when and if there is a girl i would like to get her one of those adda pearl necklesses every year got a cute forward today about a little girl saying her prayers her mother came in to tuck her in so she played possom she didn't know why her mother was crying then the mother started listing the activities she said me and Charllie i think the dog she said i didn't know when i pulled those little yellow flowers off the tomato plants it meant they wouldn't have any tomatos and when we helped her weed i guess we got the carrots instead of the weeds and gardening really makes you hungry i got bread with peanut butter and jelly but i guess i shared too much with charlie i didn't notice the mess till afterward mother told me to watch my sister Jenhy and to play quiet she was going to lie down God you know all of those curls you gave to little Jenny we played barber real quiet and now she hasn't any mothret sat me on the bed and said never cut a persons hair so i guess i will have to practice on Charlie she put me in the tub an told me to lather up and scrub good i did both of us but Charlie didn't want to stay still but i did get him lathered good then i guess i forgot to turn off the water or pull the plug because when it raind in the house mother got kind of red in the face and cried on daddys shoulder and albert my mouse i think it is bad he has to stay in the same place and just run around in circles so i let him out please take care of albert i haven't seen him since three o clock i'm sorry mommy didn't like the way i helped maybe i'll do it better tomorrow tomorrow might not be much better after i was married and living on the farm i drove down the lane real early to bring up the cows for milking i thought i would surprise my husband i had just learned to drive there was a 16 foot gate between the barn and the milk house but i got too close to the barn turned the wheel the wrong way when i tried to back up and pulled the corner off of the barn i surprised him alright his dad came out every day to help but that day he spent most of his time nailing the barn back together anyway Kath i really do thank you for the beauyiful little change purse also the two quarters and dimes that is as good as if i win blackout at Bingo tomorrow love to you all Donna ![]() Tue, Feb 5, 2002 Re: Growing Up had a cute e mail yesterday i woud have forwarded it to the group but i don't know how this little girl was talking to god as her mother came to tuck her in she was playing possum she said god i didn't mean to be bad and make mommy cry or her face turn red she said i didn't know if you pulled the little yellow flowers off the tomato plants they wouldn't have any tomatoes and Charlie and i and i didn't mean to pull up the carrots instead of the weeds and gardening sure make you hungry mother took me in and gave me bread with peanut butter and jelly i guess i shared too much i didn't know a dog could make such a mess then mommy put me in the tub and told me to lather up up and scrub up good i did i lathered Charlie up good too but i forgot to to turn off the water i forgot to pull the plug too mommy got really red in the face she said she was going to lie down for me to look after my little sister and please play quiet lord you know al those curls you gave my sister Jenny well i played barber real quiet and now she hasn't any mother scolded me and said never cut peoples hair i guess i will have to practice on Charlie and you know albert i don't think its fair a mouse should have to run around in the same place all the time do you. i let him out and lord please look after albert i haven't seen him since three o' clock but i didn't mean to make mommy cry maybe tomorrow if you help me i won't but when she tucked me in she kissd me and said me and said i love you precious ![]() Tue, Feb 5, 2002 Re: Loony Laws in Kansas hanging is still the form of execution at least it was a few years ago so don't steal anyones horse as you jaunt through Kansas Tue, Feb 5, 2002 Re: Loony Laws one time before talk city chnged so drastically i was in a chat room that had several of us in it as a favorite place to chat i had read somewhere that it was illegal to chain your alligator to a fire hydrent one of the other chatters used the handle caktus the next thing posted on the group was caktus rushes out to unchain her alligator the next day someone asked her where her alligator was she said he is setting right here beside me we had fun one time someone mentioned purple unicorns i said any purple unicorns were in the forest at Hogwarts and we talked about the books the name of the chat room was foods but we talked about anything and everything sometimes usualy caktus would start a song by giving the first line and the rest of us would carry it on there were several of us taxi driver viet vet myself as star we never really got to know each other except by our handles but it was fun ![]() Wed, Feb 6, 2002 Re: Missing Sock read good story one time this boy had a calico cat male one time somehow they got in the big drier in the laundramat after a few good tumbles he wound up in the land of missing socks there was a lot more to it but i can't remember the name good science fiction story he also met aracne before she was turned into a spider ![]() Wed, Feb 6, 2002 Re: Gatlinburg Wayne how i wish i could go but i'm sure the group will tell me all about it i did get to go a lot when i was younger and independant so i shouldn't complain if i have a little burden to bear now god has been good to me all my life and he still is ![]() Wed, Feb 6, 2002 WHAT SHOWAS