Chapter 40Fri, Mar 1, 2002 helpless my leg haS BEEN SWELLING the dr. said i had to go to bed after breakfast and after diner i hate being in bed because usually no one here that can get my brace and shoe on and it is not easy as my foot wants to twist and i have no controll over the muscles they say relax but as soon as they take hold of my foot in a way that hurts i tense then they can't get the shoe on a lot thar have never tried it say oh that should be easy until they try then they say i won't let them i would be thankful if they could so i am in a gerry chair which keeps my leg up but i absolutly can't go anywhere by myself they gave me an over the bed table for my keyboard or i couldn't even be on the web i'm too high to reach the table in the dining room so they put me in the lobby and give me an over the bed table to eat on it works but i will be so glad when i can get back in my own wheel here my leg is up but it still hurts to have the brace on because my foot turns so say a prayer for me please in the chair i can't get up walk around and get things but i can go where i want whither or not i can reach things if i get my new brace they wil walk me and that will help but it has been over a year and they still say they are masking it at first i said i wouldn't pay $400 for a shoe for my good foot then they said $270 and they woud just build it up but my daughter gave them that check at christmas and it still isn't done i have really been temped to report them to the better business bureau but i hesitate to do anything that drastic ![]() Sat, Mar 2, 2002 Re: Cold Nebraska night cold here at night it is snowing today not too hard though it might snow more tonight thy keep saying 6 inches but it hasn't happened yet my roommate said they will dismiss the schools but all the time i was growing up i never knew them to dismiss school for six inches of snow or even 18 inches so i doubt if they will for 6 but it don't get as much snow here in missouri in Ilinois there were snow fences to keep it from drifting over the roads but i haven't seen any snow fences here Sat, Mar 2, 2002 Re: Cold Nebraska night one of the things i'm thankful for is not having to drive to work and especially not having to scrape the windshield now where ever we go we go in the van and it has a good heater especially in the back Tuesday the fifth is our monthly visit to Wal Marts ![]() Sat, Mar 2, 2002 Re: I got it my first mixer was a christmas present from the family it was a mixmaster and i did enjoy it no more beating with a spoon for three minutes and i did enjoy baking ![]() Sat, Mar 2, 2002 Re: CHICKEN baked chicken breast though i used to put breasts in a cassarole and bake them for about an hour i don't like dark meat at all and the barbeque sauce they have here i would rather they would leave it off though sometimes they will have a good piece of breast meat in mushroom gravy and sometimes sweet and sour chicken but if i can get it i would sooner have a SONIC CHICKEN BREAST SANDWICH i did like kentucky fried chicken breasts but now as with a lot of other things they are hard to eat with just one hand you can't break them open to get to the good part and spagetti i used to love with a fork in one hand and a piece of toast or bread in the other now if i eat it look like i've been ina spagetti fight ![]() Sun, Mar 3, 2002 Re: Another version of RoofDrop i'm already addicted to the game i've been playing i said at first i will only play it till i get all the questions right but now i can and i'm still playing it i don't know how to send an url or i would send it i can tell you how to get there get the search line and type in erdkunde und landeskunde when it comes up it will be quia challenge board there will be 6 lines of 5 questions each there will be lines of european capitals rivers famous sights and german state capitals each question you type the right answer to adds to your score only on cuation the questions are in german and so are the answers the lines for the european capitals is europa and don't get to talking like i was one morning and type the capital of spain as Moscow the game will say sorry your wrong and you won't get any points ![]() Mon, Mar 4, 2002 Re: Wind and Snow i have a picture of me taken when i was in graDE SCHOOL I AM STANDING ON THE SIDEWALK IN FRONT of the house and the snow is up to my head on both sides of course i have reached the magnificant height of four foot nine now and i wasn't that tall then but it was still a lot of snow yesterday we had bout three inches yesterday i told my daughter i was going to send Jacob a sweater if i could find one in his size she said oh you don't have to it will get warm soon. optomistic girl. she said well if you do get it a little big he has already outgrown the clothes he got for christmas but he still only weighs 20 pounds i asked wal marts if they had a flannel shirt in his size but she said they were all sold out of things like that ![]() Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: Going to Omaha Today‹sigh› my dad had a BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR natural waves once my grandmother showed me a lock of hair she had saved from him a very blond curl of course when i knew him his hair was dark brown i got the color but surely not the waves my hair has always been streight as a string he lost his hair before i was 8 i almost don't remember it mom said if i had been a boy i would have probably gotten the curls oh well i lovd him just as much without the hair my mother did too he didn't lose it from chemotherapy or radiation like my fourteen year old daughter did he just plain lost it i have a picture of him taken on my folks twenty fifth aniversary and he is as bald as the proverbial billard ball but that is how i remember him most of my life the barber use to kid him he said Joe i didn't charge you as much for cutting your hair as i did for finding it i remember him in the bathtub every day lathering up his hair i think he was trying to keep it from