July and August, 2009

Nancy and Bob Murdock, Editors - murmuse@comcast.net


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A TRIP TO GEORGIA (Becky Murdock) Click

ARIZONA FAUNA (Margery Aukstikalnis) Click

MY NEW KITTEN (Mer Murdock) Click

ENJOYED THE MUSE (Barb DiStefano) Click

RELAY FOR LIFE (Missi Sargent) Click

FAMILY TIES (Daniel Leskinen) Click

A DEER IN MY YARD (Sue Schlicke Ziats) Click

IT'S A BOY!(Caroline Murdock) Click

HOWLETT REUNION(Bob Murdock) Click

Part 2

MILAN ADVENTURE (Colleen McKay) Click

JEAN OGAWA VISITS FROM JAPAN (Nancy and Bob Murdock) Click

BACK IN MAINE (Derek Revilock-Frost) Click

GOOD FOOD (Gene Murdock) Click

WEEKEND IN THE DESERT (Robert F. Murdock) Click

IN RESPONSE TO A SNEEZE (Valerie Davidson) Click

SAVING THE LIBRARIES (Charlie Frost) Click

LIBRARY FUNDING (Tom Howlett) Click

Muse Editors, 2000

"Sunday Afternoon
at La Grande Jatte"

Gallery photo

Quilt index


Natalie, Ian
and Tim

Gallery photo

Kay, at 15 months

Gallery photo

Becky Murdock

(June 19) Here is a little recap of our trip to Georgia. We got up at 2:15 am friday morning the 12th to head down to LAX for our flight at 5:15 am. We head out the door and we are already late getting on the road it is now 3:20. We are on the road when we hear a thump. Natt goes "what was that"? She keeps going and decides she better turn around because she thinks she left her sun glasses on the roof. So we head back and Ian and Natalie are walking down the middle of Lambert searching for the glasses - finally Ian finds them and we are on our way.

We got to LAX and tried to find the long term parking (I wanted to take a shuttle but was voted out). After driving around in circles for another 1/2 hour we finally find it and park. Our flight is fast approaching and we should be in the terminal. So we wait for the shuttle that takes us from the parking lot (a mile away), and it comes but the guy decides to get out and have a smoke and pee break---WHAT??!!! Get back here and take us to the terminal....After about 10 minutes he gets back in and stops at every stop until he gets there. We get out and are shocked when we check our bags in that it is $15.00 a bag....could the morning get any worse???

After we rush up the the gate to get checked in, the buzzer goes off on my bag and Natt's. They find the culprit, we both have a huge can of hairspray in each of our bags. We both lost our hairspray. I was so upset, I had just bought that. Ian turns to me and says " you aren't supposed to have that", now he tells me. By this time I have a terrible upset stomach, and there is no way I am getting on that plane to be stuck in the lavatory, so I head to the bathroom, Natt comes in a tells me to hurry up,so I grab my stuff and off we go.

We get on the plane and it is 3 to a seat...Us three in a row is not good for anyone lol!!! Ian is in the window seat, Natt in the middle and me on the aisle. I must have had my elbow hit by the beverage cart at least 5 times (like in the movie the Wedding Singer). So we take off and we are tired and cramped but looking forward to the trip anyway. Natt keeps nudging Ian because he is nodding off and starting to snore, I think we were jealous because we wanted to sleep.

We get to Houston where we have a two hour lay over, and we are starving. So we had the best Panda Express I ever had there. Then Ian asks us if we want to go out and get some air, so we follow him out but when we try to go back in we get stopped at check in. Natt is being held back and they want to go thru her bag. They pull out her lotions and Victoria Secret spray and want to take them, or she has to go back and check them in and pay $15.00, so they escort her to check in. I was told to stay behind and Ian went with her. After finding that LAX let this stuff thru they let it go for nothing.

Then we got back on our flight and off we went. We landed in Savannah, and saw Tim and Kay waiting for us - what a welcome sight. I go to rent a car that AAA set up for me at Hertz, and find out that I can't use my debit card even though AAA had confirmed this with them, so I went to another rental and they wanted $315.00! I said forget it we would go in Tim's truck with them.

