Chapter 41Sat, Mar 30, 2002 MY FIRST HAT after I graduated from high school and was working at my first job i was shopping i saw a hat i couldn't resist before my mother had always chosen my clothes she didn't really trust my taste but this hat was solid feathers pink and black it was $25 more expensive then than now 1944 but i was earning $12 A week and i just had to have that hat it wasn't fancy just a hat with a little upturn on the brim i always wore that kind because i was so short four got nine when i came home with it my mother just said i always knew you were part hanyack but i did love that hat i forgot how long i wore it ![]() Sat, Mar 30, 2002 OUR ESTER on the first easter day day Christ arose on the final easter day he will return he had said until he does there will be wars wars and rumors of war and of the final trials unless those days be shortened not even the elect will be saved but those days will be shortened and those who stay faithful will also reign with him he doesn't want us to be discouraged just to know that sometime the suffering will be over because he was able to say it is over someday the world will be able to say so satan will try with his lies to get us to believe differently but we can know those are lies and believe on when christ said he could not tell his followers when he said that only the father knows yet there are those who try to manipulate the bible and say this is when or that is when exalting their wisdom above that of their saviour please excuse the sermon i don't usually preach but may we all pray that those days will be shortened and that he will come soon ![]() Sat, Mar 30, 2002 Re: HELLO TO Janet i personally don't remember you haven't been in grannies long enough but once a granny always a granny my name is donna Sneed i live in Mexico Missouri i was an l.p.n. but due to a stroke in 1991 i am a hemaplegic and in a wheelchair in a nursing home i was 76 in February i have a daughter and a grandaughter they both live in Indianapolis Indiana and a great grand son Jacob who was one on February twenty third if you would like to meet him click on click here in my links i only have a web but a dear granny friend put the pictures on Mary Lynn formerly of Texas now of Iowa please post if you can and let us get acquainted your granny friend Donna Sat, Mar 30, 2002 Re: HELLO TO Janet i do remember the daisy love and prayers Donna ![]() Sun, Mar 31, 2002 Re: NIECE EASTER IS A GOOD TIME TO PRAY IT IS WHEN WE WERE ASSURED OF LIFE ETERNAL HE SAID HE WHO BELIEVETH IN ME SHALL NEVER DIE AND THOUGH HE WERE DEAD YET SHALL HE LIVE WE AS BELIEVERS HAVE NO NEED TO FEAR THOUGH IT IS HARD FOR THEM TO LEAVE US LET US PRAY THIS EASTER DAY ![]() Sun, Mar 31, 2002 Re: Why God Gives Us Friends(From Mary) i have friends here at the home most of them are so good to us but dear friends here in the group my daughter was here yesterday but the new brace and shoe were hurting me so bad they had to take it off and put me to bed the shoe is too stiff and tight but i don't put my feet up enough and my foot swells that is a lot of the trouble but since being in bed from two o clock yesterday it feels decent this morning i hope she comes back to day she was worried if it gets to hurting really bad i am a coward ![]() Sun, Mar 31, 2002 Re: Her suffering is over that is the way i felt when i lost Vickie and why i said no when the dr suggested puting in a shunt he was honest enough to say it would only prolong her suffering a few more weeks and young as she was she knew she would be with jesus even though she said she would be sorry to leave me Sun, Mar 31, 2002 Re: Her suffering is over i know my Vickie went from suffering to joy even if my roommate tells me i am not very intelligent to believe that i do believe and i am thankful i do ![]() Sun, Mar 31, 2002 something realTTT the cartoon of the easter bunny reminds me strongly of a program i saw last week on Animal planet i am 76 and a nurse but it was something i had never seen a live photo of a cat having kittens there was the mother cat lying belly up and all of a sudden a kittens head then a kitten she had about five in a row the kitten would come then the placenta they would take the kitten suction its mouth and dry it it was quite something to see and the way those kittens appeared was a little like the way those eggs were appearing i wonder if baby rabbits are born in much the same way Sun, Mar 31, 2002 something realTTT i think it was at the vets but i think they had the cat positioned for the camera anyway it was a strange sight and those little heads poped out about like the eggs did in that cartoon Sun, Mar 31, 2002 something realTTT it talked about the litter afterwards and i think they said one kitten didn't make it have been there when my husband and father in law casterated the little pigs always as soon after they were born as the sign was past Scorpio 300 pigs a year and never an infection as soon as the casteration was done they would hand them over the fence to me i had a pair of clippers and i had to clip their tusk teeth i know it didn't hurt them but i still felt a little squemish i had to dispose of the tiny testicals they couldn't be wasted so i used to cream them with bulb onions Sun, Mar 31, 2002 something realTTT the men would keep a few of those baby pigs and let them grow into boars the rest were barrows of all the hogs