falling out i was very skeptical when i heard the first Rogaine ads as i understand baldness is an inherited trait from the mothers side but my grandfather and my uncle had full heads of hair all their lives just not wavy ![]() Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: ANOTHER GOOD STORAGE SITE i know i can't get java i was told when i first got this web that it did not understand that languaage but i can't get a virus either no disks to erase though i did erase my isp i got it back or i wouldn't be on line my daughtrer told me my phone bill during that time was $70 a good thing she's tolerant ![]() Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: Has anyone else... sometimes the web is a strange thing today i was playing my game after you type your answer you click on a place that says check my answer then on the board it comes up wheaher your response was correct or it says sorry wrong answer and gives you the right answer several times to day when i clicked on that it would say msn did not respond to your request for information then the screen goes blank explain that i can get to my mail allright though i usually go to my stored mail where i have kaths links and read awhile but i go through my mail to see if there are any personal messages and if not i delete a lot of it a lot of it will say get a free cell phone which i need like a hole in the head or get a guaranteed credit card or even win a million dollars which i doubt will happen to a lot of my mil i just clear then i come o the group ![]() Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: Goody! Goody! Just what the Doctor ordered! the weather is nice here too there is an older man that sits at our table ands sadly we have to remind him which meal he is eating across from our table are the big front windows tonight he looked over and said it looks like it' going to be a nice sunshiny day. i said Vergil that's sunset oh surely not he said we just ate breakfast but he did take my word for it that it was supper ![]() Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: TRISH IS HERE!!!! hi Twila glad to see you back love your posts especialy the song forwarded it to a friend who used to live in Alaska shes in Oregon now her son was a comercial fisherman in Alaska. been missing you Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: TRISH IS HERE!!!! he is precious Mary Lee thanks for the picture keep them coming as often as you can ![]() Wed, Mar 6, 2002 Re: SICK PUPPY!! i had the flu when i was 19 i had graduated the year before and had been sitting at a desk job long enough that my normal 115 pounds had gone up to 120 well i had the flu two weeks every hour my mother tried to give me a teaspoon of water but i couldn't keep it down finally one day i was just well the drt. who had been here about every day said one more day he would have put me in the hospital but the silver lining i was down to 100 pounds and at four foot nine that's plenty right now i would take the 120 and be thankul for it ![]() Fri, Mar 8, 2002 Re: Dale Is In The Hospital i will certainly pray for Dale and remember the old saying they can cure pneumonia but there is no cure for the common cold Fri, Mar 8, 2002 Re: Dale Is In The Hospital--Wayne when Vickie took radiation it was very rough on her besides losing her hair she was so nauseated but it was no radiation and a couple of weeks or radiation and maybe a year we knew they could not give her enough to completely gert rid of the tumor where it was more would have distroyed too much brain tissue but it did give her 11 months and she was not afraid she just said she knew Jesus would be with he but she was sorry to leave me she died May sixteenth and would have been fifteen July the third but she is waiting for me i am so thankful i know that and believe it ![]() Fri, Mar 8, 2002 Re: Blonde"s Horse Ride the first time my dad and uncle put me on a horse i was about 5 there was no saddle they just sat me on its shoulders then the horse decided to lower its head and take a bite of grass i started to slide down it's neck with my arms and legs both wrapped around it's neck my dad finally picked me off the equivalent of tossing someone in the pond and saying swim ![]() Sun, Mar 10, 2002 Re: Wicked Weather!!!!! bright and beautiful today and no baby yet i told the nurse if she had delivered she would probably get the above and beyond award this month at the monthly recognition ceremony this month she said she didn't want it that bad Sun, Mar 10, 2002 Re: Wicked Weather!!!!! whats really bad is to have it warm enough for the fruit trees to bloom then have a frost Sun, Mar 10, 2002 Re: Wicked Weather!!!!! I WORKED WITH A WOMAN ONCE WHEN IT GOT BAD ENOUGH THERE WAS ICE ON THE WINDSHIELD SHE HAD A CAN OF SPRAY THAT MELTED IT I REALLY HATED TO SCRAPE A WINDSHIELD ONCE WHEN I WAS WORKING WE HAD A SNOW STORM I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT HAD SNOWED BUT WHEN I GOT OUT TO THE CAT FOR SOME REASON I HADN'T SHUT THE ENGINE OFF A WONDER I WASN'T OUT OF GAS BUT I WASN'T THERE WAS NO SNOW OR ICE ON THE CAR AND IT WAS NICE AND WARM INSIDE BUT I WOULDN'T RECOMMEND THAT METHOD IF I HAD BEEN OUT OF GAS I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D HAVE DONE CALLED A TAXI MAYBE BECAUSE THE ROADS WERE SO BAD I COULDN'T DRIVE THE SEVEN MILES HOME I HAD TO GET A HOTEL ROOM THAT NIGHT ![]() Sun, Mar 10, 2002 I ALMOST LOST THE GRANIES yesterday i almost lost my connection to the granies yesterday they came at 4:30 to get me out of bed and take me up for my by weekly shower when i left the room my t.v. was working fine when i got back about twenty minutes later there was nothing but a line accross the screen yesterday evening i called my daughter and she said my son in law was in town to see his dad and she woud call him he came this morning went out to wal marts and got me another set so i am back on line i was going to write a snail mail to Mary Lynn to tell her where i was when he changed them he said he thought the other