~*~ CHAPTER 4 ~*~

silver bar black bones

Picture of my dog

~*~ Tiki ~*~

I'm all comfy in my bucket now.

Are you ready to enjoy some fireworks

while I tell you how I got my name.

Image fireworks

image of july line

His name was "Tiki".

Then,they named her "Tiki" for Good Luck!

Now,I have been named "Tiki" in honor of their love

and the wonderful memories they have of both of them.

image of rocketimage of july bearimage of rocket

I would like to tell you their stories.

First,I would like to tell you his story.

When you are done reading his story,please come back

and visit the rest of our home-page.

Image of birdhouseimage of wagon

Click onto the button below to go to Tiki # 1's Story.

The story has fireworks.

image of july bearimage of july bearimage of july bear

Image of walking husky


image of july bar

Image santikiwillie banner

We hope you enjoy looking at all of the pages of our website home.

We enjoyed making them.

We made many new friends in cyberspace since first making our website in 1999.

We won many awards for our website.

On July 3,2000,StarKitten the Team Leader of the Animal Kingdom

at The Site Wars,sent us an email.

The Site Wars was for website competition.

It's a lot of fun and you meet people through

their web sites from all over the world.

StarKitten had visited Tiki,Willie and Santiki's Siberian Huskies Homepage

that night and liked it very much.

In her email she attached a Star Seekers Award for our website

and she invited us to join her Animal Kingdom Team.

On July 4,2000 Tiki,Willie,Santiki and

I.....aka.... Mystic Spirit....aka Human Grandma Diane

became Fighters for the Animal Kingdom Team.

We went into battle against other websites in the Site Wars.

Tiki,Willie and Santiki's website won in Kennel One.

Then moved up to Nature's Preserve.

They won again and moved up to Paradise.

Next they went to the Galaxy and won.

Then they moved up to the Milky Way.

Tiki,Willie,Santiki and I are three time Galaxy Quest Champions.

We won on Aug.13,2000,Sept.10,2000 and Nov.28,2000.

On Sept.17,2000 and Sept.24,2000 Tiki,Willie and Santiki's Siberian Huskies Homepage

WON the Highest Site Wars' Award.

The Milky Way Award was won 2 weeks in a row.

We are very proud of our Beautiful Awards.

While they were fighting their way through the

Kennels,Nature's Preserve and Paradise they entered

their Spirit Page in the Site Wars Top 100 Spirit Page contest.

Their Halloween decorated Spirit Page WON the contest.

It remained the # 1 Spirit Page on the list of the Site Wars Top 100 Spirit Pages

for three weeks in a row and then it was retired.

~*~ Tiki,Willie,Santiki and Mystic Spirit ~*~

image of sitewars awardimage of sitewars award

NEXT - Chapter 5 - Mother Tiki's Story

All photographs and text are ©1999-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
