Chapter 39Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Here's a site to have some fun.... Beckie i love those espcially emergency vets and emergency rescue it's thrill to see them turn an animal back to the wild ![]() Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Calvary Hill when i was little there was a hymn called there is a hill without a city wall i used to wonder why the hill didn't have a wall if it had said outside a wall i think i would have understood it better ![]() Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Hypnotized one of the drs once gave me a course once in self hypnosis for dieting there was one dr at the hosopital where i took my nurses training gave some of the women lessons for self hypnosis when they were in labor it worked but the o.b. nurses didn't like it they coudn't tell when they were in labor they had more than one baby born in bed rather than get them to the delivery room Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Hypnotized i once saw a man they used truth syrum on he had had amnesia for several years but when they got him under the truth syrum he didn't have amnesia at all he haD JUST LEFT HOME which was New Orleans it was very interesting never saw anyone hypnotised in the method your speaking of Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Hypnotized i could not remember the name of the drug thy gave the man who suposedly had amnesia but now i do it was called an Amytal interview and i'm sure it wouldn't be accepted for a police interview but it does work like one of Endoras truth spells on bewitched ![]() Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Do you watch Animal Planet? i especially liked a show where they guessed whose animal it was i wouldn't want to hunt crocs and a snake well regardless of genises they are gods creatures too and i don't believe it was the snakes we know now tht caused the fall of mankind but satan in one of his disguises as the most beautiful garden ![]() Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Interesting and True I REMEMBER DURING THE HEARING REPEATEDLY HEARING PRESIDENT REGAN SAYING I DON'T REMEMBER AND NOW HE REALLY DOESN'T REMEMBER FROM WHAT I UNDERSTAND EVEN HIS OWN NAME I WILL REPAY SAYETH HE LORD it may be unchristian but don't feel sorry for him either he saved his presidency but at what price Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Interesting and True when jesus comes there will be many who like the attack of Sep eleventh will say i never believed it it was not politically correct it was not logical to believe such a thing would ever happen you re right all we can do is teach them and pray for them because god has said it and it will happen ![]() Thu, Feb 14, 2002 Re: Brothers and Sisters Illinois does seem even further than Indiana i miss not being able to see my daughter or grandaughter more often than i do but sometimes i get just plain homesick for Peoria i miss not being able to go to my high school reunion this year will be the fifty eight i graduated in 1944 ![]() Fri, Feb 15, 2002 Re: Reconcile Bank Statements? Mary Lynn talks about Iowa having a state income tax i remember the first time i ever went to Iowa that was a long time ago and we were going to Keokucky where my dad was born but when we went from Illinois to Iowa we had to pay to cross the bridge maybe they finally got that bridge paid for and you can cross it for free do you know Mary of course i think that's south of you one year it flooded really bad and i had to go al the way to Burlington to get across the river Lousiana was closed Haniblel was closed Keokuck was closed i finally got across at Burlington one thing though when i got across i didn't have to drive north i was able to go right straight east to Peoria Fri, Feb 15, 2002 Re: Reconcile Bank Statements? if i had to cash a check at the bank which only happened a couple of times once when the guy rear ended me and totaled my car they old me his insurance was state farm but when i called them they didn't know anything about it yet so i had to pay for a taxi to get from Columbia to Centralia 25 miles when we got there i had him stop at the bank so i could get the money to pay him i had enough or the bank wouldn't have given it to me state farm finally did agree to give me $2,000 but i think the car was worth more than that ![]() Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Simple Pleasures my dad was a railroader at night i would lay in bed and hear the train whistles and dad woud tell me what they were saying now it's coming to a crossing now its pulling on a siding so another train can pass hear the other train now it's in the city limits now its coming into the rail yard to leave some cars and pick up another they will make another train leave cars for another road to pick up and get the ones left for it now he is leaving the yard hear him whistle for the crossings there goes the one that waited for him it's probably on its way to Iowa or Missouri maybe Indiana yes you can tell by the number of crossings whither it's going east or west now it's on it's way it was great to lay and listen to them especially when you knew their language i have a picture of my dad and the gang he worked with standing in front of one of the big steam engines it was taken