my father in law raised he would never let the herd get too pure if they were all durocks he would breed in spotted poland china he just never let the herd get too pure and he raised 300 a year but he had a cement feeding floor when we Moved to missouri my husband didn't raise hogs he said the ground was too soft to run the spreader so down here we had mostly a grain farm one cow that it fell to my daughter and i to milk when he went to columbia to work neither of us knew how to milk but we were milking one day and it sounded like she had a good rhythm going i said Mary it sounds like you are doing ok. she said yes mom but i don't think you're supposed to use both hands on the same faucet in Illinois we had 20 head but they used milking machines i learned how to get eggs away from a broody hen but not how to milk Sun, Mar 31, 2002 something realTTT if she had been hanging by her front feet like the bunny in the cartoon i think it would have looked much the same but i think whoever was taking the pictures was holding her in the position she was in for the sake of the camera i did see hye picture of a birth one time in nursing school usually the sight of blood doesn't bother me but in this case for the benefit of the nurses on line it was a placenta previa and the blood in the picture did almost get the better of me other than that for some reason i will faint if i cut my finger one time i was making ham sandwiches for my husband to take to the field i did what they warn you not to do i cut toward myself and almost cut my thumb off he was sleeping in the living room on the opened up sofa i went in and sat down and promptly passed out my hand hanging off the foot of the bed when he brought me to he said i had to clean the blood off the floor first but i was ok he took me to the dr. and the dr put a staple in it ![]() Sun, Mar 31, 2002 HOW SMART ARE YOU my roommate got into a discussion at the dinner table i said i believed the bible literally she said she didn't it was just stories i said maybe it depended on whether or not you were raised to have faith she said she went to church and all but she was too intelligent to believe in things like the resurection or that Jesus was god or things like that she must believe i am a really stupid person i told her the intelligence of man was foolishness to god but of course she didn't even realise what i said ![]() Mon, Apr 1, 2002 Re: Roll Call~ April 1~ Missouri i'm Donna i live in N.E. Missouri i am a hemaplegic due to a stroke in 1991 i live in a nursing home and am in a wheel chair i have a daughter a granddaughter living in Indianaopolis i also have a great grandson that was one year old on Feb. twenty third Jacob William click on click on to meet him my daughter got me my web for christmas in 1999 i got into granies not too long after that the web has changed a lot since i got it one the local number was discontinued my son n law put me on an i.s.p, socket but my nic hasn't changed and it is stil i have my sigs thanks to Mary Lynn i got pictures and a movie of Branson and two iowa granies stopped to see me on their way home i very much doubt if i will get to Gatlinburg but i will be there in spirit my love and prayers to you all Donna ![]() Mon, Apr 1, 2002 Re: The Emu's are hatching!!! the male penguin keeps the egg on his feet to incubate it it says if he doesen't it will freeze and the chick will die and the male seahorse keeps the young till they are born i don't know about Emus but it is not outside the bounds of posibility that they might sit on the nests maybe the female Emus are more advaNCED IN WOMENS LIB Mon, Apr 1, 2002 Re: The Emu's are hatching!!! MY MOTHER HAD GUPPIES AND I REMEMBER MY MOTHER HAD TO KEEP PLANTS IN THE BOWL so the young guppies would have a place to hide otherwise the mother guppie would have earten them ![]() Mon, Apr 1, 2002 Re: MILITARY MATH my husband fought in Korea someytimes he talked about the things they did one of the things he mentioned was shooting a back azimuth with a compass one of the groups i go to is a camping group i asked if anyone there knew what he was talking about they said it was finding a distance by measuring angles and doing a lot of complicated figuring including finding tangent which sounds a lot like Trig something i know nothing about maybe if i had been a boy my lack of knowledge of math would have made me 4-F ![]() Mon, Apr 1, 2002 what would ave happened in the bible it said god said to eve because of her disobedience she would bear children in great pain if that had not happened i wonder how it would have been would woman be a marsupoal have the young born very small and climb to a pouch or could she have just laid an egg and have the baby develop that way it may be irreverent but i just wonder ![]() Mon, Apr 1, 2002 A FUNNY a young man had a new girlfriend from China as they were walking along the street another lady also chinese was walking along in front of them she was beautiful and shapely and he couln't take his eyes off of her she was wearing a white dress with chinese characters in red down the back he noticed his girlfriend was very amused about something later when they were alone he said why were you laughing she said i was laughing at her dress it said cheap goods ![]() Mon, Apr 1, 2002 Re: "Kitchen Tips" 4/1 when i lived in Illinous which i did from 1926 till 1958 when we moved to