Anyway, we made it to Ft. Stewart Army base to Tim's house and it was a nice little place. We decided to go to Waffle House for dinner, yum yum. We have a nice dinner and stop and see Tim's office etc. and we get to the house. Tim and Kay are sleepy by this time but we are still on California time 3 hours behind. So Natt and I set up sleeping bags on the floor in the extra room, and Ian is on the couch. They have 2 of the cutest little kittens that kept coming in to see us. I was so scared - they were having a lightning storm and the bedroom was lighting up. Natt moved my bedding around from the window. Anyway we finally get to sleep and it is around 7:00 am and Natt's phone is ringing. It is Ian (WHAT!!??) He wants her to wake up Tim - he went out walking for coffee and got lost.

So Natt woke up Tim and he went out looking for his dad who was wandering around in search of caffeine. Then we went to the Waffle House again for breakfast. Then off to the store for groceries for our barbeque. I wasn't aware that you had to have a military person with you to buy anything on base. After that we decided to go see the movie "The Hangover". It was so funny, then off to the roller rink where the 4 of us attempted to skate (Kay set it out). After 5 minutes Ian fell and turned in his skates, and I wasn't far behind him after having a cramp in my foot. Then all of them went to play lazer tag.

The next day Kay's family came in from Alabama so we had a full house. We did end up barbequing hamburgers and hot dogs, or I should say Natalie did, and she did a great job. Natt and I decided to take a walk to the shopette, we got attacked by bugs I have never seen in my life. I think you could have heard me scream across the base.

On Monday Natt, Tim, and Ian and I went to Savannah to sight see. We went to our favorite rib place called Sticky Fingers to eat (only in the south) - it was great. We drove around and went to the mall where Ian got some souvenirs, then got up and left them sitting on a bench - he didn't remember until we were way gone. Then we went over the bridge from Savannah to South Carolina and went to a plantation. When we got out we were attacked by more killer bugs (yuck). Then we went to the airport and after a tearful goodbye we were on our way.

Our flight home was packed and Ian got stuck in the middle and got a little claustrophobic. When we got home our animals were so excited to see us they wouldn't leave us alone. But Meredith had kept them good company while we were gone. So I guess we will repeat our trip in November when our new grandbaby comes, I can hardly wait.

Love to all, Becky

Blue Grosbeak

Mom Murdock,
a graceful lady

Margery Aukstikalnis

In the past seven days we have been fortunate to see, within 20 feet of the house, an array of birds and animals, many of which are first time sightings for us.

First a large turkey vulture sat about half an hour on our well, ugly of face, but oh so graceful of flight when he finally left. Our cat, Emily, alerted us to the pair of white-tail deer when she jumped up on the kitchen sink to watch them just 10 feet outside the window. There have been at least 10 cottontail and four jack rabbits. Today Jack noticed a diamond back rattle snake curled up between the trash barrels after he finished emptying them. The snake was apparently quite content, as he offered no rattle of warning.

Besides the usual dozens of mockingbirds, hawks, ravens, sparrows, swallows and miscellaneous flycatchers, we saw a hummingbird who wouldn't stay still long enough for us to identity (there are many kinds here, unlike New England where we only see the ruby throated), several black throated sparrows, sharply marked, and a western wood peewee who likes to admire himself in the side-view mirror of my car. But the real treats were a Strickland's Woodpecker, the only brown -backed one in the area, a phainopepla who looks like a jet black cardinal but sings like a mockingbird, and my favorite a blue grosbeak.

As these are mostly western birds, I find myself with nose in book trying to identify each new sighting. I am grateful for vision and hearing enough to be able to identify and enjoy them all. And I am grateful to Aunt Helen, Mom and Dad who taught us and encouraged our birdwatching almost as soon as we could walk.

We hope to head back to New England soon, but sure are glad we were here this past week to enjoy Arizona's treasures!

[Message from July 3, 2009] - I just returned from grocery shopping, and trading my jeans and shirt for shorts and tank top, I remembered Mom , upon returning from shopping, trading her dress, shoes and good nylons for an old skirt, jersey, sneakers, and nylons with runs or patches in them for home and garden wear. Yes, she wore nylons in the garden!! What a graceful, beautiful woman she was.