HAVE YOU SEEN when i was a teenager i went to Chicago with my mother and my two aunts one of the things we saw was Sonja Heine skate in person she could put some of the present day skaters to shame while i was still at home my dad took me to the Bradley field house Bradley is the university in Peoria i think at that time it was still just a college on stage was Gene Autry and his horse Champion when i lived in centralia i went to the University field house with a neighbor and saw the Lipanzer Stalions perform their airs above the ground one time in peoria my aunt and i went and saw a really good show a quartet from Ireland im sorry i don't remember their names or get one of their albums thn my husband and i went to nashville ONE TIME AND SAW THE GRAND OLD OPERA in person we also went to branson and spent most of our time in Silver Dollar City i'm sorry we didn't see the shepherd of the hills play ![]() Wed, Feb 6, 2002 Re: Cyber Pack Rat i have a few really favorite favorite folders one is astrodine i can go there and put in the information it will give me anyones chart as long as they are over six years the other is kaths electronic book shelf i spend more time reading there than i do my own books ![]() Wed, Feb 6, 2002 Re: Sad.....Need to talk Judy it's hard to lose a loved one even an animal but try to remember god has his reasons and will take care of even an animal if you read in Genesis when god planted the garden of eden he planted all of the fruit trees for adam and eve and the grass and everything else for the animals he doesn't forget anyone or anything one of the table prayers my daughter learned when she was little He openeth his hand and satisfieth the need of every living creature Wed, Feb 6, 2002 Re: Sad.....Need to talk Judy thank god there are people with your strength i couldn't do it i read this book one time it was called Cat Magic it was a strange book this black cat had been pulled back to earth it never exactly explained but he was some sort of supernatural cat he was walking along and there was an old cat huddled under a car he stopped to take notice reached out touched the cat with his paw and said i give you death old cat. and there are times death is a gift ![]() Wed, Feb 6, 2002 Re: Rubber Gloves the girl here when they give you perry care of put salve under my breasts have to wear gloves it would be nicer if they had the sized powdered gloves but they are expensive besides they would have to have a class to teach them how to put them on though if they didn't have to be sterile i guess it wouldn't matter ![]() Thu, Feb 7, 2002 Re: Sad.....Need to talk. Dear Kath please send me the url for thr electronic book shelf again when i went to my favs this morning it said this posting is no longer available how can you keep them in there permantly or can you Thu, Feb 7, 2002 Re: Sad.....Need to talk.wayne we think when an animal dies they go into darkness they are gods creatures and i believe he will take care of them too i know many people think they have no souls but how do we know god gave them life just as he did us and in the begining it was not the animals who disobeyed him it is true they were sacrificed for us for adam and eve for clothes to cover them and later as sacrifices for us but Jesus made that unnecessary if there is a place in the bible that proves they will not be there waiting for us please let me know ![]() Thu, Feb 7, 2002 CRAFTS TODAY COOKIE QUICK today in crafts we had quart jars ww filed them with all the dry ingredients for chocolate chip cookies flour brown sugar white sugar baking soda salt and chocolate chips next thursday we will sell them at our craft sale then we tied a little recipe on with what you had to add and how to mix them we thought $5 JAR WOULD BE FAIR BECAUSE THE BIG QUART kERR JARS cost dollar ten kl the ingredients it should make one AN HALF DOZEN COOKIES THE ACXTIITY DIRECTOR ASKED US TO THINK OF NAME I SAID THEY have bisquick why not cookie quick we thought $5 should be right so we will see how they sell ![]() Thu, Feb 7, 2002 Re: Groovy Wheels our first car was a 32 chevie my dad bought in 34 i don't know how much he paid for it but it couldn't have been much it was black of course he kept it till 53 then he got a new car it was the chevie Bel Aire and it was blue i always called it the new car he had it till sometime in the 70's i remember when i was the age to learn to drive he wouldn't teach me he said two drivers was hard on a car and that one had to last because right then for several years they didn't make cars i didn't learn to drive till 1955 when my daughter was 5 years old i made some boo boos too one time we were driving on the back road coming back from our own field he wanted to stop and see a neighbor all of a sudden he said you passed the driveway back there i jamed my foot on the clutch and threw the stick into reverse he got his foot on top of mine real fast and gave me a lecture saying "you can't back up till you stop" it's probably a good thing dad wouldn't let me learn they say now all the high school kids drive our high school didn't have a parking lot and for a long time we got 5 gallons of gas a week i wonder what the kids nowadays would think of that my own favorite was a Honda Civic my kids left when they went to germany in the 80's it was small just my size but i was on the main road one day just getting ready to stop for a red light when some guy rear ended me totaling it the back window had a rim of glass about an inch all the way around i never did see the car that hit me i was only a couple of miles from the