in May of 1934 Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Simple Pleasures i sent Jacob a present for his first birthday which will be next sat a top and a pair of Jeans i never thought of getting a one year old jeans but my daughter says he will get a lot of good from them i will send him a train set as soon as he is old enough i want to get him one of those alarm trains it goes through the tunel and whistles when it comes around but if there are train whistles where he is there probably won't be anyone to explain them to him like there was with me i don't think his grandparents on his dads side are railroaders when i stop t think about my life i have so many things to remember and be thankful for Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Simple Pleasures i loved it when my grandmother would take me uptown and we would eat at the lunch counter of one of the dime stores i would always say to her grandma when can we go to the supper store again she used to sing to me too Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Simple Pleasures i loved it when my mother would play the piano for me dad worked nights if it stormed she would get me up bring me out in the living room and play the piano for me i always regreted that i never learned ![]() Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Dusting Cheater dusting was my joband i didn't like it my mother kept such a spotless house i could never see any dust to dust away ![]() Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Bedtime Stories every night my dad read me nursery rimes he would turn a page and i would read what was there they thought i just had them memorized and i probably did but i think i was reading too i know from the time i got in first grade i knew what the readers and other books said i never remember learning to read it seems like i always could ![]() Sun, Feb 17, 2002 Re: Milkbath when i got my whirlpool bath friday th nurse that was giving it to me made a mistake they usually put some soap on the wash rag but he poured it in the tub when he turned the whirlpool jets on we thought the bubbles were going over my head he took one of the ice containers and kept trying to scoop them out had to pour water over me to clear the suds enough so he coud get me out and dry me he'll know better next time ![]() Sat, Feb 16, 2002 Re: What's your Sign??? back to working my favorite job on the farm was gathering washing candleling and packageing eggs any that were cracked i could use for cooking especially making angel food cakes with the whites and pound cakes with the yolks we had 100 hens so there were plenty never did learn to make butter though once at a frirends house she had a square glass churn i got butter to come then thought i should push all the left over liquid into the butter but they told me later i shouldn't that that was the buttermilk one least favorite job was putting the new chicks under the brooder and keeping the food troughs filled and the water jars quart jaRS TURNED UPSIDE DOWN IN A CONTAINER 6 to go around the brooder and 6 feeding troughs we would get 100 chucks in february then when they out grew the brooder we would put roosts in it and it would be a brooder house the hen house was another building one of the first things i had to learn was to use one hand to hold the hen away and the other to grab the eggs some of those hens didn't want to give them up once a year a man would come and cull the hens and we would move the pullets that were big enough into the hen house keeping us with 100 laying hens i would get a big wire basket full two to three times a day we kept lime for them so the shells wouldn't be too soft but what would make them lay the best we would go to peoria to the bakery get a hundred pound bag of bread that had been brought back as too old to sell all of those loaves the wrapper had been split and you could get a hundred pound bag for fifty cents we would take it put the bread in their trough and pour a bucket of milk from the milking those hens would lay eggs like they were going out of style plenty to use but quite a few to sell my folks would come out every week end my dad worked on the railroad and he would take about 10 dozen and sell them to his co workers there on the railroad for 50 cents apiece they were glad to get fresh eggs and we were glad to get the fifty cents at the store we only got 20 going back to getting green stamps or dishes at the gas stations i don;'t remember that but my mother was taking care of thr family finances my grandmother did get a beautiful set of hand painted china from a grocery store she traded at Larkins we would always have them on christmas thanksgivibg dinner or easter mother got them after my grandmother died and i was supposed to get them but my uncle did my aunt had a special glass case to display them in ![]() Sat, Feb 16, 2002 Re: one handed Lee lee i don't know if you are right handed or not hopefully the pain will pass when i first had my stroke if someone even touched the thumb on my left hand i screamed it still hurts if someone grabs it wrong or if i bump it on something but other than that it is just useless i was blessed thart it was my left hand as i am strongly right handed i don't think i could have learned to type with my left hand i was