was bigger it was it had to be a 21 inch at least i often wondered why he had gotten me such a big one but he said they had sold it to him for a nineteen inch this is 19 but i'm just thankful to have it it stormed here yesterday too the wind must have been pretty bad because it was blowing the snow till you couldn't see down to the road it wasn't bad enough to keep people home though but the nurse did send one of our best aids home this morning i asked her why because we are so short anyway she said i sent her home because she was having contractions fifteen minutes apart and i was in no mood to deliver a baby even though i did have my o.b. rotartion in school i think that would be above and beyond the call of duty geriatric patients don't present that problem now the aids that's different ![]() Mon, Mar 11, 2002 Re: Vel, a favor please i can't pray in the natural way i can't get out of this chair to kneel down so my prayers are silent and from the heart but i know he hears them anyway i have been reading the books Kath sent me as an url or i should say rereading my favorites and Anne of Green Gables said to Marilla when she was bringing her up saying a prayer is not the same as praying ![]() Mon, Mar 11, 2002 Re: TRAVELING WHEN I WAS INDEPENDANT I LOVED TO TRAVEL WHITHER OR NOT I KNEW EXACTLY WHERE I WAS GOING AS MY FIRST HUSBAND USED TO SAY IF YOU DRIVE FAR ENOUGH WEST AND THEN TURN AROUND AND DRIVE EAST YOU WILL GET HOME I DID THE MAIN PART OF LEARNING TO DRIVE IN DOWNTOWN PEORIA AND AFTER THAT I DIDN'T HAVE MUCH TROUBLE ANYWHERE THOUGH THEY DID LAUGH AT ME THE FIRST TIME I WENT TO CENTRALIA MO. POPULATION 5,000 I GOT LOST I HAVE HAD PEOPLE SAY TO ME HOW COULD YOU GET LOST IN CENTRALIA IF I WENT FAR MY FAVORITE THINGS TO TAKE ALONG WAS THE AAA TRIP MAPS THEY COULD EVEN GET YOU THROUGH ST. LOUIS OR KANSAS CITY Mon, Mar 11, 2002 Re: TRAVELING i ask the lord to keep her safe as i do my own every time i know they are coming from Indianapolis it's a long ways ![]() Mon, Mar 11, 2002 Re: "SURVIVOR"~ Texas Style there have been many survival pilgrimages in the history of our country the covered wagons the okies trek from the dust bowl to california the cherokees trail of tears from Florida to Oklahoma even the pony express riders what would they have thougt of e mail i wonder it's too bad more of them couldn't have been televised of course there were movies The Grapes of Wrath Westward ho the wagons etc i'm sure you can think of more ![]() Tue, Mar 12, 2002 Re: Important All Read i pray for her family an for all who loved her for her i will say what was said to me when i was praying for my daughter like a voice spoke to me very soft but very clear"what's the mater don't you trust her with me" we know we can trust our loved ones with him and we will be with them again ![]() Tue, Mar 12, 2002 Re: St. Paddy's Day Feast we will go to st. Brendens for the annual corn beef and cabage dinner it is good big quarters of cabbage and strips of corn beef pickles and horse radish if you want them then your choice of about 10 pies any kind you want i take pecan it is a fiest to look forward to ![]() Tue, Mar 12, 2002 prayer aked for a dear friend a good friend of mine one of the aids here is pretty sick she has a badly functioning liver and very low iron they have her on an iron supplement and they are doing tests on the liver but in spite of the way she feels she is still here at work most of them who feels like she does either go home or never show up please pray for her she doesn't have anything as serious as cerosis but i know she is miserable and i know granie prayers can help she was 21 Feb 27th and had a baby boy born sept 15th her name is Cortnie Hilderman thanks all ![]() Tue, Mar 12, 2002 Re: Wicked Weather!!!!! still no baby though the girl is in intermitent labor i hope they don't have to take it or induce it and she can have a healthy baby she says it is a girl it's amazing how they have taken that out of the realm of guess work weather here remains nice no real staying snow yet i told you all i got a new t.v. my kids are so good to me i think back to the 48 hour labor i had with her and thank god for every minute of it and bless him for giving me such a loving careing child ![]() Thu, Mar 14, 2002 Re: Old Movies when i was little the thirtys i was taken to very few movies after all they cost a dime and who had that kind of money to waste but i was taken to see the Shirley Temple movies so i guess she was my favorite star i do remember one i think it was Jane Withers Through the looking glass that was special Thu, Mar 14, 2002 Re: Old Movies Lately liked Star wars all three of them and a romantic actor i thought Han Solo as Harrison Ford was about it when it came to t.v. no one could match Mr. Spock Thu, Mar 14, 2002 Re: Old Movies my favorite actress after i outgrew Shirley Temple or i should say after she outgrew the movies to be honest i didn't have one Thu, Mar 14, 2002 Re: Old Movies i did like carmen Miranda or rather i loved her hats ![]() Thu, Mar 14, 2002 the end of the rainbow i once read somewhere that someone was flying they were above the mountains he looked down and saw a perfect rainbow it circled the peak of the mountain he was flying over another thing about rainbows they are the sun refracting off the droplets of water since we are always surrounded by the dew we are always surrounded by the rainbow we just can't see it but it is there ![]() Fri, Mar 15, 2002 Re: ALERT another thing my daughter does for me she pays it from indiana so i have no idea what the account number would be she also keeps my phone in for me but mistakes can happen one morning i got a call they said is this Donna Sneed i said yes they said this is such and such of a collection agency we are calling about your defaULTED STUDENT LOAN well that was a surprise because the only extra schooling i had was l.p.n. school in 1962 that was $60 for the year and we had paid it in cash but we finally decided it was someone with a different ss number i thought