hospital they used the jaws of life to get me out and strapped me on a stretcher till they got me back to the hospital when hit me knocked me into the car ahead of me who was also stopping for the light she had just gotten the car and was on her way to town to get license places it dented her car but she didn't like it his insurance company gave me $2,000 Thu, Feb 7, 2002 Re:my robin egg bue car when i was little and we had the black 32 chivie i told my dad i said when i grow up i am going to have a robin egg blue car. he said well maybe when you grow up they will have cars that color the bel aire was blue but not robin egg and it wasn't mine ![]() Thu, Feb 7, 2002 Alot to learn when i was working in Columbia a young girl was a patient she had been to the planned parenthood clnic and had an i.u.d. inserted she got an infection from it and had to have a hysterectomy she said i don't want a child now but if i ever do my sister will have one for me i thought child you sure have a lot to learn. i hope you don't learn it the hard way. ![]() Thu, Feb 7, 2002 Re: Mother at 65???~Sammy we have had a couple of women here who thought they had had a baby one who got real upset because they thought the staff had taken it and wouldn't let her have it but then there was the man who thought i had taken his horse the nurses thought one time that one woman had the measles they said it wasn't likely and if they had been out nursing in the comunity threy would have known p.s. she didn't have the measles in the nursing home you re a lot more apt to have a stroke ![]() Fri, Feb 8, 2002 Re: Under a lot of stress, but okay now don't expect a company to think of employees or patients before profits when i retired in 88 i had enough life insurance from the hospital we had a thousand dollars a year and i had 17 thousand but they only let you take 5 thousand with you but the state gave us 5,000 which was a good life insurance but over the years i have been retired from free insurance to state employees they raised it to $7 a thousand which with the $30 a month i get is more than i pay so now i just have the $5,000 from the22 height="4"> Fri, Feb 8, 2002 Re: Valentine's Day we try to have craft sales every chance we get the profits are saved in the activities fund they buy lots of things for the home but the main purpose is for the employees christmas party every year there is a christmas party and every patient gets a present this year i got a warm wine colored jacket a lot of them get pretty warm house slippers you can give individual presents too our next sale will be next thursday the fourteenth yesterday we met in a craft activity we each had a quart kerr jar they passed around the ingredients in each jar we put 1 and 1/4 cup of flower 1/2 cup of sugar 1/2 tsp of baking soda1/4 tsp of salt and one cup of chocolate chips then after we put the lids on she passed around doilies white with red hearts those went over the top and secured with a rubber band then long twists of straw recipe cards on each jar we tied a recipe card it had a list of other ingredients butter or shortening eggs vanila etc how to combine them how to bake them etc they will go on the craft table then there was a discussion of how much to charge Betty our activity director reminded us that the jars cost $1 apice then there were the ingredients also bought with activity fund money we finally setteled that a fair asking price would be $5 a piece we had to chose a name i said there was bisquick so wh not call it cookie quick if they all sell we should get $60 more than we spent she will tell us in our next official meeting if we made any profit and how much i think we will oh another ingredient i forgot to mention was 1/2 cup brown sugar packed some of the women thought they woud make nice christmas presents i used to have a recipe for applesauce fruit cake i would mix in dried fruit bake them in the little loaf pans and decorate them with red and green marichino cherries we gave them to our neighbors for christmas presents presents for the family chrismas party took a little more thought Fri, Feb 8, 2002 Re: Valentine's Day i would buy a jar myself if there was any way i could finish it myself i love chocolate chip cookies especially home made and hot from the oven we are still thinking of ideas for our canteen cart one girl suggested the small cans of juice we thougt of the packages they sell of the fun size candy bars we thought we could break them up into small packages of four five or six i'm not sure how many there are in a package sell them for thirty or forty cents apice they will still be cheaper than buying a candy bar out of the machine for sixty cents soda has gone up to sixty cents too Fri, Feb 8, 2002 Re: Valentine's Day i was telling about our canteen cart the candy and soda machines might lose some money but we don't really care ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 i'm in desperate need of at least one more bookcase possibly two but the only WALL SPACE LEFT TO PUT THEM ON WOULD BE ON MY ROOMMATES wall a space not available to me but since nonebetter sent me the url for page by page books i have kept myself quite busy i have reread tom sawyer huck finn all of the Anne books offered and i have more lined up of course i have read them not once but many times but again i always welcome ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Sent home from work they send people home from work here and there aren't enough to work now but they have to go home or the company would have to pay them time and a half ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Nervous Habits my worst habit is drumming with my fingers and bending any nail thats long enough or tearing them off they are so thin though now the nails on my useless hand are fairly safe that hand is contracted shut when the girls come to give us manicures every wed mornng they have to open those fingers one at a time and pressure on that hand is still painful Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Nervous Habits when i was really young i had the habit of sucking my tongue usually though when i was geting ready to go to sleep A left over habit from nursing maybe i was really young my daughter had a blanket with a satin edge she would wrap that around her hand and rub her face with it she was quite a big girl before she gave up her blankie ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Ice Cream In Winter did you ever make snow ice cream i had it when i was little get the snow when it first falls mix in a little sugar i think that was all but it' been a long time since i had it i don't remember how my dad made it but he did make it for me Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Ice Cream In Winter we lived only a few blocks from a branch dairy it was a treat to walk there in the summer with my mother on a summer evening and get a cone i don't remember going in the winter if it was bad now though with the machines they have and freezers it should be easy to make home made ice cream Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Ice Cream In Winter several dairy queens around here have closed not just for the winter but for good ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 Re: Girl Scout Cookie Time The girl that comes every week to do our hair is a troop leader i have had mine ordered since early February i usualy get some later too as she always has some left thin mints of course she said that are definately the best seller ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 UNNECESSARY SPAM today in my e mail received an advertisement for birth control pills the year i reached menarch at 11 my mother taught me in no uncertain terms how to avoid pregnancy i will admit she might have gone a little overboard to the point that for a long time i would cross the street rather than risk getting close to a boy by high school i knew enough to know i could be friends with one even get an occasional smooch then when i had my second daughter because she also had to be a c. section the dr. ligated the tubes something i always regreted especially after i lost her now that i will be 76 on Tuesday i feel there is no more to worry about as i say the ad was unnecessaRY waisting bandwidth ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Unusual Weather it has been warm here for February thirtys and fortys and it did get up to sixty one day but a couple of nights it has been in the teens i would like it to get in the ninetys and i would sit outside but i think thart will be awhile yet Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Unusual Weather Mary having lived in the midwest all of my life i can safely say that it i warmer thn usual Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Unusual Weather an old saying aboutthe weather a green winter makes a fat graveyard if that was true when the saying first came out and i think everything like that has a grain of truth i wonder why Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Unusual Weather-Beckie one of the worst snows i remember was on Easter it snowed that shift while i was at work we only lived 7 miles north of Columbia the town i worked in but it was so bad i had to take a room in the hotel that night and stay in town i don't remember how long it lasted but i was only stuck that one night coming from Illinois i was used to driving in snow too ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002 WHY SO FEW WORDS have you ever wondered why Christ spoke so few words while he was on the cross i read a vivid descriptin of what what crusefiction really was. remember it was the human Jesus it was the human Jesus that was cusefied hanging with his full weight from his pierced wrists he could not breath he had to push himself up on his pieced feet to take a breath it takes breah to to speak the time of crucefiction depended on your strength when there was no more strength to push your self up up i it was a death a death of suffocaton i think under the circumsances he spoke a lot yes he was god and would not have had to undergo such but he chose to until he could say it is finished till he had paid the price for all of us ![]() Mon, Feb 11, 2002 WEB ACTING UP? the one thing i have noticed every time i send or forward something to Mary Lynn at mille 45 i get it bounced back ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002, Re: Christmas Decorations with everything that has gone on this year people just wanting to hang onto christmas my mother always prolonged chrisrtmas by setting the tree out hung with crusts of bread and pieces of suet for the birds and animals the inside decorations and those on the porch were taken down by Jan. first Sun, Feb 10, 2002, Re: Christmas Decorations i don't think it is stupid why does christmas have to be just one week or month a year ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Spicey i think that spices would add to the odor which would probably add to the taste never having had a sense of smell i wouldn't know but i didn't use salt for several years before i came here and don't like salt on my food it used to be the girls would open the