Missouri we got a lot of cooking tips one was take bisquick make a sticky dough put chicken broth bring it to a boil drop in spoonfuls of the dough cover and let cook about twenty minutes makes good dumplings if you want them flavored use juice rather than the chicken broth another tip powdered sugar icing mix the butter and powdered sugar like you do for regular icing before you add the liquid stir in a package of jello the icing will be the color and flavor of the jello we used to have halloween parties my mother would make cup cakes half with chocolate icing half with orange someone said they were going to use strawberry and lime for christmas i'm not sure if they have blueberry jello but if they do you could make red white and blue for the fourth of July another thing i used to do was put soy sauce on hamburgers when i was frying them cooking was one of my hobbies and i miss doing it though spending all of my time in a wheelchair i want a good breakfast and after that i'm not hungry but they say i have to at least try to eat ![]() Tue, Apr 2, 2002 Re: DON DEPARTED THIS LIFE Sarah it is hard even when you know that they are with the lord and that the separation isn't forever my prayers are with you all Tue, Apr 2, 2002 Re: DON DEPARTED THIS LIFE no more sickness pain or sorrow in the new life he is enjoying now remember the blessing of easter ![]() Tue, Apr 2, 2002 Re: Roll Call~ April 1~INDIANA one old man i worked with at my first job his motto was another day another dollar minus ten percent Tue, Apr 2, 2002 Re: Roll Call~ April 1 ~ NJ one of the girls here asked me one day what would you do if all of a sudden you were normal able to walk and use both hands . i said the first thing i would do is go straight to the office here and put in an application but then i couldn't live here i would have my social security to live on and what they say apartments cost now i don't know but i would get a paycheck if such a miracle were to happen i might go right back to mental health in Columbia i retired in 88 and worked p.r.n. for three years till i had the stroke in 91 made more at p.r.n. than i did at my regular full time job then i could get my hobbies crochet and counted cross stich back or i might go to indianapolis to be near my daughter grandaughter and great grandson but the chances of that happening are about like the chances if my winning that nine million lottery in either case i won't hold my breath ![]() Tue, Apr 2, 2002 Re: April Fool's Day..?? my dad was going to teach me how to play cards he taught me how to play rummy then blackjack then he started to teach me poker and my mother said no way you stop right now ![]() Tue, Apr 2, 2002 Re: GOOD MORNING thanks Sally better than yesterday i waited over as year for my new brace now i know why they had to mine the iron for the shoes they are so heavy i can hardly move my good foot i think they would work for a construction site they claim they are leather but i have my doubts ![]() Wed, Apr 3, 2002 Re: The Art Of Nature..slide show Judy that was beautiful i made a special fav folder and put it in thanks ![]() Wed, Apr 3, 2002 Re: Leaving Grannies Mary Jane we do so hate to see you go maybe later you will reconsider and as the song says The lord be with you till we meet again Wed, Apr 3, 2002 Re: Leaving Grannies a few years ago our best and most loved secretary on April first filled out a resignation form and put it on the head ladys desk the poor lady almost had a heart attack until she realized it was an April fools joke but sadly about a year later her huband took a job in St. Louis and she really did leave as far as i'm concerned one of the worst things that has happened in the twelve years i have been here Wed, Apr 3, 2002 Re: Leaving Grannies Mary Jane don't do that to us elderly people you know at our age true heart attacks are not unheard of ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: Where is Everybody ???? i spend a lot of time on the web a lot of it reading Kaths page by page url she sent me when i was home my mother used to take whatever book i was reading out of my hand put it up and put me out in to the fresh air i still have a hard time giving them up even if i did know passages out of a lot of them by heart but i know i need to spend more time in the group Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: Where is Everybody ???? i can't use the excuse of being too busy but there are things i'm expected to do like be at the dining room on time for meal they just hate it when you are late or don't come then someone has to bring it to you whether you want anything or not this is supposed to be your home but at home if we weren't hungry for supper till ten p.m. thats when we ate it sometimes i would put a roll of biscuits in the oven and bake them or make grilled cheese sandwiches they brought us meals on wheels but you didn't have to eat them till you wanted to a good nursing home is a blessing sometimes a left handed blessing ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: HOW DID U FIND THIS NG? i got my web for christmas 99 there used to be a place on the web it was when you went to discussion it advertised a site to click on called bragging and complaining about your grandchildren i waited awhile thinking i might be getting in with a bunch of bragerts but i came in then i couldn't find it again till a friend helped