afterwards i should have said what are you going to do take away my knowledge though i would still like some college education if i ever win the lottery but here not sure if i'd have room to study if i had it hard to get to the library too and you can't get a college education on the web though you can learn a lot besides i don't know if there was college loans in the fortys besides they didn't think it was important for me to go daD SAID YOU WILL GET MARRIED AND HAVE A FAMILY MOTHER SAID you can get all you need in high school to be a good secretary but i think a secretary is born not made and i wasn't one ![]() Fri, Mar 15, 2002 Re: "The Shamrock" one time i asked the woman who taught our weekly bible lesson about the legend of St. Patrick chasing the snakes out of ireland. she said the snake was the symbol of evil and St. Patrick had converted the pagans into christians therefore driving out the evil ![]() Sat, Mar 16, 2002 Re: Busy! Busy! Busy! i retired in 1988 and found so busy i finally went back and told the hospital i wanted to go back to work they asked me if i would consider a p.r.n. position that meant instead of being on a regular schedule if they needed someone extra they would call me they offered me more than i had been making regularly actually $10.25 an hour i took it i lived 25 miles from work usually they would call me at 6:05 to be there at 7 o clock but it worked well if they called me three times a month my pay check would equal my retirement check and they usually called me three or four times month so i had the benefit of a job and retirement then in 1991 i had this stroke and everything came to a screaching halt i didn't really want to but i quit for good Sat, Mar 16, 2002 Re: Busy! Busy! Busy! about 20 years ago i made a prediction and it is coming nearer and nearer i said one of these days they will have to hire two staffs one for the paper work and one for the patients at that time we had state paperwork being a state instution here the girls have paperwork for the company Beverly enterprises and for the state and they both make periodic rounds the state inspecters will be here for a week then another time the Beverly inspectors ![]() Sat, Mar 16, 2002 Re: Penmanship i remember penmanship especially the push pulls and the circular exercises when i got in fifth grade i had a plastic template with the letters on it capitals and small we were supposed to put it over our letters and see how closely they matched i remember one time the teacher kept me in and made me practice i insisted on only putting two loops on my m's when i got older people critisized me for not crossing my t's but you could read what i wrote alright now if i want to mail a letter i have the activity aide address it for me otherwise i'm not sure they would get where it's going there are usually volunteers to help with our christmas cards my hand writing changed a lot since i lost the use of my left hand but i have always been strongly right handed so i can still sign things you wouldn't think the loss of the non dominent hand would make such a difference but it does i'm really glad our correspondence is typing also that i learned it though at the time i would rather have been taking something else god not only knows what we need but what we will need Sat, Mar 16, 2002 Re: Penmanship in nursing when you wrote nursing notes you were supposed to print but that was very hard for me the same as shorthand in high school i could write shorthand ok still can the only problem was i could write longhand faster my main trouble was keeping up with the dictation i knew the problem i hadn't practised my short forms til they became second nature ![]() Fri, Mar 15, 2002 Re: Going to the Circus i remember the circus parades too they were something else i especially liked the calliope at the circus i liked the side show i remember one time the giant or strong man i'm not sure took off one of his rings and gave it to me it just fit me as a braCELET i could never gain any weight till the summer i spent the month of August in Northern Michigan right on the border actually at Sault saint. Marie and got out of the midwest allergy belt for that month it was in 1933 and i was 7 but it's a vacation i will never forget we would spend all day and all evening at the locks park watching the boats lock up and down one of my mothers good friends was with us and they said they saw Henry Fords boat go through two or three times there was a fountain surrounded by a lake you could watch the fish and there was an iron fence around it later in 1949 we came through there coming home on our honeymoon they had spoiled it the iron fence was gone and there was a big cement one the fountain still got different colors at night they hadn't done anything to the locks they were still the same i didn't remember the town well enough to know if it had changed but 17 years it probably had ![]() Mon, Mar 18, 2002 Re: Rain, snow, sleet =ICE ice covered with snow was the worst but bad as a real heavy fog i got competely lost in the fog one night got off the road and when i got out i was turned around went back where i had come from wasted 14 miles and i don't know how much time one time we we going back to illinois was on the river at Louisuiana when rain and fog hit nearly was six o clock got home at two a.m. usually no more than three hours ![]() Mon, Mar 18, 2002 Re: Natural Arches ~Slideshow~ beautiful and aweome nature does some wonderful things ![]() Tue, Mar 19, 2002 emotions in dogs there is a debate over whether animals have emotions i know they have empathy my husband used to drink he never abused me physicaly but sometimes he would verbally if he did our little dog used to come over to me put his paws up on my lap and nuzzle me with his nose as if to say don't worry i'm here that was certainly empathy and it was very evident one time i left the home only temporarily but i let a friend keep him after that i completely lost track of him i regret that and often wondered where he was and