never left handed but i did not realise how much i used it untill i was without it you really need two as you surely realise now i will pray for you that at least the pain passes soon ![]() Sat, Feb 16, 2002 one more thing to be thankful for since they took me to the hospital and the surgeon cut the tendons under the three middle toes of my left foot most of the other girls have been able to get my brace and my shoe on though alot of time my foot will curl despite what some of them think i have no control of the muscles on that foot and i am not doing it deliberately despite what some of them think so i am able to get up come to the group and don't have to eat breakfast in bed which is hard as i can't sit up by myself though they roll the back of the bed up and put pillows behind me it still isn't comfortable and if i need something else they are all too busy in the dining room to and i like breakfast and hate to miss it ![]() Sat, Feb 16, 2002 the olddays the heading fill er up reminded me of our weekly outing once a week on Sunday was our day for a good ride in the car dad would take us to the corner filling station and get a dollars worth of gas five gallons then we would take a ride sometimes we would go to a place about thirty miles north of peoria where the Santa Fay railroad went through we woul stand on the overpass and watch the trains go past as long as i can remember he would have me read the innitials on the cars and tell him what road it was from like C.N.W. the Chicago northwestern line A.T.& S.F. THE ATTICHON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE. sometimes it would be a tank car with initials i didn't recognise he would say thats a private line and tell me what it was sometimes we woufd just ride around the county it would probably seem strange to some of the kids now to only be able to get 5 gallons of gas a week but thats all we had was an A sticker when i married i married a farmer their gaS WAS NOT RATIONED in fact they had a gas pump in the yard barnyard really right outside the yard fence the farmers had to have gas for the tractors but when you went to the gas station and said ill it up they washed the windshield checked the oil and even checked the air in your tires even if you don't remember twenty cents a gallon gas how many of you remember the other services ![]() Sat, Feb 16, 2002 Re: Minute Maid i have one over the bed table that is always full one bed side stand ditto an entertainment center and two bookcases that fills up my side of the room the tables are on the other side of the bed where i can't get to them but the books and things i need right now are here on the bed or piled on the typing table behind my keyboard i put them there at night but when they are there i can't use my web it has to be clear behind my keyboard i have my radio my phone and my call light on the bed its on my right side and i can use my right hand one day one of the nurses came and cleaned out my closet we each have a double door it is in the left hand corner one side to hang clothes the other side a shelf on top of three drawers one day one of the nurses came in and cleaned out my closet took all the things i didn't wear and i told her to give them to someone who could one thing i have lost since i have been here is a blue woven woolen babushka skarf my daughter sent me when she was in germany it was really warm to tie over your head on a cold day don't know where it went my bookcases are fairly straight i told the nurse when i was home i kept my book cases really nice all four of them if i could have a private room would have a lot more room but that is not likely to happen Sat, Feb 16, 2002 Re: Minute Maid when i was home i was probably the worlds worst house keeper i could walk through the house three times a day and fill up a sack with kleenex if my mother had been more inventive she could have invented keenex she always had me use toilet paper to save on the handkerchiefs i used to like you take a handkerchiefs and crocheyt an edging around them but i loved to read something i have been doing a lot of recently thanks to the urls kath nonebetter sent me i have reread all of the Anne of Green Gables books Tom Sawyer Huck Finn or i should say reread also several of the Oz books if i could read another language besides English i would probably do that too but i can't except for a few words of german some spanish but not enough of either to enjoy a book ![]() Fri, Feb 15, 2002 Re: Cooking For Two when i was growing up there were three of us my mother my father and myself when i was married i cooked what would have been plenty for us the first meal my husband came in and said it looks good but what are you going to eat? i learned to double or triple the recipes he had a good appitite ![]() Mon, Feb 18, 2002 Re: Plastic Bag Storage~Carol when you could get the brown paper bags especially at the grocery stores i would use them as waste paskets especially for kleenexes that i would pick up off the floor or wherever else i had dropped them would use the large plASTIC BAGS TO COVER THE BOTTOM OF THE CATS LITER PAN i would cut it open then when i wanted to change it i would gather it up and carry it out litter and all of the trash pick up site the smaller brown bags i would use here if i could open it up and