Hello and welcome to Lace's Place. My index of some of my pages. Enjoy your visit.

~My Pages~

~Lace's Animated Stars~

~Backgrounds for You~

~My Tools Site~

Here are my graphics I made for you to use. There are Welcome gifs, Webpage sets and more. At Egraphics by Lace.

~Egraphics by Lace~

~My codes for you.~

~Gifs and Jpgs~

~Bars and Lines~

~A few Midis~

~Lace's Firebird Madness~

~My Poetry~

My Dogs Homepage~

~Native American 10 Commandments~

My Health Website~ (stay healthy information)

Lace's Banner Tute

~My 2015 Photo~

I have an award I give for excellent websites, It is my 5 Star award. If you want to apply for it, Just click on my email link below.

Put "5 Star Award" in the subject line, And send the url to your website. I will get back to you in 1-2 weeks with the award if your site is awarded the 5 Star.

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook. Thank you very much.