if he is still alive and if whoever had him gave him the love he deserved his name was Cappy because i figured he had been born in January we got him from the pound and he seemed about that old ![]() Tue, Mar 19, 2002 Re: Taco ...... poor doggie at least we can tell people where we hurt and don't have to wait for someone else to get time to give us some relief its good she has someone who cares ![]() Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: Language Lingo Lucy and Desi were preparing for the birth of their child Desi was reading first he came to the word bough Lucy told him what it was then cough and of course he rimed it with bough then rough was row Lucy got disgusted and he decided he would just stick to Spanish and have the child learn that i was out riding with my friend the boy from Singapore we passed a field with a bunch of cows and he said cows then a field with sheep and he said sheeps he had studied english since the first grade but his first language was Maylaysian he played scrabble with my husband and myself and insisted on spelling egg eeg one time my husband was taking him home to Columbia it was a long time and Bill didn't come home it was storming and i started to worry finally Rosan the boy called me from Columbia and said we got to Hallsville a town 7 miles south of us and lost the windshield that really upset me but finally Bill came home i said what did you do when you lost the windshield he said where did you hear that i said Rosmann called me he said oh it was the windshield wipers Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: Language Lingo when my daugter and son in law were in Germany when he was in the service her dad was going to take me to visit them so i went to the high school in Columbia and took a short course in German i soon found out why they say nothing translated is as good as the originonal i knew nein as the word for no so i told the teacher i had nein brothers or sisters she looked at me funny but i found out no in German does not like ours mean none or not any it just plain means no Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: Language Lingo i know the british and some critisize us they say we don't speak the kings english but i bet the king if there was one could understand us ![]() Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: Special Prayers Please!--UPDATE Bill my husband was in the hospital for treatment for alcoholism the dr gave him a pill i can't remember the name of it but he was getting 400 miligrams a day he couldn't walk right he picked up a glass coffee pot dropped it and almost scalded himself i was sure he had had a stroke i talked to one of the drs. at the hiospital where i worked a very knowledgable psiachrist i told him what was going on he said you have them cut the dosage of that medication in half i talked to the dr. that was trearting him the dr. did cut the dosage of the medication in two and in three days he was fine i also remember one time here they gave me Prozac after i took it awhile i was into everything and simply could not shut up i even tried to get the administrater to give me a job answering the office phone and i couldn't have done it unless i had earphones like some secretaries use as i can't hold the receiver with one hand and write with the other as you would have to of course even if i had been able she couldn't hire a resident the psychiatrist finaly told them to get me off of it it was affecting me like Benzadrine an amphetime or upper i wanted off of it i realized what it was doing to me but when they did like all Manics i really didn't want to come down another incident all along the dr had been prescribing cumadin a blood thinner finally i got very sick they took me to the hospital he did a MRI and said i had been bleeding into the pelvic muscles of course the cumadin was discontinued but it took me over a week to get out of the hospital he had said don't worry your body will reabsorb the blood but it was an uncomfortable experience ![]() Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: HAPPY SPRING !!!! one of these days not too far into the future we would probably give anything for a cool day ![]() Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: JARS the main thing i used jars for was peaches and tomatoes first i would put them upside down in a pan lined with a cloth and boil them i had a big kettle i cooked the peaches or tomatos in i would fill each jar and put the lid on them then wait for the lids to dent down to make sure they were sealed then put them on shelves in the basement later i found the tomatoes didn't seal like i wanted them to so i started to give them a little time in the pressure cooker the peaches always did well though we used to go down to a town on the river the mississippi and take a raft accross the river on the other side there were peach orchards big freestone peaches and we could pick as many baskets as we wanted for one dollar a bushel if you picked your own i'm afraid now like everything else they have gone up in price but they were so good for winter pies cobblers or just eating a few weeks ago in craft we had big jars we measured flour sugar brown sugar salt and baking soda them put the lids on wound the top with a piece of hay and ribbon and put a card with a cookie recipe on we sold them at the next craft sale they sold well too Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: JARS my husband told of the time he and a neighborhood boy climbed up in a neighbors shed they lost their balance and fell knocking down two shelves of her canning jars back then times were hard and jars were expensive she the neighbor gave them both a good licking another thing about those days if a neighbor kid did something deserving a licking no one was afraid to give it to them breaking the jars may have been an accident but they had no busines climbing in there Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: JARS tomatoes and peaches i canned open ketle but peas beans or