package and have it on before you could say anything but anymore they ask one time when we were visiting in Houston we had mexican food i like it but that was really good it tasted much different from what you get here when i cooked hamburgers at home i would put soy sauce on them and when i was home mother woud put bay leaves in her stew it was good but i'm not sure bay leaves are a spice the main flavor i like in anything is chocolate at the hospital they had a salad dressing called zero dressing it was mainly tomato juice but i asked for the recipe once it had a lot of garlic in it i used to love it on the creamy cole slaw ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: More Chemo chemo i a hard way to go darline but if it does whatthey expect it to it will be worth it ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Bad Habits my worst habit i getting busy on the web and forgetting to go to meals i'm supposed to be ready to go to dinner at noon but after breakfast i'm not hungry and don't pay any attention to the time Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Bad Habits this is basically a non smoking facility ever two hours they announce that there wil be smoking either in the conference room or on the south wing patio depending on the weather some of the girls and men get really nervous waiting for the two hours evey time i hear it announced i'm really thankful it doesn't bother me i know it's really hard on some of them to wait that long and i'm really thankful that i never started even though i know i was looked on as rather odd by some of the girls when i was in high school because i didn't Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Bad Habits it is not only smoking that makes you dependent i used to be a very independant person a regular gad about now i have to be helped to dress undress go to bed get up you name it and i have to be helped Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Bad Habits i can't condemn anyone for smoking when my father was in the hospital dying of numerous small strokes i held a cigarette for him and helped him smoke how many of you if any remember the movies of when King George and his family stood on the balcony with his family Elizabeth his wife and the two little princesses Elizabeth and Margaret now Margaret is dead at 71 and they say smoking contributed to her death ![]() Feb. 10, 2002 Re: ehch do you use one of the girls just put some much needed new batteries in my key board what i was trying to say before the families brought in carry in diners today each family brought in two dishes it was quite a spread ham roast beef all kinfds of jello salads macaroni salad cakes and pies for supper jusrt hamburgers but there wil be tomato slices and pickles to go on them right now i feel like i would rather wait for breakfast tomorrow morning but they will expect us for supper there is an old farmer sit at my table he get confused the other evening he said is this breakfast the girl who was helping him said no this is dinner he looked at me and said is it dinner i said no Vergil it's supper we had breakfast and dinner then he seemed satisfied he hasn't accepted breakfast lunch and dinner yet the girl said to me later why supper i said because that's what he grew up with ![]() Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Message from Kathy mine was off for several days when i tried to follow Troys technical advice t erased my connection to my isp but with the help of my son in law and their trouble dept i got back on line Sun, Feb 10, 2002 Re: Message from Kathy i heard once that some day california would break off from the continent but if it ever does happen it probably won't be in our lifetime we have a much worse earth earthquake fault here the New Madrid fault it went in 1812 set the Mississippi to flowing backwards for about two hours and caused a really big lake in Tennessee every once in a while there will be a scare that it will go again this season or that but so far it hasn't in 1812 there probably wasn´t much but indian villages but now it would damage all the bridges from there to St. Louis and ring bells as far as new york if it happens we probably woudn´t have t post it it will probably be a major headline New Madrid is in southern Missouri in the boot heel ![]() Tue, Feb 12, 2002 Re: Housing Restrictions here they can't smoke in their rooms and can only smoke every two hours and then in a special room or outside and a staff member has to be with them some of them just hate that rule i had a room mate one time that smoked in the bathroom here in the room they would come and ask me is she smoking i would say i don't know and i really didn't i couldn't see her and i sure couldn't smell her though some say they can smell if someone is smoking even if they aren't near i guess the LACK OF THE sense has both it's advantages and it's disadvantages when i was in school and wanted to go to college and learn chemistry someone told me once you can't be a chemist if you can't smell anything but someone said once you can't be a nurse if you can't smell anything i guess it would help sometimes if you had a real bad diabetic but there are other ways to tell than smelling them one of the proffessors at Bradlet one time told me a chemist needed to know german because all the research manuls were in german oh well i got along with what i could do Tue, Feb 12, 2002 Re: Housing Restrictions thry haven't outlawed pigeons yet though they're aren't as many of them left that's next they will try to outlaw birds or shot them all ![]() Tue, Feb 