tape it to the bed rail a good place to drop kleenexes at night but either they don't have the bags anymore go to wal mart and everything is plastic and i can't save them here in my room just that much clutter so they go in the waste basket they keep a bigger one in the bathroom for the container they put the depend pads in sometimes when there is no one here that knows how to put my brace and my shoe back on they have used one to wrap my foot and leg in so they don't have to take my shoe off without it i can't put my weight on that foot to transfer for turns till my weight would be on my ankle and it might break again which would not be good but the girl that can do it came back saturday night so i havent had to eat in bed this week two other night girls are able to put it on now so i can get up though my roommate keeps telling how crazy i am to want to get up at three thirty but thats when the girl comes back from break and i don't like to stay down any longer right now it's 4:55 the time goes a lot faster when im up on the web than it does lying there waiting hoping shes here to get my shoe on or that someone can without it hurting aufully bad ![]() Sat, Feb 16, 2002 PRAYERS ASKED FOR two weeks ago my son in laws father had to have sergury now they have found the cancer is more extensive than they thought he will have to go back in this next week to have the rest of his bladder removed his name James Dowling Sr. i don't know his age his son is 41 ![]() Tue, Feb 19, 2002 Re: Prayers Please i asked for prayer for my son in laws father yesterday he had surgery to remove a cancerous bladder he came through very well and unless further tests prove otherwise the drs don't think he will need further treatment radiation or chemotherapy granies prayers are really powerful Tue, Feb 19, 2002 Re: Prayers Please dear Mary Lynn it is tragic all we can do in a SITUATION LIKE THAT IS know that god will do whatever reason is for the best and will be for the good in some reason and maybe he will be adopted in some way that you will know him or maybe god knows it will be for his good that this happens you have my prayers Tue, Feb 19, 2002 Re: Prayers Please Mary Lynn be thankful she is making the decision to adopt rathrer than abort as the law now allows and you will know your great grandson if not in this life surely in the next and remember god is merciful and knows what he is doing ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: I'm A Great Grandma!! Mary Lynn be thankful he is going to good people who will keep you up on his progress and let you know they sound like good christian people and we pray that they will bring him up in fear and admonition of the lord Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: I'm A Great Grandma!! my first Jacob will be a year old Saturday i sent him his first pair of jeans to me it seems funny jeans on a year old but my daughter said they are fine and he will get a lot of good out of them the little top that went with them is a little too light for this time of year though so will send him something warmer does anyone know if they have flannel long sleeved shirts for one year if not maybe i can find him a little sweater ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Mary(TQO) y son in law stopped his dad had surgery Mon but he said the drs are very encouraged they think they got all the cancer but he said his dad didn't like his part the turning coughing and deep breathing the nurses on line will know what i mean but theyt aRE Things she must do to stave off pneumonia Jim says if he gets through the next week ok he will be home clear he had a lung removed last Apri and is a little short of breath Jim said like my husband and a lot of people he had smoked ever since he was a young teenager i said maybe some day they would treat nicotine like they have crack cocaine heroine etc make i illegle but we both thought probably not there is too much profit in it and if you made it illegle for people to smoke you would probably have the same mess you had with proabition but he says thank you for the prayers he really appreciates them and knows they make a difference he said he told Mary my daughter to be sure he was put on the prayer board at church Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Mary(TQO) my son in law stopped he says his dad is doing fine and the drs are sure they got all the cancer he thanks you for your prayers says he knows that makes a difference says they will probably be back and forth more often as his mother will be looking for a place in Columbia now they live about 40 miles west of Columbia she will sell her place there and be looking for a place in Columbia and they will be here helping her they have already moved his dad out of intensive care but he doesn't care for his part and the nures will know what i mean when i say turning coughing and deep breathing all the things you have to do to stave off pneumonia but his daughter Jims sister works as a nurse l.p.n. at the hospital he is in same hospital i was in when i had my stroke only i was in the rehab floor and he is on oncology of course he said the old Mary my daughter to be sure he is put on the prayer board at their church he ,Jim said once my mother is Mary My sister is Mary and my wife is Mary ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Menopause for me menopause was almost as unpleasnt as menaech for the former you had to get used to cramps though i only remember having them once and that was the second month i was eleven and not used to them or wearing a rag betwen my legs and being afraid o es hoing to spot my dress as i was surely the only person such a terrible thing had happened to and then if i let a boy get too close to me i would disgrace myself and the family and my mother would jump off the bridge strangely at menopause i did not have hot flashes or any of the other sympyoms but i did gush in such amounts i was even more affraid of soiling myself though by that time i knew enough to know the monthly nuciance would soon be over i knew much more at fifty plus than i dd at eleven and was more comfortable with my body ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 thankful for what you have all my life i have regreated that i never had any brothers or sisters it was so lonesome but now i have an old lady living next door- in the next room she was one of 7 she will come in and say oh i'm so lonesome aren't you and i'm not my books and the web keep me plenty busy and satisfied i know she wants me to come over and visit with her but most of the time i'm content to be by myself i guess it's what you get used to though i do go visit with her sometimes though i could repeat every story she tells me by heart but maybe i'll be like that myself before long ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Salesmen Online every day in my e mail i get ads for this that or the other credit card also letters telling about the loans i would be elegible for one time i even got a phone call from a woman saying i was elegible for some credit card or other i told her i didn't know how i would be as i had no income she said none i said well i get a pension and social security she said oh that would be plenty i said but i live in nursing home and they take it all. She couldn't hang up fast enough they say are you about to lose your home we can loan you enough to pay it off and make all the repairs you want too if you had been careless enough with your finances you were about to lose your home how do they think you would pay off the loan i said to my daughter who has a masters in business they just want to forclose and make money that way she said no they don't make money by forclosing i didn't argue she has the masters and i barely got through high school in bookkeeping i do remember one time my parents about lost our home they put so much money in the bank every payday so they would have a yearly payment but just before the payment was due one year the banks closed with the help of my grandfather they did make the payment but i remember them saying the old man they had the loan with would have been only too glad to take the house back i dont remember the year the banks closed but they built the house in 1928 i know it was finally paid off in 1950 four rooms and a full basement and it cost $5,000 but i remember one year it was apraised at 16,000 only one bedroom but i almost got my own the blueprints were drawn that was in the fall and they were to buld it the next spring one problem the fall was the fall of 1941 i never did get my own room ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: New School Subject it may be better done in the home but i think one thing they should learn is to tell the difference between what they need and what they want also the falsity of instant gratification teach them to save for what they want but again these things might be better taught in the home ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Return Address Labels i like the plain addresses but if i mail something from here they give me a business envelope with Pin Oaks address printed on the envelope there is a space i write my name in not very personal but the best i can do sometimes Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Return Address Labels i have received some in the mail several times usually to some place i have made a contribution to Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Return Address Labels when i finally got my christmas cards mailed last Januay the assistant XCTIVITIES DIRECTOTR put the names of who i was sending them to on sticky tapes he peeled off he said if you had a list and put it in the computer it would do it for you he showed me the computer in his office once he can bring up each patient here their age and their birthday how many acitivities they attend but not how much they have in their trust account only the computer in the business office can do that it can also bring up how many hours every employee has worked how much regular pay they will get and how much overtime the business office also has a computer that goes to the central business office with the censeus also how much each patient has paid or how much they owe how much medicare or medicade has paid for them also she can type in a few words and give you an immediate printout of what you have in your trust including how much you have spent what you spent it for and who too but it can trip you up sometimes too it used to be we were charged $12 a month for cable t.v. the former bookkeepr my good friend was just