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Please allow up to 24 hours for Your Reading be it either an e-mail Reading or a telephone Reading. When payment has been received You will be contacted and we will set up a time that is good for You and Us. If You have purchased a telephone Reading we will call You at Your set up appointment time. Please make sure to leave all of Your contact information such as e-mail address and/or telephone number.

WEBTV users please be patient as WEBTV'S browser loads the paypal buttons very slow but they will work! The papypal buttons are encripted and WEBTV just handles this process slow. Thank You and Your Reading will be well worth it!

Tarot Reading by Email: One Question:$14.95
Indepth Tarot Reading by Email:Two Questions: $39.95
Tarot Reading by telephone:15 minutes:$39.95
Tarot Reading by telephone:25 minutes:$49.95
Tarot Reading by telephone:45 minutes:$69.95
Psychic Reading by telephone:20 minutes:$49.95
Psychic Reading by telephone:30 minutes:$69.95
Psychic Reading by telephone:40 minutes:$79.95
Psychic Reading by telephone:60 minutes:$99.95
Runes Reading by Email: One Question:$14.95
Runes Reading by Email: Indepth Two Questions:$39.95
Runes Reading by telephone:15 minutes:$39.95
Runes Reading by telephone:25 minutes:$49.95
Runes Reading by telephone:45 minutes:$69.95
Dream Interpretation: By Email:$29.95
Dream Interpretation by telephone:20 minutes:$49.95
Dream Interpretation by telephone:30 minutes:$69.95
Dream Interpretation by telephone:40 minutes:$79.95
Numerology Reading by Email Only: Brief:$24.95
JoeNumerology Reading By Email only:Indepth:$49.95


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