Time for a Reality Check
The Future is Ours



It is now 5 days since the historic election on November 4, 2008 and I've stopped pinching myself to see if it's real. It is! Barack Obama is now the President-Elect of this country and in 72 days will be sworn in as POTUS.
And what a win it was...Obama 364 over McCain 163 (Missouri is still out). Decisive. The American people voted for CHANGE and the man who will bring the USA back to standards.
That ugly preemptive war of choice will end finally. The way has been found, the plan in place, and We the People can welcome those troops home.
As of today, 4193 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. The end is finally in sight.

2 Days to Go
and Counting!

Financial Meltdown. The bushies want a no questions asked, $700B bailout for Wall Street..from We the People. Go figure. There will be safeguards, much to their chagrin. Who would give bush a freebie after his Iraq War, Katrina and now this performance? Nobody in their right mind.
The election season marches on. John McSame and his moose skinner Sarah Palin keep telling stories....of the it ain't true kind....and even the pubs are beginning to notice something is wrong with that picture. Ms. Palin whines and wants to be the victim so all the little women in the country and the big men will feel sorry for her and vote for her. LOL
Meanwhile Barack Obama is coming back to the front in the polls and I hope it's full speed ahead and don't look back. He's got the right reasons to get this country going again.
As of today, 4169 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Bring em home!!

The Democratic Party presidential nominee, Barack Obama is making the pubs a little crazy lately. It's going to get uglier, I'm sure. Politics gone to the bitter edge. Maliki says he agrees with the 16 month withdrawal plan Obama offers, which ought to make his bush buds happy. HoHo.
What is the most puzzling is how the Dubya Bush administration is adopting Obama strategy. After years of fight them there instead of here, Dubya has now opted for a withdrawal "horizon" to get troops out of Iraq. Stunning endorsement of Obama plans, although the pubs are saying it ain't so.
And then this thing about sitting down to talk with Iran, after they tried to say Obama was wrong to say he'd do so.
Or how about Obama saying he'd go into Pakistan to get the bad guys, and the bushies were horrified. Of course they've now done that a few times.
Oh Dubya, if only you'd thought of this yourself.
It looks like GW Bush is shaping his legacy as the man who listened to Barack Obama.
I liked this one: In fact, former Ambassador John Bolton "said this is like getting an Obama administration six months early. Now, the White House says this is very different. But it sure sounds like it's heading in that direction." ( http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_080717.htm ).
As of today, 4125 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. It seems there just may be a way out of there if we elect Barack Obama to end the war of choice.

March 19, 2003 This week will mark the 5th anniversary of the beginning Shock and Awe explosions that announced the US had invaded Iraq. 5 years of fighting, posturing, exposing our troops to constant danger, and more posturing. We'll go back to look at what we were told, how it didn't come true, and how it was manipulated to make us afraid.....imminent threat comes to mind here. Those pesky WMD.
As this "anniversary" unfolds, we will see VP Cheney out trying to get the Saudis to lower oil prices, and stirring emotions in other areas of the volitile middle east. Next Condi will go to the ME in April to continue the word. Remember when Condi said she didn't do shuttle diplomacy.....back when they were busy ignoring what they had ignored about terror because it was a Clinton thing........my my how things have changed. Our Condi is a world traveler of the word of bush.
Some will remember the 3987 American soldiers killed in Iraq these past 5 years, others will continue to ignore them. For some the war isn't real, the deaths to be hidden, and the implications to be spun. Some will remember the magnets and lapel pins as patriotism, others will remember the flag draped coffins. Either way, neither will be wrong, only expressing their reactions to this war that never needed to happen.
Our economy has suffered greatly with $12,000,000,000.00 a month being spent on warfare. Our men and women have died, our country lost it's sparkle, it's moral value as a leader put to question. Was it worth it? No. But you are entitled to your opinion should you choose to defend the war.
So let the journey begin. We know what has been shown to be false, even though some dance around the meaning of false. For those who must believe their president would never lie to them, it must be hard.
March 15, 2008

Super Tuesday
Tomorrow 24 states vote/caucus to find a candidate to lead both parties into the November elections. I voted last Monday....for BARACK OBAMA. Why?
To me, Barack Obama is the chance to get this country moving in a forward direction. The chance to get back some of the prestiege we've lost, and had squandered, in the past 7 years. The chance to stop that war of choice and direct our power where it's needed, instead of where the oil happens to be. The chance to be proud of the USA and the things we used to stand for, like no torture and being a world leader.
I don't expect miracles out of Obama, but I do expect we'll see a big change in how this country is led. Transparency instead of secrecy. A true bi-partisan approach to our problems, instead of my way or no way. Whether you be repub or dem, it takes us all to get it right. GWB has been the most divisive president we've ever seen, and he has hurt this country badly. Whoever you support, get out there and vote tomorrow if it's in your state. We owe it to ourselves to get things done.
The hope is there......Yes We Can!!
As of today, 3945 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Next month will be 5 years of staying the course in a war that never should have been. It's time to stop.
February 4, 2008

Today the New Hampshire primary is happening. If it is anything like the Iowa caucuses, Barack Obama will win and we're on our way to the future of this country. There is hope, there is a real need to change the pathway we've been on for the past 7 years. Whoever you choose to support, get out there and vote!! It's our voice being heard, and we're getting louder by the day.
2007 slithered out of the WH with the destruction of CIA tapes showing the USA using torture to get info from detainees. Torture. The USA. If you don't find that repulsive, I don't know what to tell you. Waterboarding like the 3rd world countries resort to in their quest for big bully of the pack. We have an inquiry in progress.
The war drags on, our troops are still dying, and the bushies are sorta bringing back the surge troops. Sorta, as in no numbers, no promises, and no troops to fill their gaps. Just empty promises, while the troops are given extended tours and no end in sight.
January 9, 2009
Remember that date. It is the day we will be liberated from the clutches of George W. Bush and Company.
3911 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. There were no WMD, there is only the oil yet to be grabbed up. Was it worth it? No.
January 8, 2008

It's time to bring them home............ALIVE!

SassyYank Freeway


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Terrorism is a Bushism