anything like that i used he pressure cooker meat i didn't can we had a freezer i knew peas were our favorite vegetable so the first year i kept a garden i wanted to make sure i had plenty of peas i planted five pounds of them my cooker was a pint cooker it held 7 pints i canned 42 pints and they lasted us till the next years crop was ready to pick i never planted that many again though just two or three rows Wed, Mar 20, 2002 Re: JARS i made some jelly too even made catsup one time that was a chore but it turned out all right ![]() Fri, Mar 22, 2002 Re: Darlene--JoAnn & All Darlene just remember god will not give you more than you can stand and he will bring things out in the way that he knows is best just keep your trust and we will keep praying i finally have my new brace stiff and painful it helps me to remember that his will be done and that it will be for the best Fri, Mar 22, 2002 Re: Darlene--JoAnn & All it is good to remember that first there was good Friday but after that Easter ![]() Fri, Mar 22, 2002 Re: Your Mother my mother was a definite stay at home she said if she couldn't manage on my farthers salery she would consider herself a poor homemaker and manager before she was married she was secretary to the secretary treasurer of our Peoria news paper she made the magnificiant sum at that time of $25 a week she said the first year there was income tax she had to pay $10 once she was going to go to work for our family dr. then she found out i as on the way and that stopped that she was a 24 hour a day housekeeper once i asked her why she was so particular house keeper she said when she was 8 she had read in the paper that a woman was arrested for keeping an untidy house (aka) brothel and she was determined her house would never be so untidy they would put her in jail ![]() Sun, Mar 24, 2002 Re: WHY OH WHY!!!!!! Dottie i'm so sorry makes me more thankful than ever for my daughter who is do good to me had 48 hours of hard labor and surgery to have her but i look back and give thanks she was worth every second of it ![]() Sun, Mar 24, 2002 PRAYER REQUEST one of the girls was just talking to me her father in law is in the hospital in very serious condition he could not swallow and they put a feeding tube in whoever put it in puncutered the stomach lining and all the feeding they put down the tube was going outside around the stomach first he swelled up really big then started bleeding at the mouth and rectum when they took a scope they discovered what had happened he is in CCU an the hospital in Blue springs Mo. his name is Eldon Brown she said she would appreciate my putting him on the prayer list they always told us to be so careful if we ever inserted a feeding tube i have fed a lot of people with feeding tubes but am truely thankful i never did have to insert one the times i worked in hospitals there was always an R.N. to do things like that and i was thankful to let them ![]() Sun, Mar 24, 2002 Re: Earth Boxes i have heard of using egg cartons and i think there are regular boxes it's been a long time since i had a vegtable garden but i know the thing i liked least just kept coming green beans evey morning when i went out there would be another big panfull my favorite flowers were glads i went to the library and got a book that told the scientific way to raise them dig a trench four inches deep put small gravel over the bottom then sprinkle it with phosperous set your bulbs and cover them it should have said put a stake beside each bulb because they did grew and were really top heavy the blossoms were beautiful the main problem we had to go away for about a week and i missed some of the main bloom i say i shoud have staked them they got tall and really heavy with flowers i never had that much energy again but those glads were really a success Sun, Mar 24, 2002 Re: Earth Boxes they sound a little like the flower boxes my mother used to keep on the porch railing one day she was expecting a special company she had me all dressed in white and had watered the flower boxes she put me on the porch so she could give the spotless house another going over i climbed up into the flower boxes and got all the white company clothes muddy ![]() Sat, Mar 23, 2002 Re: Kids Back Home i moved back to be with my dad for about three months after my mother died i had divorced and was i the process of marrying my second husband got along with dad and his sister who moved in to be with him but then he died and came to Missouri to remarry now there is no home to go to in Peoria which is home my daughter came back to Columbia after a divorce when my grandaughter was 12 years old but she had an apartment of her own in Columbia went to M.U. where she met her present husband after they married he had joined the army they spent one year at Fort Ord California the army language school where Jim learned Russian the next three years was in Munich Germany where he was sent to translate messages they intercepted from Russia when they came home after three years they settled in Indiana where my grandaughter was with her dad she spent the school year there and her vacations in Germany now they are all in Indianapolis and i have come home from Peoria Ilinois to Mexico Missouri where i might wind up the rest of my life i don't know and i guess it doesn't matter here is home for the last 11 years and they are here to see me every two or three months ![]() Mon, Mar 25, 2002 Re: Wondering About The Granny Shirts???? how much are they and i don't know if i could wear one all my dresses are made the same way they fasten in the back and they have a U shape cut out of the back so the dress will come down over my knees but maybe with my new brace i can get some slacks i didn't wear them before because i was afraid one of the girls in taking them off would pull my shoe off not many could put it back on because my footturns i have no control over it but with this new brace and the (steel toed) shoes there is no danger of that so maybe i can wear slacks again and maybe