What is a Psychic
We have all heard of psychics, but what are they really? A psychic is a person that posses an extra sensory perception power that enables them to acquire information and affect objects with Psycho Kinesis.
There is a difference between psychics and mediums, because mediums obtain their information from the passed on through temporary trance possession, however psychics may possess mediumship abilities, and mediums may also possess psychic abilities.
There are two ways psychics acquire their psychic powers. The first is that they are natural psychics, i.e. they were born with psychic powers which were most probably passed down to them from someone in their family tree. The second is the arising of psychic abilities through a suffering of a severe or life threatening experience that causes emotional and physical trauma.
Any person can develop their psychic power with training and practice.
However, with the opening up of psychic abilities comes the fear of the consequences of possessing and practicing. This is where psychics have to learn to overcome their fears and adjust their psychic life as normal life.
Psychic Powers
There are many ways to learn how to harness psychic powers. You can learn to use psychic powers quite easily. Everyone experiences some sort of psychic powers in their life. Have you ever encountered a situation when you have felt a tune play in your head and you switch on the radio and hear the same tune playing? Or that one fine day you get up feeling very light and you are sure that something definitely nice is going to happen to you and it really does happen. Chances are that you may pass these off as a mere coincidence. That is one way of looking at it. Another is that you give it a serious thought and you realize it is more than sheer coincidence. Analyze it further and you will realize that these stray incidents reflect the sudden flash of psychic powers that are a part of our very being but forgotten because we humans are so involved in the materialistic world that we have forgotten the treasure that lies within. In fact, such intuitive psychic flashes sometimes manifest themselves with dazzling clarity. This is psychic power at work, though at a rudimentary level. Imagine the change in the quality of your life when you are able to harness your psychic powers or develop psychic power and you realize that there is a world extraordinary beyond the five senses. In fact the desire in developing psychic power is as ancient as the civilization itself. Old civilizations and cultural histories of the world are replete with stories of psychic powers.
In Greece it is said that a high type of clairvoyant was used in the sacred oracles. Based on the psychic powers, the art of healing was highly developed and remarkable cures were performed. The psychics use psychic powers to talk to the spirits; they can hear the voices which elude the auditory abilities of the ordinary people. They can see through the walls or the veils of the past, the distance, or the future. The psychics can go into trance (also known as channeling) which is either self-induced or triggered by someone else, and bring news and facts, and write out messages or secrets. Visit our psychics and you will find that they will be able to tell you your darkest secrets that will sweep you off your feet. With their psychic powers, the famous psychic Edgar Cayce could lay his fingers at your sensitive and painful spots and diagnose a disease that even doctors were unable to find. Cayce could also suggest with clarity, accuracy, and efficacy the treatment for your health problems. The healing exercises of edgar cayce are quite well known. All these and many other similar powers are cumulatively known as psychic powers. They vary widely in quality and strength depending upon individuals who practice them. Some psychics produce stronger power when working in a psychic power network. This is when a group of psychics channel their psychic power at the same time. A compassionate, empathic, and spiritual use of these powers proves to be a double blessing for the psychic practitioner. They enable him to evolve further and help more and more people in need of his benevolent assistance.
There are certain basic ideas which need to be clarified for understanding the psychic powers. There is much more to this universe than meets the eye or which can be scientifically measured by the physical senses. There is an invisible realm teeming with conscious living-beings-astral energies- right around us that interact with our lives every moment, day and night. Yet, these can be viewed only with our super sensory faculties. These astral beings are sensitive and carry impressions of everything that takes place on our planet. In other words, there is a constant interaction on between the physical and the astral planes. In other words, there is no clear cut line that demarks the physical from the astral.
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