geting ready to go on vacation in some way she hit the wrong button and all the bills that went out to the families instead of saying $12 for t.v. said $12 for alcoholic beverages no one knew it till families started calling in and saying why are you letting our family member have alcohol and even if it did it would have to be a drs order and they don't usually order it though one home i worked in we had a 90 year old woman who had a standing order for an ounce of spirits of fermenti every night at bedtime that is the medical term for whiskey though that same lady used to call often that she wanted some sour dough bread we didn't have any to give her though ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 granies prayers answered my son in law was here today his dad is doing very well the drs. are sure they got all the cancer so far they are saying they don't think he will need radiation or chemotherapy thry live abouy 40 miles west of Columbia but his mother will be selling that place and looking for a place in Columbia her daughter lives there and the kids will probably be here a lot more often till they get her setteled he is in the same hospital they took me to when i had my stroke of course i was in the rehab floor and he will be on Oncology the surgery was monday but they let him out of intensive care today he is not liking the main things a post opp patient must do tuen cough and deep breath it is uncomfortable but it must be done to prevent pneumonia it will be especially important for him as he lost a lung last April his daughter Jims sister is an L.P.N. in that hospital and his brother in law works in the lab ![]() Wed, Feb 20, 2002 Re: Cowboy saves the day we ould have to prove at least once a year that we xoukd do that and mouth to mouth resusitation we had trustsi Ann resusi Andy and resussuibaby to practice on though always felt better knowing there was a crash cart nearby though we don't have one here though many of the time you did not need it and many hne srioulated ano vodr blue ![]() Sat, Feb 23, 2002 Re: "TRUISMS" sometimes not to say somethimg is a real struggle a dear friend said to me i got fired Monday they acused me of being disrespectful to your room mate but tuesday a bunch of them got together and reinstated me i got to thinking if i open up and say what i think about her i wonder if they will fire me at least call my daughter and tell her she has to come and get me but we decided not that is the diference between a paid employee and a paying customer but after 11 years i am probably so used to it here i wouldn't be happy anywhrre else i do have good friends here that knows how i like things done ![]() Fri, Feb 22, 2002 Re: Signs of Spring for me the first real signs of spring are the robins and the first daffodils Fri, Feb 22, 2002 Re: Signs of Spring if the frost gets the buds there won't be any fruit ![]() Fri, Feb 22, 2002 Re: Patio figurines when i was home we used to go to Indiana to visit my mothers aunt she lived in a small town about 10 or 15 miles east of Lafayette she had a birdbath in her yard also a stand with a big silver ball on it at the end of her yard she had a fenced in pen and she raised chow dogs accross the road there was a family that had a st. Bernard dog i was about 5 i was playing on the kitchen floor i looked up and there was that dog standing on the porch looking at me over the middkle bar of the screen door i was so surprised i turned a sumersault over to the other side of the kitchen she and my mother were in the other room watching to see what my reaction would be when saw it they were laughing it was a perfectly gentle dog but i wasn't laughing when i first saw it ![]() Sun, Feb 24, 2002 Re: Yard Sale i'm not the oldest yet but i have a good chance my grandfather lived 4 months past his 98th birthday ![]() Sun, Feb 24, 2002 horoscope charts to those who are going to give their date of birth please give me the time AND PLACE when i was home and had all my books i could do one in less than 10 minutes now there is a place on the web i can do them but you need to be over 6 i think we all qualify there but i need daTE TIME As accuratly as you know it and the place for example mine would be 2/12/26 7:35 a.m. at Peoria illinois help me it's one hobby i can still do p.s. its not fortune telling i can't tell you if you will win the lottery or how a relationship will go ![]() Mon, Feb 25, 2002 Re: How Were You Named After? my mother named her cousin so her cousin told her if she ever had girl she would have to let her name her she did my grandmothers name was Emma my mothers name was Emma she said if anyone named me emma she would shoot them My daughter was more interesting my grandmothers name was Emma VIRGINIA my great grandmothers name was Mary Ellen so i named her Mary Virginia she has never used the Virginia my youngest girl was Victoria just an idea of mine but her dad said her middle name had to be Jeanne because that's mine Mon, Feb 25, 2002 Re: How Were You Named After? ~P.S. my middle name jeanne all i kniow it is the french spelling and pronounced jean i don't know whose idea it was ![]() Mon, Feb 25, 2002 drs orders i hate it s my habit to get up about three thirty go to bed about eight or nine yesterday the dr said my leg is swelling from being up so much he