even shorts though that is not a good idea i can't keep them down over my knees and i don't like to ride around in this chair with my legs bare up to whatever so let me know the price please ![]() Mon, Mar 25, 2002 Re: Most Used Favorite Folder my most favorite folder is astrology often like to run a chart just for my own curiosity did have one for books but all of a sudden it dissapeared they said over1500 postings it would so nonebetter sent me a link i have in saved mail so far it has stayed and i use it a lot rereading lot of the books i read growing up Tom Sawyer Huck Finn The Prince and the Pauper etc don't have one for gifs or games don't know how though i know some of the girls who have real computers play cards with each other i can't they say it takes java and i can't get java on the web ![]() Mon, Mar 25, 2002 Re: Lazy Eye after i had my stroke i was unconcious for a month when i finally woke up they would bring me a meal tray and i could not see what was on the left side of it unless i deliberately turned my head and looked by now of course i do that so unconsiously i don't even realise i'm doing it but i had completely lost my partiferal vision at least to the left the paralized side it's still not that good i have heard of lazy eye i think they will usually put a patch over the one that is wotrking normally ![]() Mon, Mar 25, 2002 Re: GETTING READY..... My daughter will be here next weekend Jacob is still too young to come that far but maybe she will have new pictures of him sent him a little outfit and a jacket but she says they are still a little big but she said be carefull not to get them too small he had already outgrown all he got for christmas so hoping by this summrr they will fit reading a book on nonebetters page by page line one place i didn't quite understand it was talking about shortening a baby his dresses that is now i know boys wore dresses i haVE A PICTURE OF MY MOTHER her brothers and cousins the boys were wearing dresses mom was born in 1900 i think she was about 5 in the picture and the boys were younger but when did they shorten them does anyone know if this is a funny question excuse me ![]() Mon, Mar 25, 2002 Re: THANK YOU Linda you said you were in rehab one thing that happened to me with the stroke i lost the use of my left hand my favorite hobbies were crochet and counted cross stich and i can't do them one handed wish someone could teach me how another thing that should be invented is something that will hold an envelope open while you stuff it if i send a card usually someone else will address it for me but it's hard to get a letter folded and in the envelope and writing one handed that's why my christmas cards were so late if you got them at all ![]() Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: You Are An Author i have often wished i had the talent but i do not sometimes i wish i were like John Boy but guess you have to be born with the talent i woufd write about the things that happened to me both at home and on the farm but unlike the Waltons there was only one of me Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: You Are An Author i have always heard that for a real author the characters do things in their own way i remember a couple of funny things when mine were little Mary was almost four Vickie almost two of course Mary was well potty trained but one day she stayed out too long and came in with a mess in her pants i said Mary what did you do she said i didn't do it Vickie did it another time Vickie was five my mom and dad were out for sunday dinner Vickie started to eat with her fingers my dad said something to her she said Grandpa fingers were made before forks he said Yours weren't another time she said she just couldn't eat another mouthful then we brought out the ice cream and she wanted some my dad said to her i thought you were full she said yes but my ice cream room isn't full Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: You Are An Author i would be content to write like the author who writes the Walton Stories of course it is supposed to be John Boy but we know it is Earl Hamner authors like Lucy Maude Montgomery the Author of the Anne Books or Frank L. Baum author of the Oz stories i know i could never come up to their standards i do have some ideas but i'm afraid i would be plagerizing Anne Mccaffery 's Pern stories have been a favorite for years now J.K. rowlings and Harry Potter my idea is to have harry go to the place behind the Leaky Cauldron only when he goes through the gate instead of being in Diagon Alley he would be in the Benden hatching ground he would impress a dragon go back in time and keep from making Peter his parents secret keeper saving them from you know who but that would involve two published authors two well copyrighted stories so it's just an idea and if i had the talents of either i would no longer be living on the $30 a month they give nursing home patients not enough talent to do my own Wayne did you ever see the Star Trek story where they met the generation ship and had to save it from falling into a sun and the people who had lived there had been there so many generations they thought that was the world and there was nothing else they had a real hard time convincing them there was more to the universe and they were in danger ![]() Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: What do you think of this? last night on the A&E channel they had the biography of Jessibell they kept saying she was an enlightened woman the first suffragete they didn't say she brought the worship of Baal to Israel and finally died for that reason not that she brought idol worship to gods people after all there should be freedom of religion regardless of the consequences i mentioned to my roommate that the second coming of christ might be near she said oh that won't happen they killed him she does not believe in the resurrection i fear for her but can only pray for her she belongs to a church but does not believe it's teaching to her