12, 2002 Re: Almost As Good As Sex Cake today is my birthday i got a pizza for the staff and the coke one of the aids brought me a chocolate cake so for dinner i had a piece of it and a glass of coke the kitchen manager took the cake to the kitchen and the bottle of coke so i will have one for supper i hope the pizza was big enough for the evening shift to have some too they are good to me here just not enough of them yesterday they did my whole room striped and waxed the floor i couldn't get back in it till after dinner the lady next door said aren't you thankful they did that i said no not when i had to stay out she said oh but think how clean i said yes but if you were living in a house and someone said we're fixing it so you can't come in i finally said i know they have to do it but i don't have to like it she thought i was terrible for not liking to have my room all done over i told her yes my mother was a nut on clean too she thought it was terrible i felt that way ![]() Tue, Feb 12, 2002 Re: Tried of Soup›Crabmeat Delight that sounds really good i had crab legs one time they didn't taste like i thought they would once you got to the meat it was sweet i never ate lobster either i couldn't get over the idea of not liking that they boiled them alive maybe i'm foolish we went out on the east coast to Maine and New Jersey and they had them everywhere i guess i should have tried them ![]() Tue, Feb 12, 2002 Re: Sent home from work i retired in 1988 but couldn't stand it i tired myself out worse being off than i did working so i went back as a p.r.n. nurse and worked till 1991 when i had the stroke i did ok too i got $10.25 an hour as a p.r.n. nurse if the and every afternoon the grocery boy would bring us my father got his paycheck every two weeks and that is how often mother would pay the grocery store there were three of us and mother felt like she had been a poor manager if her bi weekly grocery bill came to over $20 ny dad would bring his paychreck home hand it to my mother and say i made it now you manage it but he had a store he could go to and get anything he wanted for himself socks underwear etc.he had a nice suit he had gotten married in in 1924 he wore tha till i was out of school in 1944 but he got a new one for their 25th aniversary i have a picture of him in it a little different style than the 1924 suit but things change in 25 years now i see men coming in here wearing shorts but i remember when my mothers cousin had a raccoon coat but you don't see them much anymore but styles changen and cluster around her bed i had been there a week i thought i'm no good here i'm just in the road i'll go out on the floor and answer lights i had just been up the hall taking care of two women when an older nurse caught me and read me the riot act or not being in the room and cleaning up i said oh did she die she said of course she did but the head nurse told me afterward you did the right thing i did feel like quiting though and that was a year before i got into school the older nurse wasn't there very long after that and i didn't miss her our instructer in school was fair but very strict she gave us a test every day she would grade them and have them on our desks by the time we got back from lunch it took me when i came back to look at that paper and not have a sinking feeling when i saw a big red E on it where i went to school the grades were A B C D E though my mother said when she went to school they were E S M I F an that's the way they were in Mo. how do you remember your grades or do you ![]() Wed, Feb 13, 2002 Re: Reconcile Bank Statements? my arithmetic was a disaster so was my banking to the point my husband decided to have his own statement and leave me to money one time on our ward in the mental hospital we had a professor of mathmatics from the university once one of the girls said lets ask him if he has trouble with his bank statement he said he did she laughed and said he can abstract but he can't add and subtract so if a math prof has trouble don't feel bad if you do Wed, Feb 13, 2002 Re: Reconcile Bank Statements? i am thankful that the bookkeeper takes care of all that for me now i am trying to make what i have now last till our next circuit breaker comes usually around income tax return time i am hoping when i get it and with what i have left if i don't spend my $30 a month i will have enough to get one of those Dell computers they advertise though i don't know how i woud have room for it Wed, Feb 13, 2002 Re: Reconcile Bank Statements? if i overdrew it was $15 for each check that bounced one time shortly after we moved to Missouri i went into one of the stores and mde a down paynment on something i used a counter check when i went in to finish paying they said they want to see you in the office what i had done was make out the counter check on Middletown Iliinois rather than midletown Missouri of course they had never heard of me and i did not even know there as a Middletown Ilinois not too far off just the wrong state th amount was right though and i did have enough in the right bank Wed, Feb 13, 2002 Re: Reconcile Bank Statements? if we go to wal Marts which we do once a month i can take $30 with me as that is what we get a month but if i take it i usually spend it and i shouldn't last month i took little more because i wanted to get Jacobs birthdy present it was a top and a pair of jeans i'm anxious to see a picture of him in them his great grandfather my first husband will get him overalls as soon as he is big enough ![]() |
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