wrote an order i have to go to bed after breakfast and after dinner but i can't lay in bed with my brace and my shoe on it hurts my foot and once i have them off there is only a few people thart caN PUT THEM BACK ON so i am going to see if they will let me sit in one of the reclining gerery chairs that hold your feet up not comfortable i know and i won't be able to take myself places like i can in my own chair but better than having to go to bed twice a day ![]() Mon, Feb 25, 2002 Re: From Me to Me books naturally i got roots because i wanted to read it again and Harry Potter three in paperback because paperbacks are so much easier for me to handle ![]() Sun, Feb 24, 2002 Re: Life has anyone ever timed the difference between a minute and just a minute or wait a minute ![]() Wed, Feb 27, 2002 Re: IF..... our shopping is once month at wal marts it's good enough to keep up on the soft kleenexes or puffs and a suply of batteries if i want a special book i call the book store in Columbia and order it if i have enough but sometimes i wish they would take us to the grocery store i'd get myself a can of ravioli or something but the state sets our menus and the recipies i now it is registered dieticians that do it and it is good for us but i'd still like to pick my own sometimes but i had them get me a jar of chunky peanut butter and jar of apricot jam combination i really like and if i dont like whats on the menu i can have them give me that breakfast is always good two or three over easy eggs bacon and they usually do it pretty good really crisp which is how i like it 3 or 4 pieces of bread for the yolks of the over easy eggs acording to the dermotoligist i shoudn't eat egg whites that suits me i like the yolks better anyway a bowl of oatmeal a cup of hot chocolate i get a glass of cranberry juice too my main problem is breakfast is only once every 24 hours when i first came here i asked if i could have it three times a day but they said no not good nutrision i could get the eggs for every meal but they only make oatmeal once a DAY probably lot for as many as they are to serve sometimes for super they have ravioli good but for some reasons they use taco shells instead of pasta right now i m working on a package of thin mints the girl that does our hair leads a girl sout troop so every year we get to order cookies you never go hungry here though egg salad sandwiches which i really do like i think they use the halfcup measure when they make them i usually have to scrape off two thirds of it before i eat it i asked them why so much they just said state rules sometimes i think someone from the state should be stuck here for about a monh and half to eat it all kidding aside it is nutrisous and they are not stingy and do well for feeding over 10 people especially some on special diets diabetic no added salt etc some patients are even on fluid restriction what i used to hate was the n.p.o. after midnight but thankfully i haven't run into that ![]() Wed, Feb 27, 2002 Re: Surplus Foods when i went to grade school they were just starting to cook in the schools kitchen usually making a good soup my mother told them she couldn't go help them cook but the teacher could pick someone and send them home for lunch with me i only lived three blocks from school later when i lived further i always took sandwiches but in high school they had a regular cafeteria a hot lunch was 15 cents if you wanted a popsickle that was a dime extra in grade school when i brought someone home was 1932 the heart of the depression i was very fortunate my father was never out of work though a lot of the railroaders were my uncle two years but i remember my father and several of the other men gave him a day a week of their work so they could at least eat they did give up their home and went to live on a farm which they called calamity Wed, Feb 27, 2002 Re: Surplus Foods remember i gotto like oleo better than butter but after i got married and lived on the farm my husband used to say you should get the butter we are selling cream never remember having to go hungry though my mother did plan the meals there were three of us my dad a railroadet got paid every two weeks she thought if she spet over $20 for the two weeks she wasn't managing right ![]() Wed, Feb 27, 2002 Re: Draught a couple of years before we moved to Missouri the drought was so bad everyone lost their corn crops one problem here is hard pan the roots can't reach down to the water table after we came here sometimes we would have to go to town and buy a load of water to fill the cistern something we never had to do in Illinois the well was so good the well went into the cistern but that was not the drinking water i kept a bucket and dipper from the well for drinking a good thing too one to\ime i was working on a couple of paint by number pictures i had set a little glass of turpentine in the pantry and Vickie drank it she chased it right away with a didder of water from the buicket that saved her from a lot of damage i didn't know what she had done but i called the dr. as soon as he got there he said she drank turpentine i can smell it of course i couldn't she was in the hospital overnight for observation but otherwise she was ok she must have been three ![]() |
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