Easter was a time to celebrate have a good time get drunk enjoy yourself ![]() Tue, Mar 26, 2002 how old were you how old were you when you became a granny? i was 45 ![]() Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: I got a call today!! HOW OLD IS THE AVERAGE PERSON BEFORE THEY WERE A GRANNY I WAS 45 MY MOTHER WAS 50 AND MY DAUGHTER WAS 49 LETS HEAR THE AGES SOME OF YOU BECAME GRANIES ![]() Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: Easter Bonnet? I WAS NEVER ONE MUCH FOR HATS EXCEPT THE LITTLE SUN BONNETS MY MOTHER PUT ON ME WHEN I WAS LITTLE BUT WHEN I GRADUTED AND STARTED TO WORK I SAW A HAT I JUST HAD TO HAVE IT WAS ONE WITH A LITTLE TURNED UP BRIM I ALWAYS WORE BECAUSE I WAS SO SHORT FOUR FEET NINE BUT IT WAS COVERED WITH FEATHERS PINK AND BLACK I JUST HAD TO HAVE THAT HAT IT WAS ALSO $25 QUITE A PRICE FOR 1944 AND I WAS ONLY GETTING $12 A WEEK BUT I DID GET THE HAT EVEN IF MY MOTHER DID SAY MY GOODNESS WHY I SAID BUT IT'S SO PRETTY PINK AND BLACK FEATHERS ![]() Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: Lazy Eye they didn't find out i needed glasses untill i was in the fifth grade and then it was an accident there was an air show at the airport you could stand on our front porch and see the planes at least the lights my dad kept saying there they are can you see them i said no he finally said well here take your mothers glasses i did then i said oh yes there they are i see the red lights the next day they had me at the opthomoligests when i put on the glasses i saw there was a pretty picture on the wall of the waiting room i also looked outside next to the building we were in across the alley was a building with a sign painted on the side of it i said oh look there is a big sign on that building i didn't realise until that time how much i wasn't seeing at home i usually had my nose in a book and as long as i could read it i didn't think of anything else but i could finally see the blackboard and school was easier i was extremely near sighted i had real trouble getting bifocals that worked the dr said the farsightedness of age was taking over and they couldn't balance the two two years ago i had cataract surgery on both eyes and it did improve my vision before that a lot of times i would take my glasses off to read now i do better with them on and am less likely to lay them on my bed and forget them Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: Lazy Eye your mother was a very attractive woman Mary Lynn how nice you have their pictures i have a box here and somewhere in it is a picture of my great grandmother my grandmother my mother and myself i must have been about four in the picture my great grandmother and my grandmother both died the year i was six Tue, Mar 26, 2002 Re: Lazy Eye~Update the first indication we had of Vickies condition she started to drool and could not keep her balance we took her right to the dr. he sent us to the childrens clinic at the University of Mo,. they examined her from noon till about three p.m. then said they wanted to put her in the hospital for about week the head resident and his students came in her room and examined her they ordered a lumbart puncture set but it was never used finally one day i stopped the head resident when he came out i said what is it he said we are still examining her i said but you have a good idea he said well we think she has a tumor in the brain stem if she does there i nothing we can do no surgery maybe radiation i called my folks and they came one time they took her down to surgery they were going to do a pnumoebncephlasgram an examintion where they take all the fluid off of the brain and ex ray it in these days they woud do a cat scan but that was 1966 if possible they would have operated right then but when they came back they said it's right in the middle of the brain stem we can't touch it we can give her a series of radiation treatments that will shrink the tumor but it will grow back we can only give her so much radiation if we gave her enough to distroy the tumor it would destroy too much brain tissue the radiation wil give her six months to a year after that i would take her back to the clinic the dr. would examine her by looking at the retina of her eyes finally he said she has two more weeks at the most but i can do one other thing i can put in a shunt to relieve the pressure i said what would that do he said it would give her few more weeks of misery i said no she lived 11 months i have a final picture of her it is a very sober picture when i got the proofs i had to pick it because when she smiled only one side of her face smiled she died May sixteenth 1967 she woud have been 15 July the third i think now they have tried surgery and saved at least one child i read about in the Readers Digest maybe in years to come no childs tumor will be inoperable ![]() Wed, Mar 27, 2002 WE HAD AN ASSEMBLY FIRST AND WE ALWAYS RECITED THE PLEDGE OF ALLIEGENCE BEFORE WE RETURNED TO OUR CLASSROOMS NOW THEY SAY DON'T PRAY BUT THERE IS NOTHING TO STOP A SILENT PRAYER WHETHER OR NOT THEY GIVE US A MOMENT OF SILENCE GOD KNOWS WHAT IS IN OUR HEARTS ![]() Wed, Mar 27, 2002 teach our chikldren to pray there is no way the government the schools or anyone else can stop the silent prayer of a heart and god hears them just as quickly ![]() Wed, Mar 27, 2002 Re: Survivors-N-Thrivers i was very blessed i was an only child and no one would have thought of abuse let lone sexual abuse not even when i was a grown and married woman my second husband was an alcoholic and while he never raised hand to me physically sometimes he did get verbally abusive but he got sober with A.A. and for the last several years of our marriage never took a drink we had a good life till i had to come in here he was here a month after he had his punomeny (lung removed) and would have stayed longer if they could have convinced him to but they told him when he came in 30 days and he marked them off on on the calendar ![]() |
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