me there were soo many came in at that time they divided us and gave us sponsers mine was June Fallingmoon and Kalebsangel i was welcomed and have been here ever since who remembers those days ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: Could you all Beckie they are both precious so is the dog what is Jasmine ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOU... when i was home a lot of times i kept it in the freezer i don't know where they keep it in the kitchen here ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 WHAT WAS JUDSAES MOTIVRE i have heard a lot of opinions over the past couple of weeks over what could have been the motive of Judas in betraying christ Ithink he might have been thinking by doing so he would force christ too show his full divinity to squelch the Romans then and there but that was not gods way or plan and in any hard thing that may come our way he will correct it in his own way and time we have no right to try and hurry him ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: Roll Call~ April 1 Missouri shouldn't be posting under Indiana i'm not from there but my maternal great grandmother was from Delphi ![]() Thu, Apr 4, 2002 Re: For all your grandpa's,grandma's.. it is best to ignore trash like this rather than encourage the sick people who would post it ![]() Fri, Apr 5, 2002 Re: Uses for Coffee Filters i never had coffee filters because when i was home i never used anything but instant coffee i didn't drink it and my husband didn't care as long as soon as i got up i heated some water and made him a cup a lot of people here take coffee for breakfast but many of them want ice tea and a few like hot tea i take hot chocolate myself and look forward to breakfast i love my eggs and oatmeal i can get eggs for dinner or supper if i ask but they only make oatmeal for breakfast they make a gallon of it at a time and can only do that once a day i think i will get myself some of the little packets then if i want it i can have it i used them at home a lot ![]() Fri, Apr 5, 2002 Re: Please Read This i have heated the water in a microwave many times heated it not boiled it i have heated water in a small bowl to drop an egg in to poach it i would usually put the timer on 20 seconds plenty to poach the egg though i did have the water boilng if i used a pan on the stove then gave the egg two and a half minutes by my watch i have always been very particular about my eggs another thing i used to do was put water in a small bowl then a packet of instant oatmeal that usually took 60 seconds ![]() Fri, Apr 5, 2002 Re: LILIES one year i was determined to raise a Pauls scarlet climbing rose our neighbor had one when i was growing up it was so beautiful i planted it and the first year my husband ran over it with the lawn mower the second year i thought i would be a good gardener and prune it after i got done removing al the dead branches someone said you shouldn't have done that it blooms on second year wood i never did get my rose but i did have a nice line of purple iris i like perenials best ![]() Fri, Apr 5, 2002 Re: "TIME" i always read the cartoon the family circus the little boy Jeffy was saying is that a minute or a just a minute and there is a difference not only for children here we go to a meal at the time appointed 7 a.m. for breakfast that does not mean your tray will be there at 7 the kitchen has to set them up and put them on the rack then the aids have to deliver them they can't put them on the racks too soon because everything is supposed to be hot at times it reminds me of a saying my husband used to say about the army he said the motto was hurry up and wait sometimes my next door neighbor will stop to wheel me she will say were late i will say don't worry we wil beat the food and we always do ![]() Sat, Apr 6, 2002 Re: How Do You Feel About???? if i get one like that i ignore it they are just wasting their band width i do get one called naughty mail i think it is pictures of women doing things you might expect to see in a whore house i have pushed unbsubscribe a number of times and it says you are unsubscribed but i keep getting them if you answer anything you don't know what you will be getting they say something is private but i don't think that keeps them from giving your address to the places that sell smut ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 Re: Inventions i have an idea i am unusually short and my wheel chair is very low i have often thougt when trying to reach something on a higher shelf i wish it had a built in crank so i could crank it up and reach what i need ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 which is it for you breakfast lunch and diner or breakfast dinner and supper at our table we have an older gentleman a lot of time he forgets the time he will ask which meal it is one day a girl said to him its dinner he was still confused he looked at me i said it's supper bedtime after this he said oh and he was satisfied but i myself was raised with breakfast dinner and supper my excuses to the English but i still don't understand tea is that one of the three or is it extra? ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 Re: Goodmorning rainy here but still nice not cold not too hot either nice for me because i had to stay in bed from Thursday morning till this morning the only girl that can get this new brace on was off friday night and saturday night a long time to have to stay in bed but she was here this morning to get me up i was thankful i had to eat in bed because i can't really sit up i tried to drink my cranberry juice and spilled some but i'm up this morning and things are fine my foot hasn't been hurting which was why had to go back to bed Thursday morning i would ask for prayers for this brace and new shoes they say they have to break in but they feel like they were made out of iron if i could walk i wouldn't be afraid to go into a construction site i can't transfer in them as good as i could they are so heavy i can't even move my bad foot as good anyway please say a prayer for me being down over 48 hours is no fun and when the girls can't get it on it upsets them but i can't do anything with my foot it wants to twist ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 Re: All about how Mt. Rushmore was sculpted a friend and i took a camping trip through South Dakota we saw many wonderful things including mount Rushmore it is truly a wonderful site there is a pavilion where you can see it it is lighted at night while in South Dakota we stayed one night at the Red Cloud Indian school it is quite an impressive school from primary through 12 there was one room in the primary section labeled Lakota where the children start who at first know only their native tongue Lakota there is a cemetary where there is the grave of Chief Red Cloud an indian chief who thought the children should learn all they could to live and get along in the white mans world there was a hall where there was all kinds of art work from native american tribes a nice church the school is run by monks besides giving us rooms for the night we got breakfast the next morning and attended church service Mass on the way out i forget the town we saw the corn palace a building that is decorated entirely of corn in different colors we saw the wounded knee memorial and site quite an informative trip and it was worth every minute ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 Re: YIPPEE great Di can't wait to see them my daughter was here Saturday before last she was a little upset though my foot was hurting so bad they had to put me back in bed she knows i spend my time well with the web and my books but she was upset about that shoe she doesn't think it should hurt me and so far today it hasn't maybe staying in bed for 48 hours was what i needed ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 Re: QUESTION ABOUT THIS NG no it is not necessary all are welcome a bunch of good people getting together and sharing ![]() Mon, Apr 8, 2002 Re: Crock Pot crock pots are very wonderful you can start something in the morning and be assured of having a wonderful supper that night ![]() Tue, Apr 9, 2002 how good an athlete were you my dad was a very good athlete when he was in eighth grade he won the laurel wreath for being the best athlete in the eighth grade in the Peoria public schools when i was in school they didn't have field day anymore he was born in 1900 i wasn't born till 1926 but when he was in the army he was captain of the sixth core basketball team the years i was rollor skating from about 1945 till 1947 he was bowling with the team from the railroad where he worked his average was 270 something i was born with two left feet one time i must have been about 12 he took me bowling to one of the lanes i tried to throw the ball it was too heavy and got away from me on the back swing it rolled back under the bleachers a young man in the next alley looked at me pointed to the pins and said that way Corregon quite a few years later i was back living at home i was going bowling with a nurse i worked with when i came home he said what as your score i hung my head and said 62 he said i mean for both games i said dad that was both games but the only times he ever really acted disappointed he took a broomstick and was trying to teach me the manual of arms he was a master sargent in the army but no matter how hard he tried to teach me or how hard i tried to learn i could not do it he finally looked at me and said how can you be so clumsy other than that he never criticized me though i imagine he was disappointed ![]() Tue, Apr 9, 2002 Re: TONIGHT... i got to tour Washington D.C. on my honeymoon in 1949 we had gone to the east coast from our home in Illinois husband told me we could tour either new York city or Washington d.c. but we could not afford to do both i chose Washington we stayed in a hotel that night and the next day took a limousine tour of the city we saw the library of congress where all the documents the declaration of independence etc are kept we saw the mint and saw them printing money we saw the white house but didn't get to tour it we went to mount Vernon and toured it we saw the Lincoln memorial the washington monument the capital building and to me the most impressive the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier we didn't see the Smithsonian it probably couldn't have been done in one day with all the other things we saw coming back from mount Vvernon we came back down the Patomic river on a boat it was a never to be forgoten experience i would have liked to have toured New York York but you can't have everything and i was satisfied so was my husband ![]() |
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