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My Dad's Day Ceremonies

The presentation of the scholarships was held in our local fire house in Somers Point. I went over around 7:45 and there were a lot of people there already. It was wonderful, Vel came as did Kathryn a girl who I went to school with from 1st grade to 12th , and her husband whom I had seen on Friday night, they came from Deleware. My brother had arrived on Fri night also, but I had left about 5 min. before. I have no idea how many people were there but a lot considering they all knew my Dad and most of them were former boys club members. I had to laugh cause when I would meet them or be introduced it always shocked me cause I kept them little in my mind all these years. I was so happy to see so many because I knew a lot of their sisters who I had went to school with and remembered even their parents. I saw a cousin, June, who I hadn't seen in 45 years. can you imagine? Her Dad and my mother were brother and sister. Her Dad died when he was 49 years old and of course my Mom was 53. June had married a local fellow and he was in the service so they never came back to Somers Point to live. although her Mom still does and I have seen her many times. It was great to see her She recognized me, I did not know her. Anyway, they had the drawing for the 50-50. Each of my sisters and my bro and I all drew the winners. First prize was $3000, 2nd was 2000, 3rd 1000 and 4th 500. Of course none of them needed it, Who could afford 100 dollar tickets, but it brought the money in. Also the first 2 students who received the scholarships were presented with the checks. I really didn't find out for sure how much. I think it was only $1250.00 this year and will be increased as the money multiplies. They did say they donated $1000. to our recreation dept to send 5 kids to camp this summer and next summer they are going to send more. A former boys club member sent a check for $10,000 to go to the scholarship fund. It was all very exciting, and you could hear the love they all had for my dad as some of them gave short speaches.and also as I wandered around visiting and talking, each one had a different story to tell, Saw two men who used to live on the next street from us, came in from Calif, just for this. Their dad was a mailman, Joe, the oldest one shot my brother in the belly with a BB gun when they were about 7 years old. lol. He told me my dad took the gun away from him.but never yelled, Just explained the danger, but he never saw the gun again. He told me his mother told him years later that she told my dad to get rid of it. Bob McDowell, one of the men along with his brother who contributed the original $50.000 told the story of how my dad got him and his brother full scholarships to Temple University when they came home from the service. Bob's was for basketball and Sam's was for football. and no one ever knew it including our family. (think I told you that before). All I can say is I was thrilled and so happy to think so many thought so much of him and still do. Today they had the golf tournament but I did not go to that. Two nights of entertainment was enough. It sure was a hugh success. I am sending the album below, No pics of Vel, she woudn't let me take her pic. If I get any from others I will send them along. The man who made the Pointers homepage was taking load of pics and they will probably be there after he gets home. He also lives in Calif. Gosh there were guys and some wives from all over and all came just for my Dad. I am sitting hear with tears, I am so proud to think he is not forgotten for all he gave. Like they all said though, they loved my mom too cause they knew she gave a lot in order for Dad to have been able to do all of this for his kids, as he called them. My father passed away on June 16, 1966. Long time ago to be remembered for so long. Hope this covers it and hope you enjoy the pics. Pictures not available due to collapse of a website. This album is already in my list below just in case I did it wrong. LOL. Lots of hugs to all. View From Kennedy Park in Somers Point,NJ.

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