New kitten

Mer Murdock

Sean's friends were not allowed to have a kitty in their apartment, so Sean asked if I would like her. Their name for her was Cinderella, but I don't know what I'm going to call her yet. She's supposed to be about two years old, but I don't even think she's one. Weighs almost nothing, and acts like a total kitten. She does hate Charlie right now, but he never bothers her at all, and I think she'll come around soon. She's potty trained, and fixed, and has a chip. Also, she came with two bags of Charlie's favorite kitty food! She always wants to be near me, and is sleeping on the kitty tree two feet away from me as I type this.

[Ed. note - Mer later named the kitten "Chloe." - - RDM]

Barb, 2008

Barb DiStefano

Hi y'all!

I just avidly read the Murdock Muse... What a disappointment!! The disappointment came when it ended!!! Seriously, it was so much fun to read - Nancy, your article on the Sneeze was particularly hilarious! I wanted to ask your friend Charlie Frost if he had read the book I mentioned to you called "Dewey" which was a true story about a library cat. Gene had read and enjoyed it. Also I think Mer would enjoy it, as she is certainly a cat person, and painted quite an enjoyable picture of her cat reacting to Mer's rearranging a room!

I felt excitement with Natalie, laughed at Margery's language problem, empathized with Claudia, and on and on, just a kaleidoscope of emotions throughout the Muse. It was truly wonderful. And I love your featured quilt! So thanks, for a great issue!

Missi, 2007

Missi Sargent

Hi all,

June 15 - Well this weekend was the Relay for Life held at MWCC! It turned out to be a beautiful weekend. For the third year, I created a CD as a fundraiser and was fortunate enough to be invited to sing at the event. Me and my roadies (Richie and Jamie...LOL) set out on Saturday morning and I sang at 11 am. The boys were such good helpers and recorded it for me. I really enjoyed singing and was so very pleased with my total this year. I raised about $700 for the cause!

I’ve posted the performance on YouTube.

here for part 1.

Click here for part 2.

Thanks for watching.

Daniel, 2007

Daniel Leskinen

This link is by my cousin Donna's daughter-in-law.
Donna is my Dad's Niece.

here for the Cubbedge Patch blogs.


Sue (Facebook pic)

Sue Schlicke Ziats

Uh oh, I hope this poor little deer wasn't coming for my roses ... He was only here for a minute, until Lady started barking and scared it away!

here to see the deer in Sue's beautiful yard.]

Cody, born May 26

Caroline Murdock

Hi, it's Caroline.

I’m horrible at trying to send pics so I hope they got to you. One is of lil Robbie. I thought I'd include it because it is super cute. Cody James Murdock was born May 26th at 12:15 am. 7lbs 12ozs, 19ins long. Let me know if you get the pics.

Love, Caroline

[Ed. note - Pics came through fine. Good job! We will use Lil Robbie another time. He's a cutie pie, all right. - - RDM]

John & Cathy, 2001

Bob Murdock

The Howlett Family Reunion will be hosted again by John and Cathy, this year on Saturday, July 11 - avoiding 4th of July traffic. We found two announcements: a Facebook entry from Sarah and an Email from Polly.

[Facebook entry by Sarah Bergeron, June 16:]

Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009
Time: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: John & Cathy's home

On behalf of my parents John & Cathy Howlett, you are invited! Please come celebrate! This year's theme is "Christmas in July"!

[Email from Polly, June 6:]

Hey Everyone,
Are you ready for a day of fun, food, and catching up on the news of the past year? This year I'm organizing a Chinese Auction, Penny Sale or raffle, whatever you want to call it. This will be mostly pre-owned items of which I have many and if anyone else wants to contribute it will be gratefully acepted.

Kevin, I also have Jarts if you want to organize some games. Those games could be in the front yard and maybe we can have kid games down in the backyard so nobody gets hurt. This may keep things moving while the food cooks.

Make sure you all RSVP to John and Cathy so they know how many ribs to buy. [John and Cathy, cathyjohnhow@tds.net ]

I hope to see all of you on July 11th.

Love to you all,

Click here for Part 2 of the July-August 2009 Muse.

Any comments? Contact the Muse editors at murmuse@comcast.net

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